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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Fire Emblem Announcing the results of the 2020 Subreddit Banner Contest!

    Fire Emblem Announcing the results of the 2020 Subreddit Banner Contest!

    Announcing the results of the 2020 Subreddit Banner Contest!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Once again, we are very grateful to everyone who took the time to enter the contest and create these wonderful banners. This couldn't have happened without all their hard work. Now with that said, the results are in:

    The winner of this banner contest by and away was /u/NightTide9 with their submission! One week from today, their banner design will be featured for the indefinite future on the subreddit.

    For those who may not have already noticed, second place goes to /u/Bakaretsu and their submission! We've updated the subreddit to use their banner for the week, after which NightTide9's banner will be put up moving forward.

    Coming in third is /u/Chinelo-is-not-Crash and their submission!

    Fourth place is a tie between /u/CyanYoh's entry and /u/PsiYoshi's entry! (Due to Reddit's vote fuzzing measures, neither one consistently had a higher score than the other, so it was too close to call.)

    And last but not least is /u/averysillyman's submission!

    Thank you all for participating in this year's banner contest! Depending on how things unfold for the series next year, we may host another competition at some point then, so definitely look forward to that!

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Why Hoshido Is Actually A Flawed Society (And Fates Just Kinda Forgot About It)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:30 AM PST

    Just like many people in these charming pandemic times I've been kinda desperate to fill the void and find things to do outside of simple college stuff . Which implies more idle time on YouTube. Which has also led me to rewatch some supports of FE games to refresh my memory, the supports being one of the highlights of any FE game imo. And by doing that I've also noticed some things that kinda flew over my head while I was experiencing Fire Emblem Fates for the first time, mainly the fact that Hoshido isn't actually as perfect as the story would have you believe and that there are quite a few things Nohr actually does better (not necessarily intentionally).

    One of the most recurring complaints against Fates is the dichotomy between Hoshido and Nohr, perfect rich sunshine land where everyone is happy and fed and couldn't ask for more vs authoritarian dark, cold land where everyone is sad, poor a criminal or all three of them. It brings a certain number of problems : it becomes repetitive and annoying when absolutely everyone in the game, nohrians included, keep listing the flaws of Nohr while their neighbor is implied to have none BUT it also becomes a disservice to Hoshido. Because at the end of the day, Hoshido is presented as a rather bland country. The world building is of ... questionable quality in Fates but it did at least do a good job of (sorta) fleshing out Nohr, a lot more than it did with Hoshido. We, the players, simply know Nohr more, we also know that it's more a darkish grey than it is completely black which makes the Nohrian characters more interesting to follow. The Hoshidan characters on the other hand don't get this "chance".

    What makes it even more frustrating personally is that the supports (and some story elements) show that Hoshido truly had the potential to be fleshed out as a flawed but interesting society since the flaws are already there, implied in their conversations, simply not as explored as they could have been. I've noticed three of them, the first two being canon and the third one not so but it just begged to be dealt with in game.

    Hoshido and sexism:

    It's already been brought up by many fans, but women don't seem to be treated with the same respect women are in Nohr. Now, respect doesn't mean being nice to someone else (Hoshidan men aren't in any way mean to Hoshidan women), respect means considering and treating someone as your equal. And Hoshidan society does seem to treat women differently and with less regards. First, let's take a look at the order of succession. Although the localized version doesn't make it obvious, the original Japanese version of Conquest makes it clear that Hinoka never expected to become Queen since Takumi, her younger brother, was the heir after Ryoma. She can only obtain the throne if both of her brothers are incapacitated, meaning that male heirs are prioritized over female ones. This isn't an isolated issue. Hinoka shares in her supports that there were quite a few oppositions to her becoming a sky knight because it would be dangerous. No one would say that to Ryoma or Takumi. Same thing for Reina, who was raised to become a proper lady and had to go against her family to become a warrior. Being a warrior seems to be something women can technically aspire to but is sort of frowned upon. Look at Sakura, for example, who others seem to want out of the frontlines for her protection, something no one in Nohr tries to do with Elise.

    Because yes, Nohr doesn't seem to have this problem, or at least not as much. No one seems to bat an eye at female warriors. I can't recall any instance of Camilla saying people tried to persuade her not to be a malig knight and people tend to avoid babying Elise while also expecting quite a lot from such a young girl. And, the crown goes to the eldest living heir, no matter their gender.

    Hoshido and elitism/classism:

    Now, it's important to remember that Nohr is considerably poorer that Hoshido. Meaning that technically speaking inequalities in wealth are larger in Nohr. The social ladder, however, seems to be more "climbable" there than in Hoshido. Look at the number of commoners in the Nohrian army. Three of the royals have at least one retainer than is/was a commoner, and a poor one born in the slums at that. Two of them were criminals and tried to harm their current liege. And yet they now are retainers of princes and princesses. That's quite the success story. Sure, there probably were some furrowed eyebrows at these choices but the Nohr siblings still managed to make it happen. Gunther himself, although not from a poor background since he's from the middle class, is also a commoner AND a respected knight.

    What about the Hoshidan army ? It has a lot more nobles, and even those who aren't nobles are from important families (Orochi comes from a long line of diviners working for the Hoshidan royal family, Oboro's parents were rich tailors). Azama is a special case but he's a monk, so with a certain status and clearly not an outcast either. Mozu is literally the only commoner of "low" birth. So yeah, Hoshido's commoners have less to worry about but their position is less prone to change and their nobles and royals might be overall nice and respectable, nothing indicates in game that commoners have a lot of chances of being "more" than what they currently are.

    Hoshido and the limits of self-righteousness and principles

    This one is more my own interpretation than what Hoshido is canonically depicted as, but it's still the general feeling Hoshido as a whole gives me. It's easy for them to be self-righteous. Hoshido is a blessed land, life is easy there, which makes it a lot easier to put high value on morals and principles, since you don't necessarily have to confront them to the harsh reality of this world. Has any of you seen the movie Parasites ? I highly recommend it, because it's a nice study on wealth inequalities and how it shapes the way poor and rich people interact. One moment that stick with me was this one:

    She's rich, but still nice. – Ki-taek
    Not "rich, but still nice." She's nice because she's rich. Hell, if I had all this money. I'd be nice, too! – Chung-sook

    It might sound like an excuse to do morally questionable things because of your background, in a way it is. I don't think the message of the movie is just that though. It's simply that misery leads people to desperate measures, because what other options do they truly have? If you have no reason to be desperate and don't need anything, it's easy not to resort to extreme measures. In Nohr, from the commoners to even the royals, life is a struggle (more so of course if you're a poor commoner). Maybe that's why Nohrians seem more tolerant, because most of them know, in some way, what it's like when life kicks you in the face and you have to use dirty tricks, so they know they can't really afford to judge others for trying to survive. Xander, Camilla and Leo had to do terrible things to survive and protect their siblings, so yeah I'm not surprised they're not that harsh towards Nyx, Niles or Beruka, because how hypocritical would that be. If they didn't believe in some sort of redemption, they wouldn't have hope for themselves either.

    Hoshido doesn't have that. They're in a way rather naïve and rather ignorant about how harsh life can be and first look at the appearances of things before trying to understand why people do the things they do (also Ryoma how the fuck did you not know how difficult living conditions were in your neighboring country, fellow regional power and biggest rival, what kind of future king doesn't know that). That's why the Hoshidan characters can come across as slightly judgmental. It's not out of some superiority complex, but it's because they're an almost sheltered nation, who may not have fully realized their land is simply a lot luckier than others mainly because of their easy access to good resources and riches. Wouldn't it have been nice to give Hoshidan characters enough growth for them to realize that and try to correct their mentalities ?

    The goal of that brick of text wasn't to prove that "Hoshido sucks", quite the contrary. What I wanted to do is to highlight all the hints of Hoshido not being perfect and what could have been done to flesh out Hoshido as a society genuinely aspiring to be good and fair, but with still some things to work on. To have Nohrian and Hoshidan characters discuss these topics and reflect on the differences and similarities between their countries, allowing them to see their own society through a different angle would have been neat, just saying.

    submitted by /u/North-Pound
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    [OC] back to drawing micapell again

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:11 PM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #04 - Ilyana/Zihark

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:45 AM PST

    Still need to do a full shoot because I really like Summer Byleth from FEH

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    Flayn and Byleth at the Goddess Tower ✨

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:16 AM PST

    Jeigan! Conscript me a posse. Happy FE1 day!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:09 AM PST

    Those fools...

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:18 AM PST

    Lilina's New Dress (Commission, drawn by u/alexa_44)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light is now live and available to be played on Switch eShop

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Adding a little 776 love to my GBA collection.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    [OC] Lysithea/Claude modern high school AU

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:54 AM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #03 - Serra/Sain

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:27 AM PST

    Any good Offical FE Merch?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:42 AM PST

    So I've come to the realisation that despite the fact this series has practically been injected into my bloodstream I don't actually have much in the way of.. things to represent it besides a couple smash amiibo, and considering I can't feasibly own like half the games without forking over a ton of cash I'd like to make it up To the series I enjoy so much.

    I was gonna get the 30th anniversary edition but scalpers gonna scalp and I've considered importing the premium arrange albums because they're so good but I was wondering if there was anything else out there, prefably related to pre FE13 FE.

    submitted by /u/Cosmic_Toad_
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    Drawing of Dimitri I made

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:09 PM PST

    dondon plays FE7 HHM 0% growths - chapter 26 [Unfulfilled Heart]

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:04 PM PST

    30th anniversary in stock at wal mart

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:41 AM PST

    Found a funny text glitch on the ENG version of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:01 PM PST

    I guess if you are on a house while trying to recruit someone they say the dialogue from the house person (link to tweet with link below). I'll have to check and see if this only works here or if its universal

    Link to video of glitch

    submitted by /u/VictoryStar926
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    If a Tellius Remake ever happened, would you want Radiant Dawn to have support conversations?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    The Tellius series is known for its amazing worldbuilding, perhaps the best in the series. Both games use base conversations to build character, and do a fairly good job keeping side characters relevant (Jill being a prominent example of this), leaving much of the cast fleshed out.

    Radiant Dawn, while still having amazing worldbuilding, isn't the best when it comes to new characters. Aside from Micaiah, Pelleas, Skrimir, and a few others, the characters (such as the Fail Brigade) fall flat.

    Unused content has been found in the game. Serenes Forest says this:

    It seems the developers were originally going to include full length support conversations (like the ones in the previous three games) instead of the watered down ones that you see now. One major difference is that only data for A-rank supports exists, so it's possible the developers intended to utilise the current "everybody supports" system, but have special conversations for certain pairs when they reach the A-level support (that's just my guess though).

    Here are the list to the list of unused supports: https://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/characters/supports/unused/

    Which got me thinking: if we ever got a remake, would adding support conversations be a good idea? FE12 showed us how to not add things to canon *cough Kris cough*, but other games (such as SoV) did a pretty good job. If they did it well, then old and new players alike would get tons of new supports that flesh out characters. If they did it poorly, then it could butcher some characters.

    If they got a good team, such as the writers of Three Houses, it could go really well. If they got Team B from Fates, though, then RIP.

    Any thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/Shoddy-Dragonfruit32
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    Now time for the final lord, metaleth, I am gonna take a break from this project, but will come back to do the right hands.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    A Tyrfing I modelled in Maya!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:18 AM PST

    Berwick Saga Ranked - Chapter 10: A Paladin's Duty

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:39 PM PST

    Switch FE1 made me want to play FE12

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:40 AM PST

    Don't get me wrong, Three Houses is amazeballs but after a few minutes of Shadow I felt that nostalgic itch. Went back to FE11 for a few rounds and the art style and flow is so solid. It never got released in the west and its everything great pre-Awakening!

    submitted by /u/ishouldntofsaidthat
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    Favourite character quotes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Fire Emblem is filled with loads of memorable characters, but when a series has so many characters some are bound to stand out more than others. A great way I found of rating how well written a character is, is by looking at all of their dialogue and finding quotes which stand out. However, you can't just find a quote and call it a day, you need to explain why this quote fits the character so well and why only they and no other character could've said it.

    Some of my favourites:

    Marth: "Today is a momentous day for my kingdom and my people. I must celebrate with them now, not later. Anything else would be a disservice to those who died to save Altea. I am a prince before I am a son or a brother." - This is one of the most iconic lines in the series and for good reason. It shows how much Marth truly struggles with all the responsibility he carries as the prince of Altea, as despite taking back his home, his sister is nowhere to be found and it heavely sours the victory for him. Because of this Nyna suggest that Marth should take a break until he can truly enjoy his victory with all the people waiting outside the castle. However, Marth objects and points out how putting his personal feelings before those of his people would be an insult to all the lives that were lost in the war.Marth's line "I am i prince, before I am a son or brother." shows how he puts his duty before his own family and how he will always try to serve his people well. I think this is one of the main reasons why I think FE11 had great writing, especially in comparison to FE12, but that's a discussion for another day.

    Hector: "I'm built tough, you know. A little too much is just enough for me." - This line presents bot the strengths and weaknesses of Hector himself. Hector prides himself on his physical strength and hopes to protect those close to him with said strength, just as he thinks his brother does. However, it also shows his cockyness and how his shortsightedness in that he considers physical strength the most important attribute of someone and doesn't understand why his brother was a truly great ruler. It also ties into his character development later, but I'm not gonna write an entire character analysis on Hector right now.

    Gharnef: "What? The dregs of Akaneia have come to challenge my kingdom? Ha ha ha... Really, do they think people have not tried before? " - This is a great villain line. To Gharnef, Marth and all of the other characters working alongside him are practically nothing more than insects to Gharnef. He even mentions how many other people have tried and failed to defeat him, so why should Marth and company be a threat to him? This does tie in to his plan later, of using Marth to kill Michalis and Camus as they were threats to him, I question how when he is litteraly invicible, but maybe Gharnef was just too lazy to kill the two of them. Even so, this is a great villain line befiting of a villain like Gharnef.

    I think I mentioned my favourite ones, but if you have any great character quotes you wanna share, do so in the comments below and explain why you think they're so great. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Edition up for sale on the Nintendo Store!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:53 PM PST

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