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    Monday, July 27, 2020

    Fire Emblem i know im late but happy anniversary to fe3h!!

    Fire Emblem i know im late but happy anniversary to fe3h!!

    i know im late but happy anniversary to fe3h!!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I have to do this! Time-skip Marianne GBA styled portrait

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Surprise.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Chrom got distracted patrolling the fields. (I commissioned Admikaart Over for this drawing link in comments)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    When Garreg Mach Resumes Classes this Fall

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Blue Skies and a Battle [OC]

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    I drew Marisa from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I don't know about you, but I think it's time we stopped associating Fates' cast with it being a bad one when it's quite the opposite

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    This is kind of a risky post for me given I'm not adding the Unpopular Opinion disclaimer here, but I still wanna get my thoughts out there for better or worse.

    Fire Emblem Fates has, for good and ill, left a colossal mark on the series up to the present, and has influenced the direction the series went after Fates in several ways - namely, Echoes and 3H trying to distance itself from Fates. While I'm of the opinion it's not a bad game in the slightest, it's a very controversial one, to the point the hate of the game on this Reddit never really stopped and you were never really "allowed" to express enjoyment of the game or be swarmed in a flurry of negative downvotes. I tried making a post misguidedly trying to express my enjoyment of Conquest's story in the post, and man, that didn't end well given how bitter the fandom was with Fates. I get disappointment, but I don't think that's an excuse to harass fans who do like the game, and it was genuinely kind of ridiculous you couldn't talk constructively about the game without encountering people who merely parroted off of the bitter state the community was in.

    Officially, I'm not here to talk about that, but on some level I must: Fates' biggest reason for being such a maelstrom topic among fans in the fandom that'd they'd attack on sight anyone who liked the game was because of one thing: the story. Intelligent Systems hyped up Fates pre-2016 as a return to form for the series in it's narrative storytelling, which seems laughable now, but it was what they promised given the disillusionment some fans had with Awakening. Needless to say, it didn't work out altogether, and for a variety of reasons the story has turned out far less than people would've liked. Enough so that Echoes and 3H's emphasis on story first as opposed to gameplay seems to be a reaction to Fates' controversy and unjust status as "the black sheep" in the fandom (something I may cover another day, but given it's been done before I won't exactly bother).

    However, while I completely understand the frustration fans had with the story, many (and I mean many) people took that criticism and ran with it regarding the cast. I remember a post on this very sub-Reddit that basically holds Shura's quote of "bad characters like us" being taken out of context because "Fates bad, upvote me guys!". Hell, that wasn't just an exclusionary example; thousands of fans have taken to the internet to bitch about how Fates cast was bad and one-note and what have you.

    Now, while I personally liked Fates' story for all it's many issues, I get why people dislike it. However, what I don't agree with is the idea Fates' cast is at all bad. In fact, I'm going to say it up front:

    In my opinion, Fire Emblem Fates has one of the best casts in the entire series. Now I'm not going to say they're at all three-dimensional like Three Houses' cast is (though to be fair, that's especially hard to beat), but I'd go as so far as to say Fates' cast is easily among the best in the series, up there with Tellius even, as it's just full of characters that I genuinely do feel deserves a chance in the spotlight more than anything.

    Now I can definitely hear the "but Fates has a bad story, there's no way it's characters would be good on that front!" statements, and while I don't disagree, keep in mind that just because a game has a bad story doesn't necessarily mean they have a bad cast. By extension, a game with a good story, more rarely, may have a bad cast, and it's the story itself that drives this onward. We're so used to associating bad writing with both storytelling and characterization that it can definitely appear one-and-the-same to us. Thing is, though, Fates was handled by multiple writers with a different vision, and just by bringing up some of the supports I will use as evidence, I'd go as so far as to say the writing for the supports is much better than the writing for the story, enough so that I'd argue the better writers worked on the supports while the weaker ones worked on the story. The results kind of speak for themselves given it shows instances like Support Xander being extremely likable and Story Xander feeling at odds to his support variants, but I'd say it's true nonetheless: there's a major disconnect between story and support writing teams, and I think that puts Fates' in a unique position relative to other games with a bad story in that the cast is actually very strong, and arguably makes up to some degree for the bad storytelling.

    Now, you'll probably think of characters in Fates that you associate with good, and a lot of you probably would think Nyx. The pseudo-loli fortune teller in Conquest's route, Nyx shot to fame because of Ghast Station's video on her, and she's basically one of the only characters I see talked about universally positively regarding characters. Otherwise, though, there's plenty of complaints of every other character in Fates being tropey and forgettable, when it's just one thing that distinguishes Nyx from other examples in Fates' cast:

    Nyx had exposure on a larger scale. Most of Fates' cast did not.

    Fates has the problem of having a really, really good cast, but thing is, it's locked away behind a litany of supports. And to illustrate the point I seek to make in this essay, I'll give you three examples of supports of what I mean.

    To start them off, we have Arthur and Azura. Now Azura's relatively more well liked in the fandom for being, well, waifu material, but even she gets a lot of slack (rightfully so) for being Ms. Exposition, while Arthur is a character that is seen as "Mr. Funny Justice Man," and not much else. I'll go on and say that's such a disservice to both characters that it isn't even funny.

    The C-Support opens with Arthur enamored by Azura's singing, to which Azura later inquires why he's gawking. To which this exchange happens:

    Azura: Argh! Is that you, Arthur?! It's not nice to eavesdrop on people. You should have said something.

    Arthur: Oh...I'm... My apologies! Your lovely voice ensnared my sense of decency. ... So, um...

    Azura: Did you want something?

    Arthur: Just to say that it's been too long, Lady Azura.

    Azura: Too long...since what? Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.

    Arthur: We met once before. Long ago when we were but children living in Nohr.

    Azura: Really? Is that so? I'm very sorry, but I don't remember that at all.

    Arthur: Fret not! It's only natural. After all, it was more than a decade ago. We were both young, silly children at the time.

    Azura: I suppose so. My, I had no idea! Please share this lost memory with me sometime.

    Arthur: I will! Most certainly! I shall be looking forward to it!

    Now this ought to make apparent from the get-go there's more to Arthur than there seems to be, and that he knew Azura in the past. This is covered in their next support line, which is as follows:

    Azura: Hello, Arthur! I've been looking for you. If you have a moment, would you mind continuing that story from the other day? That memory you mentioned about how you and I crossed paths long ago...

    Arthur: Yes! Of course! It would be my pleasure. As I said before, it was over a decade ago. You were a doleful little girl at the time. You were in a remote part of town with your arms wrapped around your knees. I tried to comfort you, but you wouldn't say a word to me. Your face was wet with tears.

    Azura: I'm not surprised. Back then I was bullied relentlessly by King Garon's subordinates. Whenever I couldn't take it anymore, I'd sneak out of the castle and hide in town.

    Arthur: That explains a lot... I always wondered what made that tiny girl so very sad. I asked many questions. I wanted to help, to make you smile. But you stayed silent. Later that day, some people from the castle came looking for you. I'm not sure how I knew, but I had a feeling things would be bad for you if those people found you hiding and took you back. That's why I decided to tell them it was my fault. I said it was I who stole you away from the castle so they wouldn't punish you.

    Azura: I...I don't know what to say... That kind boy...was YOU?

    Arthur: Indeed it was. I'm pleased to hear that you remember our encounter after all.

    Azura: Oh, but, Arthur, those awful men whipped you mercilessly for saying what you did...

    Arthur: Ah hah hah, I suppose they did. I had forgotten that part. Honestly, it was nothing. I didn't remember it, so it couldn't have been that bad, right?

    Azura: I can't believe that boy was you...

    Arthur: I'm glad I finally told you. I'm happy to know you remember our first encounter.

    This already says a lot in so little. Arthur revealed he encountered Azura when she was still a child at Nohr, to which Arthur - by intuition alone - realized something bad was probably going to happen to the girl if the guards realized she left on her own and spoke up to say he was the one who brought her out, lying to the guards about the ordeal. The end result was Arthur getting whipped for it, but the event still kept to Arthur to the present. When she asks him the next rank why he did this:

    Azura: Arthur! I've been looking all over for you. I... Well, actually, I was hoping you would tell me a bit more about yourself.

    Arthur: R-really? You want to know more about me? I'm not sure where to begin...

    Azura: Perhaps you could tell me about your childhood, if that's not too personal.

    Arthur: There's not much to tell. My parents were commoners. Simple and honest. Almost since birth I've devoted my life to training, martial arts, and justice. I was fairly young when I was recruited as a soldier to help maintain order.

    Azura: How did you know you wanted to be a soldier at such a young age?

    Arthur: My parents certainly played a big part in that. Every day they'd tell me... "only the just can protect justice." Not a day goes by that I don't think of them.

    Azura: That explains so much about the man you are today! A real-life hero.

    Arthur: Haha, you're too kind. Honestly, I would say I'm more eccentric than heroic.

    Azura: No, I disagree. You were brave even as a boy, saving me like you did. For that, I thank you, Arthur. From the bottom of my heart. I know many years have passed since then, but my gratitude is as sincere as ever.

    Arthur: Please, think nothing of it!

    Azura: Well, I hope to learn more and more about you from now on.

    Arthur: And I you. If you ever feel like chatting, you know where to find me.

    This is the point I began to legitimately respect Arthur as a character, and actually like Azura considering her status as a exposition bot in the main story. Arthur has such a humble background and yet he quickly showed he's not all talk and genuinely means everything that drives him; even given the comical mishaps that happens to him every day, he continues fighting to do what's right, regardless of how hopeless it may seem. That speaks to me on several levels, and it's capped off by the adorable S-Support:

    Azura: Hello, Arthur! I hear you've been looking for me.

    Arthur: Yes, indeed I have. Um, could you please take a seat?

    Azura: Oh, of course.

    Arthur: Lady Azura, music means a lot to you, does it not?

    Azura: It means the world to me. My greatest joy is singing and listening to beautiful music.

    Arthur: I'm glad to hear that...because I'm, um, I'd like to sing you a song right now.

    Azura: Oh, that sounds... Wait, pardon? You're...going to sing for me?!

    Arthur: I am. I mean, I'm not as gifted as you are, or gifted at all really, but I'm going to try...

    Azura: I'm all ears, Arthur.

    Arthur: Well then, here goes nothing... *ahem* Long ago, a little boy met a girl, ♪ with the prettiest eyes in all the world... Sweet and strange, yet wet with tears, ♪ those eyes would haunt him all his years... He can never forget, however he tries, ♪ he'll remember her face until he dies... Love at first sight, but filled with regret, ♪ he swore to confess when next they met... Now she's here, the chance of his life, ♪ he's anxiously hoping she'll be his wife... ... That's...the end. Thank you.

    Azura: Hahaha, that's very cute! My turn?

    Arthur: Umm... Lady Azura?

    Azura: What's wrong? ...Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Is the little boy supposed to be...you?

    Arthur: Well, um... You could say that... ...Argh, what a catastrophe! I should have known better than to sing like a loon. I probably should have simply fallen on one knee and given you the ring instead. I'm truly ashamed. Um, I'd like to disappear about now, if you'll excuse me...

    Azura: Wait! Arthur, please don't go! Your song made me so happy.

    Arthur: Really? Do you mean that?

    Azura: I do! I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. It was so sweet. I loved it.

    Arthur: Thank you, Lady Azura.

    Azura: As you sang, all I could think of was the way you looked at me all those years ago. Dear Arthur, I'm so happy you've shared your feelings with me.

    Arthur: Does that mean you...?

    Azura: Yes, of course! I'm honored to be at the side of a true hero like you.

    Arthur: You are? You will?! Thank you! I'm so happy, I don't know what to say!

    Azura: Heehee, then you better write another song to tell me how you're feeling.

    Arthur: ...Your teasing stings worse than a whiplash, milady.

    ...goddamnit, Arthur. Never stop being amazing.

    So yeah, this is the point I fucking grew to adore Arthur. He's a charming character in his own right who doesn't have a complex character arc like, say, Sylvain does, but he gets the job done and is a likable character all the while. This is something Fates does very well, and something I'll return to later: you don't need to be a third-dimensional character to be a great one, and Fates consistently manages to make some of its more outlandish characters seem super human the more you get to know them.

    Which brings me to my second example straight out of Nohr: my personal favorite M!Corrin support, his one with Charlotte. Really, both genders fit the bill, but there's a reason why I picked M!Corrin, because boy howdy there's a lot to that that truly gave me respect for him - and perhaps controversially, why he's the Lord I like the most, even given their highly iffy character story writing.

    So anyways, to start with the C-Support and B-Support: nothing much happens that isn't that different from other supports. In consecutive order, the C-Support...

    Charlotte: Oh! Lord Avatar! I've finally found you!

    Avatar: Hello, Charlotte. Was there something you needed?

    Charlotte: Nothing for me, no. But for you, milord... For you I have made a wonderful lunch! I hope you haven't eaten yet...

    Avatar: I haven't, no. That's very thoughtful of you, Charlotte.

    Charlotte: It is, isn't it? I was back in my tent, thinking about how you're always fighting on the front lines... It seemed to me like a nice lunch might be exactly what you'd need!

    Avatar: Thank you very much.

    Charlotte: Could you...take a quick look at it, before you eat it? I just want to be sure that there is nothing in it that isn't to your liking. If there is, I'll throw it out and make you a whole new meal!

    Avatar: I'm sure that won't be the case, but if it makes you feel better... ... Just as I said, it looks perfect.

    Charlotte: Really? I'm so happy to hear that! I poured my heart and soul into making this lunch for you, Lord Avatar. I started thinking about what I would make for you last night, and before I knew it... The sun had risen! Teehee! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

    Avatar: *munch* *munch* Wow! This is fantastic, Charlotte! The way you've mixed the flavors is perfect!

    Charlotte: Truly? I'm so glad to hear that! It makes all the effort worth it. *sniffle* Oh dear... Please excuse me, milord. I seem to be overwhelmed with gratitude... I must step away, or I'll make an absolute fool of myself.

    Avatar: Of course, Charlotte. Thanks again.

    And the B-Support:

    Charlotte: Wait, am I reading this right? THIS is how much we're getting paid?! What kind of... We're out there risking our lives, and this is all we get?! What kind of fools do they think we are? This is disgusting! Insulting! And...and... RAWR!

    Avatar: Um... Hey, Charlotte...

    Charlotte: !! O-oh my! Lord Avatar! Tee...hee...hee... What are you doing here?

    Avatar: I just came by to return your lovely lunch box... Did I come by at a bad time?

    Charlotte: No! Not at all! And that's so nice of you. Aww, you even washed it for me!

    Avatar: No problem... Hey, this may sound rude, but you...are Charlotte, right?

    Charlotte: What? Of course I am!

    Avatar: But...you just punched that tree so hard it fell over. With your bare hands, too.

    Charlotte: Punching? Me? Never! You must be mistaken.

    Avatar: ...

    Charlotte: All that happened was I reached out...with my fist...to lean on the tree. Then there was a huge gust of wind! THAT'S what must have toppled the tree. Teehee, it just made me look freakishly strong is all!

    Avatar: A gust of wind? I didn't feel any wind...

    Charlotte: ... Damn it!

    (Charlotte leaves)

    Avatar: Hey, Charlotte, wait! That was so strange. It was like she was two different people... Hrm? It looks like she dropped something here. Is this...

    This support starts off with the glance beforehand that Charlotte is up to her usual tricks - and really, she is. But this B-Support has her open up with her realizing her pay's far shorter than usual, and in her rage, she punched down a tree - just in front of Corrin, who went back with the courtesy of getting Charlotte her lunch box. As she storms off when she realizes she can't keep up the act, Corrin realizes she's dropped something on the floor, which prompts him next support to...

    Avatar: Charlotte, there you are! I've been looking all over for you.

    Charlotte: Hrmph, what do you need, Lord Avatar? I'm kind of occupied. By the way, this is how I normally am. Shocking, I know.

    I'll come back to this in a bit, trust me - it'll become a lot more poignant once you actually know the context of why she puts up so many walls.

    Avatar: It is a little surprising, yes...

    Charlotte: It really shouldn't be, though. Aren't all women like this? I mean, putting on an act in order to earn favor with others? It's exhausting, and it's nice to be able to drop it once in a while.

    Avatar: Does this mean that you've given up putting on your act?

    Charlotte: Ha! As if. Just because I've dropped the act with you doesn't mean I'm telling everyone. You're not the only person I was trying to butter up to get to like me. But I suppose there's no harm in being myself around you all the time. You're not going to judge me for acting, are you?

    Avatar: Not at all. It's just surprising is all. I had no idea, to be honest. But I'd rather talk to the real Charlotte instead of the girl you pretend to be.

    Charlotte: Really? Wow...

    So, I figured I'd save it for later writing this, but this showcases something consistent with Charlotte I'll cover in a bit: she has abysmal self-esteem. Why, I'll save for the S-Support, but Charlotte struggled all her life coming to terms with her identity and feels the need to put up a mask around others. The highlighted text from Corrin also showcases why I'd come to like them a lot in general - they don't judge or are offended when people feel the need to put up walls, and can actually be quite a bit intuitive in general. This is later shown in another support with Corrin and Xander, which I'd cover here but goddamnit, there's no time! Continuing on:

    Avatar: Anyway, that's not why I came by today. I just wanted to return your lunch box. You left in such a hurry before, you forgot it. That really was one of the best lunches I have ever eaten.

    Charlotte: I... Thank you, Lord Avatar. It's wonderful to hear that...

    Avatar: I'm glad to say it. It really was a treat. Also, I wanted to return this to you. You left it behind as well. It looked important, so...

    Charlotte: Is that... Ahhh! Give it here! ... It's...for sending money...

    Avatar: You mail money? Who do you send it to?

    Charlotte: My parents. It may be surprising to learn, but I actually care deeply about them. Growing up, we never had much, but they always made sure I knew they loved me. Ever since I left home, I've made sure to send them money whenever I can. ...I can imagine you don't believe a word I'm saying though, huh?

    Avatar: No, I believe you. After all, you have no reason to lie to me about this, right? When you were pretending, you seemed helpless and frail. Without that act, you seem much stronger. And also...more direct.>>Charlotte: Heh. Usually people just say I seem really, really scary. In any case, I have no reason to hold back in battle now.

    This already says a lot about Charlotte's character, so I'll just borrow a segment straight out of her support with Xander: she was born to a family of peasants, and was generally held in total disdain for her tomboyish qualities, to the point the only thing she had were her parents. Nobody was there, and it drove Charlotte into thinking she had to asset her feminine qualities to be liked. She's in such need of validation that she feels the need to constantly put up a mask with everyone and anyone, except those she feels comfortable or needless to keep the mask up. This really spoke home to me given I've felt that I needed to shield myself from others, but it really illustrated one reason among others why I love her so much. As for the rest of the support:

    Avatar: That is very true. And I imagine, seeing you going all in during battle... I'll be driven to fight better, too!

    Charlotte: Lord Avatar, I'll work hard to serve you in any way you need... But don't even THINK about telling anyone about the real me, OK?

    Avatar: Ahaha, I promise.

    So yeah, that's the A-Support, and boy did it make me really like Charlotte and Corrin a ton; Corrin's portrayed as far more compassionate and willing to listen than his usual naive story self, while Charlotte's own self-image problems are covered as well... and by extension, brought to a full conclusion in what I'd argue is by far the best S-Support in the game:

    Charlotte: Why the sudden summons?

    Avatar: After our last conversation, I thought I'd try opening up a bit, like you. There is some real value in being honest, and I'd like to do that with you.

    Charlotte: I am...very confused right now.

    Avatar: What I'm trying to say is... I love you.

    Charlotte: What?! Milord, you're speaking crazy talk. You need to see a healer.

    Avatar: I'm perfectly fine, Charlotte.

    Charlotte: If you are in your right mind, then you should know how rude it is to mock people.

    Avatar: I'm not making fun of you! I'm very serious, Charlotte.

    We open up with - as soon as Corrin opening up to Charlotte by confessing - her acting extremely pensive, and her assuming at first he's mocking her. This illustrates a major fear on her end of being seen as lesser or just being rejected outright when she wants to be accepted - qualities I can admire. This continues when Charlotte lets down her guard for a bit to finally talk it out with Corrin.

    Charlotte: We...we did talk about how my helpless- woman thing is an act, right? How I'm actually an aggressive, tree- smashing girl?

    Avatar: Heh, didn't you say the wind blew that tree over?

    Charlotte: Shut up—you know that was a lie. My point is, I wasn't honest with you before. How can you trust me?

    Charlotte asks why the hell Corrin would choose her... and Corrin responds with the quote that single-handedly made me love him regardless of his bad story portrayal:

    Avatar: I think I'd be worried about the kind of person I am if your secrets bothered me. Everyone has something they'd rather not show to the world. You're human, Charlotte. And the kind of person you actually are is who I love.

    This line. This goddamned line. This is why I grew to love Corrin so much, even given they're bad story writing. It really showed to me someone I hold a lot of respect for given he ended up, by first instinct with someone trying to push him away, help that person and be a friend. And completely without thinking better than them. That's a major reason why I adore him, and it's the support afterwards that caps it off:

    Charlotte: *sniff* *sniff*

    Avatar: Is something wrong?

    Charlotte: The tears... They won't stop!! And in case you weren't sure, these are genuine tears. Sure, I can cry on command, but this is something else entirely!>>Avatar: I believe you, but...why are you crying?

    Charlotte: Because hearing you say that is one of the nicest things I've ever heard... And I've gotten people to say some really nice things about me. But...are you sure you want to be with me? Really sure?

    Avatar: I am completely sure. I think every day with you will be exciting.

    Charlotte: Avatar... I'm not entirely sure you're all right in the head.

    Avatar: That could be true, hahah. But if so, isn't that a good thing? Two people, crazy and in love, could never tire of each other.

    Charlotte: ... You might be right. Thank you, Avatar.

    Fuck, I'm getting all weepy. This, this is why I love Fates' cast so much. For implicit and explicit gems like these being there if you choose to look and do your research. Nyx got exposure because she got a Support Science - what's stopping anyone from looking up supports as good as these on YouTube?

    Now while I feel Fates definitely has some dud supports (*cough* Peri *cough*), I think a lot of them at the same time are just... really, really good. Generally-speaking, same-sex supports have a better track record than opposite-sex because quality vs. quantity, but other great supports I recommend are Keaton/Velouria, Kaden/Charlotte, Xander/Corrin, Xander/Leo, Elise/Azura, Arthur/Benny, Benny/Charlotte, Benny/Corrin... the list goes on. Conquest really shines when it comes to characters.

    But that doesn't mean Hoshido is bad either! It has a lot of good supports as well, some funny, some just straight up well-written, and I'll bring up an example for two characters I feel are often written off as one note or just straight-up forgettable: the father-son duo of Hinata and Hisame.

    Now, Hinata's known mostly as the dudebro samurai with bad speed and Hisame... well, Pickle Lord, and while I don't deny that, I do feel there's some really good supports bound to be with them - including each other. To start off, with their C-Support:

    Hinata: *huff* *puff* Not bad, Hisame! HIIIIIIIII-YAH!!

    Hisame: Nng... *huff* *huff* Not bad yourself, Father!>>Hinata: You know, it's been a few hours now. Aren't you getting just a little bit tired?

    Hisame: Never! HAAAH!

    Hinata: Whoa, hey! Sorry, Hisamaru! I didn't mean to drop you!

    Hisame: Wait, what? Father...what did you say just now? When you dropped your sword.

    Hinata: What? N-nothing! I said nothing!

    Hisame: Father, I know you're lying.

    Hinata: Grk. OK, OK. I said "Hisamaru." It's the name I gave my sword. But it's a secret, OK? So don't go telling anyone!

    This already opens up interestingly enough: Hinata's sword name is Hisamaru and... who else's name starts with Hisa? It's explored quite a bit, but it already shows two characteristics of the two: Hisame's tenacity yet observant skills, and Hinata being quite, well, himbo like, lol. Anyway, continuing the support:

    Hisame: ...You gave your sword a name?

    Hinata: Hey! Stop looking at me like that!

    Hisame: ...

    Hinata: Look, every swordsman loves his sword! You can't deny that! Even you talk to yours when you're alone, right? We all do it! Well, giving it a name is no different. OK? So cut it out with the stink-eye!

    Hisame: What? I've never spoken to my sword.

    Hinata: WHAT?! Stinky cheeses! And you call yourself a samurai?

    Hisame: I believe the one who deserves that question is you. Who but a child talks to inanimate objects?

    Hinata: All samurai do, you big weirdo! You must not love your sword enough. No wonder your form is so sloppy!

    Hisame: M-my form is fine! And you're the "weirdo" here!

    Hinata: Hey! You can't talk to your father like that!

    Hisame: What kind of name is "Hisamaru" anyway? Do you really not hear how moronic that sounds?

    Hinata: What?! Moronic? Hmph. Never mind. You wouldn't get it.

    Hisame: I should hope not, or I would fear for my sanity.

    Hinata: Uh-huh. Looks like you've still got a lot to learn about being a swordsman. Anyways. Let's take a break. I'm pooped.

    (Hinata leaves)

    Hisame: What? Hey, wait! And he's gone. Good grief...

    ...who the heck uses stinky cheeses as an expletive? Anyways, this already showcases Hinata as a character who is clearly sentimental about things, and Hisame... well, being the skeptic he is, immediately questions this practice - and in the ensuing bickering, Hisame somehow comes off as more of an adult than his father, and Hinata storms off. This ends up reappearing in their B-Support, where Hisame talks to Hinata about the sword:

    Hinata: La la la hm-hm hm-hm bo-bean ♪ Now you're all super shiny and clean! Looking sharp, Hisamaru!

    Hisame: Father. Do you have a moment?

    Hinata: Gimblesnups! Oh. It's just you. What's up?

    Hisame: ...Were you speaking to your sword just now?

    Hinata: Hey, were you watching me? It's not nice to spy on people, ya know!

    Hisame: I thought you would be embarrassed if I spoke up. It seems I was right. Besides, there's no need to hide it. I've seen you doing it before.

    Hinata: O-oh. You have? That doesn't make me feel any better...

    Hisame: In any case, I had a question. How long ago did you give your sword a name?

    Hinata: Hm... I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I named ol' Hisamaru back when you were born. Truth is, I named him for you.

    Hisame: Me?

    Hinata: Yeah. You know how we couldn't visit you very often when you were little? Well, I named my sword after you so you'd always be by my side.

    ...fucking hell, that's just sweet. This already opens up several things about the two: given Hinata's, ahem... moment to himself, and Hisame noticing it, it shows Hisame as generally someone who's far more in tune with things than he'd be normally, to the point this really reflects his story nature as "the grumpy old man who's just a kid" thing. It's really charming and shows there's more to him than just, well, pickles; Hinata also showcases that he does well and truly love his son something special, to the point he's as much of a sap as to name his blade after his son... which is really, really sweet, and showed how much Hinata thinks of his friends and family. The support continues either way:

    Hisame: Father...

    Hinata: I would've named it "Hisamemaru," but that's a mouthful.

    Hisame: I...I had no idea.

    Hinata: Huh? Uh, Hisame. Your face is a little red.

    Hisame: No, it isn't.

    Hinata: Awwwwww! You're not embarrassed, are ya?

    Hisame: Of course not!

    Hinata: Heh. OK, OK. Whatever you say, boss. What, you didn't think your old man loved you?

    Hisame: I... Th-that's...

    Hinata: So! Now that you know my sword's origins, what are you gonna name yours?

    Hisame: No. No nononono. I know where you're going with this. No.

    Hinata: Oh, come on. We can be matchies! C'mon! Lemme say hi to Hinamaru, there!

    Hisame: Th-that's not my sword's name! Er, not that it has a name.

    Hinata: What's wrong? You don't want a papa sword?

    Hisame: NEVER!

    (Hisame leaves)

    Hinata: Oh, wow, look at him go! Haha! How adorable.

    I don't know about you guys, but I goddamn love these two already. Already better than most father-son pairings in the game as-is. Anyways, we get to the A-Support, which... well, honestly, not much happens as a result other than Hinata asking if Hisame couldn't name his sword to have a matching pair:

    Hisame: Father. Cut it out. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me to. I'm not going to name my sword.

    Hinata: What do you mean? We've already got a perfect name for it! Don't we, Hinamaru?

    Hisame: Hey! Talk to me, not my sword! And that's STILL not its name!>>Hinata: Nyah-nah! You can't make me stop! I'll start saying it super loud, all the time, in front of eeeevvvvveryone.

    Hisame: Do what you like. But you will never hear that name escape my lips. I swear it.

    Hinata: Geez, you're stubborn. How'd you get like this?

    Hisame: Are you truly so dense?

    Hinata: Wuh?

    Hisame: You said you named your sword after me, so you would always feel I was by your side.

    Hinata: Right.

    Hisame: Well, then there's no need for that now. I'm here.

    Hinata: Hm?

    Hisame: My sword doesn't need a name. You are already by my side at all times.

    Hinata: Heh. Haha. Hahahaha! You really are the most adorable kid ever, aren't you? Oh gods, you're just the sweetest little boy I ever did see.

    Hisame: H-hey! What are you laughing about?! I was being serious, you stupid—

    Hinata: No, no, don't get me wrong. I'm not laughing AT you. I'm just very happy. There ain't a father in the world who wouldn't be after that!

    Hisame: Ugh. I give up!

    (Hisame leaves)

    Hinata: Haha! Awww. He didn't have to be so sensitive. Ah, man. That kid. I might have the best son ever.

    ...okay, I need to remind myself to forge a Hinamaru sword for Hisame.

    So anyways, there you have it: three supports I genuinely did love to a varying degrees. However, I figured I'd use these examples not to showcase them individually, but as a collective strength Fates has as a whole: a cast that isn't hyper-complex like 3H is, but manages to do what they do and be likable in spite of it with well-written supports.

    Now, there's definitely some bad supports out there, and I can't say I'm as well-versed in Hoshidan supports as I am Nohrian ones. But I still strongly say without a doubt that there's more to Fates' cast than just them being one-note stock characters, as they have a lot more to offer if you choose to look up the better supports they have. This is a problem I think cansolve a lot of the characters in not just Fates, but series wide: there's some really, really good supports for most characters in the series proper, and it's why I always try to look up what the character entails before I make a final judgement. And really, the fact Fates' cast is associated with being a lesser one is just unfair overall.

    Anyways, this essay went on for a lot longer than I wanted it to initially, so I just wanna say thanks to anyone who stuck with me to read this. Fates is my second favorite game in the series for not just the gameplay, but the cast - and there's plenty of others I've left out as well! So keep in mind that you need to know about a character in complete detail before you knock them, both the good and bad; you'll be surprised with what you may find, and it's the fact Fates has so much good to it in its supports that always makes me come back.

    Either way, thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts in the comment section, and I apologize if I dawdled on for too long.

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    Shadows of Valentia Live Wallpaper Edit

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    (Fake) Concept Art for FE17

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    I'll soar away

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    This is a day late, but here's a sketch of Kagero, done for me at last year's Atlanta Comic Con, for her birthday! Happy Belated Birthday, Kagero!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    i drew tina. theif? healer? whynot both

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    I drew modern Charlotte!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    The Daily Life of My 10 Merged Marth #7

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    |OC| Such a Talkative Man, Aren't you Professor?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    [Original Art] The Spirited Sword, Shuuda

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Seiros cosplay [MarthCosplay&Art]

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    TFW your game freezes at the very last possible moment during the ninja hell chapter on lunatic

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Nintendo didn’t acknowledge FE3H’s first anniversary

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I know they have other games and products they want to promote, but are you seriously not going to acknowledge the 15th best selling game on the Nintendo Switch? Hell, I bet it would generate more sales due to several people in the comments asking "is it worth it?" followed by several replies of "yes."

    In summary: I am sad.

    submitted by /u/slippin_through_life
    [link] [comments]

    My new Fire Emblem Shrine! (Post-War Artwork by /u/SilverArtemisMoon)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    The 3H cast: get busted

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    There's an old saying that likes to go around "don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Well those students and staffers at Garreg Mach will find out soon that this addage is true and crime doesn't pay... Let's see what happens shall we?

    Black Eagles:

    • Edelgard: The crime? Various atrocities against artistic sensibilities, was turned into the art cops by Ignatz who used gaudy post modernist handcuffs for the arrest. The Punishment? 2 months of life figure drawings with Rhea and Byleth... A rare combination of thirst and jealous hatred both at once.
    • Hubert: The crime? About 37 political assassinations... Since Tuesday. The punishment? Being forced to go on everyone's favorite educational program "Fodlan and Friends" and join Gertie the Golden Deer, Billie the Blue Lion, and Belinda the Black Eagle in a happy song about non violent conflict resolution.
    • Bernedetta: The Crime? Constant antisocial behavior and hiding from several social events. The Punishment: She must shake hands with Francis Plumphandle.
    • Dorothea: The Crime? Singing loud opera at 3 AM the night before finals. The punishment? A boot to the head... And one for Bernie and the wimp.
    • Ferdinand Von Aiger: The Crime? Completely ruined "Teamwork day" by making an attempt to be a better team player than Edelgard. The punishment? A second place trophy.
    • Petra: The Crime? Various unlicensed hunting infractions, claims they don't need one in Brigid but this ain't Brigid. The punishment? A weekend of hunting education course with General Zaroff. I'm sure it will go well.
    • Caspar: The Crime? Heard Rhea was a good fighter and challenged her to a scrap. The punishment? Well it took about 12 hours of construction work to pull him out of the wall she punched him through.
    • Linhardt: The crime? Sleeping during class of course. The punishment? He gets the help he needs to stay awake as Anette is gifted a giant one man band ensemble.
    • Jeritza: The Crime? Was playing the role of the clown for little Timmy's 4th birthday party and then the Death Knight came out... Not a good thing. The punishment? Intensive psychological therapy I mean seriously the guy needs it.

    Blue Lions:

    • Dimitri: The Crime? Ruined the summer festival by destroying the lobster boiling booth demanding that instead they should grill every last one of them. The punishment? Participating in a game of "guess which dish is poisonous?" (hint: it's the one that tastes like crap)
    • Dedue: The Crime? Following Dimitri a little too closely. He was watching him in the bath, in his bedroom, in the bathroom, also somehow scaled all the way up the side of Garreg Mach to the third floor to observe Dimitri's student evaluation with Rhea. The punishment? Confiscation of all his Dimitri merch, this includes body pillows, action figures, books, and cosplay... Also the guards will be visiting Anna about how she got this unauthorized product.
    • Mercedes: The Crime? Being too nice and wholesome. The punishment? She's gotta do something evil like kicking a puppy... She's been frozen in the punishment room with the puppy for the past 3 days with her leg lifted in kicking position.
    • Ashe: The crime? Keeping an overdue library book for over two years. The punishment? A serious parent teacher confrerence with his fa... Oh... Well ok he's just gonna have to pay the overdue fee.
    • Ingrid: The crime? Wonton destruction of property as she destroyed the doors for Bernie, Sylvain, Linhardt, and Hilda's bedrooms for skipping training. The punishment? Anger management training and she has to rebuild all the doors.
    • Sylvain: The crime? Almost causing an international incident by attempting to hit on a visiting dignitary from another continent. Dude didn't even wait to see her face or let her get out of the carriage before making a pass. The punishment? Surprisingly it seems the dignitary actually liked what Sylvain did. His brazen behavior reminded her of a mercenary she once fell in love with but vanished after a big war. So she issued an imperial edict to whisk him away and wed him. Now he gets to be the husband of her grand holiness the Empress Sanaki of Bengion to be the "emperor of paperwork she doesn't want to deal with"
    • Felix: The crime? Just being a general sourpuss and jerk. The punishment? Being transfered to clown school to develop a sense of humor.
    • Annette: The Crime? Well the charred remains of the mess hall and the only thing remaining is a few planks and whatever that strange gelatinous bowl she was cooking was should give you enough hint of what happened, but we best not go into detail. The punishment? She's gonna have to sweep up all the ashes she made... And bring the food dish to the nearest volcano for proper disposal.

    Golden Deer:

    • Claude: The crime? Same one he does every night... The punishment? Also the same... Kinda in a rut here.
    • Hilda: The crime? Got in an acessorizing craze and completely bedazzled Rhea's ceremonial dress for Saint Seiros day. The punishment? Surprisingly Rhea actually liked it and decided to wear it for the ceremony anyways with Hilda on stage with her. Sadly the light reflecting from the embedded rinestones blasted Hilda in the face and she's blind in one eye now.
    • Ignatz: The Crime? We saw your FA account... You sicken me... Everyone knows Edelgard's fursona is a cat NOT a penguin! The punishment? THE YIFFENING
    • Lorenz: The crime? Constantly flaunting his "superiority" and "beauty" over all the other students. The punishment? A small, barely noticable scar located right on the cheekbone.
    • Lysithea: The crime? Used Dark Spikes on the librarian for telling her there was a limit of only 10 books checked out by a single person. The punishment? 15 minutes in the time out corner and no juice when snacktime comes.
    • Leonie: The Crime? Won't stop talking about Jeralt to uncomfortable levels. The punishment? Confiscation of all her Jeralt merch, this includes body pillows, action figures, books, and cosplay... Also the guards will be visiting Anna about how she got this unauthorized product... again.
    • Raphael: The crime? Went on a hunger binge and ate ALL the jerky in the mess hall. The punishment? Sentenced to an all veggie diet... No meat at all.
    • Marianne: The crime? Wandering the halls at night moaning sadly and making everyone think the halls were haunted. The punishment? Getting caught in a ghost trap by a bunch of meddling kids and their dog.

    The Ashen Wolves:

    • Yuri: The crime? Constantly getting used for lesbian jokes by an annoying cat themed scientist person for cheap upvotes. The punishment? Rhea was feeling fantastic. This was the best massage she had ever had as Anna's hands slowly caressed her naked back, years of stress melted away with each press of the young redhead's knuckles into her back, it was like heaven on earth. When the assault of Anna's palms ended she instructed Rhea to remain as she prepared for the next phase. Rhea wondered what would happen next. Oil? Shiatsu? She was certainly interested to know. When Anna returned she entered the room in a full wetsuit and informed: "Ok I need to you go dragon form for the happy ending of the massage". This ends the preview, if you would like to see the conclusion of this exciting encounter by ordering "Merchants and Monsters 15: Journey to the center of Rhea" today for 5 easy payments of $19.95 + shipping and handling. We only use the top ravens for delivery so you know you'll get your product fast and efficiently!.
    • Balthus: The crime? Insists that Hilda is actually tougher than she lets on and attempts to suplex her. The punishment? He's lodged in the wall next to Caspar.
    • Constance: The Crime? In an effort to earn back her family's good name, builds a flying armored suit out of a bunch of metal scraps under the monastary. The punishment? Honestly it's not really a crime... That's just impressive... Though it seems she's being hunted by a bunch of mouse eared lawyers now.
    • Hapi: The Crime? ruins the fall festival by sighing and summoning a massive giant boar to wreck the place. The punishment? Killing the giant boar, setting up a massive spit roast, and saving the festival by making it a luau.

    The Church:

    • Rhea: The Crime? Bludgeoning Byleth on the head with a 2x4 in teh hopes that Sothis will take over their body. The punishment? It works temporarily, but Sothis chose to ground her for the next 300 years, that means in bed by 8, no dessert, and she can't go to Seteth's parties.
    • Seteth: The crime? Trapping Byleth in a shotgun wedding to Flayn to preserve her honor after watching him brush hands with her by accident while walking past her and she blushed. The punishment? Has to watch videos of the honeymoon... Of EVERYTHING that happens.
    • Flayn: The Crime? Causing an ecological disaster by overfishing to sustain her cravings. The punishment? Being moved to the GM sister school in the mountains where food is only rice and goats.
    • Cyril: The Crime? Being Cyril. The punishment? Death
    • Gilbert: ... Ok I'll be honest with you the guy didn't actually commit any crimes he just has been sitting in the dungeon for like 2 months saying he deserves it... What a depressing sight
    • Catherine: The Crime? Tattling on the misdeeds of her friends. The punishment? Well you know what they say about snitches...
    • Manuella: The Crime? Got so drunk over a bad date night she showed up to class naked and wound up puking on Ignatz. The punishment? Getting sent to AA because she's clearly got a serious problem.
    • Hanneman: The Crime: taking blood tests from Manuela's clinic so he could do extra crest research. The punishment? Yeah I'm pretty sure that's earning a restraining order or putting him on some kind of list or something.
    • Alois: The Crime? His sense of humor. The punishment? A metric ton of duct tape to keep his yapper shut.
    • Byleth: The crime? Hoarding all the lost goods in the Church and will only give them back if they think it will be motivational. The punishment? A very stern lecture in their head about hoarding things that they can't escape, also a chaperone while they traverse the grounds.
    • Shamir: The Crime? Got too gung ho and shot a merchant in the ass one night that she thought was a thief. The punishment? Her bow is replaced with a nerf bow... Surprisingly this has not made her any less dangerous.
    • Anna: The Crime? Selling massive amounts of merchandise of various students and teachers of the school and even selling dolls and memorabilia of divine dragons from other continents. The punishment? Somewhere in Grondor field a portal opens. Out steps a beautiful woman, her pointed ears twitch as she flips her green ponytail back into place. On her rather large bust you see her wearing a bib that has a cooked turkey with Anna's face crudely pasted on it. The merchant had not heeded her warning... And now justice shall be served... Also Eliwood's there too... He apparently is hoping to get the answer to a question he asked a long time ago.

    And there you have it. Justice is blind and nobody is safe from her judgement. So behave yourselves kids and instead of doing bad things instead just get excited for the next time I randomly decide to make another "Cast of 3h as" thread. Have fun y'all

    submitted by /u/ProfNekko
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