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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Fire Emblem Portrait.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Fire Emblem Portrait.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Portrait.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    *Celebrates B-day in Spanish*

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    [OC] The Golden Deers (and a disgruntled Cyril)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Some sketches I did crossing Caspar w/ Edward Elric for... really no reason. Why not ?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    [oc] | Marth: Shadow King

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    [OC] Genny pets the sheep

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Bernadetta I did for a friend!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Sketch sully fire emblem awakening,by me,2019

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    The Sol Katti Design Origins: More in Comments

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    [OC] Dragon in a towel

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Here's an old fanart I did of Caspar and Ashe with a modern au (cause I wanted draw cool sneakers)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Ignatz doodle! Don't worry, he was just painting

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    |OC| Fire Emblem x Borderlands - Camilla

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I really love FE4 Chapter 2

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I normally try to make these a little more professional but I've had a few several drinks and very little shame rn so I apologize for the lack of polish in this write up.

    So for a little background, it's been a few years since I played FE4. Much of it has escaped my memory since then, but I definitely remember how it made me feel, albeit in very vague terms. Naturally, during a time of crisis (re: all of 2020), I tend to gravitate towards comfort food media that makes me feel things, so what better thing to obsess over than a super depressing video game that no one cares about?

    Well, I care. So this time around, I wanted to go all in. I planned out my pairings. I extra abused the arena. I bought every weapon in the shop. I'm gonna take this game that kinda frustrated me the first time around and make it my bitch.

    Then I got to Chapter 2.

    I wanna refresh your memory a little here. For the prologue and Chapter 1, all of Sigurd's actions are reactionary. He only does what he does on impulse, and not because of any apparent villain or overarching conflict. The conflict for those two maps is simply that Edain has been captured, and all the events that happen therein are the immediate results of Sigurd trying to save her. Sigurd is set up as this white knight, this paragon, and no one really questions his actions. After all, why would they? Verdanians are savages anyway, getting beaten up by a dude as cool as Sigurd is probably the best publicity they've ever gotten. By the end of Chapter 1, Sigurd has acquired complete control over Verdane on behalf of Grannvale. Isn't that neat?

    Then Chapter 2 starts, and it's apparent that Augustria thinks it is very not neat. So Eldigan tries to do Sigurd a solid, his second one of the game (I legit forgot how he saves Siggy's ass in Chapter 1, it seriously felt like a lifesaver), and goes to try and convince Chagall to calm his fuckin tits. Chagall, already in the Loptians' pocket, throws Eldie in the dungeon for speaking out of turn and turns his own continent against Eldie's little sister to take Nordion.

    Then you hear that fuckin music and it's so. goddamn. GOOD. Like, Prologue and Chapter 1 have great music. Heroic music. But Chapter 2 is the start of the melancholy. This is no longer Sigurd sticking it to those savage Verdanians, this is a place with full life consequences. And the music reflects this beautifully. I wish I knew anything about music theory so I could better convey why it makes me feel things but I don't so incoherent non-sober ramblings is what you get.

    But I'm getting ahead of myself. What actually happens in Chapter 2 to make the music so fitting? Well, it's still all done as a reaction on Sigurd's part: he rushes in to help Lachesis to keep Nordion safe, but in doing so, he has to take Heirhein to stop their attack, which means he has to take Anphony to stop their attack, and so on and so forth. This isn't very different from the first two maps, but we're not fighting people that have been established as "savages" in-universe - these are Eldigan's people. Eldigan, the badass who saves your ass. Eldigan, the guy who stood up for his friend and ended up in a dank dungeon for it. Eldigan's people aren't savages...are they? They're reacting to Sigurd's advance in the same way as Verdane, though. The villages you visit paint an interesting picture of the region as well: Anphony's leader is prone to violence, which reflects in his willingness to employ random mercenaries when Sigurd approaches, and is more than okay in pillaging his own villages for extra cash. Surely Sigurd is doing the right thing by taking control, right...?

    This isn't the only bit of dialogue to make the player question Sigurd's actions, however. We're also introduced to the persecution of the Loptian cult in one of these villages too. We don't know the extent of the actions of the Loptians at this point - do they really deserve getting literally witch-hunted out of their homes?

    These questions culminate in Lewyn confronting Sigurd about how he's been causing so much trouble for the average people that live in Augustria, and all the strife that so much conflict causes them. Lewyn expects opposition but Sigurd is all like "shit u rite" and promises to make things better. But he never noticed the results of his actions on his own. And it's too late to stop on the path he's on. In the end, he has to continue his conquest of Augustria, else the people of which and also his dear friend Eldigan will suffer the consequences. The chapter ends with him freeing Eldigan and Eldigan being all "wtf why did you take over my fucking continent??? I thought we were friends???" and Sigurd promising to have things under control within a year. The opening of Chapter 3 makes it apparent that Sigurd is still nearsighted when it comes to running things, as things are even worse under Grannvale rule. It's clear that Sigurd either doesn't notice how bad things are or he doesn't care. It's clear that Sigurd's nearsightedness extends to his ability as a ruler as well.

    Gameplay-wise, this is the first chapter that feels really hectic in the game, especially compared to the first two maps. You gotta book it to help Nordion, book it to help the villages, and plan ahead so you don't get caught off-guard by Mackily. I still can't claim that FE4 has my favorite gameplay in the series, not by a long shot, but this chapter has just the right amount of planning and slight panic that it feels like a resume of what can be really great about FE4's gameplay. It also feels like a proper way to ramp up the difficulty to prepare the player for Chapter 3, which I personally find a little too hectic at times, so Chapter 2 feels like a good happy medium for the player.

    And that's what I love about Chapter 2: It's when shit really starts to go down. This is no longer the heroic white knight trying to save the princess, this is a man with good intentions running over anyone in his path because he just can't stop. This is when it is made clear to the player that being the hero, being the good guy, is not without its consequences. And just because a character is strong, charismatic, and wants to save his friends, doesn't mean that him rushing in to help is always a good idea. The gameplay reflects this. The music reflects this. And the events of Chapter 2 spiral even further into everything getting worse, and worse, until not even Sigurd can recover from it.

    TL;DR, Chapter 2 is when shit starts to go down and I fucking love it so much.

    Now please excuse me while I drink a shit ton of water to try and stave off a hangover.

    submitted by /u/racecarart
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    Fire Emblem Retrospective: Conquest (It's good, actually)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Hey all, birthright post and an earlier post I made about Conquest's story.

    Conquest was, in theory, my fourth game in the series. However, I stopped on chapter 9, and I'm not entirely sure why. I think it's because I was god-awful at the game and was too stubborn to go down from hard to normal. Whatever the case, I just finished it earlier today, and goodness it was great. This has possibly breached my top 3, that's how good I would say it is.

    Regardless, since I made that earlier post I'll keep the story section a little light.


    I actually quite liked it, which I feel is a statement that needs a qualification from how piping hot of a take it is. The thing is, I can agree with people that there are certainly groan-inducing moments of badness within the story, and I can even see how they might ruin the story for someone. Some moments that stick out to me would be mostly everything to do with Garon calling for Corrin's death right in front of her, or the crystal that lets Corrin see goo monster Garon, and I'm sure if I asked you, you could come up with plenty of such moments that would make me, indeed, go "ugh". But the truth of the matter is that these moments that make me go "ugh" just aren't enough to ruin the story for me. While I thought Birthright's was basically okay, I think this is much better, and I can genuinely say I enjoy it, while I was just sort of passively going through Birthright going "yeah this is alright."

    On the other hand, there's a lot that I like. While I wasn't as attached to the Hoshidan siblings as I perhaps should have been, I really enjoyed seeing how they coped with Corrin turning their back on them. There's a lot of pretty good moments here, like Elise taking care of the imprisoned Sakura, or Ryoma's anger towards Corrin when he thinks Hinoka is dead. I really liked the Nohr gang, too. Like, nearly all of them. Peri is awful, but Peri is also barely involved in the plot and only exists in supports, so I can pretend she doesn't exist. Meanwhile every second that Odin is on the screen is the best second of the game, Arthur is great, and I love all of the royals. Camilla's attitude towards Corrin gets a little overbearing at times, but she has more solemn moments that make me really love her, and her unpaired ending of her going full mom mode adopting like 11 kids is nice. Xander is pretty neat too. It's just nice to see them working underneath Garon to make the best out of a bad situation.

    Idk man I just like it alright? I feel like this game's story gets a pretty bad rep because it's technically bad at times, and I will agree to that, it has very low lows, but it also has some highs for me, and I feel that makes me like it better than the story of games like FE6 where it's technically fine, and if you read the wiki entry summarizing the plot, you go "wow that was neat", but the actual moment to moment storytelling is whatever. It never makes you go ugh, but it also doesn't make you go oh that's neat, and that's kinda how I feel about CQ. It's the difference between a kinda weird, really mixed B movie, and a kinda boring but technically competent better film that's... Well, unremarkable.

    I like it.


    Everything that I said about Birthright still holds true, in terms of the basic mechanics, since these are all the same mechanics. However, since this was my second go around with these mechanics, I feel like I appreciate them even more than on the first time, especially since I'm now going through them on better maps, that are super memorable thanks to the gimmicks they used to keep you on your toes. While some gimmicks didn't land, I think the only outright awful map for me is Kitsune Hell. Even Ninja Hell was bearable. Meanwhile the best map gimmicks are really, really god, like the map where you have to fight two separate bosses with a turn limit encouraging you to either focus on one and risk not having enough time to double back, or having to split your army. The Eternal Staircase (or was it endless?) was also pretty damn fun.

    I have changed my mind on MyCastle somewhat, but not entirely. I think when you plan ahead with the buildings that you can build and saving up dragon veins, it can be a lot more interesting as a base. The main thing that I dislike is how RNG the arena is, especially since you don't get full heals and can't decide who you enter into the arena, and that you might just never get the resource you want. My castle had wheat, which is defense (pretty good), but I wanted the strength food, and I never got it. I could get it through online, but what about when the servers go down, or if I play offline/have to play offline?

    I also played around with the class system a little more than last time. I made Corrin a hero secondary and married her to Silas for paladin access, which was a pretty fun build. I really like the class system of Conquest, actually, it's great. It's super versatile, yet requires some work if you wanna go far off the beaten path, and that's nice. I like how that works.

    I actually got kid units this time and I really like offspring seals. It means that whenever you want to recruit them is fine since you should have good stats upon recruitment through autoleveling. It works a little better than Awakening's recruitment where their stats were solely based on the parents', since it means a unit like Odin can be replaced by his daughter if he's not turning out well. I still wish they were better integrated into your army (supports), but it also matters less with the guaranteed dual strikes of Fates.

    One thing that I'd like to note is just how good most of the cast is? Like, I know Odin is a meme, but he turned out really well for me, and it feels like most units that you invest into can have a role. I was actually legitimately in a situation where I was wondering who I had to bench to make room for Xander, because I legitimately just had so many units I wanted to use that I didn't know, and that's a great problem to have. If the problem with your game is that there's so many units you want to use that you're not sure who to use, that's great replay value, that's amazing.

    I'd also like to comment on how fair the game is. I can't name a single time that I reseted and thought "That's bullshit", except maybe one time on the sakura map when falcoknights spawned in range of me but in an unreachable spot and I couldn't defend myself despite them not being ambushes. 99% of the time, though, it's fair, and it's your fault if you die, and that's a good feeling.

    Idk. Considering I already talked about birthright, I don't have too much new to report outside of what I said. It's much better than Birthright, that's for sure.


    Conquest is great. In fact, while writing this post I bumped it up in my top 3 (Which currently consists of FE6, FE12, and Conquest in that order). Though I personally quite like the story, I think even ignoring it (since clearly not everyone shares that opinion), it would belong there because the gameplay is just that fucking good. It's fair, yet challenging, and versatile. It rewards planning ahead, but doesn't necessarily require macro level optimization if you're not playing on Lunatic.

    Absolutely fantastic game. I wish 3H had been more like Conquest than it turned out, but here we are.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    So...apparently a few S-Rank artworks from 3Hs were fixed at some point. Does anyone has the complete files?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    i drew camilla's personality

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Today i finally Completed Thracia 776 and now ended My 2 year long Fire Emblem Marathon!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I started playing Heroes as my first fe game in the Summer of 2018 and wanted to know more about the them and from smash too. So the following Christmas i got my new 3ds xl and copies of all the 3ds fe games, including limited edition of echoes! And after a little of other 3ds & switch games, i finally started to play Warriors on switch which i liked as a nice overview of whats to come, didn't like the game and don't wanna go back to it.

    After that, in February/March of 2019, i started to finally play my first Mainline fe game, Awakening! casually of course. Then sticking with casual, i went to Birthright,Conquest, & Revelation! Then finally reached Echoes. After a while i picked up shadow dragon and then dropped it until after i played the shit out of Three houses and my first time with classic mode! (also super hyped+sowE)

    I went back and beat Shadow dragon on the 23rd of December of 2019. Then on Christmas day with all the new games i got. I started my playthrough of New Mystery instead. I played Tms:encore in January which was super fun! After that, there was a little downtime between games I played Sacred stones(erika/Ephriam) but a chapter was too hard. so i used cheats. I felt bad but then After I played PoR & RD back to back during February of this year. After March i jumped into fe8 again and completed it for real without cheats. Then onto Blazing Blade L/E/ then to Binding Blade then back to complete Hector mode cause i like to play all routes.
    After That I eventually played fe4. which was amazing btw! Then i finally got to Completing Thracia 776 today! So now I finally can understand all the heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes & Smash! I finally completed my Fire Emblem Marathon today! My 2 years of Fire Emblem have finally come to and end.

    There were games i played in between this Marathon but those aren't important to talk about hear. If i have to Rank the Games for my personal favorites.
    Top 5:

    1. Genealogy of the Holy War
    2. New Mystery of the Emblem
    3. Radiant Dawn
    4. Thracia 776
    5. Tokyo Mirage Session#Fe Encore
      Honorable Mention to Blazing Blade, it could go anywhere on 4 or 5. gba games were very similar so fatigue struck like multiple playthroughs of Three houses when a player who doesn't like to experiment with units.
      Favorite Lords:

    6. Marth

    Honorable Mention to Kris, cause i love Kris!
    Sorry that this was very long, i should've just made a tier list of games or lords with mini reviews/descriptions why instead.

    submitted by /u/Partyharry
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    I love this format

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Character Survey - #8: The Blazing Blade (First Elibe Poll)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Remember that there are still around 12 hours left before voting closes on the Sacred Stones survey. If you missed it the first time around, you can still vote until tomorrow at 4:30 AM GMT-4.

    https://forms.gle/kkuEvngWXoQY1rQXA Playable Characters, Part 1.

    https://forms.gle/Trc927EsGD3h6CjX9 Playable Characters, Part 2.

    https://forms.gle/J2TeVspMK2X2reVV9 NPCs and Antagonists.

    Nothing much to say, the reason why I split FE7 and FE6 in two surveys was already explained in my last post; they have almost completely different big casts of their own in spite of sharing a setting and a few characters. That being said, this is not the last time these shared characters will appear, so for this survey, judge them in the context of FE7. You can get away with judging them in the context of the duology as a whole if their appearance is unimportant or their character is closely tied enough to their FE6 self, but I can't force you to do it.

    Alright, without further ado, let's get started. Any doubts or mistakes? Notify me.

    submitted by /u/YouDunnoTheJav
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    Annette (OC)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:56 AM PDT

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