• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 24, 2021

    Fire Emblem Fashion Runs in the Family (Vaike, Lissa, Owain, Ophelia) [commission by @FabiZetha]

    Fire Emblem Fashion Runs in the Family (Vaike, Lissa, Owain, Ophelia) [commission by @FabiZetha]

    Fashion Runs in the Family (Vaike, Lissa, Owain, Ophelia) [commission by @FabiZetha]

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    Halloween Vampire Tiki

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    FE3H - A yuridetta Comic.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Halloween Robin cosplay made by me

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Day 24 of drawing Tharja each day for Inktober

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    BBQ with Ingrid WIP [twitter:cozybambii]

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    (OC) I drew my summoner!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Small Mareeta doodle by me.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Here's Marianne Training (OC)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    Wanted to do some painting practice and decided to draw my fave Awakening ladies!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    [OC Pixel Art] Cordelia (Not THAT Cordelia) from Dead Estate dressed as a FE:Fates Witch

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Back with another Inktober: IS let me S support him you cowards!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Aurelian Hero

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Li'l Sothe from PoR. A good kiddo.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Fallen Corrin

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    I began to find killing my units fun.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Recently, I just started to lose my units while playing on classic mode. It made game harder because i lost a lot of units, but it sudennly became more fun when I let them die. Is it something wrong with me? Should I consult the doctor? Or was I playing FE wrong And this game is about killing your own units?

    submitted by /u/SokkaQ113
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    The myth that Micaiah only blames Ike and not Ashnard for what happened to Daein needs to be put to a rest

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    A lot of Micaiah haters claim that Micaiah should blame Ashnard, not Ike, for the mess Daein found itself in. I've already talked about why blaming Ike is understandable.

    But this idea that Micaiah doesn't blame Ashnard is because in the English script, she didn't explicitly condemn him, therefore she doesn't recognize how bad he was for Daein. The logic doesn't make sense because absence of evidence =/= evidence of absence.

    Micaiah was found criticizing Ike more often not because she found him worse than Ashnard, but because Ike was the one getting praise so there was no need to constantly condemn Ashnard in the way Ike was condemned.

    However, in the Japanese extended script of chapter 3-7, Micaiah does explicitly state that Ashnard was responsible for the mess Daein got itself into.

    Surely King Ashnard was gifted, but His actions ... destroyed Dane once.

    submitted by /u/lcelerate
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    What if Lilith and Corrin switched roles in Fates? Just a little idea I've had for a while now :)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    Day 23 of drawing Tharja each day for Inktober

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    Serra Fanart

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    The more I play Fire Emblem games, the more I hate % activation based skills

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    I'm not entirely sure how much of an unpopular opinion this is or not but the more I play Fire Emblem games, the more I hate percentage activation based skills like Sol, Astra, Adept, Aether etc. You know the ones that tend to have skill%/ skill×2%/ skill÷2% (Lv% in FE8) proc rates?

    When I first played Tellius and pre-Echoes 3DS games back in late 2016, early to mid 2017 (around the time I first played Fire Emblem)I didn't have very good tactical skill so I always thought these skills were awesome due to their useful effects like healing, attacking more times etc. and having badass battle animations.

    But the more I play Fire Emblem games the more I hate these skills due to how RNG reliant they are. For a series of games that require you to use your head to tactically ensure victory, I would rather not gamble on an effect that has a 40% chance, at best, to succeed and if I'm in a situation where I NEED one of those skills to proc, the unit with the skill is practically already dead. (Not helping much is the awful Black Knight fight in FE9 and Piercing in FE8 causing the game to crash when used at 2 range)

    Thank god Echoes and Three Houses replaced them with Combat Arts.

    submitted by /u/Spidertendo
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    Ike likes to duel strong opponents so imagine he dueled Micaiah

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    During the epilogue, he has a conversation with Caineghis how he wants a 1 VS 1 duel against him.

    Caineghis: "Ah, Ike. Your work out there was superb."

    Ike: "Hey, you aren't quite over the hill yet yourself. You know, I always wanted to go one-on-one with you, just once."

    Caineghis: "Hah, I would have expected you'd had your fill of fighting."

    Ike: "I've had enough kill-or-be-killed to last me a lifetime. But something simpler, some way of testing our respective strengths…"

    Caineghis: "You mean controlled matches, with all the little rules they have. In a peaceful world, we need such things. Especially we laguz. Without a fight now and then, we go a bit strange in the head."

    Ike probably wanted a duel against a fighter who is even stronger than the Black Knight considering how the Black Knight fled when Caineghis showed up. Also, Zelgius and Tibarn are on par with each other and Caineghis is the strongest Laguz Royal behind Deghinsea.

    Janaff: Yeah. For a beorc, he was quite powerful all right. Tibarn, while shifted, mind you, attacked this Zelgius guy. Zelgius didn't even budge an inch. But all of a sudden he stopped fighting and said, "We've delayed you long enough. If you cherish the lives of your people, return home at once."

    I'm guessing Micaiah puts him to sleep with a sleep staff, ending the farce quickly. That would be hilarious.

    submitted by /u/lcelerate
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    How does the mechanics for Grima work?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Hey i'm working on a project related to FE and for it i need help ironing out the real specifics of things for Robin and Grima, Basically i'm needing to figure out the clear conditions for Robin turning into Grima and figure out the mechanics of them, To find out if he could hypothetically just fall into Grima at any given moment

    1. What's going on with Grima's dragon body ,is it his skeleton in Plegia being revived? or is he just summoning a new one or is it being made from the sacrifices in the Dragon's Table?
    2. What's the relationship between Grima's Dragon Body and Robin's Body? I though there might have been a line implying they where transforming back and forth between them but there always portrayed as separate bodies, Cause I was thinking in our timeline the reason they where split was because the future one lost the power to transform so it paired with the past one to be at full power but even in the Future Past DLC which takes place in a Timeline where Robin became Grima as opposed to another Grima reviving and teaming up with themselves they are portrayed as separate bodies
    3. In the Original timeline what causes Robin to turn into Grima? Did Grima overcome them at the last moment or was it the ceremony that Validar performed that brought Grima out? If it was the Ceremony does that mean Grima could never come out at all if it was never done in the original timeline, Since in the main timeline the one who was occasionally taking over Robin was the Future Grima, Is it possible for the sealed one to do that too?
    4. How does Grima's immortality work and does any of it carry to Robin's body when possesed? They usually say he's unkillable and even though he can be beat down with the Falchion that only leaves him vulnerable to be sealed by Naga right? not actually kill him? If Naga wasn't around would Grima and Robin just regenerate shortly?

    Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Poliwhirl242
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