Fire Emblem Claude’s Halloween Comic |
- Claude’s Halloween Comic
- Claude’s Halloween part 2
- Finally drew best girl Ferdinand for inktober ��
- Dimitri and Marianne (First post on Reddit btw)
- Lucina ~ Mobile Background
- Nintendo Dream Ranking
- Fire Emblem Black Ink - Berkut
- I drew Claude with watercolour
- In this house we stan one lady only with Cyril.
- eGirl edelgard because I have no self control
- Claude watercolour (full image)
- Crest of Cichol - Jack 'o Lantern
- I drew Bernie!
- My halloween costume’s done! My mom is really awesome, she did almost all of it. I painted the circlet and lined the armor, but I would never have been able to do the other things. We have blue hair spray for when halloween actually hits.
- A Felix doodle! (my first post to the community, hello everyone!)
- I can't believe how well this turned out. My sister's friend is the one who painted this for me. I just supplied the materials.
- Inktober Day 25 (Reupload)
- Since NicoB is absolutely smitten with Dimitri, I decided to add fuel to the fire.
- Wanted to practise lighting so I drew Byleth!
- He is...Ferdinand Von Aegir
- So why did the marketing push Edelgard’s route so much?
- my favourite golden deers! (props to you if you get the reference)
- The Weirdly Whimsical Charm of Ferdinand Von Aegir
- I interviewed Veronica Taylor, the voice of Manuela in Three Houses. We talked about her own background in stage acting and how the VO industry has evolved. I also asked her which of Manuela's paired endings she enjoyed the most! *Spoilers for those*
- Ingrid: Underrated, Overhated
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:43 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:40 AM PDT
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Finally drew best girl Ferdinand for inktober �� Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:30 AM PDT
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Dimitri and Marianne (First post on Reddit btw) Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:28 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT
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Fire Emblem Black Ink - Berkut Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT
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I drew Claude with watercolour Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT
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In this house we stan one lady only with Cyril. Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:34 PM PDT
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eGirl edelgard because I have no self control Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT
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Claude watercolour (full image) Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:33 AM PDT
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Crest of Cichol - Jack 'o Lantern Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:43 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:29 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:51 PM PDT
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A Felix doodle! (my first post to the community, hello everyone!) Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:15 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT
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Since NicoB is absolutely smitten with Dimitri, I decided to add fuel to the fire. Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:37 PM PDT
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Wanted to practise lighting so I drew Byleth! Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:32 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:38 PM PDT
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So why did the marketing push Edelgard’s route so much? Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT Not hating on El here, but it feels like the marketing team was really pushing her route. In the 2018 E3 trailer, Edelgard is shown most prominently and narrates the trailer while Dimitri and Claude are just shown doing some battle animations. The February Direct trailer shows gameplay from her route. And hell, in the actual game, she's the first one you meet in the monastery since she's in the Great Hall. But isn't a common criticism against her route that it feels unfinished? IDK maybe this is just me but it seems somewhat contradictory. [link] [comments] | ||
my favourite golden deers! (props to you if you get the reference) Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:21 PM PDT
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The Weirdly Whimsical Charm of Ferdinand Von Aegir Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:32 AM PDT Before you begin reading this I would like to say this is NOT a meme/shitpost on his famous line. This is purely why I personally think Ferdinand is one of the more fascinating characters in Three Houses despite him not appearing to be so. With that said lets begin. Now I'd like to start off by saying when I first so Ferdinand I hated him. He was probably one of the only characters at the time that I disliked the others being (Lorenz, Hubert and Leonie). Now I will say I didn't go into this game thinking I'd get a good supporting cast, I simply wanted to play three houses to get into the Fire Emblem series as a whole. However Ferdinand in particular simply just struck a nerve to me as that one character who sees themselves as the best. I don't like characters that don't fit the mold of prideful but at the same time are so very full of themselves that it's obnoxious as all hell. This wasn't aided by the fact that I picked Female Byleth so i instantly got access to Sylvain who in many ways is similar to Ferdinand, at least to me. So most of my Black Eagles run pre-time skip Ferdinand was used but i generally didn't put too much effort into him. However somehow sort of like another obnoxious character from a little show called JOJOs Bizzare Adventure (r/shitpostcrusaders keep it in your ass) Ferdinand grew on me. But why and how the hell did he do it? Lets talk about that. Personality Von Aegir: For this section I'll simply be jotting down Ferdiands personality into points that you'll see being supported through the rest of this discussion:
Ferdinands Supports: Now out of every character in the game Ferdinand has the most formulaic yet effective supports with almost everyone he has supports with. If you don't understand what I'm talking about Ferdinand's supports usually go like this: Ferdinand comes up to character X and engages in conversation. Character X is put off by Ferdinand's obnoxious attitude. Ferdinand proceeds to try and understand what he's done that may irritate character X. Ferdinand proceeds to prove his worth to them by showing in his own way that he's willing to better himself. Alot of people when seeing this example will obviously jump to his supports with Dorothea but this honestly his relationship with alot of characters case in point Hubert, Caspar, Bernadetta, Mercedes, Marianne etc etc. His personality is such that he breeds misunderstanding and conflict between himself and his fellow classmates and that's part of what makes watching such conversations equal parts hilarious and equal parts heart warming when he manages to redeem himself in their eyes. Ferdinand probably has some of the funniest supports with characters like Hilda, Lorenz and Flayn. Simply because it brings out some of the best in him. In his supports with Hilda and Flayn you can really see how dense he is in the head not being able to take hints from either of them and in the case of Hilda being completely fooled by her at every turn no matter how hard he tries to NOT be fooled. His support with Flayn is equally as hilarious just cause its so out of place. His supports with Lorenz... do I even have to say why. On the topic of Ferdinand's supports being heartwarming you can mostly see that in his A supports where he shows that he doesn't want his class mates to hate him and that he deeply respects them. Honestly though this aspect is best exemplified in his supports with the female characters which brings me to my next point. Ferdinand and the Ladies: When you think womanizer in three houses you're mind will obviously jump to either Lorenz or Sylvain. However the fundamental flow that these two have is that:
Now Ferdinand doesn't fall into either of these pitfalls. This is because as obnoxious as Ferdinand can be he genuinely with all sincerity feels nothing but respect for all of his female classmates no matter the status. In all his ending (A) supports he somehow manages to get every girl with (one exception) to completely head over heels fall for him. Not because it's Ferdinand being Ferdinand but it's Ferdinand showing those people, and justifying, that they are worth something more to themselves. This can be seen in his C-support with Hilda where he teaches her to organize Library books and then Hilda using that information to teach Marianne in there C-support (They thought we wouldn't notice but we did). To further exemplify this lets go over three examples: Ferdinand and Mercedes are an amazing pairing. This is partially due to how awkward Ferdinand makes her in his C-support coupled with how he goes out his way to just keep talking with her not being in any way interested. But in their B-support he listens to everything she has to say, even when Mercedes reveals she's just a normal commoner Ferdinand rejects that statement by using his own previous argument in the C-support coupled with her attitude to the rude soldier that she has all the makings of a true noble. In the end Ferdinand takes from Mercedes, her willingness to go out her way to help others, and thus do the same for her. That last tidbit in the A-support is also probably one of the purest things on the planet:
The second one I want to talk about is his support with Marianne. Before I talk about why this support is really sweet I'd like to go over the fact that Ferdiand is one of the few characters in Three houses who has a really simple no tragedy involved backstory and that's partially what makes this one really special. Now we all know Marianne. She has alot of trouble in believing in herself and she genuinely believes she's cursed. Marianne in my eyes doesn't wallow in self pity however she does believe she's just better of dead cause of her noble birth. Who better to inspire her then Ferdinand Von Aegir. The premise of their supports is very similar to that of Mercedes and Ferdinand with Ferdinand approaching Marianne as she's praying saying something that makes her awkward and after she excuses herself contemplating what went wrong. In their B-support however Ferdinand gives Marianne the revelation that she is worth something not just to others but herself and that no matter what life may throw at her she has a purpose. This ends with their A-support giving a nice conclusion to Mariannes character arc in the following dialogue:
This next character and her relationship with Ferdinand is something I will be going into in another section simply because it is a big chunk of why I personally disliked Ferdinand and why I think he plays a greater role how the story of Three Houses is told. Ferdinand and Edelgard: I'm pretty sure most people were expecting me to talk about Dorothea and Ferdinand but I know how alot of people feel on that, I too think it is a beautiful top tier support convo. However Edelgard and Ferdinands relationship has more nuance and character, then i initially thought, not just in terms of support conversation but also because I've been meaning to write a piece on Edelgard and the CF route for a long time and I think this relationship will really help support that argument. Before I begin I would like to say that Ferdinands C-supports with Edelgard AND Byleth are the main reason I didn't like him at first. Black Eagles was my first route and seeing Ferdinand just obsess over wanting to be better then Edelgard made me think that was all there was to his character. Now I will say Byleths supports are typically the worst supports in the entire game not because it feels like a one sided conversation but because those supports don't reveal enough about the characters that you talk to only their history rather then subtle details about themselves. It's partially the reason why I didn't understand who likes what in my initial play-through. This is further worsened by the fact that the house leaders receive much of the same info that Byleth does but they also get the chance to properly interact rather then one sided choices that don't have an impact on what will be said next. However Ferdinands supports with Edelgard are a gem when you really think about them and some side dialogue that you witness in other routes really emphasizes how Ferdinand truly feels about her. For those of you who haven't witnessed Ferdinands dialogue with Edelgard, in a nutshell it primarily looks as if Ferdinand has some sort of obsession with trying to one up Edelgard at every turn and the fact that in his eyes he is considerably better then her. Eventually Ferdinand loses and excepts the fact that Edelgard is better then him. The End. It may seem as if this is a pretty one sided rivalry but when I think of Ferdinand and Edelgard rivalry has never come to mind. You see the thing is Edelgard is somebody who values individuals with talent. If you have that sort of talent you might just be able to change her outlook on the world something only Byleth is able to achieve (also something I would like to talk about at a later time). What good old Ferdi is trying to do is make Edelgard see that he is a talented individual so that in her eyes he might be able to change her outlook on the world. This is shown in their A-support when Ferdinand imparts some actually good wisdom onto Edelgard she states:
The thing is there is one personality trait of Ferdinands that I never stated above and that is:
No matter who you are whether it be common folk, noble or even bandit Ferdinand always looks for the best you. This is best shown in what he sees in Edelgard. He agrees with her idea of a better world but her ends don't justify the means and as someone who can convince her to be better he works more well in the context of the story then Byleth ever will. Honesty in the Crimson Flower route i felt the only person besides Hubert that would stick by Edelgard is Ferdinand because he's probably the most hopeful character in Three Houses. If you still don't believe me I would like to direct you to a particular moment in Azure Moon Chapter 21/Verdant Wind Chapter 19/Silver Snow Chapter 18: Our Chosen Paths /The Chaos of War if Ferdinand and Hubert initiate combat together this is what is said:
This dialogue is really difficult to initiate without getting your Ferdinand killed cause of his low Resistance but it really does go above and beyond to show how much Ferdinand is willing to go through just in the hopes that he can change Edelgards mind for the better. To conclude I do think Ferdinand has his fair share of flaws. He's dense, he can't take a hint, he makes people awkward with overly long speeches and he can be a bit stubborn. In the end though his heart is in the right place and he's definitely worthy of his title. Speaking of which I know that line has been memed to death but now whenever I hear it, I get really sentimental because it isn't him being proud of himself but it is Ferdinand Von Aegir stating in the face of danger against all odds that he can make a difference. Thank you for reading this and I hope it was worth your time. Edit 1: THIS IS A STATEMENT ON LORENZ HELLMAN GLOCESTER: I WAS WRONG HE IS NOT A WOMANIZER. SIMPLY PUT HE COMES ACROSS AS SNOBBY LIKE FERDINAND BUT HE DOES RESPECT HIS FELLOW CLASSMATES. HIS MAIN DOWNFALL IS HIS OBSESSION WITH NOBILITY OTHERWISE HE'S A CHILL DUDE. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE LORENZ FAN COMMUNITY FOR CONVINCING ME THAT HE AIN'T AS BAD AS I PUT HIM OUT TO BE IN MY POST. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:13 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT
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