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    Saturday, September 4, 2021

    Fire Emblem Rhea eating a burger(?) (commission done by @k0k0midess)

    Fire Emblem Rhea eating a burger(?) (commission done by @k0k0midess)

    Rhea eating a burger(?) (commission done by @k0k0midess)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    POV: You're Lex and Just Asked Ayra to Dance || Ballroom Ayra: Astra's Radiance (Commission || Artist @tenchan_man)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    Rune factory 4 x 3h crossover! Catch these three farming every weekend now (OC)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Sharing more art i made last year

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Three Houses was a great game

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Shoutout to Three Houses. Without it, I'd have currently questioned whether my Switch was worth it or not. It was a kickass Fire Emblem game and it blew me away with all its full voice acting and branching routes despite not being split up into a "multi-purchase" release. It also had story-telling that made me give a damn about the cast, unlike some of the previous games that tried but failed.

    It was a worthy addition after the 3DS era of the brand, and suggested more of a "Classic-FE" level of complexity to storytelling that we did not see in Fates, and what might've been attempted in Awakening but to me felt all over the place and hard to follow despite its strong presentation.

    I want people to confess their love for Three Houses.

    submitted by /u/linkenski
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    The more I look at it, the more it feels like Fire Emblem: Three Houses was never completed.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    So I made the mistake of falling down the enormous rabbit hole that is TCRF and finishing yet another run through the game. And I have to say that although I do like the game a lot, knowing what I do now, having seen what was left out, and replaying all the routes several times... it just feels like it was never truly finished.

    And I'm not just talking about the huge abundance of unused battalions, weapons, UI elements, or the weird amount of unused blushing dialogue portraits.

    I mean the fact that a lot of details seemed to have just been overlooked or passed over in terms of implementation. It feels rushed in some ways, especially since in some cases, the materials they need to fix these errors have been found through datamining, and I can't really imagine why they were left out. As a few examples:

    • When Dedue dies in the Royal Palace on Silver Snow or Verdant Wind, he uses his generic casual mode retreat quote... even though he literally died. This is despite the fact that he has a specific death quote for this scenario written and recorded.
    • The Ashen Wolves all use their Japanese death screams in classic mode despite English ones being recorded.
    • Jeritza was supposed to appear in the Imperial Reserve Camp around Chapter 12 and has interactions written and recorded, but they just didn't do anything with them.
    • Anna has group task lines for supports even though they gave her no supports at all and I will never forgive them for th-
    • Seiros has a sprite for her Saint class, but the class instead uses her Archbishop sprite.
    • Dimitri has a sprite featuring him with two eyes in Crimson Flower, but it uses the one-eyed one anyway.

    There's also so many different, fully functional (through modding) scenarios of students defecting to the Empire on their respective routes, making it seem like the game was originally going to be a lot more dynamic with its support system and maintaining certain allegiances. There's all sorts of activity lines for Rhea and Jeralt.. to say nothing of the fact that Rhea, Jeralt, and Sothis are practically 100% functional playable characters that are completely unused. Jeralt even has his own unique passive ability, "Blade Breaker." All of them are decked out with a full set of quotes and more. It's bizarre to me that all of this work was put in seemingly for nothing.

    Crimson Flower gets still images (some of which get reused) or in-engine cutscenes instead of animated cutscenes unless it absolutely need ones. It's also the shortest of all the routes and brushes off the other half of the conflict as "we'll just deal with them later" and only confirms that you do, in fact, deal with it in the ending narration.

    Unused difficulty mode (even though it seems absurd), unused quests for various NPCs complete with lines, additional functionality and lines for otherwise nonplayable characters like Judith and Rodrigue. Playable data for every other playable character (even Jeritza!) for Cindered Shadows.

    Written endings for Hilda on Crimson Flower (let's be honest here, the only reason she isn't playable on Crimson Flower is because Edelgard's paralogue is a tougher version of her own). Apparently there was going to be A Supports for Ferdinand and Lorenz.

    It all goes on.

    There's a very high probability that they just have all this content sitting in a dusty corner because it provides failsafes to prevent crashing or something, but it just doesn't feel right. It seems like the game was originally going to be so much bigger and more unique, but they ultimately ended up pushing it out early (the similarities between Silver Snow and Verdant Wind, and the shortness of Crimson Flower, did not go unnoticed) and then couldn't manage to find enough time or a place to put a lot of this stuff into post-launch updates or DLC packages.

    It really is a shame, because so much of this seems so interesting. I'd believe that most of the decisions they made in the end were wholly intentional if there were only a few bits and pieces left, but this is a lot of content, and people keep discovering more. I just can't imagine that they always planned on leaving it to be forgotten. And I think we're way past the point of hoping for another major content update at this point.

    I really do enjoy the game. I continue to play it because the fun hasn't faded from it yet. But I can't help but feel disappointed in some ways too.

    EDIT: Surprisingly, this blew up while I was sleeping. Unexpected. Even more unexpected is that I didn't get my head cut off! I'm happy to see all the discussion going on and to hear what people think.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Antheron
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    The Devoted Butler (a redraw of some old art) [OC]

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    The Lack of Progression in 3H

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about this for a solid two years now. I recently went back to play another route after a long time away from the game and I remembered what I hated the most about the monastery.

    Due to constantly returning to the monastery after every chapter, the world feels so incredibly tiny. Everything is so readily and easily accessible in an in game weekend. Games like Path of Radiance and Blazing Blade have you traversing an entire continent over the course of the whole story. You feel like you're actually slowly but surely moving throughout this massive world and building up your army.

    Even in games like Awakening and Sacred Stones where, although you can traverse the map, your story is still about traveling across the land. It still has that feeling of constantly wondering how the next leg of your trip will pan out. Nothing about Three Houses gave me that feeling of exploring a world. Every map really just felt like a level. I really hope the next game will get back to having a better sense of progression and not giving you all the pieces of your army from the start.

    submitted by /u/raabyraab
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    Fire Emblem Three Houses but the intro is different

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    Surfing Ingrid (etchimune)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Sylvain and uh, wolf Shamir

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    I kinda prefer "immersive" Support convos

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    In the old games before Awakening and also in Echoes character Support dialogues happened within the gameplay itself, and I especially like generally how in the GBA games the idea is that the level itself is the playable space of the game, so you move characters to visit cities and standing next to NPCs to trigger occasional dialogues.

    I like grinding Supports to see numbers go up, but I never liked in Awakening/Fates how the Support dialogue felt cut off from everything else. The way they happened was kind of random and "nothing"-like. The same would be true of Three Houses but we literally walk around the school and they made triggers so the Supports can happen by approaching characters which triggers the special cutscenes. It's still not immersive enough though. I really like how in Echoes it's like "Yo Tobin, I was thinking of something..." the way they're written and the talks are prompted because incidentally characters end up fighting next to each other or while moving towards the enemy, so while the writing-format of a Support arc is still the same the way it's integrated feels seamless.

    Sometimes I don't understand why they changed it. The only supports you're going to get are by the characters you're actively using, so why not just keep it simple? I get that it's because they want more of a management-aspect to post-Awakening games, and Three Houses went downright "Persona" in spirit, but they also developed Fates: Conquest with old-school design, which proves that they might do that despite generally being more geared towards "Open-ended" game-design going forward. If they did another Conquest-style game where the levels are the big attraction, I think it would be super cool to have fully voiced and low-key cutscene-esque supports again, where you move characters next to each other during gameplay to initiate it. It just gave it this feeling that the relationships developed as a part of going through hardship together. It's a small change but the effect was stronger.

    submitted by /u/linkenski
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    What are flaws you find in female lords/main characters?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    I constantly see people have problems with the female lords/main characters and to me that a shame cause I think a lot of them are rather good. So in pursue in finding people flaw with them and possibly giving others a new perspective I ask what are your problems with these types of characters?

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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    Chibi Mikaiah

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Scions of Twelve)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Some wallpapers I made while trying new things to get learn how to do them better so please let me know what you think, am I going in the right direction? :D

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Which characters in series can you fight the most?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Just something I was curious about. There's quite a few recurring bosses in each game that you fight multiple times. Sometimes they're the boss of the chapter and sometimes they're the cannon fodder but they're there.

    So I'm curious about which character, to your awareness, that we fight the most across the entire series. First there's a couple of rules:

    1: Sequels and DLC count. Basically if you fight a character in one game and that game has a sequel where you fight that character again, that's added to their overall score rather than making a new character. Basically, there is no Gharnef (Shadow Dragon) and Gharnef (New Mystery), it's just Gharnef.

    2: The battles have to be unique from the other times you fight them. Basically if you can fight a character multiple times but it's the same battle just across different pathways, it doesn't count (Edelgard in the Tomb counts as 1 because all 3 battles are essentially the same across all 3 pathways, except for the model change in CF/SS, but Edelgard in her palace counts as 2 since the AM fight has her in a unique form compared to the other 2).
    This also accounts for remakes (the battle against Rudolf is basically the same between gaiden and SOV so it only counts as 1) and differences between difficulties (while the death knight does actually move without approaching him in maddening mode, it still only counts as 1).

    3: No farmable methods. Basically if there's a way to farm the boss I.e. clones or battling the spot pass characters in awakening, they don't count.

    4: Fights in Heroes and Warriors don't count. With all the stages in warriors and all the variants in Heroes, it would likely inflate the numbers of certain characters too much.

    5: Characters clearly inspired by others don't count towards their inspiration. Basically just because you can fight Tharja in awakening and Rhajat in fates is basically a carbon copy, that doesn't mean Tharja gets 2 points since you can fight Rhajat.

    I think that's all the rules I need. Anyway, I'll give you who (to my awareness) has the most possible fights: Takumi in fates who you can fight up to 10 times.

    You fight him 5 times in conquest, 1 time each in revelations and birthright and 3 times in the DLC.

    If any of you know a character you fight more than that, please share.

    submitted by /u/MasterOfChaos72
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    I know fates get flack for the story but how is the character writing?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    To be Frank, I wanna play more fire emblem, I have over 200 in three houses and loved the game despite its flaws.

    I wanna play more but I heard bad things about fates, I can overlook a nonsense story if the characters and supports of great like three houses.

    I loved path of radiance but was not happy with only being able to have 5 supports, which is dumb in my opinion. I'll play awakening but fates seems similar to three houses.

    How is the character writing in fates?

    submitted by /u/Competitive-Ad-2979
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    FE7 No Lyn Mode Efficiency Tier List

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    I love making tier lists, and I hope to learn insights I may have failed to consider previously by sharing the ones I make. This list is for an efficient (i.e., no grinding of any kind), Lyn Modeless Hector Hard Mode playthrough. All units are being recruited, and average stats are assumed. Units are ordered within tiers. Marcus is better than Nils/Ninian, for example. I'll explain my placements below:

    S tier: The best of the best. The units in here should come as no surprise to anyone.

    • Marcus: Do I really need to explain why he's the best unit in the game? I hope not, but pre-promote good, 15 Strength good, A/A/B weapon ranks good, 8 movement good. His only real flaws are iffy long-term speed and a lack of wings.

    • Nils/Ninian: Dancer good. There may be an argument for them to drop to the top of A, but I tend to put dancers in S tier by default, and I don't like having Marcus be the sole S tier.

    A+ Tier: Great units that have flaws relevant enough to keep them from top tier.

    • Heath: If Lyn Mode's not played, Heath is definitely the best flier, and flying is very good in FE7. Many mid and late-game maps have plenty of terrain that's bypassed by wings. Promoted Heath picks up promoted Hector (unlike Fiora and Farina), and his stats are amazing once he gets going. He needs some training to become self-sufficient, but he pays off the effort you put into him in spades. You could promote him ASAP to get the most mileage out of him as soon as possible, or you could wait until Chapter 27 and maximize his EXP gain until then to build an OP late-game flier. Either way, Heath good.

    • Lowen: Lowen's stats may not hold up late in the game, but he peaks when the Cavalier/Paladin class peaks. He's by far the best early-game EXP recipient, and he's a great choice for an early promotion. Even once he's promoted, he'll still have worse Strength than Marcus, but if his role is to be the supporting Paladin rather than the main one, that's not a huge problem. Between Chapters 22 and 25, Paladins lose relevance a bit in addition to his stats becoming iffy, but he's still around to rescue-drop at worst.

    A- Tier: Good units with more noticeable limitations than the A+ units.

    • Florina: Flying alone is great, but she unfortunately lacks the insane performance she has with Lyn Mode. She's still very helpful, and I think there are some arguments for her in A+, but her iffy combat isn't something to be ignored. I'm in the boat that says HHM!Florina > Fiora. It takes like 7 levels for Florina to match or beat Fiora in every stat except Defense, where she'll lose by 1 point. A Level 10 Florina by Fiora's join time is a reasonable enough thing to have thanks to Florina's 4.5 chapters of availability over Fiora (which is a large number in a game where 1 in 6 maps or so are dumb defense grinding chapters). As a result, Florina can be expected to perform roughly the same as Fiora in their shared availability, but she also has quite a few maps as your sole flier before Fiora joins.

    • Priscilla: Priscilla isn't as insane as she is in the late-game of rigged growths LTC playthroughs, but she's still very good, with C staves at base and a mount. She takes a while to promote, and her combat after promotion is fairly weak when she adheres to her averages. She's a unit you'll probably field every map after she joins, but healing in early FE7 isn't as important as it is in games like FE11 or FE12, so there is that to consider. Her ability to use stuff like Barrier and Restore is great, but she may have iffy magic for Warp, especially compared to Pent.

    • Pent: His only flaws are mobility and availability, but those are pretty big flaws. His combat stats are ludicrous, albeit not necessarily more impressive in practice than some of the peers you'll have trained up to his join time. Even if you have trouble finding combat purposes for Pent, there's something useful for him to do every turn of every chapter after he joins thanks to his A-rank staves. It's important to remember that FE7's defense maps let units like Canas hit A staves pretty easily. Generally, this means late-game staffing is in the domain of Pent + another unit. Defense maps also means that more mobile units get a chance to grind for 11+ turns and potentially render Pent's statistical advantages meaningless or even non-existent.

    B+ tier: Units that have many chances to contribute. They aren't as impressive or versatile as the A+ and A- units, but they still have memorable uses.

    • Fiora: She flies, and that's very helpful. Her stats are pretty bad, though, especially compared to Heath (including Speed sometimes due to their Con difference). She's base Level 7, so she takes a couple levels to promote. She'll have zero long-term potential especially if you early-promote her. She also fails to pick up a promoted Hector if she's promoted. Overall, she's basically HHM!Florina with fewer chapters of availability and 14 Aid instead of 15 Aid.

    • Hector: Hot take: Hector is the best GBA lord (instead of Ephraim). Hector is pretty irrelevant after Chapter 20, but for the first 5 chapters or so he's very good, and he's still decent until after Chapter 20. The Wolf Beil is nice against the Cavaliers and Armor Knights you face in the early-game, and his natural durability and good Strength means he has a very solid early-game. His speed is too low to double anything besides Soldiers and Armors, but this is a problem everyone except Marcus and Guy runs into. He's basically just Oswin but better thanks to his 5 unpromoted movement.

    • Canas: WAIFU! Canas is the dictionary definition of a solid unit. He joins fairly early, he targets resistance and has perpetual 1-2 range, and he's close to a promotion that solves most of his combat problems in addition to giving him staff utility. Before promoting and getting a whopping +4 AS boost (+3 Spd and +1 con to avoid being slowed down by Flux), he will not double anything besides some super slow enemies like Armor Knights or Nosferatu Shamans. Promotion also gives him a jump in durability, with +4 to HP and +2 to both defenses. His raw magic isn't super impressive (it's still good though), but the might of Flux means that he won't run into problems 2HKOing enemies. After promotion, he gets to start working on his staff rank by working his way to D and C rank for spamming Torch and Barrier (which are also helpful in their own right) by spamming Heal whenever he can, and by the time the Warp staff is obtained, Canas should have reached the rank for it. His magic probably won't be as impressive as Pent (translating to slightly less Warp range), but he'll get the job done.

    • Hawkeye: He swims and mountain-climbs, which are useful on several maps after he joins, and he's bulky. His high Strength and the might of axes means he should never run into trouble 2HKOing enemies. These are good traits to have, but Hawkeye's 11 speed is a bit questionable. It's workable, but it means his combat's not amazing. He's hard to pick up thanks to his 16 Con (the only 8 move unit with 16+ aid is Rath). Luckily, it means his 11 speed will never be any lower than it already is. He's also only around for half the game, and outside of 0% growths, he competes with peers that are more mobile and are as good as (if not better than) him at combat. Overall, though, he's solid and shouldn't be slept on.

    B- Tier: Units that have some uses for no investment or are good after a fair amount of investment.

    • Oswin: He's the real jagen of this game. His bulk and raw Strength are nice in the early-game when units don't really double anything (unless they're named Marcus of course), but 4 movement is still annoying. Hilariously enough, he still doubles Soldiers and enemy Armors (which is more than Bartre can say). Around Chapter 17x or so, Oswin's 4 move becomes a lot more damning, and you'll probably have both Marcus and Lowen running around with 8 move. He has little to no long-term potential, but does work in the early-game.

    • Matthew: He helps get some treasure like a Red Gem or the first Knight and Hero Crests. He also steals the first Guiding Ring and Elysian Whip and the Silver Card. With Chest Keys being buyable in Chapter 22 and there being a limited number of things to steal in FE7, Matthew is pretty useless after Chapter 20 or so. Also, Legault is generally better than Matthew by then due to higher natural bulk and better speed for stealing in the rare cases you intend to steal something.

    • Lucius: He has a pretty crappy join situation since he joins at basically the same time as Canas except 5 levels lower, but Lucius is decent. His base speed of 10 is good, and his 40% growth means he should get into doubling range in a few levels. His damage output is a bit more questionable thanks to how bad light magic is, but a 60% magic growth is a 60% magic growth. He also takes a while to get a better tome (Shine) unlike Erk who gets Thunder fairly early and Canas who only ever wants to use Flux. He's very squishy, with rock-bottom Luck and Defense in addition to mediocre HP. Getting C staves on promotion means he can immediately use Barrier and doesn't have to spam Heal and Mend to get there unlike Erk and Canas. Since his damage output is carried by his raw magic, his staff range will also be good. For reference, it takes him exactly 15 levels and promotion to match Pent's base magic, and any levels beyond that will translate to a lead in magic over Pent.

    • Erk: He joins early and has a small defense map to try to catch up, but Erk's promotion bonuses are significantly worse than Canas's. He doesn't gain anything note-worthy except +3 to his defenses. His speed is okay thanks to the good growth, but he needs quite a few levels to start doubling. His damage output may also be a bit iffy due to a weak Magic base and average growth. Reasonably early access to Thunder could solve this, though. If he sees his promotion, he can do the same staff rank shenanigans as Canas. Overall, he's solid, but he's probably the weakest of the early mage trio of him, Lucius, and Canas.

    C tier: Units that are pretty solid on their own merits, but they don't add much to the team that isn't already present. They're viable but a bit forgettable.

    • Isadora: Other WAIFU! She's a free Paladin, but she's a third Paladin (which doesn't bring a huge amount to the table) and is a bit squishy. Her Speed is good, but her con is low enough that getting weighed down is a significant issue for her. She's a fine candidate for the first Body Ring since lowering her aid to 12 doesn't matter a lot (she'll miss out on unpromoted Hector which doesn't really matter for her). She's mounted and functional for no investment, which is solid enough. Sadly, there are likely places where you'd still rather use Marcus (who probably got a speed proc or two around Isadora's join time) over Isadora.

    • Rath: He's more or less bow-locked since his only 1-range option will be Iron Swords, but he's quite solid. His main niche comes from the uniqueness of the Nomad Trooper class. More specifically, it helps him for Pale Flower of Darkness, where he has an easier time in the snow than other mounted units. His high aid can come in handy for heavy units as well, but the problem he runs into there is that no one else except promoted Eliwood can pick up 16 con units, so transporting those units becomes a bit clunky. His combat isn't his most notable attribute, but it's decent enough. He doesn't take too much to promote, and B-rank in bows means immediate Brave Bow access. His growths are good, so the level-ups he does get will be pretty good ones. His bases are iffy, but a couple levels and his promotion bonuses means he'll be good enough to do what you want him to.

    • Kent/Sain: These two are very similar, and there's not a whole lot to say other than the fact that they join 5 chapters after Lowen with SLIGHTLY better stats, and any advantages they start with are probably being made up by Lowen's availability lead (keep in mind Lowen had two defense chapters to train in before they even join). There are rapidly diminishing returns on Paladins, and these two aren't promoting until the second Knight Crest in Chapter 22, and by then you'll have Marcus, Lowen, AND Isadora, so they'd be a 4th Paladin, which is pretty useless.

    • Raven: 15 Speed on a Level 5 unit is funny to look at. It'll immediately remind us of Rutger from FE6, but sadly, being as good as Rutger is something Raven can't even dream of. His 55% Strength growth looks impressive, but a 10 base and no promotion gain means he relies on it a lot to have exceptional Strength. Starting at Level 5 means he has room to grow, but it also takes years just to get out of his initial 5 movement, sword-locked status. He also joins when you have Marcus and a promoted Lowen running around. If you get him promoted early, he has a period where he's pretty good, but he still won't be mounted and won't get to leverage the ludicrous combat stats he's famous for thanks to his EXP gain getting gimped. The problem with trying to promote him LATE is that he commits to his sword lock for a longer period of time for a payoff that doesn't really exist because there will be several maps where better units get free training for 11+ turns, and even at capped Speed he can't double Valkyries from 1-2 range because he gets weighed down by a Hand Axe (Body Ring will solve that though, but he takes 20 levels to cap Speed). All these offensive roadblocks don't even take into account his relative frailty (particularly in Res: he's status bait and takes heavy damage from strong mages like valkyries) and the fact that his luck is so bad he has opportunities to face crit despite tactician stars. With stats like his, he's viable and pretty easy to use, but make no mistake: he's far from exceptional.

    • Farina: Imagine a unit that has only 1 more point of Speed than Fiora (who had iffy speed with anything besides a Slim Lance upon joining), but they join 8 chapters later. You don't have to imagine it: that's exactly what Farina is. Farina's stats are deceptively bad. 10 Strength is bad, which undermines her good growth, and 14 speed is very bad given she loses 5 speed from a Javelin and doesn't get speed on promotion. 10 (+2) Defense is pretty good, but 24 (+5) HP is mind-bogglingly awful. She gets a defense map (chapter 26) to catch up, but unlike Heath, she has trouble surviving more than 2 Wyverns if she's promoted (more than 1 if you don't promote her), and she won't double them without a Slim Lance, and her damage output will be nonexistent if she uses one. 12 (+2) Res is pretty good, but that's her only redeeming quality, and it's only ever relevant in Cog of Destiny, where her combat is only good against the unpromoted generics, who are weak enough that almost anyone can mow them down. Overall, her main use lies in being a 4th pair of wings, which can still be helpful nonetheless.

    • Geitz: Let's get one thing out of the way: HE'S NOT A SECOND HAWKEYE! Even if you ignore the opportunity cost of training the lords to recruit him (which I am), Geitz does basically nothing that your other units aren't already doing. He has slightly better combat than Hawkeye in a vacuum thanks to that 14 AS instead of 11, and he's slightly more flexible mobility-wise thanks to that 13 Con instead of 16, but that just doesn't matter. Hawkeye's niche lies in swimming and bulk, neither of which Geitz has. 4 Res is actually shit, which matters for Cog of Destiny if you intend to bring him there. His physical bulk isn't THAT much worse, but it's noticeably lower for sure. His Strength is good but still too low to 2HKO Wyverns with a Hand Axe (that requires 21+ compared to his 19), and lacking a steed is a notable negative. Overall, he's almost exactly like Raven: viable but nothing exceptional.

    • Athos: He hard-carries one chapter. There's not a whole lot to it. It's a good idea to save the second Body Ring for him to mitigate the weight of Luna a bit.

    • Vaida: She's strong when she exists, but she doesn't exist for long and is by no means perfect when she does. Her main contributions are wiping out the bottom-right reinforcements in Cog of Destiny and is just very solid in Victory or Death. She's not good for Light because she's too slow to double any of the morph bosses at base (she's two points away from doubling Kenneth for what it's worth). Even in Victory or Death, if you built an Uber Heath with the late promotion setup, Vaida will be eclipsed by him hard because he'll likely have better stats in every area except Defense all while carrying Hector and having received the Boots.

    • Harken: Just like Vaida, Harken is good when he's around, but he doesn't exist for long and has some issues when he does. His stats are monstrous, but with the back-loaded defense maps, he won't be the only one with monstrous stats. The main unit that competes with him statistically is Heath, who needs around 16 levels to tie Harken's bases, which is a feasible goal to have happen by NoF or CoD given the existence of two defense maps, both of which Heath has an easy time grinding in. The problem Harken now runs into is the fact that Heath is statistically capable of the same things, but he also flies (and likely receives the Boots), making him a strictly better choice for the role you'd consider for Harken. Harken is still pretty good in CoD thanks to his great bulk and 1-2 range. He can also mow down a Valkyrie from 1 range with a Brave weapon like many other units. He's not doing a whole lot in the way of the main objective in VoD thanks to his foot-locked status, and he's not amazing in Light since 18 AS is too slow to double most of the morphs: it only doubles Kenneth and the Gespenst Druid. If he hits 20 AS (which only takes a Speedwing or 5 levels) he'll double Ursula and Darin, for what it's worth.

    • Jaffar: C tier may be overestimating him, but I'm not sure I buy the idea that Jaffar belongs a full tier below Vaida and Harken. He's kinda bad in CoD because his lack of 1-2 range means he can't even mow down unpromoted generics. He can kill Valkyries from 1 range even without a brave weapon, but that's not any more impressive than those that just kill Valks with a Brave Weapon. However, Jaffar is better in Light because he doubles all of the morphs except Lloyd and Uhai at base. He can't reliably one-round the morphs, but the morphs are so bulky that no one really can. He's quite a bit worse than Harken/Vaida, but I think his potential contributions in Light are good enough to still put him in the same tier as them.

    D tier: These guys have some respectable temporary utility, and some have random ways of contributing that are more helpful than you'd expect, but other than that, they're pretty bad.

    • Guy: He doubles things when he joins, but that's about as much as he has going for him. His long-term Strength is pretty bad, and he's 1-ranged locked. Because IS was dumb and made him get slowed down by a Killing Edge, there are some enemies you'd think he doubles that he doesn't without resorting to a weaker weapon. He can be helpful, but don't expect much from him.

    • Eliwood: Shout-outs to Eliwood for promoting in dondon's 0% growths playthrough just to move Priscilla two spaces to the left. Eliwood's a scrub early on, but he's only so much worse than his peers. If you put effort into him to get him promoted, his horse (albeit a 7 move one) can be helpful, but his stats are pretty bad, and he's likely to be a liability for almost any map he's in past the first 5 or so chapters.

    • Serra: 2 Magic is awful, and D staves in tandem with base Level 1 is worse. Healing has somewhat limited utility in the early-game given the bulk of some of its units (Marcus, Oswin, Lowen, Hector), and this doesn't even take into account Priscilla's existence from Chapter 14 onward. There's not a single map (desert included thanks to Physic) where Serra is a better choice than Priscilla, and there's not much value in bringing both when one of the early mages can also heal to grind staff rank after they promote. Serra takes forever to promote, and her magic is bad enough that her staff range and combat will also be bad.

    • Dart: He's basically Gonzalez but in FE7. This is bad news because it means he's a rare case of an FE7 unit having trouble hitting the enemy. His Speed growth is amazing, but his base of 8 is disappointing. He also has to wait forever to promote with the Ocean Seal you get in Chapter 23. His Strength is good, but it's nothing memorable. He does have swimming and eventually mountain-climbing like Hawkeye, but he doesn't have Hawkeye's bulk. He's basically a combination of Geitz and Hawkeye, but he requires quite a lot of training for little to no payoff.

    • Dorcas: His 20% Speed growth ruins him for the long term, but he's pretty okay in the early game. He can double Soldiers and Knights, and he hits reasonably hard. He relies on raw HP for durability, but he's not frail or anything. There's not much to say other than that.

    • Renault: Existing for 1 chapter and being helpful there for no cost whatsoever is more than those below him can say. He can't Warp someone into Kishuna's room for 32x, but other than that, he can do helpful things for the brief period you have him.

    • Louise: +3 Defense on Pent is not worth a deployment slot when deployment is so tight. In terms of combat with bows (which is not great to begin with), she is strictly outclassed by Rath, who offers better stats and a mount. She CAN be useful, but she's not good.

    • Legault: He's weird because he steals the Member Card, which lets you buy Chest Keys and never have to use him or Matthew again. He can be fielded for something random to steal or to light up areas with a torch, but these are pretty situational.

    E tier: They do something at some point, but they're just bad, and there's no way around it.

    • Bartre: D tier was tempting for him, but 3 speed is so bad. He's in danger of GETTING doubled by Brigands, and he can't even double 0 AS enemies. He can chip in early on, but other than that he's worthless. It takes him 20 levels to match base Marcus in speed, for reference.

    • Karel: Imagine everything that was decent about Jaffar, and then take it away. Karel sucks, and there's no way around it. I'm not weighing the cost of Harken and the Brave Sword against him, but keep in mind Karel won't have access to the Brave Sword if you were considering evaluating his performance with it for whatever reason.

    • Lyn: "Lyn bad" is a pretty cold take, but it's also just the truth. Her stats are awful, she's on foot, and she's 1-range locked. She can do something with the Mani Katti, which is more than a couple units can say, but she sucks.

    • Wallace: He's pretty awful, but unlike Hawkeye and Oswin, he can be rescued by a promoted flier. His speed sucks, and his Strength is only solid. There isn't a whole lot to do with him in a growths playthrough, but he exists I guess.

    • Rebecca: Bow-locked and rock-bottom stats, but chipping for a couple chapters and choking a point in 13x is useful and more than the F tier units can say.

    F tier: These units are literally worthless.

    • Wil: Imagine Rebecca but without an ounce of remotely useful free utility.

    • Karla: She's awful. 1-range locked, shitty stats, and nonexistent availability. Karel is Jaffar but bad, so Karla is Karel but even worse. Her semi-existent stats are more than Nino can say, though.

    • Nino: Self-explanatory, but she joins as late as Harken/Jaffar but also takes 9 years to be worth anything. Even if you train her, she's worse than similar peers like Pent and Canas/Erk/Lucius because she doesn't have time to train her staff rank.

    submitted by /u/IUPLC
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