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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Fire Emblem [OC] hilda! hilda!

    Fire Emblem [OC] hilda! hilda!

    [OC] hilda! hilda!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Byleth's 'Normal' Twin Brother AU

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Man, This is Even More Intense Than That Time Marianne Forgot How to Walk...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Made the Awakening Box Art in my style for the FE Compendium theme ^-^

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Celica with Mila's blessings (@jisunshines) [Anna's Roundtable]

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Byleth x Felix

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    A map of Archanea with all in game locations labeled

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Just finished making Areadbhar (3D print) - wish I had a blue cloth for the video

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    FE1 x post-FE6 | Illust. [oc]

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Me and the boys plotting to take over Fodlan while practicing social distancing in the Zoom meeting, by Ippei (Spoiler just to be safe)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    I commissioned an adult Ophelia in a wedding dress! [Artist - Lunie Junk / Lunaros]

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    [Original Art] Elice

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    My current three houses tier list

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Lady Slidedelgaed

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Ike fan art

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Sothis' Design And The Many Implications To Them... "Analysis"

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Sothis' Design And The Many Implications To Them... "Analysis"

    The purpose of the post is explain the implications that can be taken by Sothis' design. What is interesting about Sothis' design is that it can prove many unanswered questions that we might of had when trying to know about the past. Also, Sothis' design foreshadows or alludes to events and characters in the game. More specifically, Byleth and Rhea's bonds to Sothis. Then, Sothis' design also has implications of Sothis' bonds to Byleth. I'll be even referencing adult Sothis, so that I can explain certain aspects that can not be explained without proof of it. Now, I will explain each details implications.

    Of course, the most obvious of the design is the color purple. The color of the Fire Emblem for Three Houses. Also, the color of the Church of Seiros on the map as well. Which would make sense because,

    Fun Fact: Some have already address this, but did you know that "Seiros" is a greek translation of Sirius the brightest star in our skies. Well, if you translate Sirius into the Egyptian language we'll find out that Sirius means Sothis. So in a sense, the Church of Seiros is actually just another name for the Church of Sothis. (Talk about mommy issues.)



    1. Sothis and Rhea's Bonds...

    The most obvious implications of Sothis' design is Sothis' connections to Rhea, her daughter. Which is made obvious by the fact that Rhea is fond of imitating her mother. From the similar head ornament that Rhea and Sothis wear to the same pattern on Sothis' dress that Rhea has on her cape. Also, Sothis' ornament is on the Church mural of the goddess. These connections are made aware of many times throughout White Clouds. From, Rhea singing a song that Sothis is aware that she wrote. Another, obvious design is Sothis' green hair. Which apparently all nabateans that we've seen have green hair. Also, her pointy ears is another obvious indication. The only time we get true confirmation regarding to to the ear is when Byleth reunites with Rhea at Enbarr. Where we has players see Rhea's pointed ears.



    2. Sothis and Byleth Bonds...

    If you have ever looked extensively into Sothis' design it is implied that the rope bondage on her is actually an indication of her bonds to Byleth. This type of rope bondage is a Japanese type of bondage called Kinbaku (緊縛) means "tight binding,". Which literally "ties" with Sothis' crest stone being attached to Byleth's heart. Basically, showing or alluding to the fact to why Sothis is in Byleth, because of Rhea creating those bonds to save Byleth. Then, it also ties to the fact without Sothis Byleth could have not lived. This is also why Sothis is so adamant during the beginning of the game about Byleth throwing away their life so easily, because she is tied to Byleth figuratively and literally in Byleth's heart.



    3. Byleth and Rhea's Bonds...

    Sothis support the fact, that Byleth and Rhea are bonded by fate. As we will see, the ribbons that run through Sothis' hair are indication of that, because the colors of the ribbons are Byleth and Rhea's. The white ribbon for Rhea and the red one for Byleth. If we think about it further, the colors are the same colors of both of the lord's routes, "White Clouds" and "Silver Snow" on their respected save files. While the ribbons run through Sothis' hair, they also twist together as to show Byleth and Rhea's fates are intertwine. (Please note: that colors are important to Fire Emblem, so we can not ignore this revelation.)

    Which, basically means, that Rhea is not wrong when she says that Byleth and her fates are intertwined as well. Especially, when Rhea references to this sentiment multiple times. Also, the fact that Rhea dying in Crimson Flower resulted in Byleth's death and only through the grace of Sothis Byleth could comeback just shows evidence that their fates being intertwined. Basically, in a way, Rhea cannot die or Edelgard can not kill Rhea stories wise during Silver Snow because it would have ended the journey and the whole point of part 2 saving Rhea, defeating the villains of White Clouds and the revelations to Byleth, and Byleth would have died.

    This also means, that during Silver Snow and Verdant Wind when Rhea supposedly is going to die according Seteth and Rhea herself. Rhea does not really die, because of the fact that all Nabateans who are severely drained or critically injured physically will enter a "trance hibernation" where the Nabatean will enter a deep sleep to heal off any form of harm, and the fact that Byleth does not die either. What I call "trance hibernation" is mentioned multiple times by Seteth, and Flayn whenever she is referring to her fears of sleeping for a long time. Then Byleth experiencing the "trance hibernation" for themselves during the end of part 1 of the game. Basically, Rhea is going to sleep for a very long time.




    I recommend reading my Post about the Church Route and the Byleth Route to understand what I am referring to when labeling the photos above . I will also reference the part in my Byleth X Rhea post to show facts and evidence to further show how they are bonded by fate and separated to time.

    • Byleth and Rhea Will Always be Fated to Meet.

    Even before the game starts, the event that separated them from each other, perpetrated by Byleth's father, Jeralt is an indication of how they are both separated through time and how they are bonded by fate. After 20 years of being separated Byleth comes back to reunite with Rhea at Garreg Mach. In which Rhea responds with "I wonder... Did the flow of time bring you here". As if Rhea was referring to Byleth as if fate brought Byleth to Rhea. Another indication that Byleth and Rhea are bonded by fate and separated through time is during part 2 in which Byleth and Rhea has been separated again and disappeared and both can't be found by the Knights of Seiros.

    After 5 years Byleth and Rhea are finally reunited again at the capital city of Enbarr of the Adrestain Empire. Also the main goal of part 2 that is not Crimson Flower is to save Rhea. Everything else for Byleth is secondary compared to saving Rhea, which the dialogue that Byleth has as an response in part 2 will support this notion because Byleth and the lords of Azure Moon and Verdant Wind goals are to save Rhea as well. I'll even explain why they are fated as well in Crimson Flower.


    • Even in Crimson Flower.

    Byleth and Rhea are fated to meet, but not as friends, but as foes who will fight to the death. After Byleth and Rhea fought, during the Battle of Garreg Mach. In which Rhea sent Byleth into a coma that lasted for 5 year. Byleth awakes from that coma and finds out that the war is still going on. For the most part the main villain of the Crimson Flower Route is the Church of Seiros which includes Rhea. Which results in Byleth and Rhea finally uniting and meeting as foes which is completely interesting because Crimson Flower is quite a literal contrast to everything to that of Byleth's Route's main goal. Which was which is to save Rhea, but in Crimson Flower Byleth's main goal for this one is to kill Rhea.


    For example instead of saving Rhea in Enbarr the capital city of the Adrestian Empire, Byleth kills Rhea in the capital city Fhirdiad of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus which is geologically on the opposite side of Fodlan. Also, instead of seeing and getting a "Sign of dream"/a deja vu in Silver Snow Byleth ends it in Crimson Flower. Which, ending it, results in Byleth dying as seen in the cutscene when Byleth and Edelgard kills Rhea and only through the grace of Sothis Byleth lives. Even when the sword drops both scenes contrast each other by Byleth standing up and alive when the sword drops in Silver Snow while Byleth is dead on the ground when the sword drops in Crimson Flower. At the same time, when the sword drops Rhea is alive in Silver Snow just as Byleth, but in Crimson Flower Rhea is dead along side with Byleth when Byleth drops the sword. Which only adds to the fact that Byleth and Rhea are bonded by fate.


    Another contrasting difference, bit it small and subtle is that Silver Snow and the other routes that run parallel to SS, during the ending the screen fades to white unlike Crimson Flower where the screen is thrown into darkness.


    (I do understand that my bias on Byleth X Rhea according to my post history can dilute this part of the post, but as we will find out there is another reason why Sothis' ribbons support the fact that Byleth and Rhea's fates are intertwined.) That will be on the next Segment.

    4. Sothis' Adult Form Is Proof Of Rhea's Presents In The Past...

    The ribbon on Sothis' design is also indication of Rhea being present when Sothis presented humanity salvation. As we will see in the photo, we see only the white ribbon not the red one. Which would make sense because Byleth is not born and Byleth's connections to Sothis and Byleth's bonds to Rhea would have not been establish at the time. Another interesting detail that we see if you look closer to Sothis' design as an adult, Sothis does not have the Japanese bondage of kinbaku to show the connection and bonds to Byleth. The only thing we see is the white ribbon on her wrist representing Rhea. Which would make sense and basically answers to how Rhea knows about the past. Basically, Rhea was alive and saw the progression of human and their hostility and aggression as technology grew. Which would make Rhea's accounts holding more merit about Sothis when the Argarthans starting wars with each other and against Sothis. As we saw in this post about Sothis in her adult form.

    My post about Sothis's past.


    Knowing that Rhea was there at the time, it would explain some of the technology banning in the book "Encyclopedia of Fodlan's insects", and knowing Rhea being pretty young compared to her brethrens who are older then her. We can now make the connection that Rhea was there at the time as a child compared to the other Nabateans. Especially, with the white ribbon being proof of that just as I explained and the fact that Rhea is the youngest Nabatean. Also, we can infer the other white robe figures are Nabateans, Sothis' children. Which we can also infer this is when Sothis and the Nabateans gave their knowledge to the humans of Fodlan according to what Rhea said. Meaning that "salvation" "meant giving vast wealth of knowledge to help humanity". Of course, just being speculations, the other White robe figures could be just close followers to Sothis. Who happens to be covered up as well just as Sothis to hide her identity as being the goddess. During the time Rhea was lecturing about ancient Fodlan history according to her.


    As we can see in the "Encyclopedia of Fódlan insects". Knowing what we know. It would make sense that Rhea would restrict and ban certain technology, because Rhea was there. Meaning that Rhea saw the horrors or the problems of advancing technology. This is also why Seteth and Rhea tend to hide what they say and choose their words carefully and speak half truths. For example, "legends says", "It was once told", and "in ancient times" are just Rhea and Seteth lying about the truth, and whenever they talk about the past and don't want to reveal what really happened. Which both, would address it as a myth. Basically, in a way, these are one of the ways to how Rhea and Seteth "protect" Fodlan, by hiding technology and guiding humanity through the church, because they know the horrors and the problems of advance technology if left unchecked. Basically, both knew about the modern world and its problems. Those problems could range from resource wars, info wars, and advance wars, and interestingly enough religious wars. Which a war does happen according to Rhea and the Agarthans. Of course, this does not justify to what Rhea and Seteth are doing. Of course, This part of the post is base on heavy speculations on the "Encyclopedia of Fódlan insects", so I recommend taking it with a grain of salt.




    Also, why I pend Seteth into same category has Rhea for lying or hiding the past, is because Seteth should be equally scrutinized for doing so. Even if it was for a good reason. Especially, when Seteth is the one throwing the books away and hiding some truths with a myth.


    Sothis' design is very interesting and we can miss many aspects of Sothis' design that we see in game. It's also nice to see how certain details even the most minute details can cause different perspective to change or cause to see things differently before. In which, certain questions could be answered by not telling us out right.

    Again, as I said before, even though Rhea's accounts are quite questionable they still hold merit because Rhea was there or if Rhea was not there specifically Rhea was at least there to be part of it, whatever may that be. Wither it be reading about it, getting someones account on it, or just being there at that point of time. Also, Rhea is one of the few who can say or describe the past about Sothis. Knowing what we know now, Rhea's accounts can now be considered factual.

    Now, with my analysis in mind, I was always intrigued about the past of Fodlan. because I felt it was some kind of hint to "Advance Wars" one of I.S.'s IPs.

    So, what do you think?

    Leave a comment below, I would love to know.

    submitted by /u/ColorlessKing0
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    A quick sketch of my boy Felix ����

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    ByMir - A Long Ride Home

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Sara from Thracia 776

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    My first attempt at drawing Tharja, I hope you'll like it.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Kaga predicted the current state of Seliph

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Now you may be asking, what could you possibly mean?

    If you haven't been keeping up Seliph is currently the most under-displayed lord these days unless you count Kris or something

    -Not on FE expo banner

    -No alt in FEH despite his sister and cousin getting one first

    -Only lord not present in "Meet some of the heroes"

    Now you may be asking when would have kaga done this? It's quite obvious, in his greatest work of art released in 1999 in Kaga's epilogue for Leif.

    "Along with Lord Seliph, the rightful heir to the Imperial throne, Leif led the war to liberate Jugdral. After seizing the capital of Belhalla, Leif went on to fight numerous battles throughout the continent. When all was said and done, Leif's fame and renown ultimately surpassed even that of Holy King Seliph. In year 780 of the Grannvale calendar, North and South Thracia were unified into one country. Leif took the throne of this New Kingdom of Thracia, and together with his queen, Nanna, and older sister, Altena, led his motherland into a new era of prosperity. They were beloved by the people of North and South alike. Dedicating their lives to reunifying Thracia, Leif and Altena were hailed as the successors to Dáinn and Njörun. In the annals of Thracian history, the name of King Leif the Wise, the "Sage-Lord," will echo for eternity..."

    Now if you have a history of Judgral's plot you may be asking, wait how on earth did Leif surpass the popularity of the literal new emperor of all of Judgral? It's quite simple, Kaga predicted the future, and he did so accurately.

    Did you notice a trend in all the links I shared up at top showing off Leif's renown relative to Seliph? Leif's name is the one remembered, Kaga, like always has, did it first.

    Also if I see anyone dissing Seliph in the comments of this post I will write an essay on why he's actually my favorite lord and how there's a lot more too him than people give him credit for

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    dondon plays FE12 Maniac Mode 0% growths - chapters 21-23

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Separation of Character Writing and Character Personality

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I always get pretty perplexed seeing debates on this sub on controversial characters like Edelgard, Celica, Arvis, Micaiah, etc. I feel like a majority of people who voice their dislike of a character are usually doing so while viewing the character as a tangible person irl. Likewise, they're usually met with defense of said characters, albeit through a storytelling and narrative lens. For example, Person A will say why they dislike Edelgard due to XYZ, but Person B will say how XYZ makes Edelgard a complex or flawed character, therefore being good storytelling. I believe this disconnect of analytical planes is what leads to so many flamewars between debaters on the sub. "Complex" or "purposely flawed" would never be acceptable excuses for one's questionable behavior in real life, and I feel like that's where a lot of people are coming from when they dismiss the potentially good writing of these controversial characters. Conversely, "unlikable" or "insufferable personality" are irrelevant in terms of game narrative discussions, which is where the people who defend the characters are coming from.

    "But that's the thing though! You're not supposed to like [x] character." Yeah, I know. Hence why I don't like them lol

    Just to throw an example out there, I personally think Micaiah as a person is annoying as hell, especially in Part 3 where she makes a handful of questionable decisions and cannot accept any form of objective criticism from Sothe. At the same time, I appreciate her place in the narrative because we're actually able to see what happens when a lord character makes a selfish decision (ie. ordering a retreat when Tibarn has Sothe dangling over a cliff despite assured victory being in their hands if they sacrificed Sothe and continued to snipe Sanaki and her pegasus guards) and has to deal with the repercussions of said decisions (Ike's army invading in Chapter 3-13). Would I want to be her friend in real life? Probably not. However, as a fictional character, she ranks among the more interesting protagonists of the series, and that much is undeniable. She's one of the few lords who don't learn from their mistakes up until the very climax of the game when everyone's a stone statue, and she learns that Ike's actually a pretty cool guy.

    Does anyone else feel this way regarding character analyses? I honestly think this lack of clarity regarding which type of analysis/ranting is being presented is the cause of much of the disconnect in the debates on this sub.

    submitted by /u/rtmkngz
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    Path of Radiance Custom Switch Theme

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

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