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    Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    Fire Emblem I drew Shamir

    Fire Emblem I drew Shamir

    I drew Shamir

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:12 PM PST


    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Made an artwork of your favorite dad, Seteth

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Smiling (Marileth Week Day 3)[OC]

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Reinhardt cosplay

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:03 AM PST

    Three Lords

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Some echoes portraits

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Caspar sketch @yavanna_art

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    I did this draw of Marianne, I hope you like it!!!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    #BUNNYEMBLEM is alive and kicking. Gaius won my Patreon poll, so here he is, the next Fire Emblem Bunny!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:25 PM PST

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Lunch Is a Battlefield

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Crimson Flower Maddening LTC with Paralogues in 72 turns

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:04 AM PST


    I recently completed this low turn count run of Crimson Flower on maddening with all paralogues. This took a while to do because of rigging unit stats (mainly strength) and monastery resources. Still, it was pretty fun to come up with new strategies for this route. Byleth, Edelgard, and Bernie are really centralizing here but almost everyone did something interesting.

    submitted by /u/EliteAmatuer
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    [OC] Don't see much Leonie ��

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:10 PM PST

    I have an AU that I’ve been planning for a while! Hope y’all like it!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:29 PM PST

    FE7 Hector Modes Ranking Data

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

    In this post from some months ago, u/OctopusSaul reports discovering data in the code of FE7 that suggests that ranks for the Hector Modes were programmed with proper values that at times differed from Eliwood's ranks. https://na.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/fdnfjr/possibly_intended_hector_hard_mode_ranking_data/ These ranks never made it to the final game; instead Hector's modes share ranks with Eliwood's modes and Hector-exclusive chapters have 0 requirements for every rank (tanking your Tactics but boosting Funds and EXP).

    u/OctopusSaul did not provide the data for each chapter, instead just discussing an overview of the total, final 5 star requirement for the whole game for each rank. With the help of u/KrashBoomBang I have compiled the new chapter requirements into a table, formatted like the one in Serene's Forest. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SZkNwmWD7GUVimilRcKxsLPoMOTPDfcKbSP3lKdQsTA/edit?usp=sharing

    Some points of note: HHM 19x gives 25 turns vs the original 10. Crazed Beast wants 19 turns on HNM and 20 on HHM. This was a 0 requirement chapter before. Cog of Destiny HHM allows a full 30 turns. The Berserker, previously a 0 requirement chapter, now needs 12 turns in normal and 14 in hard. It also has EXP requirements of 8 levels in normal and 6.5 in hard.

    I'll write out some more detailed thoughts/calculations later on. u/OctopusSaul already made some comments in the previous thread, so be sure to check that out!

    submitted by /u/Starglema
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    Response to “problems you have with Camilla”

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    So umm I didn't expect so many people to say so much. I did say I would do this today but I was surprised by how involved a lot of people got. As such I don't know if I will hit all the subjects but here goes.

    Over sexualized: So this is probably the one I got the most and I mostly agree with it. Though I also disagree to some extent, Yusuke Kozaki designed the characters and from what we know from Hinoka who he drew before Camilla; is that he was given concepts of the character and drew them based off of that most likely. I highly doubt they put down "big tiddy goth gf" as a concept for Camilla especially since she is a royal who is supposed to be a major main character. From what I have gathered it is highly likely that the concept was "A bewitching motherly sister" as games tend to describe her as "bewitching".Camilla probably has her breast expose and upper thigh expose for lap pillows and for anyone to cry into her bosom. Those two things aren't sexual in nature but have been perverted over the years, lap pillows are something moms do when their child is tried outside and crying into one chest is somewhat comforting. The sexualization comes in her panties being exposed especially because she is a wyvern rider. If you were to ride a wyvern even with a saddle your ass would be chafed from it let alone having to fight while riding it. The easy solution was to give her shorts which they actually do in a cipher card, "bewitching flower". Speaking of her thighs her leg armors have been getting smaller over the years exposing more of her thighs when the original barely exposed any at all though this is a shared similarity with a certain other character; Lyn. But people for some reason have more problems with her boobs than her legs which has less reason to be exposed, her chest being exposed makes sense once again due to motherly nature. So overall the over sexualization isn't all that true due to mainly being a part of her character for non sexuale reasons but her legs are getting more and more exposed.

    CG cutscenes: I can explain Nohrian Brethren as it's supposed to lighten the mood after the hard battle since some may find the battle depressing in a way. The Nohrian siblings had to kill their father which some of the characters like Xander have fond memories of and have a hard time letting go of the fact that their father Garon is no longer the person they once called their father. You also have to kill Takumi who became a slave not able to fight on his own free will anymore. So slamming into Camilla boob while running with a high energy Elise does make sense to lighten the mood. But what I can't explain is Camilla fight CG cutscene as it only focusing on her sex appeal. What is even weirder is the last thing she says. In japanese she just says "cute" but in english she says "you're so cute" as if she is playing with you. Yet when you resume the cutscene she says how much she misses you despite her saying in the cg cutscene that YOU missed her. If I had to guess the cg cutscene was made before the actual cutscene and then corrected it in the cutscene. So why the fan service? Well originally Corrin wasn't an avatar character so this was most likely more ok with that thought in mind but still doesn't excuse it as it is supposed to be a more heartfelt reunion.

    Camilla Obsession with Corrin: Camilla supports that mentions Corrins are Arthur, Xander, Leo, Odin(but only once), Niles(Niles brings up Corrin), Jacob, Ryoma and Silas. Xander and Leo supports is more referring to the whole family than it is just Corrin, Odin support Camilla only mention Corrin once and that was because she mention Odin armor to her in a passing conversation which they often have base off of Xander support and Niles bring up Corrin in his support. Arthur, Silas, Jacob and Ryoma is just simply stuff a smothering mother would do; heck in Corrin support it's clearly shown that Corrin is in his rebellious phase when it comes to Camilla and acting like he grew up now. Not only that but they are mainly played for jokes for the most part especially Ryoma and Camilla basically being Corrin loving mom and strict dad. So really it's only 5 out of 12 that she shows an obsession and compare that to a character like Cordelia, I don't think it's that bad considering she still retains her own character and her obsession with Corrin is properly integrated in her character to be part of it to an extent. In Warrior only 3 out of 7, don't mention Corrin even worse, the one that does make Camilla obsession less of a cute smothering mother and more well jealous stalker girlfriend. Which kept being a thing with Camilla through a good couple of years in Heroes, brave Camilla is where it finally went back to Fates version of smothering. IS probably didn't know how to approach Camilla after a lot of mix reception from her so they went and made her more similar to a character that was highly loved at the time; Tharja. Thankfully they realize that they should just stick to the original character instead.

    Birthright Camilla/support Camilla: So this one I saw a lot and I kinda agree in some areas. Camilla in Birthright is very inconsistent in her first battle as mentioned earlier but even then there are some really weird inconsistencies when it comes to the Nohrians in the birthright story. For example no one should know Elise is a flower girl in the underground streets of Nohr but apparently quite a few people know that fact in the very same chapter. Camilla who has been bed ridden and depressed in her room the whole time conveniently comes out of her room and conveniently goes to the slums not really seeming all too depressed. So it's more just bad birthright inconsistent writing than it is her character but in conquest she is more similar to how she is in the support. All they do is expand on certain traits for each one. I saw a constant complaint for Selena's support with her though so I should mention why the way she acts makes sense. Unlike Odin and Laslow who earned the trust of their Liege, Selena was recommended by Garon so Selena never really did anything to gain Camilla trust. Selena has no information about where she comes from or any other records so Camilla wouldn't trust her so easily. She shows this in her B support with Laslow when he asks if she could cut down an enemy she knew well. She responds with "What a soft heart you have, Laslow", when Laslow thanks her and says the same to her she responds with "...It wasn't precisely a compliment. But so long as you never betray me, you will always have my favor." Laslow manages to win her over by just being honest and telling her that he is not from a known land to them but Selena never does anything like this just shows her devotion which isn't enough for Camilla. So it more likely that Camilla thinks that Selena is a spy from Hoshido especially with how often Selena brings up leaving her and having Camilla trust.

    Designed as a fan service character: Hinoka wasn't originally going to be a royal and it was supposed to be Kagero, this I found from the fire emblem wiki. I also found out that Camilla was designed to be the opposite of Hinoka and that she turned out more mature than originally intended so Kozaki added some childlike traits. However I take that with a grade of salt as not only does this somewhat conflict with the previous information, the fire emblem wiki tend to get a lot of things wrong sometime even making false statement that doesn't line up with what actually happens in the game ie Lyn, and when I tried looking up the 25 anniversary making of Fire Emblem; I couldn't find anything on Camilla or any character really beside Corrin. In fact I couldn't even find a scan for the book or even a scan for just the fate section(I'm not going to order the book cause I can't read japanese and don't want to spend over 70$ just for this.). Unlike Tharja who was made to be a fan service character to the point of being known as the most busty character in Awakening in the japanese version, Camilla is known for her caring heart to allies but merciless heart for enemies. Most characters in support and story mention this about her more than anything about her body and when they do mention it she never herself directly responds to it usually ignoring it or focusing on something else they said. Example being Elise support conversation when she mentions she was to be more Mature and busty and talk to her about being more mature. As I mentioned in the first section all the sexulaztion only happened after Fates.

    All right I think I hit most of the problems if I missed any that you feel I should have touched on please do mention it.

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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    what are your favorite special/uncommon weapons in the series?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    y'know things like the killing edge, the levin sword, the horseslayer and what not. What are some of your favorites in the games?

    Personally, i'm a big fan of the venge weapon classes, as doubling might on enemy phase can be kinda bonkers. But a really fun kind of bonkers. I also like the hunters bow in fates. Unfortunately, it was a random drop weapon, but having a horse slaying bow saves me wonders in that Melee Hell Kitsune Map.

    submitted by /u/PandaShock
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    Previews of our zine! Charms, Illustrations, and Stories! only $25 until Friday! link to store in pics

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Thanks r/fireemblem (meta Reddit rant)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:52 PM PST

    I'm not too active here but I like the community.

    So fir some background, I'm a. Controversial personal. Deaf, and people have often made fun of me for wanting a Deaf fire emblem character. Played since way before awakening but still a Chrom fan (and always vote Chrom for CYL) and lastly; a proud Chrom and Olivia shipper.

    And sometimes people try to start fights. But mostly it's really chill and relaxed here!

    Contrast to r/MassEffect, likely the worst Reddit there is.

    I love mass effect. It's an amazing story and game.

    But the people there. Literally everything is a huge debate about Shepard's sex. Everyone hates me for being a girl who plays male shepard.

    I choose synthesis because I can follow a storyline and pick the best story. So they hate on me because Shepard dies in synthesis and they think that makes it bad.

    Literally everything is a huge fight. There are flame wars about the same stuff daily.

    Here people are tame. I get hate for wanting representation, and Sumia shippers have sought me out and insulted me before. But compared to mass effect I learned. The fact I can say my opinions and only get a few insults and even that is only sometimes. Really shows how great of a sub this is.

    submitted by /u/BoringKori
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    Berwick Saga Ranked: Chapter 4 Side Missions

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:27 PM PST

    Will fire emblem ever have a single route route story again?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST

    This may sound like a dumb question, but I don't see how they look at those sales numbers of fates and 3H and say "yeah let's not keep doing that". All of the pre release hype for 3H was house wars, all of the post release internet banter was house wars, and it was better than they could have ever dreamed, especially after fates.

    For the record, I'm in the group that would love a return to more streamlined narrative.

    submitted by /u/Boomhauer_007
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