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    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    Fire Emblem Lady flayn (twitter:jxh_soda)

    Fire Emblem Lady flayn (twitter:jxh_soda)

    Lady flayn (twitter:jxh_soda)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:25 AM PST


    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Fallen Tiki!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:47 PM PST


    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:46 PM PST

    I drew the house leaders as songs by The Mountain Goats

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:14 PM PST

    Merry Christmas, Chatterbox.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:00 PM PST

    [OC] "FOR JERALT!"

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST

    Thought I would share my small but growing Fire Emblem collection!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:41 PM PST

    My new Lucina tattoo by Michela B-A. @Soho Ink/NYC~

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:06 PM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #02 - Niime/Yoder

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    I did Leveatein Ninja, I hope you like it!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    Yuliya/Yumina who was feeling tired and therefore sat down, fell asleep on the spot, accidentally took a nap, and has only now realised that.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:05 PM PST

    She told me she was 1000 years old, I swear officer!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:08 PM PST

    What is the better investment: The new Fire Emblem NES port that's coming to Switch, or the DS version of Shadow Dragon on the Wii U eShop?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:04 PM PST

    I'm having a hard time deciding how I want to experience the first Fire Emblem story and would like some help.

    The first game finally coming to the west is a great piece of history, but I've also heard it's got some age on it and can be jank by today's standards.

    Shadow Dragon on the Wii U eShop has some improvements I'm sure, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it's the definitive version of that story, and I'm not a fan of the art style.

    They're pretty similar in price so I wouldn't have a problem with getting one, the other, or heck, even both if they've each got their own merits! I'd appreciate the opinions!

    submitted by /u/JigglyJacob
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    "What If?" Wednesday, Chapter 20: That's My Horse!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:23 PM PST

    Chapter 19

    Welcome back, everyone! Once again, it's time for "What If?" Wednesday, the weekly speculative gameplay discussion thread. With (Northern Hemisphere) winter fast approaching, and FE1 for the Switch coming faster still, it's a good time to stay inside, build an army, and trust nobody. With that in mind, let's ponder yet another "what if?"

    In the Fire Emblem games, units appear in various movement types. The majority of units (infantry) move on foot, but others are mounted: either atop horses, pegasi, or wyverns. Being a mounted unit comes with certain advantages: generally a couple extra points of movement, and (in certain games) the ability to Canto away after certain actions. But there are disadvantages, too - fliers, for instance, suffer a chronic weakness to bows, and sometimes to wind magic. Sometimes, a unit will gain a horse upon promotion - in most cases, however, a unit's movement type stays the same, from the game's beginning to its end.

    But, what if that weren't the case? What if it were possible to, on a chapter-by-chapter basis, change whether a unit is infantry, horseback, or a flier? Crudely-stated, I'm proposing a "Rent-a-Horse" service - for a modest fee (say, 1000G), a unit can have a horse for the rest of the chapter. Same for "Rent-a-sus". Apart from those stats (movement) and skills (canto) directly related to the unit being mounted, nothing else about the unit would be changed. Normally, this would be restricted to one (of each) per chapter - but, if a unit voluntarily "loans" their own mount for the chapter, another unit can rent it. Assume this to only be an option once the prep screen (and associated shop) becomes available. Would you make use of such a service, if it were made available? What units do you see especially benefiting from "Rent-a-Horse" or "Rent-a-sus"? And, is this something you'd like to see in future titles or remakes, or do you prefer mounts staying strictly linked to class and/or character?

    Thanks for reading, everyone! I'll be sharing my own answer below shortly, but I want to hear what you all think. Take care, and keep playing Fire Emblem!

    submitted by /u/SixThousandHulls
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    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #40 - Finn, Lance of Legend

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we look at all of the playable characters in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Leif, Prince of Leonster, who will do anything to help his people and accomplish the dream of unifying Thracia. Today we are going to look at the only character who is playable in both generations of the game, that being Finn, Lance of Legend.


    To understand Finn, we must first review what has happened with him up until the point where he joins in the second generation. Finn appeared in the first generation as a young squire who accompanied Quan and Ethlyn to the battlefield when Sigurd first fought the Verdanians. Finn formed a close friendship with his liege Quan during that time as he proved himself to be a more than capable fighter despite his youth. He leaves Sigurd's army after Chapter 3 along with Quan and Ethlyn when they return to Leonster to get more reinforcements. It is at some point during the end of the first generation when the Aed Massacre happens in which Quan and Ethlyn were killed by a surprise attack by Thracian dragon knights led by Travant; their daughter Altena was presumably killed as well and the legendary Gae Bolg lance was lost. Finn was not present at the time as he was instead in Leonster taking care of Quan's infant son Leif; the incident weighed down upon him heavily as it killed his closest friends.

    For the rest of the intervening period, Finn would be on the run with Leif along with various other people including Lachesis' daughter Nanna who stuck with them after Lachesis had left in her fateful journey to get her son Diarmuid; he had been forced to raise Leif in the absence of his parents. Shortly before the beginning of Chapter 7, Leif had raised a rebellion presumably with Finn's support; however, when the chapter begins they are in dire straits as the rebellion failed...


    Chapter 7 introduction: Finn rides into Leonster castle. Leif asks him if he has heard anything on the status of the other division; Finn delivers the grave news that all of the soldiers who went to Alster were killed. Leif is angered to hear that their best chance had failed and says that he wants to strangle Blume now. He is stopped by Finn, who warns him to calm down as Lewyn is bringing Seliph's liberation army to help them; until then, they will have to ride out the siege. Leif recalls that Seliph is the son of his father's friend Sigurd and comes up with the idea that they can combine forces to fight against the Empire more effectively. Nanna agrees and adds that if they lose now, then the deaths of the soldiers at Alster will have been in vain; she suggests that they flee Leonster to the west. Leif concurs and decides to play defensive until Seliph can arrive with help.

    We meet Finn here when he comes back from scouting for Leif; he is forced to deliver the devastating news that the Alster mission failed. Hearing this causes Leif to become angry and he feels an impulse to go kill Blume himself. Finn however has been through this situation before and knows better; he warns his liege to calm down as doing something rash like that would not be productive. This shows that Finn, unlike in the first generation, has gotten experience from his trials over the past 20 years.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Larcei: Finn spots Larcei and asks her who she is; Larcei, confused, introduces herself. Finn is in a daze but Larcei asks him why he is staring at her; Finn apologizes and tells her that she looks like someone he knew. She greatly resembles his former lover who he last saw during the first war; since then, he has looked for her. Larcei asks what his lover's name was, to which Finn responds that she was named Ayra. Larcei is caught by surprise by this and asks if he is kidding about that.

    Chapter 7 conversation with Lana: Finn spots Lana and asks her who she is; Lana, confused, introduces herself. Finn is in a daze but Lana asks him why he is staring at her; Finn apologizes and tells her that she looks like someone he knew. She greatly resembles his former lover who he last saw during the first war; since then, he has looked for her. Lana asks him if she was his wife, and he replies that yes, his former lover was his wife. Lana then asks what his lover's name was, to which Finn responds that she was named Edain. Lana is caught by surprise by this because Edain is Lana's mother.

    Finn in Chapter 7 will have a conversation with Larcei, Lana, or Nanna if she is his daughter (i.e., Finn married Ayra, Edain, or Lachesis during the course of the first generation). The Larcei and Lana conversations are a bit more generic and are nearly identical to each other. Finn sees this girl who looks so much like the woman whom he fell in love with 20 years ago yet was forced to part with because of the war; familiar to the point of almost being her child. Of course to their surprise, Finn turns out to be their father. The conversation ends here of course as the daughter realizes that Finn is her father.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Nanna: Finn asks Nanna how she is doing; she tells her father that she is doing fine and that he doesn't need to worry about her. Finn remarks that Nanna is getting to be bold like her mother; it's almost as if he was talking to Lachesis as he was 20 years before. Nanna then angrily asks Finn why he let her mother run off by herself (to Aed) if he really loved her; Finn answers that this dispute is not her business and is a private matter between himself and Lachesis. Nanna tries to interject but is interrupted by Finn, who tells her that she will understand when she is older.

    Finn's conversation with Nanna is much more interesting. Finn checks in on his daughter, and she's confident that she doesn't need to be checked upon because she will be fine. It reminds Finn so much about his love, about how she was always determined to do things her own way...harkening back to his interactions with her when they were both young, before everything went south. Finn trails off into reminiscing about that time before Nanna interrupts him to ask him why he let Lachesis leave by herself on her ill-fated trip to get Diarmuid. Bringing this up opens another wound for Finn and rather than talking about it, he gets Nanna to drop it by saying that what happened was between him and Lachesis alone, something which only an adult like him would understand. But it's still a tragedy for Finn regardless of how amicable or not their separation may have been, and his reluctance to discuss what happened shows that.


    Chapter 8 conversation with Leif: Finn tells Leif that protecting the Thracian peninsula is their duty as the remnants of House Leonster; they must persevere no matter what. Leif replies that he has always dreamed of the day when Leonster is free, the people are saved from Blume, and his father's dreams are realized; he adds that he is prepared to die if needed to accomplish this. Finn chastises Leif for saying this as a future king like him cannot do something so rash. Leif acknowledges that Finn is right and apologizes. He recalls how Finn had worked so hard to protect him and made sacrifices in doing so, even to the point of starving himself so Leif could have food. It is only now that Leif realized that Finn had made these sacrifices, he says, and he adds that he will always be grateful to Finn. Finn tells Leif that his father had dreamt of uniting Thracia after generations of strife; while he may be gone, Leif continues to live and with him is the chance of finally uniting Thracia.

    Finn lectures Leif on how they must persevere because of their duty to protect the peninsula, their duty as the heirs to Njorun's legacy. Leif once again says something rash, this time that he would be prepared to die if it means that the dream of uniting Thracia is accomplished; Finn has to talk Leif down as it would be foolish for the symbol of the nation to die. Leif then reflects on what Finn did for him, and we see a picture of what exactly Finn was doing in those intervening 16 years between Belhalla and now. Finn had gone on the run to raise Leif who isn't even his child and he had made sacrifices so Leif could grow up in relative comfort; he even went without food at times so Leif could eat. What dedication this is for Finn to have done all of this and take Leif in as if he were his own son! And still, even today Finn supports Leif to try to accomplish Leif's father's dream - the dream of bringing peace and unity to Thracia.


    Chapter 9 introduction: Leif asks Finn if something is wrong as he has been quiet since they have left Munster; Finn responds by asking Leif if he saw a dragon knight on top of the mountains near Munster. Leif replies that yes, he did see this dragon knight and asks if there was something off with her. Finn says that he saw that she was wielding the Gáe Bolg and had an aura similar to that of Leif's father, the aura associated with one that carries the major blood of Njorun. Leif starts to realize what Finn is insinuating and asks him to clarify what he means; Finn replies that the only possible explanation is that Altena did not in fact die at Aed and that the Gáe Bolg was not lost there either. Leif asks why Altena would be with the Thracian army; Finn infers that Altena had been taken by Travant and raised by him as his own daughter. Leif is momentarily awed that Travant, a man whom he perceives as a monster, would do something so humane. This awe is shattered when Finn continues onto why Travant would do this; he guesses that Travant had done it to have the power of the Gáe Bolg on his side. Leif is disgusted by the notion that Travant used Altena as a sort of weapon and tells Finn that he wants to somehow help her so they can avenge their parents. Finn tells Leif that he thinks that Leif is the only person who can convince her of the truth as her brother; he begs him to go open her heart and save her.

    Finn saw the lady dragon knight, as did Leif, and he came to the stunning conclusion that the knight is in fact Altena, Leif's older brother who was presumed to have been killed at Aed. Finn pauses a lot during this conversation which shows that it is difficult for him to have come to this realization, that he is still processing all of the emotions that come with this. Finn ends the conversation by begging Leif to save Altena; it shows that he is so emotionally invested in getting Altena back, and we'll see that coming up.


    Chapter 9 conversation with Travant: Travant greets the famous Finn and mocks him for still "clinging on to life." Finn tells Travant to prepare himself as he will avenge his lord now; Travant retorts that a commoner like Finn could never scratch him and takes Finn fighting as a readiness to die.

    Travant knows Finn somehow, and the fact that he knows who Finn is serves as a testament to how much of a legend Finn is. A warrior with no holy blood like him would normally be unacknowledged, but Finn (somewhat like Reinhardt in FE5) is just so skilled at fighting that everyone across Thracia knows of him, and Travant himself seems to want to kill him. Finn of course wants to avenge his lords.


    Chapter 9 conversation with Altena: Finn asks for Altena's pardon and introduces himself to her; he says that it is an honor to meet her again. Altena tells him that she has heard about him from Leif; she cannot thank him enough for what he did for Leif. Finn thanks Altena for this but extends an apology to her for not searching for her as he never thought that she would still be alive, let alone be alive so close to where they were. Finn then starts crying and Altena asks him why he is crying. Finn apologizes to her for crying in front of her. Altena then remembers a moment from when she was young and was fond of Finn, even trying to catch his attention; Finn then breaks down again.

    The turning point has come for Finn. Most of his adult life has been, to put it in vulgar terms, shitty. His lords - not just his lords, his closest friends - violently killed in an inhospitable desert with him powerless to do anything, their daughter presumably dead as well; his country was taken over by Grannvale, with Finn being forced to go on the run and make sacrifices so his lords' son could grow up well; if he married (Lachesis), his wife even was lost to the tragedy that is this story. But now, Finn finally has a good moment for him as Altena was found and brought to their side. In spite of this happiness, Finn still feels that he didn't do enough; he can't enjoy the moment and has to try to apologize to Altena for not searching for her. It's irrational for one to have expected him to do this when he didn't know of Altena still living (and Altena understands this), but for Finn nothing less than perfection is acceptable.

    And yet here is when the emotions finally overwhelm Finn. For seventeen years Finn had to hold in his grief, sadness, and angst that came from all these terrible things, and he did do that as he showed only the blank thousand yard stare. But as Finn apologizes to Altena, the floodgates open, and Finn finally cries to let out all of the emotions; not even his pride as a knight could stop him. Altena recalling her moment with him as a child only worsens it as all of the memories of the good times he had before all this started flow back to him; Finn finally has a good release of all of his emotions that he has desperately needed - and deserved, for the good work he has put in for everyone around him.


    Ending if Leif is alive: Finn will tell Seliph that he is going home just as Leif is and wishes him the best health. Seliph will thank Finn for aiding his family for over 20 years; Finn will say that he is merely a servant of House Leonster who has followed his lieges. Seliph tells Finn that Thracia is in his hands and hopes that he will assist Leif in rebuilding; Finn responds that he will do all he can to accomplish Quan's dream of Thracia becoming peaceful.

    Finn finally gets to go home, but his journey is not yet over: he will continue to faithfully come to Leif's assistance as his lord takes on the task of rebuilding Thracia. He takes no credit for what he's done of course because he is that devoted to the knightly virtue of humility; all he wants to do is look forward to the future that they have all earned but which work must still be put towards.


    Ending if Leif is dead: Finn will tell Seliph that he is going home and wishes him the best health. Seliph will thank Finn for aiding his family for over 20 years; Finn will say that he is merely a servant of House Leonster who has followed his lieges. However, he adds that he is a disgrace as he failed to protect Leif when he needed him most. Seliph tells Finn not to blame himself for Leif's death as it is his fault as well; he adds that Thracia is in Finn's hands and asks him to help its people. Finn affirms that he will do so if it helps him atone for the deaths of Quan and Leif.

    In this scenario, Finn has the tragedy of Leif having died on his watch as well. He still goes back to Thracia to atone for his lieges whom he feels he failed, with that shortcoming always haunting him for the rest of his life...


    Final thoughts: Finn draws similar parallels to Oifey and Shannan, the other two children of the first generation who return in the second generation, but he has to face even harder trials than them. Finn was faced with the herculean task of becoming one of the strongest crusaders without even carrying a drop of holy blood in his veins. He suffered the tragedy of much of his family being wiped out at Aed and had no time to stop and mourn because of the invasion by Thracia that came shortly thereafter; he then was forced to go on the run with Leif and make immense sacrifices in that regard so Leif could grow up to realize the dream that Quan had left behind. As he comes back to the game, he continues to be the loyal advisor to Leif that reins him in and holds him back from doing rash things that would otherwise spell disaster for the effort; there's no denying how much of an impact Finn had. Yet he refuses to take credit for what he did, instead choosing to focus on his perceived shortcomings as he continues to try to improve. He never so much as even showed emotion up until when Altena spoke to him; here, Finn reached his breaking point and finally was able to take a well deserved and needed moment to release his emotions.

    To summarize and bring everything back together, Finn is Fire Emblem's answer to Job. Tragedy after tragedy, ordeal after ordeal is thrown at Finn, and the situation asks things of him that most people just wouldn't be able to do under this pressure. Yet Finn shows no sign of breaking; he remains steadfastly committed to his goal and to accomplishing what his lords want to do, accomplishing the dream of uniting Thracia. It's no surprise that in the nearly 25 years that Jugdral has existed, Finn has consistently been one of the most popular characters from this game, and it's for these reasons why Finn is my personal favorite character in the series.

    Thank you for reading this long awaited episode of Examining the Crusaders. Next time we are going to take a look at Finn's (adopted/biological) daughter, Nanna, Nordion Princess and her substitute Jeanne. Until then!

    Previous: Leif, Prince of Leonster

    Next: Nanna, Nordion Princess (& Jeanne)

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Might still work��. Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Edition is available for pre-order @ EB Games. Good luck.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Golden Sun - Venus Lighthouse [FE8 SoundFont]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Berwick Saga Ranked Chapter 9 - Side Missions

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:47 PM PST

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