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    Friday, March 19, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of March 19th, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of March 19th, 2021

    Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of March 19th, 2021

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Welcome to the next installment of EPFE! This is a casual space for discussing any ongoing Fire Emblem (or related games) playthroughs. Screenshots, impressions, frustrations... gameplay stuff that would otherwise be removed as a standalone post under Rule 8 can be shared here.

    While you can of course ask for advice here, specific questions might get better responses in the General Question Thread here.

    As always, remember to tag your spoilers, and have fun!

    Last week's thread can be found here.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Yuri as [The Hanged Man] for my fe3h tarot!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Happy birthday Elise! (Art by @Kazuko_Art on Twitter)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    My Fan Art of Leonie Pinelli with Watercolor [OC]

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Ashe and Petra <3 [Commission made by magdraws]

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    Finished Fire Emblem: Three Houses! What an emotional and wild ride. I am happy to have played this game.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Hey made this Lissa wallpaper and wanted to share it with you guys :)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    Vintage Oboro (Commission)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    My sister draws me morgan again. :)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    I drew this fanart when pyra came out in smash, I hope It's okay to share here

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Cordelia from awakening

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    Yet another Three Houses take: The nature of killing at Garreg Mach

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Lately I've been having some conversations on here, and reading a few more. I'd like to make an official statement of opinion on a matter I've seen come up a few times, and ask for opinions and reasoning from others with an interest in the topic.

    The topic in question? The notion that the Church of Seiros "uses child soldiers" or "promotes making children kill".

    Now before I go any further, I want to note that I am not necessarily glorifying this. The point I intend to make is simply that the Church of Seiros is not actively pushing children into battle as a unique trait of the organization. I don't intend to make this a debate about child soldiers, but rather about the in-universe implications of having Garreg Mach's students fight.

    That being said, I hear this repeated often in the Three Houses fandom and it kind of disgusts me. Right off the bat, because it sets aside all the times throughout the franchise where characters younger than 18 participated in a war. At the very least, part 2 of FE4 had plenty of these cases.

    More than that, however, let's look at several points:

    Garreg Mach is an officer's academy. It's not a high school. It's not a place where kids come to learn their ABC's and make friends. This is essentially a university of war. It exists to teach Fodlan's future leaders how to fight and command armies. Part of that includes hands-on training doing what they'll be doing a lot of as lords, ladies, and knights: Dispatching bandits and thieves.

    The age of adulthood was not always 18, even in our world. In fact, even in America, this wasn't decided for around a hundred years. In the medieval era, 15 to 16 was pretty generally considered the age of majority in most European cultures... The kind of which Fodlan is modeled after. Monarchs were known to rule autonomously as young as 16. Rome, who was known for her generals, started its cursus honorum with the role of military tribune (essentially a commander's post) at the age of 20. Surely they were not in the habit of placing unblooded men into military leadership roles.

    Alexander the Great's tutoring stopped at age 16, and he was beginning world conquest by 20. Alfonso XIII of Spain was crowned upon his birth, but his regency didn't end until... you guessed it, age 16. Galusha Pennypacker (not even joking) joined the Union army during the US Civil War at the age of 16, and was a major by 19. Joan of Arc was 17 when she led French soldiers into battle. Oh, and let's not forget that Queen Elizabeth II also took the throne at 16. (Nevermind, I had my facts confused on this point.)

    How old are Garreg Mach's students? Well, the very youngest are Lysithea and Petra at 15. Lysithea, we know, is trying to make up for her short lifespan and is likely getting an early start. Petra may be here a bit early for a number of reasons. Perhaps it's cultural, or perhaps it has to do with the timing of events in Brigid. Either way, 15 is still permissible on the low end of "adulthood" in medieval European societies. Most students are 16-18.

    Many of the characters have prior military experience. At the very least, Felix and Dimitri were involved in putting down a rebellion before coming to Garreg Mach. Many more have been in training to be knights and commanders. Garreg Mach is just a finishing school for these already prepared warriors. Indeed, everyone seems to know what they're getting into when they come here. These quotes drive that home. Those who regret their first kill of the game nonetheless understand the ramifications of not fighting.

    Dimitri states that it "never gets easier", showing he's already done this before. Some characters have never killed before, sure, and it comes through in their lines. But many of them have either already killed, or have been preparing for a life of conflict since their actual childhood, and that also comes through. In other words, this is not something exclusive to the Church of Seiros.

    In summary... For these reasons, I get kind of annoyed when I see comments about how the church "makes children kill" or otherwise exposes kids to danger as a matter of doctrine. I know the fight against the Western Church is often raised, but the fact is, very few characters were stressing over the violence of that situation. The weight of that scene was rooted in the realization that doing one's duty and doing what's right are sometimes going to be mutually exclusive. I have a hard time believing the majority of these characters were mindless of death and violence prior to attending Garreg Mach.

    submitted by /u/CtrlAltGtfo
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    Spring Elise!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    Corn in her favorite sweater!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    [OC] Lucina fanart

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    Nah and Myrhh are here for a New Banner! Working to bring easter! Happy Easter! Enjoy it! @rodlanghi and instagram rod_langhi

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Claude von Riegan fanart by Rolleta (Me)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    Is the story of fates conquest really THAT bad?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    I just got fates conquest as a gift and from what I've heard the story is garbage. Is it really though? Does it have heart breaking moments? Clever twists? From what I've played so far I can tell it's going to be sad since all the hoshido are so happy to see corrin but I know he has to betray them to go back to the nohr family since I've got conquest. That's got to be a really sad moment right? And I'm probably gonna have to kill them all throughout the story

    submitted by /u/REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE110
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    SoV Hair Tier List Resub Round: Tobin, Python, Mathilda and Luthier

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Resub Round: Tobin, Python, Mathilda and Luthier

    This round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations on why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds, providing full analyses for FE15 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Preliminary round

    From yesterday's round it has been decided that we will be retiering Tobi, Python, Mathilda and Luthier


    Tiers being used:

    Fantastic hair: S Just really great hair. Either looks good or pulls off a unique look very well.

    Includes: Genny, Sonya, Nomah, Mycen, Mila, Duma

    Great hair: A Above average hair but falls below the juggernauts of Fantastic hair. Can be a unique design that falls on one or two merits.

    Includes: Celica, Faye, Silque, Boey, Clair, Saber, Leon, Jesse, Catria, Rinea, Fernand

    Good hair: B Slighty above average hair. Either a style that works or a unique style that has a few notable merits.

    Includes: Lukas, Mae, Kamui, Delthea, Atlas, Palla, Est, Tatiana, Zeke, Rudolf

    Average hair: C Average hair. Either very average hair or a unique style that doesn't really add or detract.

    Includes: Alm, Kliff, Gray, Clive, Deen, Conrad

    Bad hair: D Poorly done hair or a unique style that falls flat.

    Includes: Forsyth, Berkut

    Valbar tier: F This tier is for Valbar and units that somehow have hair of equally awful quality

    Includes: Valbar, Jedah


    Previous Round:

    submitted by /u/Kind_Cauliflower160
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    Mark Theory: Bern Tactician

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Mark is pretty much the "blank slate" of the Avatar characters, even their exact dialogue is only implied so they're largely up to the players interpretation quite a lot, when Eliwood does his "My friends are here with me!" speech during Victory or Death, Mark for all the player knows either agrees with it in true anime character fashion....or is rolling their eyes at the corny speech, their exact personality is essentially up to the player.

    That said, there are a few hints of Mark potentially having a secret from the rest of the group.

    During the ending cutscene of Chapter 22/22X, Eliwood talks to Mark:

    "Hello, Mark. So you're still awake. Mark, do you know Bern well? No, nor do I… Nothing more than I've heard at the court. I'm sure that, with all of your travels, you know more than I. By the way, Mark, where were you born? Before you met Lyndis in Sacae, where were you? If it's difficult to speak about, you needn't worry. It's just that we've been together for so long, and I really know almost nothing about you. If you don't mind, won't you tell me about yourself? I would like to learn more about you and your life."

    While this intentionally cuts off so that it's actually still up to the player about Mark, there is something important here.

    "Do you know Bern well? No, Nor do I..."

    Mark clearly here states they do not know Bern well.

    Yet in chapter 24, while you're fighting outside of the Bern Royal Palace, you can talk to a villager, which results in this conversation:

    Woman:"Do you know anyone named Mark? You see, I once helped out a weary traveler… who just so happened to be a brilliant tactician! Cared for the soldiers… Won battle after battle with no casualties… Ah, I wonder if we'll meet again…"

    So this Woman, in the Royal Palace of Bern (Therefore probably deep in Bern Territory if the Map screen before the chapter is anything to by.), knows Mark.

    So one of the 3 happened:

    A: This Woman originally lived not in Bern but moved.

    B: Mark wasn't aware somehow they were actually in Bern when this happened. (such as being foreign to Elibe or just being really, really lost.)

    C: Mark is from Bern but wants to hide it.

    Mark is a tactician and according to Hector, very young for a Tactician, which at least to me indicates probably having actual proper training to be one, Bern happens to be the largest military force in Elibe and greatly revered for it, so it'd probably make sense if Mark someway ended up being a Tactician in Training in Bern but later ran off/deserted for some reason and if combat was a secondary thing in their training, it would explain their seeming inability to fight as them having fled before receiving any serious training in direct combat. (Especially since Bern's large numbers maybe means anyone in charge of the "thinking" might not have as much emphasis on combat training as they'd possibly have a personal guard of some kind.)

    Deserting from Bern isn't exactly an action that seems unreasonable, Heath/Vaida ended up being declared traitors due to a general drumming up a false rebellion so he could advance his military career and due to trying to stop other Bern Units attacking the peasants who were unarmed they were declared traitors.

    In addition, a few years later, Rutger's family would be massacred by Bern forces, with him only spared due to looking like he was from Bern, while it's unknown if such an act would be done by FE7-era Bern, it's not impossible as far as I'm aware.

    A young Tactician possibly deciding to become a deserter and flee his home country due to getting involved in some Bern military crimes (either to avoid performing the act or afterwards to avoid having to commit further ones.) doesn't seem impossible to me. (Which could also explain why Mark lied to Eliwood due to some mix of shame/guilt and trying to hide their identity, especially if they took part in some fashion, if it turned out Mark say, ordered the poisoning the drinking water of an enemy group before commanding a charge while they were all sick a day afterwards, Lyn would definitely not take that well and Eliwood/Hector would probably have a negative reaction too.)

    You could probably also argue this would be part of Mark's somewhat altruistic behavior with helping Lyn/Eliwood, as part of a sense of guilt for actions they performed as part of Bern's military. (or if you want to be more cynical, to essentially have them as an armed guard while they happened to be travelling in the same direction due to their own inability to fight/just for a potential reward of some money since it's probably hard to make money as a traveler if your only skill is Military Tactics.)

    As for why Heath/Vaida do not recognize them, Bern has a large military so it's not exactly impossible for them to not know Mark. (Indeed, Mark probably doesn't know them either.)

    This would also partly explain why they're so eager to vanish once the fighting's over, Lyn, Hector and Eliwood are all royals, which means they'd probably at some points interact with Bern diplomats/other higher up types on some occasion, all it'd take is for one of them in some way to identify Mark and now the ruse is up and a deserter (who potentially committed atrocities while part of them) Bern Tactician in the employment of Sacae/Pherae would probably not go down well, if Mark's guilty of any Bern massacres/other morally dubious actions, Lyn/Eliwood/Hector would probably not take it well and Bern would probably take action in some fashion, hence why staying on the move and low on the social ladder as a random traveler would be a better way to stay incognito and avoid trouble as soon as there is no big threat that needs dealt with.

    As for where they are in FE6, well, it's not exactly impossible for them to be one of the dead FE7 characters (Either hunted down by Bern or say, dying with Lyn and several other FE7 characters trying to lead a defense of Sacae during it's initial invasion by Bern.) or potentially having decided that taking part in a war against such a large military force is suicidal, tried to re-join Bern or simply is hiding out in some village somewhere/a boat sailing away from Elibe waiting for the war to blow over.

    TLDR: Mark lies to Eliwood about being from Bern and possibly is a Bern Defector/Deserter due to Bern's not exactly morally good military history.

    submitted by /u/Samz707
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    Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem | Catria Solo Run | Episode 3

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    SoV Redux Tier List Resubs Round: Alm, Atlas, Mathilda and Villager Soldier

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Resubs Round: Alm, Atlas, Mathilda and Villager Soldier

    This round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give Clear Explanations why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues then the unit will stay in the tier they were originally in. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds.

    Preliminary Round

    From yesterday's round it has been decided that we will be retiering Alm, Atlas, Mathilda and Villager Soldier

    Link to Alm's previous round

    Link to Atlas's previous round

    Link to Mathilda's previous round

    Link to Villager Soldier's previous round


    Class: Fighter (Swords-Bows on promo)

    Joins: Beginning of Act 1 (Alm route only)

    Base Stats

    1 28 10 7 6 7 5 4 5

    Growth Rates

    60 50 55 45 35 50 3



    Has two personal weapons:

    • Royal Sword: 6 Mt, 90 hit, 10 crit, 1 weight when unforged, 10 Mt, 100 hit, 15 crit, 1 weight, when maxed out. Requires 200 silver and 3 gold to forge to max. Skills are Recovery, Subdue, Double Lion, and Scendscale. Acquired in Desaix's Fortress.

    • Falchion: 10 Mt, 80 hit, 0 crit, 1 weight when unforged. 12 Mt, 100 hit, 0 crit, 1 weight when forged. Skills are Anti-Terrors, Recovery, and Scendscale. Requires 2 gold to forge to max. Acquired right before endgame.


    Class: Villager (Swords or Bows or Lances or Black Magic and White Magic depending on promo)

    Joins: After 3-1 in Mountain Village (Celica route only)

    Base Stats

    10 30 14 3 3 4 5 4 4

    Growth Rates

    45 50 30 25 25 25 0

    Spell List

    Fire Sagittae Recover Rescue
    Base Level 9 Sage Level 1 Sage Level 4



    Class: Paladin (Lances)

    Joins: Inside Desaix's Fortress after 3-4 (Alm route only)

    Base Stats

    1 26 12 14 12 13 7 10 8

    Growth Rates

    40 50 45 55 45 40 4


    Villager Soldier Base Stats

    Villager Soldier Growths Rates, added to Base Growth Rates

    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S

    Almost always very useful, with very few to no flaws. They may also provide a valuable niche, or just perform what they do the best.

    Includes Villager Mercenary, Silque, Genny, Leon

    Great Performance: A

    Very useful alotta the time, with a couple minor detriments that don't really hold them back. They may fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.

    Includes Mage Tobin, Mage Faye, Villager Archer, Cleric Faye, Clive, Python, Mae, Boey, Saber, Palla, Catria

    Good Performance: B

    Pretty useful, with some minor detriments that hold them back somewhat. They may fill a niche, but someone might do it better, and they can perform well if given the opportunity.

    Includes Celica, Kamui

    AOK Performance: C

    Can be useful, with detriments that hold them back. They might fill a niche, even if its not useful, and they can perform decently if given the investment.

    Includes Lukas, Mage Gray, Mage Kliff, Clair, Luthier, Delthea, Est, Deen

    Iffy Performance: D

    Not all that useful, with possible major detriments holding them back. They do not fill any required niches and take more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly.

    Includes Villager Cavalier, Pegasus Knight Faye, Forsyth, Tatiana, Zeke, Valbar, Conrad

    At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list.

    Lame Performance: E

    Straight up bad, no way around it. There are very few places where they are actually useful, and they are actively difficult units to use effectively.

    Includes Mage Atlas, Mycen, Jesse, Sonya, Nomah

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    0% growths are fun, but it's not easy to balance the whole game around them

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    So, every so often you can see a thread pop up on this subreddit asking people if they would like to play an FE game without growths. While I have had fun with 0% growths in the GBA, Jugdral and Tellius games, the games obviously weren't balanced around them and I also think that balancing a game around them is a lot more difficult than it seems.

    The reason why I see a lot of these types of opinions is because of things like the FE12 Prologue, FE12 Chronicle chapters and somewhat 3H's Cindered Shadows. All of these chapters had the advantage of having limited resources which allowed the devs to know what the player has access in a certain chapter, which allowed them to essentially structure the chapters like a puzzle game, but with multiple correct answers. So, logically allowing structuring the whole game around 0% growths would allow the devs to always know how strong the player's army is and how to properly design enemies, so they can challenge the player without being too hard. However, it's a bit more complicated.


    This is the most obvious problem. Jagens NEED to be stronger than the rest of the starting army in order to be considered a Jagen. However, in a 0 growths setting they will essentially be better than your starting army forever or for a long period of time. Of course this is true for most FE games anyway, but we should strive to be more balanced. There are ways to remedy this: make Jagens only a bit stronger, with higher weapon ranks and not necessarely prepromoted. These ideas could potentially stop Jagens from being to overwhelming in the earlygame


    Promotions need to be huge. They would need to give you a notable advantage, so you'd train up your unpromoted units that can't get stats through levels. The Gaiden/SoV route where promoting lets you reach the base stats of the promoted class could work well. There should also be some kind of reward for simply not promoting at level 10, like a valuable skill or a much higher weapon rank.


    These are probably the most annoying part. You need to have prepromotes as the game progresses to showcase the rising stakes and growth of the army, but prepromotes have a lot of advantages like: higher weapon ranks, access to igher movement at base, not needing to use a promotion item, etc. These strengths are even more apparent on 0% growths where they're very valuable. Prepromotes being better than unpromoted units isn't necessarely something that needs changing, but it could lead to the game feeling limiting by making you constantly shift units. There are potential solutions: make their bases much lower than the class bases, stop them from getting access to skills or reclassing, make supports very valuable so their lack of supports will be their bane, etc. These solutions could create problems too, but there isn't a solution that solves all issues.

    Not being too obvious or restrictive

    This is the main one I waned to talk about. When designing a puzzle game with multiple answers you want the answers to not be too obvious, but also the path to those answers not to be too restrictive. We can see that in FE12 Prologue chapters. There are clear paths the devs took, but it's still possible to find your own answers to those chapters. However, desining a whole game around this concept is far harder. Even FE12 isn't nearely as restricting after the prologue as it can't account for the many resources the player gets access to. Wy don't we just add harsh restrictions? Well, it's because of FE12 as well. In FE12 an unorthodox startegy is to reclass Linde or Katarina into swordmaster and give them a forged levin sword. This is particularly good on some of the later chapters as most enemies lack good resistance and the high speed of swordmasters allows them to one round enemies consistently which is fairly rare. Now, imagine if we didn't allow for something like this. We would miss out on creative solutions the devs likely never intended. You don't want the game to be too open so we don't have a 3H problem, but the game also shouldn't be too restrictive to allow for player expression in multiple ways which is the hardest part of balancing.


    0% growths runs are very fun and I hope they become an optional mode in the next FE game (unlikely, but let me hope) nad I understand why a lot of people suggest the games be built around it. However, 0% growths also come with their own problems and restrictions that need to be accounted for to make an interestign and enjoyable game. If you have your own ideas on how to make a 0% growthhs FE game feel free to share said ideas in the commentts below and as always thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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