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    Friday, November 8, 2019

    Fire Emblem Drew the Golden Deer!

    Fire Emblem Drew the Golden Deer!

    Drew the Golden Deer!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:28 AM PST

    Whoever put Byleth in charge of the store house made a grave mistake

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST

    How to Increase Your Social Status at School

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:03 PM PST

    I made a sprite of Hanneman in his spirited days of youth

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    drew jeritza today (oc)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Maid Hilda!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:26 AM PST

    uh oh

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PST

    OH my sweety,,,

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    Good night, Annette

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 12:57 AM PST

    Jeritza's profile

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:45 AM PST

    I drew edgelord Dimitri also i can’t draw armour so pls forgive

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    I drew Dimitri and Marianne (5)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:25 PM PST

    People think that the Gloucester cat has hair like Lorenz...

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    ...But nobody's stopped to think - if the Gloucester is the breed of cat in the Gloucester area (as is implied by the cat/dog names), they're probably consistently similar to that fur pattern.

    In which case, it's not that the cat looks like Lorenz, but Lorenz looks like the cat. Lorenz modelled his hair after the breed because he probably secretly loves cats!

    What a beast. Dude has Egyptian levels of respect for cats.

    submitted by /u/lucky9904
    [link] [comments]

    Genny (OC)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 04:09 PM PST

    They fixed adjutants!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:40 PM PST

    [Spoilers] 4th Wave DLC: 4 Crests, 4 Routes, 4 Classes, 4 Characters - a revised & reorganized look

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:29 AM PST

    Note: this theory/analysis makes multiple references to the map of Fodlan. It may be helpful to refer to the map while you read. It may also be helpful to refer to this datamine post.



    Type Observation
    Crest effect Heals 30% of combat art damage
    Dragon sign Snow
    Major arcanum The Sun
    Appearances Rhea's golem; Sword of Begalta
    Resemblance Radiant crown
    Etymology French; "knight"

    Other observations:

    • One of 6 named golems, alongside Wilhelm, Gajus, Bernhard, Iris, and Luca
    • Lindhardt mentions Relics whose only record of existence is in myths and legends
    • Other than the Crest of Flames, the Saints' Crests are named after dragons; Crests of the Elites are named after the humans who stole them
    • The swords, Beagalltach and Moralltach, are usually a pair
    • Black Eagles have Petra, who promotes to Assassin, and Blues Lions have Felix, who promotes to Swordmaster. Golden Deer have no equivalent
    • Hero, a class which Awakening and Fates has associated with the skill Sol, is the only Advanced Class to have no unique War Phase design
    • Kupala: the name of a Slavic sun goddess


    Wilhelm, Gajus, Bernard, Iris, Luca, and Chevalier were the founding members of the Knights of Seiros. They were so trusted by the saints that, beginning with Seiros and Wilhelm, the saints "blessed" each of these humans with their blood, bestowing upon them their Crests. These Crests were then inherited by their children.

    With an exception. Chevalier had once been one of Nemesis' men. He had once been one of the Elites, and therefore, he had participated at the Red Canyon Massacre, and had acquired both a Crest and a Relic from it. He abandoned his Relic upon Chevalier's converting to the faith of Seiros, but he could not so easily abandon the Crest in his blood. Thus, while the other five saints passed their Crests on to those early Knights, Chevalier's saint, Macuil, could only bequeath him with a Sacred Weapon: the Sword of Begalta.

    At some point, Macuil lost possession of the greater of his two swords, the Sword of Moralta. This sword ended up in the possession of House Fraldarius. But Macuil did manage to reacquire the Sword of Begalta, which he took with him to Sreng after the War.

    Meanwhile, though they no longer had either a Relic or a Sacred Weapon, Chevalier's bloodline did not die out. They made their home in Kupala, a region in Leicester even more remote than the lands of House Edmund. But for whatever reason - perhaps out of a Gilbert-esque desire for "penance" - Chevalier had never informed the Church of their existence. So, upon his death, the Church deemed his Crest "lost", even though it actually wasn't.

    As a DLC character, I predict that Chevalier's heir will have a unique post-timeskip look when classed as a Hero, and that his paralogue will involve the rediscovery of Chevalier's abandoned Relic. Based on the datamine text, this appears to be Balthus.



    Type Observation
    Crest effect Conserves use of offensive magic
    Dragon sign Bloom
    Major arcanum The Hierophant
    Appearances Noa Fruit description; Dark Sword of the Creator
    Resemblance Head of a staff
    Etymology Welsh; the name of the biblical man of the Ark

    Other observations:

    • No record in the Monastery
    • The Western Church believes in the same goddess as the Central Church
    • Apostate: a person who has abandoned some part of a religious belief
    • Other than the Crest of Flames, the Saint's Crests are named after dragons; Crests of the Elites are named after the humans who stole them
    • The statue of Saint Macuil, the Wind Caller, wears male Warlock robes. These robes are ornamented with feathers.
    • Gwydion: from Welsh, "born of trees". The brother of Arianrhod; he enchanted an army of trees and shrubs to fight for him during a battle.
    • The Tathlum Bow is route-locked, being acquirable only during Azure Moon


    Noa was one of the Children of the Goddess who joined Rhea in Enbarr during the founding days of the Church of Seiros. She was a gifted mage with a particular affinity for flora, and while she was disguised among humans, she dressed in the garb of a female Warlock. At some point, she gave her Crest to one of the six founding members of the Knights of Seiros.

    For reasons still unknown, Saint Noa had been removed from the canon of the Church of Seiros. She should have been erased from history entirely, were it not for the fact that a small and persistent group of worshipers still venerate her as a saint by the present day. Their belief in Saint Noa has eroded the relations between them and the Central Church, and is at least partly responsible for causing their separation into an independent faction: the Western Church. As part of their plans to destabilize the region, the Agarthans, who possess Noa's Crest Stone, have influenced and infiltrated the ranks of the Western Church; it is likely that the explanation for how the Agarthans came to possess Noa's Crest Stone is connected somehow to the reason for Noa's fall from grace with the Central Church.

    The DLC character associated with the Crest of Noa will hail from Gideon, in Faerghus. This character, as a descendant of the Knight who had received Noa's blood during the War of Heroes, is magic-oriented, and leans towards offense. Based on the datamine text, it appears that Hapi and Constance are each bearers of one of the Crests of Noa or Timotheos.



    Type Observation
    Crest effect On weapon strike, prevents foe's counterattacks
    Dragon sign Ice
    Major arcanum The Hanged Man
    Appearances (none)
    Resemblance Upside-down anchor
    Etymology Through French, the Latin word for "white"

    Other observations:

    • The icy, inhospitable land of Albinea derives its name from the Latin word for "white"
    • The place on Fodlan closest to Albinea is the port city of Nuvelle. During the invasion of Dagda and Brigid in 1175, the invaders managed to make landfall at Nuvelle, and House Nuvelle, formerly prosperous from the trade of their namesake city, was plunged into ruin.
    • Nuvelle comes from the French word for "new"
    • Nouveau riche: lit., "new money". A French term, usually derogatory, describing those whose status derives from recently-acquired wealth, as opposed to, say, a prestigious lineage.
    • The real-world Saint Aubin is the patron saint of protection from pirate attacks. Because of this, his churches are frequently located in coastal settlements.


    There has, so far, been one section dedicated to discussing a lost saint, and another about an ex-Elite. Aubin differs from these in one very important area: unlike Noa or Chevalier, or indeed unlike any of the other 21 Crests, the Crest of Aubin does not appear anywhere whatsoever. Without any clues, it seems difficult to surmise whether or not the Crest of Aubin was named after a dragon or a human, or what has happened to Aubin. Was Aubin at Rhea's side during the War of Heroes? Was Aubin yet another lost Elite? Did Aubin die at Zanado, or during the War?

    This lack of evidence could be, in of itself, a form of evidence. Aubin's complete and utter absence from Fodlan seems to be intentional. If Macuil and Indech waited until the War of Heroes had ended before changing into dragons and leaving human civilization behind, then perhaps Aubin had refused to participate in the War to begin with. Perhaps they felt the War was a lost cause; perhaps they wanted nothing to do with the schemes of the Church; perhaps, cowed by the Red Canyon Massacre, they had fled in the interest of self-perseverance. Regardless of their reasons, it seems possible that the Ice Dragon is hiding somewhere in Albinea.

    One of the DLC characters will be a survivor - perhaps the sole survivor - from the fallen House of Nuvelle. Based on the datamine text, this appears to be Yuri.



    Type Observation
    Crest effect Conserves the use of recovery magic
    Dragon sign Dark
    Major arcanum The Star
    Appearances Floor of the Star Terrace; Dark Sword of the Creator
    Resemblance The heart of the Goddess Mural
    Etymology Greek; "honouring/honoured by God"

    Other observations:

    • Saint Timotheos: close friend and pupil of Paul the Apostle. He was born in Lycaonia, modern-day Anatolia. He interrupted a pagan rite to preach the gospel, angering the pagans, who stoned him to death. He is the patron saint against stomach and intestinal disorders.
    • The Goddess Mural depicts Sothis as her Children knew her before she died. Beneath her fly 5 dragons, which represent the 5 Saints of the Central Church's canon: Seiros, flanked by Cichol, Cethleann, Indech, and Macuil. But beneath these dragons are seven robed figures, which represent the 7 Children of the Goddess who fought during the War of Heroes: Seiros kneels with her Sword, flanked prominently again by Cichol, Cethleann, Indech, and Macuil. To the far extremes are 2 other figures, who are faint to the point of almost being indistinct: these would be Noa and Timotheos.
      • The Crest of Timotheos is the only Crest "lost to history" that is not also scratched out on the mural.
    • Book of Seiros, Part I: The Revelation: "[The goddess] is both Heaven and Earth". Sothis could only inhabit a body that was both "dragon" and "human", and the Dark Sword of the Creator can only replicate the Crest Stone of Flames through the balance between two other Crest Stones, Noa's and Timotheos'. Yin and yang.
    • The King of Liberation, Nemesis, had 12 Elites: this is analogous to King Arthur, and the 12 Knights of the Round Table
      • King Arthur's wife is Guinevere. In Faerghus, there is a mountain called Sacred Gwynhwyvar. This location is proximal to Gideon, and hence, seems to be connected to Noa.
      • King Arthur's half-sister is the sorceress Morgan le Fay. In Adrestia, there is a place near Enbarr called the Morgaine Ravine. Yin and yang; Queen Guinevere and Morgan le Fay; Noa and Timotheos. If Sacred Gwynhwyvar is associated with Noa, then the Morgaine Ravine is associated with Timotheos.
    • Brahma: Hindu creator god
    • The Axe of Ukonvasara is only available to routes with Chapter 13: Reunion at Dawn.


    Timotheos was a Child of the Goddess, and Rhea's closest aide. As expected of the Dark Dragon, he preferred to remain inconspicuous, refusing the publicity that came with sainthood. After the War of Heroes, while the other Children scattered to the four winds, Timotheos stayed at Seiros' side. He was the primary architect of Garreg Mach Monastery, possibly the overseer of the Church's cardinals, and he may have also inspired the creation of House Vestra.

    But by IY 1065, the Agarthans, intending to destabilize the Empire and weaken the Church's hold on Fodlan, infiltrated and influenced the Southern Church to rebellion, a maneuver they would later attempt again with the Western Church.

    The ensuing conflict was terrible enough to throw the entire Empire into chaos. The Knights of Seiros were thinned to the point where the Archbishop had to turn to secular forces from Faerghus to defend her. In the end, the rebellion was quelled; however, it came at a steep price to the Church. The oldest Church in Fodlan, its Southern branch, had been dissolved, and the relations between the Church and the Empire were strained. Not only that, but the Archbishop had lost a close ally of over a millenia - Timotheos' Crest Stone had fallen into the clutches of the Agarthans.

    About one hundred years later - long enough for the humans to believe that a new Archbishop resided at Garreg Mach - Seiros sent for Cichol. Cichol, now under the alias of Seteth, answered her summons and took up the vacant office of the Archbishop's advisor, a position that had previously been Timotheos' since the Church's founding. He informed the human faculty of the time that a "younger sister" had just been born in his family, setting the stage for the arrival of Cethleann, under the alias of Flayn, 14 years later.

    The DLC character associated with the Crest of Timotheos hails from TWS' southern place of infiltration, Boramas, in Adrestia. This character is magic-oriented and leans towards healing/support. Based on the datamine text, it appears that Hapi and Constance are each bearers of one of the Crests of Noa or Timotheos.

    Edit: revised claim re: Wilhelm, as noted in the comments

    submitted by /u/domilea
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    Byleth! [Fanart]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:03 AM PST

    FE x Animal Crossing: Hubert's Bad Day (link to full game is in comments!)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    Clean every last one of them!!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:45 PM PST

    She pretty enough for you now Sylvain?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:27 PM PST

    My quick test for Best Professor

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:01 AM PST

    Am I a joke to you?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:53 PM PST

    Drew Joker from persona in the three houses style!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 11:13 AM PST

    Here we have Claude trying to escape the war by hiding in a trash can XD one of the best Claude's I met at AWA (cosplay)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:44 AM PST

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