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    Thursday, March 18, 2021

    Fire Emblem Darth Marth [commission drawn by @voyager_bihai on Twitter]

    Fire Emblem Darth Marth [commission drawn by @voyager_bihai on Twitter]

    Darth Marth [commission drawn by @voyager_bihai on Twitter]

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Byleth x Shamir except its FE GBA Styled pixel artwork!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Dorothea in her dancer outfit (lillica) [fire emblem 3 houses] commisiond by me

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem has a downfall timeline, and its been under our noses for a long time.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    No seriously, it does. Full spoilers within for FE3/12 and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.

    TMS#FE was a game many people wrote off as being a silly spinoff with a bunch of cute little references and some weird modern idol based content. Its a good RPG at its heart. But, the game hides something deeper. TMS takes place on the timeline where Marth fails, where he fails to obtain the orbs in FE3/12, and does not go on to kill Gharnef and slay Medeus.

    New Mystery's Bad End

    To give a quick recap, in FE3/12 Marth is tasked with collecting 5 orbs to reassemble the Fire Emblem. After chapter 20, 4 clerics appear, who had been captured by Gharnef offscreen before the game began. If Marth has the full Fire Emblem, its revealed that they are impersonators, and Gharnef was trying to trick Marth into thinking that the war was over and the clerics were safe. Thus, the last four maps play out and Marth stops Medeus's resurrection, killing Gharnef along the way. However, if Marth is missing any of the orbs, a different scene plays out. The fake clerics simply declare they defeated Gharnef, and the game just ends. The ending scrolls by, declaring this;

    Thus, the long, fierce battle that would later be called the 'War of Heroes' came to an end, for now.

    And furthermore, Marth's and Kris's endings are different in the bad ending.

    Marth ascended as the fifth king of Altea. He worked tirelessly to reconstruct the ruined land, but soon had to fight another war against the revived shadow dragon...

    Not much is written about Kris in the pages of history. However there are whispers of a knight who gave their life to save Marth or whom served him to the bitter end...

    Notably, Marth's other ending never references a war, and Kris's true ending never mentions sacrificing their life. Clearly without the full Fire Emblem, Medeus's revival went well, and a long drawn out war began, resulting in at minimum the death of one of the strongest knights in the world.

    Tokyo Mirage Sessions

    As I mentioned earlier, the game is full of cute references, from small dialogue bits, to Anna as a shopkeeper. Every mirage in the game is based on a Fire Emblem character from either New Mystery, or Fire Emblem Awakening, which is set 2,000 years in the future of the same continent. Conveniently, every mirage seems to have amnesia, so we never get much detail about their past lives. They still retain aspects of themselves, from Virion's noble speech patterns to Cervantes's mustache obsession. However, in Chapter 5, this all changes. Tiki obtains a shard of a Dragonstone and recovers some of her memories. During this, she recalls the events that led to the mirages inhabiting the idolasphere. While this occurs, an image scrolls by in the background showing the events as well.

    Long ago, he (Gharnef) invaded our homeland and summoned the Shadow Dragon there. A war had been raging for a long time, so everyone changed into forms that let them fight with all their power. That was the world we lived in... We really believed that if we all banded together, we could defeat him. To stop Gharnef, so many people came together and joined us. We all joined together! There were so many of us, and we believed in each other, and we fought and fought...But we...we couldn't...After that...I was sent to the idolasphere-the domain that lies between your world and ours.

    Notably, in the two images provided from the scroll, you can see that while still in their old world they began to transition from their old forms to the TMS styled looks, especially noticeable on the rocket Pegasus compared to the regular one. Medeus's design here is clearly inspired by his looks in New Mystery. The very implication here is that after the bad end of New Mystery, the heroes were caught off guard by Medeus's attack, and without the completed emblem didn't have the power to stand up to him. Even advances in technology kept them from being able to stop him.

    To further this connection, Tiki sends you to the "Area of Memories", A dungeon designed to evoke the style of medieval, Fire Emblem era architecture. Within, the protagonists fight the souls of past heroes, which are a bunch of characters from Archanea, such as Linde, Ogma, and Palla. During this, you get small lore tidbits, which explain Gharnef's backstory, and the hero Marth who rose to fight him. Marth's legend is of sealing Gharnef, not destroying him, as they do in Shadow Dragon. These small bits are designed to tell the story of Shadow Dragon that made these people heroes, despite the second war they'd later get involved in.

    Gharnef later arrives when the heroes move to obtain the soul of Marth, and when he does, has this exchange with the protagonist, Itsuki.

    ." Heh heh heh... Well, if you would assign a motive to my schemes, that will do. Envy and jealousy drove me mad, and I despise the world of mankind... But all that is long since past. ...The Divine Dragon is why I was forced to perform the opera in your world. If you would blame anyone, blame Naga. . . Naga rid our world of Performa---of all arts of performance. All to ensure that Medeus would never again be resurrected. Thus, the Opera of Shadows... failed. Vexatious little godling. I even had deigned to banish Tiki to this world to ensure the Opera's success. . . Yes, this world is ripe, glutted with Performa... I thought to have Chrom and the rest of the Mirages harvest Performa as my vanguard... after I took their memory.

    In this, Gharnef indicates that he wanted to destroy the world, and that Naga was forced to interfere when humanity failed to stop Medeus's second revival. She removed Performa (TMS's cryptic energy within all beings, presented as an aptitude for performing arts), and sealed Medeus away. Gharnef responded by banishing Tiki to the Idolasphere, the world between modern day Earth and Fire Emblem's universe, but still failed to perform the resurrection again in Archanea. To carry it out, he used his magic to brainwash the Fire Emblem Heroes and wipe their memories, and was forced to revive Medeus in the Idolasphere instead, as seen within TMS's story.

    Gharnef, Medeus, and Tiki

    These three are the biggest reason to connect these two stories. Gharnef's motivations and backstory are perfectly matched with his motivations within the Archanea games, and his TMS design actually still manages to reference his appearance in New Mystery. Gharnef loses his physical body within Shadow Dragon, and is forced to live in more of a spirit form during FE12, appearing red and semi-transparent. Within TMS, he lacks that same body, and instead uses a hologram to project one. In both games he uses Imhullu, and in TMS this manifests as an Almighty type attack, the strongest attack type that no element or weapon class resists.

    Medeus is an interesting case. In New Mystery, he retains some sense of self, cursing humans and Naga's shield. But he's clearly not as sane and measured as he was in Shadow Dragon. When he appears in TMS's final battle, he's silent aside from a primal roar, likely indicating his full degeneration into a feral dragon after his revival. His power is overwhelming, and only blocked by Tiki's power after performing the Opera of Light. His design is strange to say the least, no longer evoking much of his original design from Archanea, but considering this is his 3rd revival now, it incorporates the more modernized designs that the mirages also have, looking more robotic.

    Finally Tiki's case is the most interesting. She gives us the majority of the backstory to connect these dots. Her design evokes very obvious Archanea vibes, with little change relative to the other mirages. But where it gets interesting with her is that Tiki in TMS isn't like the other mirages for another very notable reason- she cannot fight in the same way the others can. She mentions she's bound to the Bloom Palace, and she instead performs rituals to Awaken power within the others. But once the party performs the Opera of Light, that Opera is used to awaken Tiki's power instead of a Falchion's or the Binding Shield. She manifests as a dragon, and aides the party in the final fight.

    Other Archaneans

    Other than these connections, the game also contains some more minor connections worth bringing up. One of the most notable aspects is the absence of enemies originating in Archanea. For the game to take place in the bad end of New Mystery, every major antagonist in New Mystery would have to have already been destroyed. As such, it is notable no enemies from that game appear, from General Lang to Emperor Hardin. The only enemies that originate from Archanea other than Gharnef and Medeus are corrupted heroes- Abel, Lorenz and Draug. Of these three, Lorenz and Abel are notable because they are both enemies in their original games at one point before becoming allies with the heroes. Draug was an ally of Barry Goodman before the story began, but lost him, which explains why he was corrupted. Technically Bord and Cord are references as well, but they're created by Tharja, not actually the real Bord and Cord.

    The Awakening Problem

    At this point, you'll have remembered or noticed the references to a handful of Awakening characters. While the story is based on New Mystery, it contains characters from Awakening. If this game truly is the downfall timeline, then how can Awakening characters be here. Unfortunately the easiest answer is that when the game was in development, it was the most recent title, and pretty popular as far as FE is concerned. It only makes sense to feature Chrom and Tharja in your game since they were popular too. In regards to the story itself, the game is never really clear. In the game's epilogue its indicated that the mirages have recovered their memories, but we don't get anything to really glean information on their origins. It leaves a couple possibilities-

    The Awakening characters still were born, but appeared earlier and during the war of heroes. As such, they fought alongside the heroes who would eventually fall to Medeus in Archanea rather than exist separately in Ylisse.

    They did exist separately, and were brought in via outrealms/time travel. Naga already has shown this power works in Awakening's own story. Perhaps another reason Gharnef name drops Naga when explaining his plans. Neither of these are really based in any sort of game script, and admittedly is my attempt to patch a hole in my own theory.

    Notably, the game's major boss fights are mostly Awakening antagonists, namely Garrick, Aversa, Gangrel, and Excellus. Additionally, Cervantes and Pheros appear in side stories. If nothing else, avoiding using any Archanea antagonists aside from the primary ones feels very intentional, even if the Awakening ones being here does raise questions.


    Marth fails to collect all 5 Orbs in New Mystery, world plunges into chaos, Gharnef wins. Everyone escapes/forced into Idolasphere, Tokyo Mirage Sessions occurs.

    If you read all this, thanks. I think there's at least enough here to make it a plausible theory, even if not without flaws. This has been on my mind for too long and I had to put it out in writing somewhere.

    submitted by /u/GameBooColor
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    The Shield of Seiros (OC commission)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    Drawing my favorite FE characters: Ethlyn

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    More Ike.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Mercedes (OC)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Finn!Nanna & Beowolf!Nanna

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    Vintage Orochi (commission)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Found some TCG sleeves online that were too perfect to pass up

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Raigh [commission]

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Art I made for an old fanzine of our sighful Hapi!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    POV: You got hit with FE5's infinite duration poison

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    Love at first sight, King Dimitri & Dancer Byleth, Dimileth AU (My artwork)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    [OC] Dimitri fanart

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    Boba tea Fir [commission drawn by @Aftam_C on Twitter]

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    Marianne and Byleth [Commission]

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    SoV Redux Tier List Resubmissions: Preliminaries

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Preliminary Round for Resubmissions!

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds.

    Preliminary Round

    Last round resulted in Nomah in E tier and Conrad in D tier.

    Today is the day to submit units who you think are in the wrong spot. ONLY ONE RESUBMISSION PER PERSON. With your resubmission, please provide some argument as to why you think they should be retiered. Don't just say a name and the tier you want. If you agree with someone else and want to resub the unit they suggested, respond to their comment saying so. If you disagree, you should also respond to their comment and provide a counter argument, get the discussion going, maybe change some views. There is a cap of 4 units that will get retiered to prevent resubmissions from taking too much time and that way we can finish resubmissions in 1 round for 4 units: I'll just choose the units who clearly have the most outcry for resubmission, or the ones who don't have a clear consensus and need more discussion.

    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S

    Almost always very useful, with very few to no flaws. They may also provide a valuable niche, or just perform what they do the best.

    Includes Villager Mercenary, Silque, Genny, Leon

    Great Performance: A

    Very useful alotta the time, with a couple minor detriments that don't really hold them back. They may fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.

    Includes Mage Tobin, Mage Faye, Villager Archer, Cleric Faye, Clive, Python, Mae, Boey, Saber, Palla, Catria

    Good Performance: B

    Pretty useful, with some minor detriments that hold them back somewhat. They may fill a niche, but someone might do it better, and they can perform well if given the opportunity.

    Includes Alm, Celica, Kamui, Atlas

    AOK Performance: C

    Can be useful, with detriments that hold them back. They might fill a niche, even if its not useful, and they can perform decently if given the investment.

    Includes Lukas, Mage Gray, Mage Kliff, Clair, Luthier, Mathilda, Delthea, Est, Deen

    Iffy Performance: D

    Not all that useful, with possible major detriments holding them back. They do not fill any required niches and take more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly.

    Includes Villager Cavalier, Villager Soldier, Pegasus Knight Faye, Forsyth, Tatiana, Zeke, Valbar, Conrad

    At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list.

    Lame Performance: E

    Straight up bad, no way around it. There are very few places where they are actually useful, and they are actively difficult units to use effectively.

    Includes Mage Atlas, Mycen, Jesse, Sonya, Nomah

    Previous Round

    Round 17

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    SoV Tier List Resubmissions: Preliminaries

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Preliminary Round for Resubmissions!

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations on why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds, providing full analyses for FE15 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Preliminary round

    The results from the last round are Jedah F, Mila and Duma S.


    Today is the day to submit units who you think are in the wrong spot. ONLY ONE RESUBMISSION PER PERSON. With your resubmission, please provide some argument as to why you think they should be retiered. Don't just say a name and the tier you want. If you agree with someone else and want to resub the unit they suggested, respond to their comment saying so. If you disagree, you should also respond to their comment and provide a counter argument, get the discussion going, maybe change some views. There is a cap of 4 units that will get retiered to prevent resubmissions from taking too much time and that way we can finish resubmissions in 1 round for 4 units: I'll just choose the units who clearly have the most outcry for resubmission, or the ones who don't have a clear consensus and need more discussion. Don't worry about bias as my judgemnt is absolute, unless you bribe me, then it's in the favour of whoever bribed me (I accept cookies and fanart of everyone calling Celica an idiot).


    Tiers being used:

    Fantastic hair: S Just really great hair. Either looks good or pulls off a unique look very well.

    Includes: Genny, Luthier, Sonya, Nomah, Mycen, Mila, Duma

    Great hair: A Above average hair but falls below the juggernauts of Fantastic hair. Can be a unique design that falls on one or two merits.

    Includes: Celica, Faye, Silque, Boey, Clair, Saber, Leon, Jesse, Catria, Rinea, Fernand

    Good hair: B Slighty above average hair. Either a style that works or a unique style that has a few notable merits.

    Includes: Lukas, Mae, Kamui, Delthea, Atlas, Palla, Est, Tatiana, Zeke, Rudolf

    Average hair: C Average hair. Either very average hair or a unique style that doesn't really add or detract.

    Includes: Alm, Kliff, Gray, Python, Clive, Mathilda, Deen, Conrad

    Bad hair: D Poorly done hair or a unique style that falls flat.

    Includes: Tobin, Forsyth, Berkut

    Valbar tier: F This tier is for Valbar and units that somehow have hair of equally awful quality

    Includes: Valbar, Jedah


    Previous round:

    submitted by /u/Kind_Cauliflower160
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    Which game has your favourite and least favourite art style?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    For me, my favourite is SoV and least favourite is PoR. Shadows of Valentina had this kind of refined and restrained approach. It was a breath of fresh air after the ultra-anime art styles of awakening and fates (which I generally liked too, but there were many questionable design choices). I love Path of Radiance, but the art is my least favourite as it always struck me as a bit 'generic' looking.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/jfxck
    [link] [comments]

    The Immaculate: A Charity Fanzine featuring Rhea opened Pre-Orders~

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 05:03 AM PDT

    This is a beautiful charity fanzine that features Rhea & Seiros art, stories, poems, music, merchandise and more. All benefits will go to the Trans Housing Coalition.

    The fanzine itself showcases an amazing collection of talent and I hope that there are some who might be interested in any of the bundles that we have.

    For more information:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fe3hRheaZine

    Pre-Order Page: https://theimmaculateone.bigcartel.com/

    There is currently a stretch-goal of 80 orders to unlock this stunning enamel pin:


    We also -just- unloack gold-foil stickers for all physical bundles thanks to our mods' retweet ad campaign:


    The contents of this fanzine explores many aspects and angles of Rhea and Seiros so I hope that any Fire Emblem Three Houses fans can enjoy this multifaceted approach to the Archbishop.

    Thank you very kindly for taking the time to open this thread and thank you mods for suggesting a more efficient way of sharing this information here in the subreddit. I hope you all have a lovely time :D

    I myself joined on as an artist and if you don't mind, here is a sneakpeak of what I was able to offer. I tried my best.


    submitted by /u/sorahito
    [link] [comments]

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