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    Tuesday, January 28, 2020

    Fire Emblem Three Houses students on social media

    Fire Emblem Three Houses students on social media

    Three Houses students on social media

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Mercedes and Jeritza

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:13 AM PST

    5v1 Arm Wrestling

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:47 AM PST

    FE3H As the Scooby Gang but Scooby is The Immaculate One (Thanks u/Parkwayninja!)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:33 PM PST

    "If I’m to fall, then let it be by your hand” WIP

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:14 AM PST

    House banners for our 9 original houses for all continents of Fire Emblem. Follow this zine project on Twitter @FE_academy_zine and Tumblr @academy-emblem-zine. More details on the houses in comments

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Edelgard Fanart! (mine)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:50 PM PST

    Byleth mobile backgrounds (DL in comment!)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Chibi Claude!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    [TH SPOILERS] Three Houses in a Smashshell

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:40 PM PST

    Winter Byleths

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    The Professor Returns (?)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Sylvain X Felix ❤️Valentine's Kiss

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:34 PM PST

    Unoriginal content

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:31 PM PST

    I don't get why they gave Byleth such an amazing recovery in Smash

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Them falling off ledges and not recovering is canon after all

    submitted by /u/Char-11
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    Sailor Thea

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:16 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Mythic Hero (Líf)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:58 PM PST

    A not-so-quick-and-organized look into Ashe, Arrow of Justice.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:36 PM PST

    I really like Ashe. But I've noticed a lot of people just dismiss him as a soft boy or just a lock picking archer. So I'm here to fix that. I hope you've opened up a barf bag because I'm about to spew this out right now in a stress-induced, long as hell post.

    Supports There are a couple of common themes in Ashe's supports, knighthood/stories about knights (Ingrid, Sylvain, Felix, Gilbert), cooking (Dedue, Mercedes), justice which is separate from the knight section (Caspar, Catherine, Byleth) and miscellaneous (Annette, Petra, Marianne, Cyril, Dimitri). Let's get into this.

    Ingrid: Shows his love for knight's tales and establishes that no matter what, Ashe will continue to pursue this dream of his. It shows his kind of glorified view of knights, as well. After all, one of his main inspirations for knights was Lonato. Felix: This one is one of my favorites. Establishes that Ashe is very sensitive to other's words. The later half of the chain, Ashe is still getting over Lonato's death, and in response, Felix doesn't tell him to get over it. He understands that Ashe feels lost and Felix is actually nice for once.

    Heh. Well, I think you're like the squire in the book. He's only half a knight, but he's bold and gregarious. And he always does his best. Don't stop being that half-knight, OK?

    Felix recognizes that Ashe is simply a knight in the sense that he wants to do honest good and protect others. in other words, Ashe is like a true knight… im so sorry Sylvain: Reveals the most important thing that Ashe thinks makes up a knight, virtue. Interestingly, he doesn't bring up his past at all in this one. He simply thinks that if a knight is virtuous, then that makes them a great knight no matter what.

    It's never wrong to have virtue. Not even if it means being made an outcast.

    Gilbert: One thing I found interesting was Gilbert complementing Ashe in this one. He's known for being pretty intense with training, even with Annette and Dimitri.

    You really are amazing, you know. Your skills with the lance and bow are just incredible. Gilbert asks what Ashe is protecting as a knight, and Ashe doesn't know. Later, he says he is protecting Lonato's "pride and wishes". I'm Lonato's son. His pride and his wishes are my inheritance. Those are what I should protect.

    I will come back to this later. So, what do we know about Ashe so far? He's quite the idealist, he wants to be a virtuous person and knight and he doesn't get angry easily even with Sylvain (who he finds actively annoying/troublemaking) or even Felix (who outright bashes his ideals and interest initially).

    Dedue: I have a lot to say about this one, but I'll try to keep it short. Even though I put this is under 'cooking', this isn't really what the support is truly about. Ashe expresses he wants to be friends with Dedue, since he finds them similar.

    So? Look at me— I came from a life of poverty. I was lucky to even be let in here, to study with all these high-class people. I think we have a lot in common. He wants to get to know Dedue because he sees something that he has- difficulty in his past and commoner status. Ashe says something noteworthy, Ashe: That makes sense. A lot of people hate Duscur. They think all kinds of terrible things. Some of them even think you kidnap and eat people. Dedue: Heh. We sound like true monsters. Ashe: Why are you smiling?! Shouldn't it make you angry?

    misinformation and negative assumptions/stereotypes of people directly clash with his belief of virtue. He wouldn't stand simply getting used to it or just letting this kind of thing happen to him, it's the reason he always expresses guilt about his past. Another point in this is Ashe and Dedue's exchange about their families, how they can live on through them. Ringing any bells? Ashe stands for Lonato's beliefs and wishes, and is his legacy. He fights for his family, including Christophe. Mercedes: This one is more of just a fun one. Ashe teaches Mercedes some cooking, and is surprised when Mercedes keeps trying after failure. This reminds him of Christophe, and he seems to find comfort in that. It's an interesting sort of role reversal, Ashe teaching Mercedes and Mercedes declaring she'll support him whenever he needs it. Ah, classic Mercedes. In these supports, he talks more about his family. Cooking ties him back to his family and is a sort of smaller way of him to remember what he's fighting for.

    Caspar: More about virtue. Reveals that that he thinks that people aren't born bad, they just are driven to doing bad things and we should try to understand other's reasons for doing bad things. There is also a pretty obvious reference to Christophe:

    I'm all for the rule of law, but indiscriminate slaughter isn't going to solve anything. You can't just execute someone on a wild assumption and call it justice! He can sympathize with people who do petty crimes like thievery, because he has been there before. He prefers nonviolence, and he also likes cats! Byleth: He shows more of this caring side, helping out Byleth and instead of punishing a thief, he lets him go.

    He said he thought it would fetch a good price, and that he really needed the money. He had a sick kid, and couldn't pay for medicine. Byleth has the option to tell him that it Sounds like a lie to me.

    Turns out, it wasn't a lie. Ashe left good about helping him, even a little bit. He genuinely loves to help others. He also realizes he can't help everyone, however much he wants to. I figured that one of his motivations was to help others less fortunate than him and it is. Catherine: Ok, got your seatbelts on? We're in for a ride. In this support, it's established that Catherine was the one that turned in his brother and that the Church lied about the reason for his execution. Ashe is conflicted, lost, angry at her. He even ends up getting into a fight with her, even though its established he hates violence. That's just how upset and confused he is. Ashe has a grudge on Catherine and the Church ever since the incident, and Lonato's death doesn't help.

    As a knight, an ally, and even as a person... I know I can trust you. But somewhere in my heart, there's a part of me that can't forgive what you did.

    Even with Ashe's big heart, he can't forgive Catherine and he holds grudges. This can be seen in VW, which has its own section in a bit. Ashe realizes that actively sitting on this grudge will just fester and rot inside of him forever, so he takes it upon himself to get to know Catherine in hopes of it shrinking, or even disappearing.

    Annette: I didn't put this one in knighthood since it wasn't super obvious, but Ashe again shows his willingness to help others. He faces the dark tower to retrieve something that Annette really cares about, willing to face his fears. like a true knight… ok i'll stop Petra: Once again, Ashe helps out and also bonds over smaller, non-noble things. He's fascinated by other cultures and strives to understand people more, like in Dedue's support. Marianne: Ashe shows an interesting behaviour here. He wants, of course, to help Marianne since he doesn't want her to be sad. But the way he encourages her caught my eye,

    Yeah, well...if either of us is going to confess, it should be me. I used to be a thief. I may have only stolen because I was poor and starving, but it was still wrong. I'm only even here because a kindly noble helped me. I'm only even here thanks to Lonato. He gave me a second chance, and now I eat well every day. I'm doing all I can to make the most of it.

    He's not exactly purposefully invalidating Marianne's troubles, but he is trying to make her feel better by trying to convince her that she doesn't have to be hard on herself or her past. When she reacts poorly, he takes it as her getting offended, so he tries not to press too hard on her. He also reacts defensively when he thinks that Marianne implies that people that don't have dreams can't progress.

    Are you saying that people without dreams live empty lives? I don't agree with that. When I was a kid, I was too busy worrying about my next meal to have a dream. Was my life empty then?

    Ashe knows he is fortunate to get adopted and recognizes not everyone can simply have a dream like his, many are too busy thinking about practical day-to-day things. Cyril: A bit like Dedue's support, Ashe wants to help Cyril despite his background and insisting. I'd like to think Ashe sees a bit of himself in Cyril, and again shows his desire to help others. Dimitri: give me their A support intsys you cowards Finally… In this support, Ashe shows a new side to his commoner upbringing. Ashe can't get rid of the feeling that he must act proper around the prince. He of course, earnestly tries and fails (much to Dimitri's dismay). He tries to get Dimitri to understand where he is coming from, why he acts the way he does. Dimitri seems to get the idea.

    I also respect you as a person. You carry the weight of the whole Kingdom on your shoulders. You're a faultless warrior, and you're always so kind to your allies. Even me. Ashe definitely sees Dimitri as knightly, and the response Dimitri gives is a perfect segway into the next section! On all accounts, I can say the same of you. But you also have a strong heart[...]No matter the circumstance, you are never drawn toward darkness.

    Ashe in VW (quick disclaimer, the rest of this post is gonna be mainly my thoughts on Ashe as a character and what I think he was thinking throughout the game) This is an interesting path for Ashe, as he is indirectly going against Faerghus by siding with the Dukedom which is controlled by the Empire. Here, Ashe believes his king is dead and the professor is dead. Byleth is a central part to pretty much every character, and with them gone, Ashe's motives change. They don't have the reliable tactician, the trustworthy professor he had before to guide him. He realizes what he protects. Lonato's legacy. So, he cannot stand to side with the Church, as it goes against Lonato's wishes. This is where Dimitri's line comes in. While Dimitri allowed himself to become consumed by grief and the sense of revenge to the point of going feral on a rampage, Ashe stays grounded. He has a strong heart. He was confused and lost before, after Lonato's death, Christophe's death, hell, probably even his parent's death. So instead of living to serve the dead like Dimitri, he lives to focus on himself, to continue as how his loved ones would have wanted. This war is no longer about loyalty, it's about belief.

    Ashe in CF I only want to touch on one point here. A dialogue between Edelgard and Ashe.

    Our pride, our people, our king. You've torn them all apart. Haven't you had enough?! What else is there for you to take?!

    Grief-stricken and desperate, Ashe is one of the two students (the other being Annette if you don't count Cyril) in this map. Its interesting, as the only person he could be connected to this map is Catherine. He didn't fight in Gronder Field, where the rest of his friends did. He took up fighting the final battle, the last resort. Unlike VW, he doesn't leave his country or friends. He takes up his duty as a citizen and knight of Faerghus to fight.

    I'm not going to talk about Ashe in AZ, since there isn't really anything to be said that hasn't been already.

    Conclusion: Ashe is a character who deep inside, wants to help others to make them happy and in turn, himself happy. Not exactly completely altruistic in nature, but close. He still holds grudges and has a bit of a tendency to be more effected by other people's words than he should be, positively or negatively (this can cause him to feel lost, without a path). He cares deeply about things like legacy and motivation, and believes the inherit good in people.

    Fun addition because of the DLC: Ashen Wolves? More like Ashe n Wolves… haha… anyway. I like to imagine Ashe was chosen as the student rep of the Blue Lions (other than the fact that he's the archer) is that, being the only pure Faerghus commoner, he could get to know these basement/sewer rats people. He could relate to them, maybe. Also he has Lockpick, which would probably be useful in a basement/sewer.

    submitted by /u/miinttree
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    I made the noblest Noble in MS paint!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:48 AM PST

    Male and Female Byleths, drawn by me! :D

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    First post here: I edited the smash render of f!byleth with her fanon green hair :3

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Areadbhar, Amyr, and Failnaught all have their crest stones in Byleth's victory screen while the Sword of the Creator doesn't

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:31 PM PST

    I have new appreciation for Zach and Jeannie.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:54 PM PST

    I already loved their work as Byleth, but they sound awesome in Smash. Jeannie in particular makes Byleth sound confident and sassy. Zach is no slouch though, he makes Byleth sound commanding and badass.

    Bet Kirbopher is kicking himself right now.

    submitted by /u/KillerQueen724
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    Chapter 16 now available!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 05:55 PM PST

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