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    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Fire Emblem (oc) Sylvain the height keeper

    Fire Emblem (oc) Sylvain the height keeper

    (oc) Sylvain the height keeper

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    I drew Robin and Chrom’s support (1)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:40 AM PST

    [comic] this is the dumbest thing I've ever drawn, I'm so sorry

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:18 PM PST

    I drew Annette because she's Bae

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:57 AM PST

    Seteth & Manuela

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:20 AM PST

    Sothis claus (A Christmas parody of the original)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    I sketched Robin

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:07 AM PST

    Introducing Jeritza

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:52 AM PST

    Drew Ninian with snowdrop flowers!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Bride Cordelia x Daffodils for Fire Emblem Floriography

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:32 PM PST

    I Edited A Danganronpa Sprite to Petra!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:05 PM PST

    "The warm embrace of cherished memories", painted by me

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:11 AM PST

    Newest release leaked

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:09 AM PST

    My Marianne Cypher arrived! What FEC card is your favorite?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:57 PM PST

    Celica Padoru!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:27 PM PST

    no talk me im angy

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST

    Don't eat the dandelions

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:48 PM PST

    Linde in floral lingerie!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    Just a reminder that Clair went to an abandoned mole people city to improve her brother's shitty Res stat

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:59 AM PST

    Echoes was weird, man.

    submitted by /u/Odovakar
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    I drew Ashe on MS Paint

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:26 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Book IV Begins: Peony and More)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:18 PM PST

    Some thoughts and critiques about Three Houses’ Final Maps.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST

    I wanted to share some of my thoughts about the 4 final maps of the game, since for me at least, it's a very important part of any game, specially Fire Emblem.

    After 300+ hours of gameplay and 10 play-throughs (all of them in hard mode) these are my thoughts:


    Arguably the weakest route of the game, has without a doubt the most difficult final map.

    Lets start talking about the map itself. Appropriate that the church route ends where it began, in the monastery, but with that said, it's kinda lame that the map is intact. It would be amazing if at least some of the environment changed, like destroyed buildings, fire floors, brittle and different obstacles, but no, its the same map.

    The amount of beasts in this map is INSANE, and the white beasts are a pain in the ass, specially because they have Miracle and sometimes it fucks up your strategy. Same with the ground units. I feel like that kind of shenanigans is just added artificial difficulty, because its the only instance where the enemies have that skill. I can only imagine how bs this map has to be on Maddening. Overall this map just feels like Marianne's paralogue but on steroids, which isn't a good thing by any means.

    At last the final boss: Rhea. Okay I'm a sucker for the Immaculate one as the final boss. With the whole concept of beasts, battalions and shields being added to 3H, it's really cool that they added that as the final boss gimmick. But oh boy is SS' Rhea really annoying. AOE damage that can regenerate her shields every turn? Thats a pain in the ass no doubt. And because you probably don't have any battalions left, or at most a couple, you either defeat her in one turn or you are fucked.

    tl;dr: SS' final map feels like a wasted opportunity. Its a shame that the final map is recycled once again, without any big changes to it, and the difficulty of it is more because of the bullshit miracle skill of the enemies and the amount of beasts it has. Rhea is a great final boss, but annoying and RNG dependable. At least the BGM is cool.

    Without a doubt my least favorite final map, but it's not a bad concept.


    Now this is where the cool stuff begins.

    Fhirdiad is a great map concept, and even if it's the same place from a chapter in AM, the fact that its destroyed and there is chaos everywhere adds so much more to it, environment wise. But they overdid it, a lot. Specially with the fire floors. Holy fuck its a nightmare if you have a lot of mounted units, since you can barely advance every turn. But even then that's the only "difficultly" this map has. Its not that hard once you proceed carefully and prioritize the beasts.

    This is the only map of the 4 where you can have your party divided in the first turn, but it feels like a wasted opportunity as well. Seriously, has anyone ever go for the left path? Of course not, why would you, unless you want to kill every enemy for some reason. If you could have 3 party members start in the left side of the map it would be really cool, as you could theoretically route Rhea in 3 different paths. Also I believe this is the only map with reinforcements, which add a bit of difficulty without being too unbalanced, so thats nice.

    Speaking of Rhea, same concept and thoughts as SS' final map, but with a lot of less bullshit. Sure, she hits like a truck, but you can safely survive a hit or two from her, even with weak units like Lysithea.

    tl;dr: CF's final map is a great and satisfying map, but is really obnoxious with the amount of fire that it has. A 3rd party group on the left side would've been amazing. Overall way easier than SS', but it still has a bit of challenge. Rhea is still a cool boss.

    Probably my favorite or second favorite final map, even with all the issues I have with it.


    Oh boy, this is gonna trigger some people, I bet.

    This map really dissapointed me. The concept is great, and the context is amazing, but boy is it really easy to beat.

    First and foremost: grab a bow knight, warp him to the right side and kill Myson, then use canto to get back to safety. Now you can just avoid the lateral sides of the map and go straight to Edel. Thats it, thats the whole map.

    The only difficult part about it are the 2 Gremories that snipe you with Meteors. But if you have a Wyvern or a Falcon knight you can bait them to use all 4 "ammo"(?) on you. There, the map is now a walk in the park, now that all the enemies a grouped in the final room's entrance, just spam your battalions and finish off the remaining ones.

    Of course, you can play it like a man and try to kill every enemy in the lateral zones, but it doesn't really make it any more difficult, as long as you don't do anything stupid. And because half the enemies are gone once you kill Myson, it gets really easy.

    But it doesn't end there, Hegemon El as the final boss is a great concept story wise, but gameplay wise is a wasted opportunity. First lets talk about how she can snipe you with range attacks from the beginning of the chapter, or not, because thats more of a nuisance than anything. She will always attack Dimitri first and the character with least amount of defenses next. By that point your Dimitri should be a walking tank with a shit ton of armor, so the attacks just tickle him. The only "issue" is when she attacks the other unit, but as long as you give him/her a shield, or a concoction nothing terrible should happen.

    Now, the fight itself is really dumb. Once you cleared up the final room you can simply enclose El with all your units, and kill her without any issues. She doesn't really do that much damage, and because you have 10 to 12 units surrounding her you can end it in one turn. If only she had something else to compensate her, like more damage or another form, because she is practically a joke.

    tl:dr: Super easy map, doesnt matter if you cheese it or not. The only issue is Myson and the Gremories, but once you kill them its a walk in the park. The final boss is a joke. One word: dissapointing.

    Definitely my second least favorite map. And not because it was annoying or hard, but because it dissapointed me.


    VW's final map is a mixed bag of really highs points and really low points.

    Lets start with the concept of the map itself. Kinda dull honestly. Just a swamp? Meh, thats super lame, definitely the map with the worst atmosphere, thats the first low point. But it compensates with the coolest enemies of all 4 maps: the 10 elites. This map was made for the relic weapons, and it shows. The elites are super overpowered, and you either use the relic weapon's against them or go home. If only each of the 10 elites had individual artwork, instead of the default enemy icon.

    With that said, this map is without a doubt the easiest final map of the game. Because the map is basically a simple horizontal line, without any real detours, it becomes a simple turf war. As long as you have one sniper, one gremory and one flier, you can snipe all enemies, including some of the 10 elites without touching the swamp, and because you can kill the elites in one hit with the relic weapons, they arent that much of a threat. The only "difficulty" this map has are the demonic beasts, but once you kill the dude that spawns them then it goes back to being the easiest map.

    And when you kill the Elite that makes the swamp dissapear then difficulty of the map becomes negative. All your units are free to go wherever they please, and you can do the exact same strat as in AM's map, which is enclosing the final boss with all your units and bully him until he dies.

    Speaking of which, Nemesis is my least favorite final boss of the game. Story wise he is just a threat for like one chapter prior to this one. And gameplay wise he is so boring. At least the other routes had a big ass dragon with tons of shields, and Edelgard (even if as a final boss is a joke) had a cool concept with the whole fireball snipin'. Nemesis is just your everyday enemy NPC with Byleth's sword, thats it. Sure, out of all the final bosses he is the one that hits the hardest, but because he doesnt have multiple life gauges, you can spam your batallions and kill him in one turn easy. Maybe if he roamed and had an aggresive A.I. it would compensate, and actually be a threat, unfortunately he doesn't.

    But everything bad I said about this map can be ignored because God Shattering Star is a 11/10 track that everyone should have downloaded on their phones by now and listen to it at least 2 times a day.

    tl;dr: Easiest map of the bunch, and lamest map design. The 10 elites are a cool concept, but Nemisis has the same problem as Edelgard albeit not as easy as she is. God Shattering Star should be the new national anthem.

    And thats it. Overall I'm ok with the map designs, but the thing that hurts me the most is the difficulty of them, as it probably showed. They either have an artificial difficulty spike (SS/CF) or are way to easy and cheeseable (AM/VW). There is no in-between that makes them more enjoyable for me at least.

    With that being said I'd probably rank the maps as: CF > VW ≥ AM > SS

    submitted by /u/Rogj75
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    I drew a Hilda x Marianne comic! (1/3)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:20 AM PST

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