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    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    Fire Emblem King and Queen of Almyra

    Fire Emblem King and Queen of Almyra

    King and Queen of Almyra

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Have no fear, Soleil is here!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Social Distancing Byleth Sketch

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    [Set 1] Student ID Cards; Claude, Dimitri, Edelgard

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Everyone's favorite singer/dancer

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Painted Dimitri in my style! Who would you want to see next?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I spray painted my Xbox One controller with a 3H theme!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    [OC] Felix and Annette Au

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    Saw some people post their AC:NH cosplays, thought I'll share my Marianne outfit ;)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Echoes is amazing wth.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Echoes was an astonishing game to play. Like... wow.

    The Gameplay: Talented, Brilliant, Incredible

    With the 2 Fire Emblem games I've played, it seems Fire Emblem executes gameplay incredibly and this game was no exception. I liked how you go to different battles or maps like a Mario game. Combat arts and magic costing health points made me risk a lot of the time. When those risks made me lose a quarter of my army, Mila's Turnwheel was put to good use !! The only thing I wished they did better was the maps (who told them that a big map divided in two a with a small bridge that could only fit 2-3 units was a good idea ?? And making them be 90% of the game's maps too ??) and that Celica's army had a bit more class diversity. The animations were amazing, especially Alm and Celica's special arts. Just good stuff !!

    The Plot & Characters: Amazing, Show-stopping, Spectacular

    Random spoiler for Neon Genesis Evangelion Anime when mentioning Rudolf

    This tale of childhood best friends (lovers) cutting off ties with the Mother & Father to rebuild the world is just *mwah*. I love how the game just perfectly builds its antagonists up so they can make it possible to believe that you can battle the next bigger and badder boss. (I am talking about Alm's battle journey since Celica's army battles are kinda random with you taking on pirates, then zombies, then dark mages) At 1st Alm is just trying to get the invading army from the strong Rigalian north out of his country, already weak by the recent king's death and thieves running amok. Pretty bold task to take on but it's an RPG, what did you expect lol. Once Alm do kick the Rigalian army out of Zofia, you have to make sure they never invade again, so you pursue them in their own turf of tough conditions of the land, weather, and people. Alm defeats the commanders and their armies to make his way to the royal castle to defeat the king that is influenced by the God of that land. And in the end, Alm defeats the mad god. He rules the land of Valentia, rebuilding without the help of the providers, Mother nor Father. Alm has to go through a lot in this story by killing his only blood. But he does because he knows that it'll bring a brighter future for tomorrow's people. Wanting to save the most people he can. It is so... epic. And he does it with his lover, Celica, by his side. I might have to play again so I can get a better grasp on her character. (I'm going to anyway it becomes it seems my SD card got corrupted :). Its what I deserve for not getting a SanDisk tbh) But, I know she deeply cares for her family and friends. So much so that she is willing to sacrifice herself on the regular. The main reason I played tbh is so I could see Celica and Alm be happy together. The opening scene made me tear up, not even know about their relationship that much. Btw The title screen is so goood. Like Alm reaching out to Cellca's hand with Celica reaching out in their iconic flower field when they were kids is just amazing. And the title screen can change to the same thing happening but they're older and more mature when you finish the game is just :')). Rudolf reminds of Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion in the like that make their children go through shit so they can be prepared for the final boss. I sympathize with him but still, it was pretty fucked. Berkut was beautifully tragic. It was so disheartening how he failed at every turn possible and had to break his own morals to even get a chance of getting anything he wanted. I'm happy he found peace in the end. Like the relationships in this game(obvi Alm & Celica, Zeke & Tatiana, Boey & Mae, Berkut & Rinea) are so good. I even renamed the Royal Sword to "Royal Celica" and "Beloved Zofia" to "Beloved Alm" :)). (Which you can not tell me they wouldn't do that they are head over heels in love and they are big dorks).

    The OST & Movies: Never the Same, Totally Unique, Completely not Ever Been Done Before

    I have a few words to begin this explanation in this section:









    Like "The Heritors of Arcadia" ... issa banger, period. I love how it's a goodbye letter to Mila's children to take care of the land and that she loves them. I also love "Echoes", "What Lies at the End", "Lord of a Dead Empire", "Praise This Despair!" and "Twilight of the Gods" are just bops. The movies were all excellently done. "Children of Fate" being my favorite. I do think the defeat of Duma should've had it's own CG 720pp movie but whateves. Yeah umm, that's all,, I've already written more here than for my Schoolwork so yeeyee. Buh bye and thanks for coming to my Ted talk. :)))))))

    submitted by /u/inari_the_whuteva
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    I took some photos of my f!Byleth cosplay! I hope to get a proper photoshoot done at some point;;; (@ni.minny on instagram)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    FE Character Quiz: 700 Edition - Results

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    A few weeks ago, I posted a link to a Fire Emblem Character Quiz I created featuring 700 characters. A lot of people took at least part of the quiz, so I thought I would share the results for those interested!

    If you haven't taken the quiz and would like to try it, here is the link: https://asu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d0Y7LTlSgTkc9I9

    Without further ado, the results!

    Average score for completed quizzes: 611

    • This is pretty high, considering the maximum score is 700! Do keep in mind that this average was only calculated with people who completed the quiz, so it's likely skewed.

    Highest score: 700

    • Two people got a perfect score—great job if you're reading this! You're super nerds

    Percentage Correct By Game

    • (97.34%) Three Houses
    • (97.33%) Awakening
    • (95.52%) Fates
    • (92.45%) Blazing Blade
    • (91.97%) Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia
    • (88.84%) Sacred Stones
    • (85.46%) Binding Blade
    • (85.37%) Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
    • (79.38%) Shadow Dragon/New Mystery
    • (75.45%) Genealogy of the Holy War
    • (66.26%) Thracia 776

      • Three Houses and Awakening are pretty much tied for the most characters correct, with TH having a slight edge in the decimals.

    Top 10 Lowest Percentage Correct by Playable Character

    • (29.23%) Leiden, New Mystery
    • (34.98%) Amid, Genealogy
    • (36.42%) Ellerean, New Mystery
    • (36.42%) Jeanne, Genealogy
    • (39.92%) Asaello, Genealogy
    • (41.9%) Sleuf, Thracia 776
    • (41.99%) Linoan, Thracia 776
    • (42.11%) Dean, Thracia 776
    • (42.27%) Barthe, Binding Blade
    • (44.9%) Faval, Genealogy

      • Not surprisingly, all of these characters come from games that have not been released in the West. Leiden was the only character to receive less votes than another option for his own question.

    Lowest and Highest Correct Characters by Game:

    Shadow Dragon/New Mystery

    • Lowest: Leidan (29.23%); Ellerean (36.42%); Belf (49.83%); Vyland (53.12%); Frey (53.51%)

      • Anri (46.77%) was among the lowest when including NPCs
    • Highest: Marth (100%); Minerva (99.37%); Navarre (99.26%); Camus (98.58%); Tiki (98.48%)

    Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia

    • Lowest: Shade (63.64%); Randal (71.66%); Emma (75.9%); Yuzu (77.99%); Nomah (84.46%)
      • Blake (36.32%) and Irma (56.18%) were the lowest when including NPCs
    • Highest: Alm (99.67%); Celica (99.65%); Boey (98.88%); Saber (98.85%); Valbar (98.39%)

    Genealogy of the Holy War

    • Lowest: Amid (34.98%); Jeanne (37.84%); Asaello (39.92%); Faval (44.9%); Hawke (45.23%)
      • All of these characters are substitute children for part 2 of the game, except Faval
    • Highest: Finn (98.1%); Seliph (98.04%); Arden (96.54%); Deirdre (96.48%); Eldigan (96.08%)

    Thracia 776

    • Lowest: Sleuf (41.9%); Linoan (41.99%); Dean (42.11%); Pirn (47.14%); Eyrios (47.35%)
      • Highest: Leif (98.54%); Nanna (96.64%); Mareeta (93.73%); Olwen (93.42%); Tanya (92.54%)
    • Ishtar (98.91%) and Reinhardt (98.84%) were the highest when including NPCs

    Binding Blade

    • Lowest: Barthe (42.27%); Trec (59.31%); Garret (59.48%); Wade (60.37%); Hugh (62.02%)
    • Highest: Fae (99.63%); Roy (99.61%); Lilina (99.01%); Sophia (98.41%); Klein (98.01%)

    Blazing Blade

    • Lowest: Kent (75.86%); Geitz (77.47%); Wil (79.12%); Sain (81.35%); Karel (82.4%)
      • Sonia (77.85%) was also among the lowest percentages
    • Highest: Lyn (99.62%); Hector (99.58%); Jaffar (99.19%); Eliwood (98.92%); Nino (98.53%)

    Sacred Stones

    • Lowest: Hayden (69.72%); Riev (70.36%); Caellach (72.83%); Glen (73.53%); Syrene (73.7%)
      • Morva (65.26%) had the lowest percentage overall
      • Most of these are boss characters who can be recruited through the Creature Campaign
    • Highest: Ephraim (99.71%); Eirika (99.61%); L'Arachel (99.37%); Myrrh (98.91%); Lyon (98.02%)

    Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn

    • Lowest: Leonardo (65.94%); Tormod (67.32%); Largo (68.44%); Muarim (68.49%); Callil (70.5%)
      • Levail (52.83%), Bryce (54.21%), Catalena (55.16%), Shiharam (57.25%), and Lekain (65.44%) were the lowest including NPCs
    • Highest: Ike (99.62%); Titania (99.42%); Tibarn (98.71%); Nephenee (98.68%); Sanaki (98.48%)


    • Lowest: Priam (92.38%); Yen'fay (94.27%); Gangrel (94.89%); Panne (95.47%); Sumia (96.12%)
      • Raimi (65.57%), Phila (84.82%), Excellus (88.58%), and Validar (91.56%) were the lowest including NPCs
    • Highest (all 100%): Chrom, Cordelia, Donnel, Gaius, Kellam, Lucina, Robin, and Virion


    • Lowest: Kiragi (83.8%); Izana (84.43%); Fuga (86.49%); Hisame (88.54%); Sophie (88.73%)
      • Layla (68.25%) and Anthony (80.40%) were the lowest including NPCs
    • Highest: Corrin (100%); Azura (100%); Takumi (100%); Jakob (100%); Beruka (99.63%)

    Three Houses

    • Lowest: Alois (95.38%); Catherine (95.67%); Cyril (95.85%); Ingrid (95.92%); Hapi (96.06%)
      • Thales (87.01%), Lonato (87.34%), Ladislava (87.54%), and Randolph (88.01%) were the lowest including NPCs
    • Highest (all 100%): Byleth, Edelgard, Ferdinand von Aegir, Hilda, Hubert, Rhea
      • Claude (99.21%) and Dimitri (99.19%) were close to 100% as well

    Miscellaneous Results

    • Heroes exclusive characters had an average percentage correct of 95.54%
    • TMS#FE had an average percentage correct of 84.2%, which was more than I expected
    • Cipher exclusive characters Niamh (44.62%) and Poe (45.02%) were low
    • Characters that have been featured in Heroes (96.63%) were much more likely to be named correctly than heroes that have not yet been added into Heroes (75.81%)
      • Kellam, Nyx, Emmeryn, Laurent, Ricken, Kris, Scarlet, Tatiana, and Jill were among the top percentages correct but are not yet in Heroes
      • Keep in mind that Heroes tends to draw from characters who are already popular

    That's about it for me. If you have any questions or want me to calculate anything else with this data, let me know. Thanks for playing :)

    submitted by /u/kakarikos-windmill
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    I'm going to catch every last one of them!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I made the Leicester Alliance's flag in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    I'm sure others have done better, but here's my take on a Golden Deer flag!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Big brother Lester's approval. (OC)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    The gambit guide shows Edelgard with her natural hair color, and all these guides have the black eagles because silver snow was the first route made, so this image shows the early development of three houses

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Part 1 of Nintendo Dream interview with Intelligent Systems on Cindered Shadows and more

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    This came up on my pretime skip loading screen

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I (tried) to draw Lon'qu in Ylisstol. Most of it was half-assed and the background needs touching up but I think it looks alright overall, do feel free to tell me what you think and how I can improve!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I drew Aelfric!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

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