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    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    Fire Emblem I put some Fire Emblem characters through a medieval English portrait generator

    Fire Emblem I put some Fire Emblem characters through a medieval English portrait generator

    I put some Fire Emblem characters through a medieval English portrait generator

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I drew Tharja and dark mage F!Robin

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Seteth learns something new

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Apparently, Adjutants can crit

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    “It’s kind of hard to kiss you when you’re grinning like that."

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Medical student Marianne

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Female Grima!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Mia Fanart (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Seliph's VA did Jackbox in EmblemCon's panel yesterday so I drew my fave response

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    (3D art) ByMir - Old Habits Die Hard

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    (OC) ALL OF THE ANNAS! We made an Anna's Roundtable Playmat, exclusive for Emblemcon 2020. 24 hours left!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    I really did not want to share this. Bravo bikini Sothis

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Felix as a dread fighter (oc)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Did this by accident on my first playthrough and I'm on endgame. I hate this so much

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Ferdinand and Furdinand (FE and Yokai watch)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Which fire emblem character do you think is overhated besides Edelgard

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    The 3h Cast gets their dream jobs

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Well considering my thread from last week didn't go so well due to me submitting it at like 1 AM... Let's go a different route and start this week's fun a bit sooner. It seems the residents of Garreg Mach are free to pursue their own career goals. Let's see how they turn out.

    Black Eagles

    • Edelgard: She has a pretty strong sense of justice even if her methods are extreme to say the least. But Edelgard joins a law firm and becomes one of their top prosecutors... Though the carrying a whip and calling people "fools" is a bit disconcerting.
    • Hubert: What kind of job could be fitting for an "ends justify the means" loyalist who is willing to do underhanded tactics and will capitalize on suffering to get ahead? Why he becomes a child actor talent scout of course!
    • Ferdinand Von Aiger: He winds up working at the same law firm as Edelgard, but on the defense side of things. It's no surprise that he insists on going against her in court on a frequent basis. It might seem odd but the two play well off each other and are very good at finding the truth of cases.
    • Petra: True to her roots. Petra becomes a survival training expert. She teaches many a wannabee camper and hiker various tricks to staying alive... Though does not recommend drinking one's own piss like SOME weirdos.
    • Bernadetta: She becomes a pretty famous children's novelist. She likes it because she can just live alone in a cabin on an island in the woods and be mostly left alone save for the occasional football headed kid visiting and international spy sneaking in to read her more personal works.
    • Jertiza: given his condition war is the only life he will ever likely know... So sadly his fate is to wind up a soldier on the battlefield... Death Knight doesn't seem to mind much though.
    • Caspar: Is convinced by a chocolate loving man to join the local boxing circuit and work his way to the top. The fights are fun but he wonders why everyone he fights seems to be steeped in cultural stereotypes.
    • Linhardt: Proud owner of the worlds first library hotel so you can check out books to read and sleep to your hearts content.
    • Dorothea: Despite her love of song she eventually changes course into an acting career instead. She earns a few awards too but sometimes get wrongfully handed the hate stick when she gets a starring role in a reboot where the director and writers are the ones who deserve the flak for showing zero respect to the original property.

    Blue Lions:

    • Dimitri: becomes a world famous pest exterminator. Even when it comes to the most abundant of pests like ants he still keeps his guarantee that he will "kill every last one of them"
    • Felix: Becomes a talent show judge interestingly enough... Some people feel he only took the job to be mean to the contestants and make them cry with his snarky and blunt retorts.
    • Annette: She takes the path of a pre-school teacher. The children love her simple and catchy songs. The parents... Not so much.
    • Mercedes: Wanting to help people she takes the path of the nurse and gets to dress up in... Scrubs? What no sexy nurse outfit? Oh come on this is the worst day ever!
    • Sylvain: Works at a phone sex company... It was going fine until the fateful day he wound up arrested by an angry cop after one of his clients wound up being said cop's grandmother.
    • Dedue: Opens his own all you can eat buffet. His first customers include Raphael, a silver haired woman in pink armor, some guy in green armor who seems to be wearing a toilet bowl around his neck, and a lavender haired girl with a tired expression that esteemed experts have referred to as "best mage"... He's run out of business within an hour while the lavender haired girl asks for seconds.
    • Ingrid: Wound up becoming a police officer with high marks. Bit of a loose cannon though and after a pretty aggressive arrest at some kind of call center winds up getting paired up with a quirky rookie who teaches her the value of humility and teamwork.
    • Ashe: runs a special puppet theater where he loves showing the children the various plays of his favorite stories... Also commits larceny on Fridays because it's a hard habit to kick.

    Golden Deer:

    • Claude: Lives a wonderful life as a used car salesman. He even managed to sell Thales a 1971 Ford Pinto and the resulting explosion wound up saving Fodlan.
    • Marianne: She became a horse jockey to become closer to Dorte... Has won countless races and still doesn't seem to smile in any photos. Probably because she has to wear that silly hat
    • Hilda: Makes a ton of money just playing games on twitch... The thirst is real and the donors are abundant. It also helps that she isn't awful at the games. Tried several times to get Marianne to join her, but she refuses each Uno session.
    • Leonie: It started with her watching too much HGTV... Now she's a professional house flipper and rakes it in off her talent of getting the most value out of cheap garbage.
    • Raphael: Became a professional food critic and travels the country to find the best meats in the world. You would think he'd be overly friendly and vote a lot of people high but as it seems when it comes to meat he's a harsh critic indeed.
    • Lorenz: Since he already comes from a wealthy family and is set for life. Instead of getting a job he works in philanthropy commissioning great works of art... Of himself.
    • Ignatz: An artist is really the only career path that works for him. For those of you who remember one of my earlier threads about the 3h cast as internet denizens you know why this life of art is suffering.
    • Lysithea: Considering her lifespan just one dream job is not enough so now she's a pilot/teacher/archeologist/baker/Flamenco master/War Hero/Skateboard Pro and can pull them off pretty well.

    Ashen Wolves:

    • Yuri: "It was almost sundown when she came to the door. It was my Empress Edelgard, with a look of grim seriousness on her face. I did not know what I had done but her look told me she was here to punish me. To my surprise she started to slowly remove her armor, leaving her just in smallclothes, as her grim face turned to a warm smile. She told me to do the same as her and I did, and we stood there facing each other, barely dressed. I stammered for a little bit trying to figure what lady Edelgard wanted. She pressed her hand against the wall behind me and quietly said 'oh Bernie... Tonight just call me El'... Her face drew closer to mine as her smallclothes slowly slid off her frame, revealing her porcelain skin in full detail. As her lips drew closer to mine for the first time I was at peace, and the fear that haunted me was replaced with excitement as... BLRGLRPHR YURI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!?"
    • Balthus: Joins the WWF as "THE PREACHER OF PAIN" Spreading the word of faith while delivering the word of flying presses. Sometimes portrayed as a heel even though he's a nice guy.
    • Hapi: Gets a job as a pet groomer. She actually loves this job and has made some fantastic jobs like Gertie the Corgi, Sanford the Russian Blue, and Snuggles the Giant Horrific Worm Creature.
    • Constance: The path of SCIENCE! is the path for her. She becomes a renowned inventor and even developed an AI yes man to help with her self esteem issues as well as building a gundam sized "Mecha Constance" to bring the pain to her enemies. And yes it has the obligitory chest rockets she doesn't like that fact but hey sometimes you just gotta follow tradition you know.

    The Church:

    • Catherine: Becomes a very renowned MMA fighter. "Thunderbolt" Catherine they call her, though that was already her previous title so hey don't change a good thing. She's been suspended several times though for getting a bit too rough and breaking a few more bones than she needs to.
    • Shamir: You'd think she'd be a mercenary like always. But in an effort to put her old life behind her she moves to Tokyo, changes her name, and gets a job as an Idol for some company called "Fortuna" or something. She also teams up with a snarky spirit witch.
    • Alois: Obviously gets a career in stand up comedy. He treats the cane pulling him off stage as a badge of honor and the steppuku attempts from the crowd as him just being so funny that they just decided that they've seen everything the world has to offer.
    • Hanneman: He wanted to pull off a wonderful scientific career, but he couldn't get grants. So he works in acting being typecast as a stuffy British gentleman using the funds from that job to do his research on the side.
    • Manuela: Yet another person who got into acting, but path led her to be cast mostly in daytime Spanish soap operas. The contract came with free tequila.
    • Byleth: Runs the most aggressive lost and found booth in the world. No matter where you run, no matter where you hide. Byleth will hunt you down... And give you back that keychain you dropped while on vacation in Puerto Rico.
    • Cyril: Gets a job in a cleaning service since he's pretty damn good at it. Turns out it was a maid service though... Yes he has to wear the french maid outfit... The disturbing thing is that after they style his hair to fit the part he looks cute in it.
    • Rhea: After suffering a major disfiguring injury trying to science up a way to save her lost mother. She fled to an isolated nation, donning an iron mask to hide her disfigurement she quickly rose to power as a wild dictator who was actually pretty good for her country, but gained a bit of an ego over it.
    • Seteth: As it turns out the life of a bureaucrat was the life for him. Stamping documents, enforcing rules, setting red tape for him. It's just perfect... He also finds he's very good at limbo as well.
    • Flayn: Spends her life as a marine biologist. She gets to live most of her life on the sea with the fish. And gets to explore and see the world from a boat. Though she fears one day her father will finally afford that submarine to secretly watch over her.
    • Gilbert: Works the dunk tank at a local carnival... He's always the one on the seat.

    And that's everyone. Hope you enjoyed it and see you next time when things get so fun it will be positively criminal!

    submitted by /u/ProfNekko
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    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #4 - Lex, Noble Axe

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we analyze the characters of the playable units in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we took a look at Arden, Strong and Tough. We found that Arden is a character who unlike many of the people around him only has the simple goals of wanting more respect and to get a family. His arc concludes if the player actually invests in him and marries him (something which someone would have to go out of their way to do given Arden's weaknesses) as his goals are finally realized; thus, the player is rewarded for doing this by getting to see the culmination of Arden's development. Today we are going to take a look at our first holy-blooded character so far: Lex, Noble Axe.


    Lex is an axe knight from Dozel who arrives on the second turn of the Prologue along with his close friend Azelle. Lex is a member of House Dozel and the son of the reigning Duke of Dozel, Lombard; much of his character development connects into Lex's poor relationship with his father as well as his friendship with Azelle who is in a similar situation to Lex in being the "black sheep" of his family. We'll see that Lex copes with his situation by pushing on forward; he tries not to dwell on the bad things in his life and concentrates on the task at hand. We'll also see that Lex despite being brash and carving his own path is a good-hearted man with benevolent motivations which contrasts him with his father's vices.


    Recruitment conversation in Prologue: Lex and Azelle arrive in the north of the map just in time to help Sigurd's fight against the Verdanians. Lex notes how deficient Sigurd is in numbers (at this point the only units on the map are Sigurd and the Chalphy trio) and that he'll likely accept their help; he then gently rebukes Azelle for dragging him in to help. Azelle tries to justify bringing him along by saying that Sigurd and his knights can't just be left to die as the only people defending Grannvale from the Verdanian invasion; Lex, knowing that Azelle has an ulterior motive besides this, teases him, revealing to the player that Azelle has a crush on Edain and wants to save her. After this Lex resolves that he will "teach the Verdanian thugs" a thing or two and goes off to fight them.

    This conversation introduces Lex and Azelle as very good friends. From what we can gather their expedition to aid Sigurd and his knights was Azelle's idea; clearly they are close enough to where Lex is willing to go with Azelle and risk his life on the battlefield with him. Like close friends they also tease each other all the time; we see this when Lex teases Azelle about his attraction to Edain much like how high schoolers might tease one another about a crush. Lex is also shown to be more laid-back than Azelle, given that he isn't grandstanding about "not leaving Sigurd to die;" he's more informal about this fight compared to the more serious Azelle. Sadly Lex and Azelle do not speak again until Chapter 5, but this dynamic is still fun to see and establishes some basic character traits for Lex: He's brash yet he does the things that his friends ask of him.


    Prologue conversation with Sigurd: Lex greets Sigurd and tells him that Azelle dragged him to help with the Verdanians. Sigurd asks if Lex told his father (Lombard) that he was off to help; Lex responds that he had to sneak out because of Lombard's animosity towards House Chalphy and adds that he is only helping because of Azelle, not for Sigurd's sake. Sigurd still thanks Lex for coming, and Lex promises that he will "do what he can" and help drive the Verdanians out of Grannvale.

    The player was introduced to Lombard in the opening scroll where he is said to be an ally of Reptor against the Kurth-Byron-Ring faction that controlled politics in Jugdral; we already know that Lombard and Byron are not exactly friends. This conversation confirms that plot point but more importantly it establishes the relationship between Lombard and his son Lex. Lex has to sneak out from home in order to aid Sigurd as presumably Lombard wouldn't approve of him doing this; Lex's relationship with his father is most likely rocky given that he lacks the trust in his father to let him act on his own. Lex is more independent given that he also doesn't immediately submit to Sigurd's authority; he may be a bit distrustful of Sigurd but this is out of his brashness and desire for independence, not because of any malicious motivations. But he still puts aside whatever distrust he may have and aids Sigurd against the Verdanians because he feels that it helps the common good to do so; the characterization of Lex as having a heart of gold reinforces itself once again.


    Chapter 1 secret event: Lex drops his axe on accident. A mysterious woman then appears and presents him with a golden axe and a silver axe, asking him if either one is his; he denies that either one was his and says that he merely dropped an iron axe. The woman deems Lex to be honest and rewards him with a brave axe, leaving Lex extraordinarily confused.

    This conversation is quite possibly a reference to The Honest Woodcutter, an Aesopian fable in which a woodcutter who dropped his axe is rewarded by the deity Hermes with both the golden and silver axes when he denied that either one was his. In regards to Lex's character, this conversation mainly establishes that honesty is a good quality of Lex. It's not unique to him but Lex being honest will come into play later in the game as a contrast to his dishonest and corrupt father. It doesn't develop Lex as much as it lays a foundation for him - that he would never try to lie or steal to get his way and instead is honest and noble in his manners and behaviors.


    Chapter 3 conversation with Ayra: Lex greets Ayra in an informal way uninvited, predictably drawing her ire (pun intended). He tells Ayra that he is going to give her a gift; Ayra attempts to rebuff him until he shows that it's a brave sword. Seeing that she is shocked to see a real brave sword, Lex dumps it on her and then leaves, leaving Ayra bewildered about what just happened.

    Here we see the beginning of Lex's relationship with Ayra, a ship that is one of the more popular ones in FE4 if only due to its presence within Mitsuki Oosawa's manga adaptation of the game. Lex flounts norms here by approaching Ayra uninvited and giving her the brave sword as a gift unprompted. Approaching Ayra unprompted isn't too dissimilar from what, say, Alec would do, but Lex doesn't do it as sloppily as him - he actually gives her something that is useful to her rather than merely soliciting a date like Alec did to Silvia in the last chapter. Brave swords aren't exactly common or cheap either, so for Lex to buy one for Ayra shows his "heart of gold" - that he doesn't just want to get something from Ayra but that he is willing to work with her as well.


    Chapter 5 battle conversation with Lombard: Lombard calls Lex a "vile traitor" and rebukes him for trying to kill his own father. Lex then says "Shame on me. Just like you've always said…" and asks for Lombard's forgiveness.

    Chapter 5 conversation with Azelle: Lex remarks that Azelle looks awful (out of character for the latter) to which Azelle responds by saying that Lex looks unusually happy despite the recent death of his father. Lex admits that while he isn't indifferent about his father's death, he felt that he was a terrible man who caused a lot of pain and suffering and thus deserved to be killed. Azelle praises Lex for his resistance as he notes that he feels really nervous just thinking about his elder brother Arvis; Lex says that Arvis despite being eccentric doesn't feel like he would be an enemy to them. After Azelle goes more in depth about his relationship with Arvis, Lex tells Azelle that there was "nothing wrong" with him leaving Velthomer to go on the journey with them and tells him to not feel bad about it.

    Both of these two conversations taken together bring an end to Lex's main conflict: his relationship with his father. The conversation that occurs if Lex attacks Lombard is only two lines long but is still very meaningful to Lex's character. Lombard saying "Shame on you" to Lex is implied to be something that has repeated many times in the past as if Lombard has always denigrated Lex; Lex on the other hand seems regretful to have to kill his own father yet does it anyways, leaving it to fate. In the later conversation, Azelle is shocked that Lex looks so happy even after watching his own father die. Lex isn't totally indifferent to this fact, but he keeps pushing forward because that is his way of coping with this.. He never had the best relationship with his father and likely took offense to Lombard's greediness that was fulfilled at the expense of many people's suffering; quite possibly he felt that Lombard's death would be for the better if it stopped him from continuing these behaviors. This contrasts with Azelle's feelings about his brother and the fact that he still feels regretful about sneaking out behind his back; however, Lex continues his "live and let live" attitude and consoles Azelle, telling him that he is a separate person from his brother and should be independent much like how he himself was independent from his father.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Ayra: Ayra notes that the end of the war is near. Lex asks her why she didn't leave for Isaach where their children (Larcei and Ulster) went; Ayra angrily retorts by saying that Lex is just as responsible for them and that she shouldn't just leave solely because she is a woman. Lex agrees with this sentiment but still feels that they shouldn't have completely abandoned the children to be in Isaach by themselves; Ayra promises that after the war is over, they will return to Isaach for them. She then apologizes for everything and says that she is a fighter, a quality which Lex says is why he fell in love with her.

    This conversation follows up on the Chapter 3 conversation between Lex and Ayra. In both of these conversations, Lex and Ayra's attitudes clash; this time they argue about leaving their children alone in Isaach. Ayra raises a good point that she is not solely responsible for the children. Lex instead of trying to continue to argue with her concedes; he knows in his heart this is right and is honest to her about it. The two were able to resolve their conflict peacefully which is a sign of a healthy relationship. For Lex itself it shows his noble and honest character once again - he's not afraid to say what he's thinking but he also isn't aggressive towards Ayra and concedes her point when he realizes that she is right. He doesn't stonewall her or try to go his own way like one may expect him to do based on previous conversations but demonstrates his maturity by working with her.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Tailtiu: Tailtiu asks Lex if he still has to fight on the frontlines. He answers in the affirmative and then asks Tailtiu to return to safety in Silesse where their children (Arthur and Tinny) are waiting. Tailtiu asks why he wants to leave her by herself in Silesse; Lex justifies his request by saying that House Friege is looking to "reclaim" her and the children and that he does not want them to fall into the cruel hands of House Friege or his own House Dozel. Afterwards he expresses regret that they both had the bad luck of being from greedy and malicious families and tells Tailtiu that even though they didn't have that much time together, it still means a lot to him.

    The Tailtiu conversation shines a light on Lex and Tailtiu being in similar situations; both of them being in greedy families who end up attacking Sigurd and by extension them. It's tragic that Lex and Tailtiu fell in love despite that both of them have families that would be all too happy to mistreat them and their children if they got ahold of them ever again; Lex notes this yet there's no real recourse other than to continue on with his "live and let live" attitude as a coping mechanism. Lex feels that there is no other choice other than for Tailtiu to flee to safety and is willing to have her do this even if it separates them quite possibly forever. The fact that he thanks her for the time they spent together implies that he thinks that his death in the near future is a real possibility; he regrets that it has come to this yet has no choice other than to let go and keep pushing forward as he always has.


    Final thoughts: Lex is an upstanding man despite the fact that he was raised by the dishonest and greedy Lombard. He's honest as we saw in his version of "The Honest Woodcutter" and he wants to see his friends and family get taken care of; this contrasts against his father when the conflict with him comes to a head in Chapter 5. Lex is forced to witness his father dying, possibly by his own hand; however, he doesn't dwell on that tragic event but moves on because he tries to focus on the positive. Instead of becoming catatonic over Lombard's death, he concludes that Lombard was resigned to his fate through his terrible behavior and moves on. He's an honest man who accepts what situation he is put in no matter how bad it is and keeps pushing forward to aid his friends, and it's what makes Lex himself compared to Azelle or others. No matter what those are his two constants: pushing forward regardless of the circumstances and serving his friends and family when they need it. That is what defines Lex and separates him out from other characters.

    Thank you for reading this one! I hope it wasn't too all over the place - multiple things are touched on in his dialogue but it all comes together to create the Lex that many FE4 fans know and love today. Up next will be Lex's best friend, Azelle, Young Flame. See you then!

    Previous: Arden, Strong and Tough

    Next: Azelle, Young Flame

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Cherche teaching her son to dance by u/KhaoticKlarke

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    The Sorcerer and the Strategist

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Just started playing three houses. This is my first fire emblem game. Any tips?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Any advice for a newbie? How much do your choices affect things? And does recruiting students piss other characters off?

    submitted by /u/Morcalvin
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