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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Fire Emblem My painting of Manuela

    Fire Emblem My painting of Manuela

    My painting of Manuela

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    [OC fan art] Edie in Aerith's fancy dress

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    timeskip dorothea fanart

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Hardworking Annette is best Annette!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    E-enough! Brother... you are starting to anger me! (FE8)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    (OC fanart) Flayn with fish

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    My First Attempt at drawing Lucina

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Nemesis, just a normal guy.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:40 PM PDT


    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I have decided to post this art here as I wondered what you people would have to say. I would love any constructive criticism because I want to draw more of her.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Finnaly got Radiant Dawn to celebrate 30 years! I think my (English) collection is complete?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    I haven't seen any discussion on this so here: My Ignatz's support tier list. Explanation in the comments

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Leon - Why "One-Note" Doesn't Necessarily Equal Bad Writing

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Leon, Celica's army's premier archer. What's the first thing that you think of when you think of Leon's character? Is it that he's gay for Valbar? Most likely, since that's the root of most of his topics of conversation. In spite of this shallow pool of conversation topics, I feel that Leon is an incredibly well-written character, especially considering how few lines he actually has to work with.

    At a surface level, Leon appears to be shallow. Concerned with appearance more than people. His first base conversation is pretty much complaining about the havoc the travel is wreaking on his appearance. He also complains about this in his second base conversation and shows his sarcastic side, which is most of his side honestly. Leon's a very sarcastic person and can come across as rude because of this.

    I know him FAR better than you! Gods, it really throws me when you're so rational and correct…

    My my, that was some praise… I thought I'd give at least 50 percent… but now you get all of it!

    Kamui: Tell me something, Leon.
    Leon: Something.

    At this point, I think it's best to take a look at Leon's backstory. In his final base conversation, he talks about a man he had fallen for deeply. That man was the reason he joined the army, but he died in their first battle. Valbar's kindness and compassion saved him from drowning in his own sorrow and despair. So what does Leon value in a man? Well, he explicitly answers that question in his support with Kamui:

    he should be kind, strong, and mature… while maintaining a boyish innocence. He also needs to listen, but be ready to tell the hard truths when necessary.

    He knows exactly the type of person he likes. And though this isn't explicitly talked about, this description matches Celica pretty spot on, if you replace 'boyish innocence' with 'girlish innocence' that is. It gives Leon a believable reason to follow Celica even if Valbar is gone. He doesn't like her romantically obviously, but he respects those qualities in a person regardless.

    Leon actually has a very caring heart, and has an incredibly optimistic view of the nature of people and the world, as seen in the final words of his third base conversation.

    It's hardly my fault that the world is full of wonderful, lovable people. Such a thing really motivates one to get out there and save it.

    This is a personal interpretation, but I feel that Leon's sarcastic attitude could be a defence mechanism of sorts. He feels such strong love in his heart for people, that he gets hurt badly when he loses them. So to hide those feelings, not just from others, but himself, he constantly makes quips and insincere remarks.

    By the end of his support with Valbar, he grows. He gains a better understanding of his emotions and how to deal with them.

    Just realizing I've been a fool for feeling sorry for myself. Compared to what you've gone through, my worries are nothing.

    One of my favourite quotes in the series also stems from this moment of emotional growth.

    Emotions come in many forms, and as you say, there's no point in hanging on. I'm still glad I have these feelings, and nothing will change that.

    He feels more comfortable with his feelings and understands that having those feelings is a positive thing, not something to hide. This growth is reflected in his epilogue as well.

    he lived free, happy, and dauntlessly true to himself to the last.

    So, despite the fact that almost every line Leon utters is related to Valbar in some way, shape, or form, he manages to be emotionally complex and show growth. I feel it's easy to write-off a character for being focused on a particular topic, but in reality, if done properly, this doesn't have to mean the character isn't complex and doesn't provide value to the story. I know Awakening in Fates, in particular, are often criticized for their one-note characters, and certainly, there are some characters that are one-note and don't have the same value somebody like Leon does. But there are some characters like that which are a bit more complex than they may seem at first glance. I also feel some characters in those games are mislabeled as one-note when they really aren't, and that overall those games don't have many more one-note characters than any other given game in the series does, but that's a topic for another day.

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    ByMir - Taking a Walk

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Lucina and lil Marth fan art!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    RESULTS - Favorite Lords Demographic Survey

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    You might have seen the survey I posted a couple days ago, which was a casual effort to see if there might be any correlation between large-scale demographic groups and lord preferences.

    I should begin by noting that this was out of personal interest, and the results are no means academic or indicative of trends for the fanbase as a whole. I'd also like to say that including Rhea as a lord was clearly a mistake, since she was the least favorite for the majority of voters. My reasoning was that she was an ideological foil to Edelgard, but players aren't given enough time to bond with her for her to be on the same level as our beloved Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard.

    That said, here is a link to a summary of the overall results. This should allow you to also read people's written responses, which were thought-provoking and heartfelt in many cases.

    Here is a link to the Google Sheets version of the raw data. I have highlighted my own answers for the sake of transparency (I am not an objective third party, but FWIW I didn't intend to use this survey to gauge an overall favorite lord).

    Finally, here is a Dropbox link that has my Excel file with pivot tables (refer to tab names), as well as .docx and PDF versions of comparison charts.

    In the charts, the percentage values on the far right represent percent change in proportional support, e.g. if votes for Dimitri as favorite lord dropped from 40% overall to 20% in a sub-population, it would show -50% when filtered for that sub-population.

    Here are some general trends I saw in the filtered views, as illustrated by the Word/PDF:

    -Male players were slightly more likely than the overall sample to list Edelgard and Rhea as their favorite. They were less likely to list Dimitri as least favorite and more likely to list Claude as least favorite.

    -Female players were more likely than the overall pop. to list Dimitri as their favorite, but also as their least favorite.

    -Atheist/agnostic players were more likely to favor Claude (and slightly more likely to favor Edelgard), less likely to favor Dimitri and Rhea, less likely to list Claude as least favorite, and more likely to list Dimitri as least favorite

    -Religious players were less likely to list Claude and Edelgard as favorites and more likely to list Dimitri as favorite

    -Players who were raised religious and abandoned their religion were more likely to favor Edelgard and Claude; they were substantially less likely to list Dimitri as their favorite. Least favorite proportions rose for Dimitri and dropped for Edelgard.

    -LGB players were more likely to list Edelgard and Rhea as favorites and Claude/Dimitri as least favorites

    -Left-aligned players were more likely to list Claude and Edelgard as favorite and more likely to list Dimitri as least favorite

    -Right-aligned players were more likely to list Dimitri as favorite, less likely to list Claude as favorite, and more likely to list Claude and Edelgard as least favorite

    -POC players were more likely to list Claude and Dimitri as favorite and less likely to list Edelgard and Rhea as favorite. They were more likely to list Edelgard as least favorite.

    Speaking more broadly, Edelgard (unsurprisingly) seems to be the most polarizing character. She received the highest proportion of favorite votes, but also the highest proportion of least favorite votes after Rhea.

    I'd be interested to hear what you all make of these results. I realize that people don't necessarily favor lords on account of political/personal ideologies lining up. If people want more information, I'd be happy to make a new survey with your input on meaningful questions.

    submitted by /u/cruxclaire
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    [OC] Lucina Fire Emblem

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    [Ch. 2] Jeralt's only comment about Leonie

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    "Welcome back Khalid. Care to explain what you've been doing in Fodlan of all places?"

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Kaden is cool, so I wanted to draw him. (This is my second drawing, so any constructive criticism is welcome.)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Create Your Own Fire Emblem Class Game

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Lyn is ready to join her buddies once I get more magnets.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    r/fireemblem made a Three Houses Tier List

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Last round resulted in Hanneman in C tier, VW!Hilda in B tier, OOH!Annette in B tier and AM!Ingrid in C tier.

    And with that, the list is complete! I linked every unit's round, and gave them each some brief descriptions on what they can do and how they're best used. If you want to see more in-depth stuff on each unit, just head to their round to look at all the discussion that was had.

    Here's a png of the tier list.

    Fantastic Performance: S Rank

    Almost always very useful, with few to no flaws. They either provide a valuable niche or perform what they do the best. These units have exceptional qualities that can't be made up for by others.

    • F!Byleth/M!Byleth: Perfect availability, coolio stats, perfect hair and everyone loves them. What if we made Ogma a main character.

    • CF!Edelgard: Haha, player phase machine goes brrrrrrr

    • Dimitri: Haha, enemy phase machine goes brrrrrr

    • Claude: He might not be as op as the other lords, but at least his VA is cool and has perfect availability and good stats and stuff.

    • Lysithea: Haha, warp machine goes brrrrr

    Great Performance: A Rank

    Useful most of the time, with minor detriments that keep them from pushing the limits. They either fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.

    • Ferdinand: DAE swift strikes

    • Sylvain: DAE horndog swift strikes

    • Leonie: Point blank volley is dank

    • AM!Annette: Rally to reach the heavens

    • Linhardt: Warp machine 2.2, eletric boogaloo

    • BE!Petra: fast girl goes fast and hits stuff hard

    • OOH!Ingrid: lol enemy peg growths are stupid

    • AM!Felix: the edge powers his greatness

    • Seteth: boomer powers activate

    • AM/VW!Catherine: with the power of god and anime on my side

    • AM/VW!Cyril: point blank volley and wyvern lord is dank

    • Shamir: hunters volley is stupid

    • Jeritza: hey if we didn't make the dlc unit op then why would anyone use them. Rip anna

    Good Performance: B Rank

    Useful at times, with detriments that hold them back. While these units perform well, they fail to stand out from their peers, and are less centralizing than the units in S and A Rank.

    AOK Performance: C Rank

    Can be put to good use, but definitely have detriments that will need to be addressed. These units can perform well for a while, but either fall off or need more attention than units in the higher tiers to continue performing, or lack worthwhile unique qualities.

    • SS!Hubert: tmw magic chip for half the game is still decent

    • SS!Hilda: good combat stats

    • BE!Dorothea: magic chip and healing

    • OOH!Ignatz: bootleg rally but now with later availability

    • Mercedes: 2nd best healer, rip no physic for chapter 2

    • OOH!Marianne: still the best healer, even if OOH

    • VW!Lorenz: uhhhh tempest lance and magic chip? if only we valued paralouge items

    • VW!Raphael: bulky strong boi with rally str but at home

    • AM/VW/SS!Flayn: rescue and seteth adjudant powers activate

    • SS!Catherine: jeigan but in reverse, or would that just be an oifey

    • SS!Cyril: point blank volley wyvern but later

    • Gilbert: the knighest knight that knights so much that Barth would be proud

    • Hanneman: low speed doesnt matter when no mage can double

    * AM!Ingrid: "at least I can bot better units"

    Iffy Performance: D Rank

    Not useful to field, and have liabilities that other units in the higher tiers do not. These units may be useable short term, but have glaring weaknesses that require more resources/attention to fix in order for them to see long-term usability.

    At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list, and are instead explicitly meant to be avoided.

    Lame Performance: E Rank

    Any usefulness these units may offer is outweighed by their problems. They do not offer anything in the short term, and cannot match the performance of other units without an inordinate amount of investment.

    • OOH!Lorenz: shitty magic chip, if only we valued paralouge items

    • BE!Caspar: lol 0 AS

    • CF!Flayn: "Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I've lost… the comrades I've lost… won't stop hurting… It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you?"

    Miscellaneous links:

    Also credit to /u/SubwayBossEmmett for help regarding the unit descriptions.

    Thanks for participating. Regardless of placings, all the discussion was very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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