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    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    Fire Emblem sorry if this is cringe or anything but i tried making a fe3h persona and drew portraits for her

    Fire Emblem sorry if this is cringe or anything but i tried making a fe3h persona and drew portraits for her

    sorry if this is cringe or anything but i tried making a fe3h persona and drew portraits for her

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    'The first new bloom' - Dedue returning to Duscur

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Garreg Mach. Artist: Me

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Magical Girl Tiki

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    [OC] Cordelia - Knight Paragon

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    You know who

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    My girlfriend drew a perfect Dimitri, but is too self-conscious to post it. OC

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Based off a true story

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    I painted Edelgard!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Golden Hour - Autumn Ashe and Petra Commission made by @tomaarrie

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Ahoy, ye landlubbers! This be r/fireemblem's Talk Like A Pirate Day thread!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Avast, matey! Let it be known that on this fine day, the nineteenth o' September, it be customary to discuss and appreciate all things piratey. I am Captain Racecar, and I be in charge of this here ship. In th' waters below, ye be welcome to discuss:

    • Yer favorite characters in th' mighty Pirate class.
    • Yer hopes for pirates that could sail in future FE titles.
    • All ye ideas for Pirate Emblem, if ye dare.

    Ah, but this fine vessel has to abide by the Pirate Code, so ye best be sure ye follow these guidelines:

    • All ye lads and lasses must comment in pirate talk. No landlubber language allowed!
    • Be respectful of ye shipmates, else ye be made to walk the plank!
    • And the most important rule of being a pirate: Have fun!

    That be all from ye captain for now. Time to hoist the anchor and enjoy this fine Talk Like A Pirate Day!

    submitted by /u/racecarart
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    Lorenz is my best boy for the Golden Deers

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    So I'm currently at ch. 17 on VW, but after doing most of Lorenz's supports with his classmates I think I can safely say that he's the best boy of the Golden Deer route.

    Originally, when I was doing my first play through with the Blue Lions, I thought that Lorenz was a pompous asshole. That opinion didn't change much until I started doing his supports and I found out he was this caring young man who just put too much stock into being a member of the nobility.

    He builds his friends up (Marianne, Ignatz) and makes them see their worth and talents. He can be inspiring to his classmates, getting them to try harder (Hilda). He's willing to take advice from people and is humble about it (Raphael and Claude). And lastly, he's caring and sensitive, sure he can be a bit brash, but in the end he just wants to help his friends and does everything he can to care for them (Leonie and especially Lysithea).

    My personal favorite supports from him were his supports with Manuela and Lysithea:

    Manuela because we see this incredibly shy and artistic side of Lorenz. He gets flustered when she talks about her poems and sings them, but ultimately accepts her praise of his work and gives her more poems to sing.

    Lysithea because he comes out as bothersome in the beginning, but upon finding out her secret does everything in his power to make sure she lives a long life. He deeply cares for her and more or less confesses his feelings toward her in the support. Overall it's fantastic support with cute moments.

    My only complaint for him would have to be the womanizing we saw with the Byleth support. Womanizers are nothing new in anime and anime video games, but I personally didn't like it and made him look like a creep before I did the other supports.

    Overall, I really like Lorenz. I think he's a fantastic character, really grew on me. I look forward to seeing his epilogue and hope it's either with Leonie or with Lysithea.

    submitted by /u/TheMorningsDream
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    He is very gorgeous to me ��

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Edelgard w/ bangs (I tried ��)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Rinea: Scorched Lover

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Rinea.

    Rinea is a NPC in Shadows of Valentia.

    Rinea is a noblewoman from an impoverished Rigelian house and is engaged to Berkut. Even within the Empire, she is renowned for her beauty, and the one person whom Berkut trusts without reserve. Rinea met Berkut at a royal ball. Despite the lesser nature of her noble house, Berkut was charmed by her beauty and offered to dance with her, thus beginning their romance.

    During the events of Shadows of Valentia, Rinea is first introduced when Alm's forces storm Zofia Castle where Berkut was stationed. Rinea showed no interest in the battle as she detested violence. Berkut was content to sitting back and watching the battle unfold with her at his side.

    After Alm kills Rudolf and is revleaed ti be Rudolf's firstborn son and therefore heir to the throne, Berkut rages. He enters Duma's Tower and after accepting Duma's offer for more power, is stumbled upon bu Rinea. Here, he offers her to Duma, making her a qitch. In pain from being forcefully transformed into a Witch and forced to obey Berkut, Rinea attacks Fernand, mortally wounding him. After Berkut is defeated, Rinea's spirit, now free from Duma's influence, beckons for Berkut to join her in the afterlife where they can search for their "empire" together, so long as Berkut is content with having Rinea as his "empress." Berkut accepts her offer and departs alongside her into the afterlife.

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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    FE4: Chapter 3, hands down one of my favorite chapters I’ve played in this series.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    I'm having a blast/hoot/thrilling/nail biting time playing FE4. Compared to my blind playthrough many moons ago it's going pretty decent, and unlike last time I don't have to depend on Sigurd for everything.

    But I just finished CH 3, and after the absolute backtracking slog that was CH 2, I found 3 to be a nice mix of what FE4 was going for. Giant maps with multiple objectives at the same time. And you having to figure out what the hell to do to counter them. And CH 3 I thought balanced that perfectly.

    From the very beginning it made you think of tactics to fend off the multiple groups coming at you. I found out Lewyn is an Avoid God that solo'd one of the armor groups on the side. Finn and Cuan took the other side. Ayra and Lex took out the mages. And Sigurd, and the others took out the main force coming at you in the middle.

    I will say taking the time to spam grind Lachesis was absolutely worth it. As having her as a Master Knight this chapter made everything easier. She can hold her own, dish damage, and heal when needed. And without her, Eldigan would've nuked my horses taking on his Cross Knights. RIP Dew.

    Then we had the Wyverns who come from the North and having my archers and Lewyn worked perfectly. And Sigurd and horse units took Sivalie with ease.

    But my favorite part of the map was the last third where Brigid, Claude, and my personal fav Tailtu show up. Holy shit. I forgot the amount of units they throw at those three and it seemed like a hopeless sitch. But what I loved was hauling Brigid to the tower. Choke holding the bandits, as her and Tailtu nuke them.

    I know a lot of people find Tailtu a shit character gameplay wise but hot damn, if you know how to manipulate Wraith/Thoron she's a fucking nuke, and for me she outclasses Azel just on that alone. Sorry Azel has been a pain in the ass to train.

    Watching those two kill away and holding their own as my other units came up from the back and ambushed the pirates was oh so satisfying. And Brigid got her bow thankfully. And promoted Ayra is a monster.

    I haven't so many thrills from a FE map for a long time and I loved it. So far I have to say this run is a lot smoother then my first. But also think it helps not going blind and not letting Sigurd solo everything.

    And can someone please tell me how they leveled Azel. Seriously, he's squishy and his movement is awful. Everyone else is at like their high teens and he's still sitting at 9. Tailtu even is at the same level and her booty just joined. Thankfully Lewyn is a monster magic wise and he more then makes up for it.

    submitted by /u/zazild92
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    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    How to get that new game feeling?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Hello all! I'm going in for my third round of Three houses, but I have a bit of a dilemma. I really like the feeling of advancement that starting from scratch gives me, but I've got this new game + file with 120 hours staring me in the face and it feels like a shame to waste it. Just upping the difficulty doesn't work, as I haven't played the game since 2019, so it almost feels like a new game as is. I like caring about the monastery, checking the merchants for new powerups between maps, that sort thing.

    Is there any way to get that same feeling of advancement with new game +?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Alexanderp
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    FE12 Scrub LTCs H4: Scrubshank Redemption (Chapter 17)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    How to resurrect a Progenitor God

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Very headcanony might not be right

    So your the daughter of a god who is has just been murdered and turned into a sword and stone but that's not enough and you would rather have here living and breathing. Follow these simple steps and you can have her back.

    Step 1: Asexually reproduce just like your mother did. Give life to a daughter that you can love and cherish for the rest of your long life just like you and your mothers relationship .... now shove that stone into your new baby's chest and give it the blood of your dead god mom making it sick and frail and only live for 25 years or so.

    Step 2: Do a blood transfusion with some dude giving him your major crest. That's it pretty simple.

    Step 3: What until your child is 20 then breed her to the dude like 2 prize ponies.

    Step 4: Have your child give birth to a child with out a heartbeat (your new grandchild).

    Step 5. Remove your child's heart (rip) and put it in child 2.0. For some reason your child couldn't speak to the gods infant soul but child 2.0 can. Beats me the magic of child birth or something.

    Step 5B. You could like ... keep your child's body. it won't go bad or anything and like maybe your god mom could resurrect her ehhh this is optional.

    Step 6. Let child 2.0 grow along with the soul of your mother. Optionally give it your moms bone sword not really important.

    *******************Warning**************** DO NOT let child 2.0 fight a wierd old vieny man who will try and send your vesse...grandchild to the shadow realm forcing your moms soul to give child 2.0 her powers to escape weakening her soul significantly and taking away her strength to resurrect herself.

    You have completed the first part and successfully awakened her soul.

    Step 7: Find that really old chalice that your mom kept the Chalice of Beginnings or something.

    Step 8: Find those wierdo siblings of yours that run around calling themselves the four apostles (that for some reason have some special blood that can resurrect her even tho you were your mom's favourite)and strap em down in preparation for the ceremony....

    Step 9: Sit child 2.0 on your moms favourite seat the Throne of Knowledge i think. Then begin the ceremony sometimes called the Rite of Rising. Ensure your moms soul has not fused with child 2.0. The ritual will kill the four apostles (rip) but the blood and chalice and sword and soul stone will allow your mom to resurrect herself. If your moms soul isint there you will just create a giant umbrella beast. Child 2.0 may survive ehhh.

    Disclaimer: your god mother may come back as a 9 year old who can't remember anything and sleeps a lot but isint that all parents.

    submitted by /u/Ruth-Less2
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    My first piano cover video, a relaxing take on Id: Serenity from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Hope you'll like it!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Fire Emblem fans!

    I think the music in FE: Awakening is among the most beautiful OST of any video game I've ever played. I still have a vivid memory of the first time I heard Id: Serenity, I stayed in that scene for several minutes just enjoying the song.

    I've been trying to build the courage to make piano covers of my favorite VGM tracks, and I just really wanted to start with this song. So here it is!You can find it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlpXI5YtFaM

    I also made an extended version here, for those who are like me and like having the same track in the background while studying or working:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkMeckR1HwY

    Hope you enjoy it, I'll hopefully make more Fire Emblem covers in the future and definitely more video game covers in general. So feel free to subscribe if you like my style, or leave a comment with feedback or suggestions for my next one! ^^



    submitted by /u/julesmelodies
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