• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Fire Emblem (oc) visiting the wife

    Fire Emblem (oc) visiting the wife

    (oc) visiting the wife

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    At the library

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    I am back with more FE3H in the style of Okami! Here is Dorothea!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:19 AM PST

    [Commissioned] Empire Alliance Dance

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:56 AM PST

    Young Tiki [fanArt]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:25 PM PST

    "Glenn likes Ingrid more than he likes me..." [OC]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:07 PM PST

    I drew the Blue Lions [Hello, this is my very first Fire Emblem game!]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Feral Dimitri in a Nutshell

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    A very interesting detail: The picture of the Goddess, Dragons, and Crests in the Church of Seiros is actually the Crest of Flames!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Happy birthday the the fashionable retainer oboro!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    Fire Emblem x Harry Potter crossover

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:37 AM PST

    Playthrough 3: Ran Into My First Glitch

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:37 PM PST

    Edelgard fanart i couldnt finish cause my 7 yr old tablet broke. So heres a WIP that i doubt i can finish.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    27 Days of Padorus Day One: Eirika

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:42 AM PST

    Hilda collab drawing

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:59 AM PST

    I drew 10 FE3H characters as animals for class

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:40 PM PST

    Jeritza/Manuela Custom Support + Ending

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:46 AM PST

    • C Support:

    Manuela: I found you, Death Knight!

    Jeritza: You are…

    Manuela: Forgot about me already, did you? Well, I certainly haven't. I'm Manuela, you know, the woman who you stabbed five years ago after you had kidnapped Flayn!

    Jeritza: I see… I remember. You had found my mask and confronted me, before I…

    Manuela: That's right, buster! I didn't think I'd run into you here. Well, you aren't going to get away from me this time.

    Jeritza: *bows* I am deeply sorry for my actions back then.

    Manuela: I… What?

    Jeritza: I know that my words cannot mean much...but they are all I can express for my terrible actions.


    Jeritza: I can hope that we may be able to fight alongside one another despite our past, now that we are allies.

    Manuela: R-right. I can't say that I've forgiven you, but… nonetheless, we are comrades now. So it wouldn't do well for us to fight… But…

    Jeritza: Thank you. Now… I must take my leave. *walks away*

    Manuela: … What is with him? He acted completely different when he stabbed me back then. Is that how the Death Knight really is? Or…


    • B Support:

    Manuela: Where did Jeritza run off to? We've already been called back… I hope he hasn't gotten into any trouble… Wait, is that…?

    *runs toward a direction*

    Jeritza: Not enough… you are hardly entertainment for my blade…

    Knight of Seiros 1: Gah...you...you monster…

    Knight of Seiros 2: Please...have mercy...

    Jeritza: There is no mercy. Either you kill me or die… Now, fight and quench my thirst with blood...

    Manuela: Jeritza, stop this at once!

    *Manuela approaches*

    Jeritza: Hmm? Do you dare to meddle in my pleasure?

    Manuela: Your pleasure? Are you out of your mind? These men have long since lost the will to fight. To kill them is nothing more than senseless murder!

    Jeritza: There is nothing to battle but to kill or be killed. If you dare stand in my way, then shall-

    ???: That will be enough. Stand down, Death Knight.

    *Edelgard approaches with Imperial soldiers*


    Edelgard: Professor Manuela, please help take our prisoners. They are in need of treatment. As for you, Death Knight, return to base immediately.

    Jeritza: Yes… My emperor…

    *Jeritza leaves*

    Manuela: Edelgard, what… just what happened to Jeritza? He was…

    Edelgard: I'm sorry, I know you have questions, but right now, we have to treat these people.

    Manuela: Y-yes. Right, of course…


    • B+ Support:

    Manuela: I thought I might find you here, Jeritza. Perchance, might you be free to converse with me?

    Jeritza: I would prefer to be alone. Leave me, I have no words to exchange with you...

    Manuela: Has no one ever taught you that it's rude to treat a lady in such a manner? Besides, I've brought you a little gift.

    *passes a plate of cake to him*

    Jeritza: Why did you…?

    Manuela: I heard that you seem to have a bit of a sweet tooth. Good to see that it was true. So would you mind if we speak now?

    Jeritza: *sighs* Very well… What is it that you wish to know? There should not be much to learn since surely you must have spoken to the emperor.

    Manuela: Actually, I haven't. Or rather, I asked Edelgard not to tell me. I wanted to hear from you if what I've come to understand is the truth. Better to learn from the source.


    Manuela: You and the Death Knight, your personalities are far too different. Such a radical change in behavior is not natural. I've been thinking about this for some time now, and it's the only explanation I could come up with… That being that you two are entirely different people, but simply sharing the same body… Am I close?

    Jeritza: … Indeed. The Death Knight is indeed me, yet not me at the same time…

    Manuela: So I was right… How did it happen? When?

    Jeritza: The same day that I had murdered that worthless excuse of a father…

    Manuela: You… but why?

    Jeritza: There is no need for me to answer that. Leave me. I have grown tired of this conversation…

    Manuela: I… Alright. I'm sorry to bother you.



    • A Support:

    Manuela: Hmm…

    Jeritza: Manuela…

    Manuela: Oh, Jeritza. I'm glad you came. Have a seat. I've prepared some delightful sweets for you.

    Jeritza: Thank you, but… why did you ask the emperor to come to you? If you wish to speak more of my past, I re-

    Manuela: Jeritza, I know that you are trying to hold back a lot, but… I wish to ask you a simple question, and I would like an honest answer.

    Jeritza: A...question?

    Manuela: Yes… Tell me. Do you have any plans when the fighting is all over?

    Jeritza: Plans?

    Manuela: I'm sure that Edelgard is doing her best to keep you from hurting innocent people by directing the Death Knight, but...once the fighting is over and peace is set, the Death Knight won't have that many enemies to fight.

    Jeritza: Yes… I know this. However, I was promised that once the fighting was over, the one that I wish to truly clash blades will be free for me to be challenged… The Death Knight grows eager for that day, when he may kill the one he desires...or to be killed.

    Manuela: You mean the professor? But all you're asking is to fight more and hopefully die. Whether you win or lose, the killing won't stop, will it? You'll only hurt more innocents, won't you?

    Jeritza: No… I will not allow that. I will ensure that I am far away from anyone and will vanish from the eyes of all.

    Manuela: Then you will only just live a life of solitude, never to have relations with anyone. Is this truly what you yearn for? It's just another death. Or is it that you only believe that death to be your only cure?

    Jeritza: … If that is all that needs to remain, then I shall gladly choose it. It is the only thing that can stop the Death Knight… to stop me…

    Manuela: … What if I, or rather, what if we were to work together to find a way to cure you of the Death Knight? To have you no longer bound by him? Would you be able to live freely then?

    Jeritza: Wh-what?! C-cure?! The Death Knight?!

    Manuela: Mm-hmm. I've been reading a lot of history books, biographies, journal entries, anything I can get my hands on in regards to anything I can to learn more about your condition.

    Jeritza: Impossible. There cannot be such things within such things. You cannot possibly discover anything that can cure me.

    Manuela: Please allow me to finish, Jeritza.


    Manuela: As you know, I'm a physician. I learned much about medicine, and also learned about the healing arts with magic. But one thing I've come to understand is that, no matter how much we've done to treat people injured in the body, I've seen from all those entries of people who suffered in the mind. People who suffered trauma from their living conditions, circumstances or events, and most importantly, how people suffered in times of war. They've all suffered an "illness of the mind" that no medicine could ever treat them, and how they fell to madness. But there are records of how some people were able to heal with time or some who used herbs that helped keep them docile, and some who simply never got better.

    Jeritza: What...what is the point of all this?

    Manuela: What I mean to say is this. You are one of many people throughout history who have suffered from an illness of the mind. And there may be countless more people out there or even here, who have suffered from their own traumas that they have not yet healed from. Watching you, I realize that we need to learn to advance medicine and treatment to go beyond treating simply the body. We have to learn ways of understanding a patient's mind, how it works, and how we can help them. I believe with time and effort, even you can be helped, and more people beyond can be saved as well. Would you not like that? A world where we can even help others from being victims of tragedies?

    Jeritza: A world where there is no Death Knight, nor will there ever be another…

    Manuela: Jeritza. Will you let me help you?

    Jeritza: I… I do not know… I have never considered such a time where I may be free and live a life of joy… M-may I have time? Until this war ends, allow me to consider your words…

    Manuela: Of course, Jeritza. I'll always be here for you.


    • Ending:

    After those who slither in the dark had been defeated, Manuela dedicated herself to studying ways to help Jeritza, who had himself imprisoned in Enbarr to prevent himself from harming others. The struggle was long and arduous, yet Manuela refused to give up on Jeritza, eventually creating a breakthrough after many years.

    Free from the Death Knight, at last, Jeritza managed to attain joy as he and Manuela later married. Manuela's research would be the foundation in medicine for treating the mind as well as the body, which would continue to improve for many generations to come.

    submitted by /u/Omegaxis1
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    Finally got this done ��

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:22 AM PST

    [Fanart] I tried a realistic interpretation of Roy, as he appears in Smash Bros Ultimate

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:25 PM PST

    Why you like Crimson Flower?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:26 AM PST

    I recently finished the game, I bought it in October, and I LOVED Edelgard and Crimson Flower...sadly, at least based in my limited view and time in this fandom and I'm starting to believe that I'm probably looking at the wrong places or something like that, this one seems to be a really hated route alongside El and I have seen some people saying that they refuse to play it. That's understandable, but I would like to heard some positivity.

    Well, I must confess that I never expected Edelgard to resonate with me to this really personal level, so, the opportunity to side with her means a lot to me, specially when you're forced to go against her in 3 out of 4 routes.

    I really love how Byleth's choice to go into CF is the only choice in the entire game that actually have an impact in the story. Every single dialogue option only makes you gain or lose support points, or they just do nothing at all, but this one is extremely different and that's what make it so special.

    Also, seeing Edelgard letting her guard down, opening up with the people around her, slowly gaining her ability to trust in others again and being able to show her true personality around those she feel extremely comfortable coughBylethcough was...so heartwarming for me. I was in that kind of situation in the past, I'm still struggling with it, seeing her like that was my reminder that I can improve and get a little better.

    Another thing that I really like is how this is the only route in which Byleth can become a regular human. Not the vessel of the goddess, not the Enlightened One...just Byleth and it was all thanks to the choice of protecting someone that you care about despite how things looked. That's a massive act of trust now that I think about it.

    A World For Humanity is such a beautiful cutscene.

    I feel like I'm just writing my thoughts without giving them a proper form but that's just how I am, sorry for that.

    I'm not going to lie, I hate how CF got the short end of the stick in terms of content and development and I shall remain salty about it. I'm not holding a lot of hope in the DLC but I still feel grateful for the mere existence of this route.

    That's all from my part.

    As a side note, I probably won't respond/comment in this post. There's not any special reason for it, this is just what happens when an anxious lurker decides to make an account and ask for people's opinion, old habits die hard. Please don't turn this appreciation post into a discussion (;ω;)

    submitted by /u/good_wolf_1999
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    Goth/Prep Nerd/Jock alignment of The Three Houses Students

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:23 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Board Game Remake, Custom Full Art Card #2 is Jill!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:32 PM PST

    When angry dragon lady oppresses your homeland for millenniums

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:44 PM PST

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