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    Monday, May 18, 2020

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Seteth.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Seteth.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Dumb_Seteth.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday Raphael! Time to have a turkey leg in his honor. Artwork from the Cipher card game

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    fire emblem blue lion house x animal crossing (OC)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Flora Fanart (Fire Emblem Fates)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I just got into this series recently and I love Lissa to pieces so,,,, I drew my beautiful wife

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    "This is the second time I have been summoned to a strange location and Lord Leo is nowhere to be found"

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    ByMir - Relaxing Day

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Three Houses Paper Puppets: Male Byleth (OC)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Clay Claude

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Bridal Beloveds)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Nowi Fanart

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Nowi Fanart

    Some fanart I made of Nowi. If you like it and want to see more of my art you can follow me over on Instagram: FoxyPew


    submitted by /u/FoxyPewArt
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    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    A Lyn Doll

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    quick sketch of Ferd von Aegir

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I finished (sort of) the original Shadow Dragon - Here's some thoughts.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    I was inspired by Shanebrained to go through the whole series from start to finish, and just finished FE1. I say sort of, because I did something very silly and softlocked myself right in front of Medeus. Since I overwrote my save, I'm not really willing to go back and play the whole game just so I can say I've actually beaten the game, and I'll just get back to it another time. But, that doesn't mean I don't have thoughts on it!

    Tl;dr at the bottom


    While the story of FE1 is pretty barren by virtue of being... Well, an NES game, it is serviceable, and that's all that the game really needed. If anything, I'd say it compares well to other NES RPGs I've played like FF1 or FF3, where the story is basically non-existent and is rather just lore dump by villager NPCs. All that the story in FE1 needs to accomplish is give you an idea of what you're doing, what Marth's goal is in the current map, and where you're going overall, and it accomplishes that decently well. It's not a groundbreaking story with great prose, but it doesn't need to be, and arguably couldn't be.


    I'm not going to comment on any of the general slowness. People know about it, it's a NES game, there are probably technical limitations in place here. I'm mostly concerned with the design choices, and some of the limitations that may have been imposed by the system but not necessarily, and that we have no way to know for sure. Also, I'm by no means an expert, this is just my thoughts after one playthrough.

    Firstly, the bad. The inventory management is downright atrocious. Shopping for items is a dreadful experience, and the fact that you need to deploy a unit to access their inventory means that any chapter where you have a thief steal something from a chest, you will want to dump their inventory into the convoy before leaving that chapter. Another kind of bad aspect is dropped items. You can decide to send them to the convoy, or drop an item from your inventory, but not to send another item from your inventory to keep that item in your inventory. Perhaps this would not have bothered me if it was my first FE game, but it's downright infuriating. Another inventory woe is the jank that is trading, or rather, giving items. If both units have a full inventory, you need to either drop a weapon from one of them, or to the convoy you go.

    This is sort of related to the previous point, but for a certain chunk of the game the basic vendors stop selling healing staves, and I was stuck having to clear chapters without any healing since I didn't stock up enough on them.

    While I didn't expect to necessarily have a battle forecast, being able to properly predict combat would have gone a long way to making this feel more strategic. A lot of the time I would simply "guess" how well a unit would do in combat, since there was no way to accurately predict it without going online to look at weapon stats. The only real way to predict damage is to go into battle once, see how much damage you do, then (assuming you're using the same weapon) check the difference in strength. Ie, Minerva did 20, you have 2 less strength, you'll do 18. To be fair to FE1, a lot of the time you can sort of get a feel for how strong a unit is, and just... Well, guess.

    As for the good, there's a surprising amount of it here considering how old the game is.

    The map design, for the most part, is good. There are anti-turtling mechanics in nearly every map in the form of reinforcements and in the form of thieves that go for rather important villages, such as the one with Merric in one of the early chapters. A lot of the time, maps will have terrain and natural chokepoints that you have to work your way through, and fliers can often go over obstacles to help. It's a rather fun experience in that regard.

    Another positive would be the... Feeling, so to speak, of combat. While you can't do perfect math without looking at SF, it's somewhat enjoyable to take a gamble. Would I prefer the game with a battle forecast? Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't mention it in an earlier point, but there's some merit to this as well. It does lead to me not using weak units, and that's it's own issue. I normally enjoy using them, but here I was just worried they'd ding enemies, and even if they wouldn't, I'd often kill rather than set up kills since it was hard to determine my output.

    Even though I've never read the text for units like Lena, or Cain and Abel in FE11/12, I still cared when those units died due to the inherent fact that... Well, they're people. They're units I value. They had stats, they had portraits, they were useful, and my army feels lesser without them, and that alone is enough for me to care about them, even with 0 dialogue. It says more about the inherent FE formula, but still.

    Lastly, the mixed.

    Healers don't gain experience from healing, but rather from surviving hits. While this is interesting, I don't really like it. It's piss easy to abuse (put a healer in range of an archer, surround the archer, then spam heal them if they get hit), and it rewards risky moves that you can't know will pay off, since there is no forecast.

    Unit balance is absolutely broken, but I enjoyed playing with broken units for the unique experience.

    The weapon level system is interesting (For instance Merric being able to use a warp staff upon promotion), but I prefer the weapon ranks of latter entries.


    All in all, it was a fun experience, but not one that I particularly want to revisit anytime soon. I visited this game more for the sake of historical curiosity than for an outright need to play it, because if I'm being honest, there is no reason to play this over SD or even FE3 Book 1. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to experience it for that purpose, but that's about the only people I would recommend it to in the first place. If I had to give it a rating, I'd have to give it a like 6 or 7 out of 10. I enjoyed playing it, but the bad jank outweighs the good jank.

    Bonus: The Softlock

    This one's pretty short. I warp skipped 21-22-23-24 and realized I missed the falchion after overwriting a save, and didn't have a strong enough gradivus user to take on Medeus.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    What makes a romance good to you?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Do you think intimacy or origin is more important for a good romance?

    Couples from the older games like Marth/Caeda, Alm/Celica and Sigurd/Deidre were more focused on the passion between the man and woman. They weren't focused on the origin behind their relationship, which is why some may not like them. However, Marth/Caeda and Alm/Celica have indicated backstory together, the simple idea that they're childhood friends turned to lovers. Something strengthened by extra dialogue in their remakes. So Sigurd/Deidre is the only one here that 'just happened.' The other two have good arguments for being well written, but even in the remakes, they focus more on the passion than the source.

    On the other hand, you have the non-canon, support based relationships. Like Lyn/Hector and Chrom/Female Robin. People may like them because it's their choice on who they can pair up, they don't need to figure out the source of it because they sparked the source. But some people may not like them because they aren't canon. So that makes it feel awkward.

    I can see the good in both kinds of romances, but I think passion is more important than the source. I'm fine with the backstory being 'childhood friends to lovers' as long as the two care about each other in a loving, intimate way.

    submitted by /u/Sensitive-Limit
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    made some sprites of the 3H lords to put in animal crossing

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Drawing Melady everyday. Day 40: Hard Mode Bonuses Melady

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    My FE6 Ironman - Ch 24-Final + Thoughts

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    The rules for this Ironman were

    No resetting

    If Roy dies, the run is over

    I can waste turns grinding levels, support, etc., but I am going for the true ending

    Extra challenges included

    Max deployment on every map

    No using a guide to check for items, reinforcements, etc.

    Ch 24

    Units gained - none

    Units lost - Gonzales

    This map isn't as bad as the previous ones, but it's pretty boring. Wyrmslayer Perceval and Milady did most of the work, with help from Murgleis Shin, Forblaze Lilina, Armads Gonzales, and Maltet Tate (heh, Maltate). Clarine used the saint staff for healing, and transported Roy across the map. Fae and Rutger fell behind, so Durandal Rutger helped out against reinforcements. Near the end, Gonzales attacked a 6% crit from a manakete, and got unlucky. Though Armads is gone, it doesn't matter now, as I'm on the true ending path. Jahn was defeated by Perceval, who got the Durandal traded up, and I moved to the end of the run


    Units gained - none

    Units lost - none

    An easy clear. Perceval and Milady killed the initial manaketes, and everyone else moved up, surrounding Roy in case reinforcements showed up. Next turn, I chipped with Lilina, Perceval, and Rutger, before getting the best ending with Roy finishing off Idunn, finally contributing to the run.


    Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed. Aside from ch 7, nothing was really challenging, and my team was set from 9 until 24. I hoped that no guide/max deployment would mean more deaths, and more challenge, but no dice. FE6 is still a solid game though, so it wasn't too bad. I did enjoy using units like Tate and Shin, who I hadn't tried before. My only real gripe is that the game falls off hard in the third act, as Sacae and Ilia both have the worst maps in the game imo, and Bern's maps are boring or hard for all the wrong reasons.

    To end off the playthrough, I'm going to go through my units, giving them an award and talking about them in general, like FE6's epilogue does.

    Roy - Deadweight

    A terrible unit, spent 99% of the game rescued. Did kill Idunn and a few other units, got a total of 3 levels throughout the game.

    Marcus - Jagen Incarnate

    A good Jagen, helped to set up kills for the cavs and Rutger, saved me in ch 7. He did die there, so rip.

    Allen - Red With Blood

    My best early game growths unit, did more damage than Lance and had enough speed to double some enemies, shame he died.

    Lance - I am speed

    Doubles basically everything after a bit, low strength though. His A with Allen wasn't worth it, as they both died in 7.

    Wolt - Memed Archer

    Deployed him after 7 killed everyone, he got to level 5 before being totally replaced by Klain.

    Bors - Surprisingly Strong

    I am not surprised he died, but I am surprised he lived for as long as he did. He tanked enemies in ch 3 and 4, where I thought he would die, but he survived to 7.

    Merlinus - Convoy on wheels

    He's a convoy. Good if you need bait.

    Elen - Wuz defense?

    A staffbot who got replaced by Clarine quickly, deployed in 7 for healing. Got 1-rounded very quickly there.

    Deke - Sturdy Merc

    A useful unit, saved me in ch 7 by rescuing Roy to dodge wyverns. Did die to an unlucky hit in ch 9, so that's sad.

    Lot - Free Stuff

    Instant bench, but did help to pad out deployment slots. Useful only for better items in the western isles with that nice village scene.

    Wade - Free Thing

    Same as Lot.

    Shanna - Wasted Potential

    I'm still mad at her death, as a misinput doomed her to an archer in 7. She was turning out good, but had low strength. RIP.

    Chad - Not a Chad

    Was useful in getting the ch 3 chests, and that's it. Died to a wyvern in ch 7, which I guess helped to stall it.

    Lugh - Banana Mage

    Knew he was good, but didn't have time to train him. Ultimately used Lilina as a mage, and knew I didn't have the Guiding rings to use both. Did recruit Raigh for filler, so thanks I guess.

    Clarine - God

    Saved me in ch 7 by dodgetanking a bit, almost died many times after getting hit, but killed so many enemies. She got 20/20, and capped half her stats, because I needed her that much. Mounted Rescue was necessary for the true ending, so thanks. She gets the 2nd place trophy unit wise.

    Rutger - God's Boyfriend

    By early promoting, he was low on strength near the end, but it doesn't matter. Killed like half of the enemies on ch 7, and saved my mid game by being a crit machine. One of my few supported units, and that A with Clarine definitely saved me many times over. 3rd place trophy.

    Saul - Endgame staff

    Forgot about Saul, but his C rank earned him deployment later on to combat status staves with restore.

    Dorothy - Steel Bow

    Her bow helped more than her, as it gave Klain more damage earlier on as a generic-killer. Died in 7, but I didn't want to use her anyway, so no harm done.

    Sue - Free Shin

    She recruited Shin and then hit the bench in case I needed to go Sacae. So that's helpful.

    Jerrot - Midgame Jagen

    Necessary for my midgame, but fell off hard. Benched pretty quickly after I recovered my units, as he needed to be alive for my Ilia gaiden.

    Treck - Idiot 1

    Wanted to use him, but he decided to have fun killing a mage on the top right, and so he died.

    Noah - Idiot 2

    Wanted to use him too, but he charged into a horde of enemies and swiftly died. Also killed of Fir by not being recruited, making for the worst green unit ever.

    Astore - Dodgetank

    Level 20 thief! Surprised me with a few good levels early on, and all that payed off when he barely survived at ch 20I. Had over 100 battles thanks to his dodgetanking in Arcadia.

    Lilina - Not Worth It

    I put my speed wings in her, and what did I get? A Lilina that could kill anything, but also got killed by everything. I even gave her an angelic robe to tank a counter, but it didn't help. Was a nuke, but only for enemies with 1 range. Relegated to staffbot, which she does well with 30 magic, healing a lot with just the heal staff. Bolting did save me in Ilia, so that did give her a use. She also A supported Roy for that ending scene.

    Wendy - Meg

    Low bases, bad at being a knight, supposedly a growth unit, but ends up bad anyway. She's literally RD Meg. Instant bench.

    Barth - Knight

    Surprisingly useful. After getting a level by fighting a few mercs, he promoted and then choked a point. Afterwards, he saved Roy via rescue to help me not put him in enemy range by accident.

    Ogier - Deke Lite

    I wanted to try him, as I heard he has decent growths, but a stray javelin said no to that.

    Fir - Enemy

    The only failed recruit. A shame too, as I find Fir to be a decent unit, and easy to train in the western isles.

    Shin - Only Good Bow

    I liked Shin a lot. Hadn't used him before, but he surprised me. Good bases and growths on HM, and a mount doesn't hurt him at all. Did fall behind a bit to ensure I went Ilia, but good nevertheless.

    Gonzales - Please Hit

    Honestly, I'm surprised. Gonzales was pretty useful in the midgame, and a killer/iron axe gave him decent hit. After, he did nothing for a while, as his hitrate was terrible, but Armads helped in the penultimate chapter before he died.

    Geese - Pirate?

    Idk, I never used him. Deployed him on ch 13, where he almost died, and then never looked back to the bench that he stayed on.

    Klain - God's Brother

    Decent Sniper. I like Klain, and he did help to chip with Dorothy's steel bow, and kill with Igrene's killer bow. Unfortunately, he fell off pretty hard before earning deployment on ch 21 to snipe some wyverns.

    Tate - Milady Lite

    Joins a bit earlier than Milady, but still a worse version of her. Still, a worse version of a god is still amazing, and Tate definitely was amazing. She was short on killing a lot, despite having a "good" strength growth, and was hard to train, but a worthy investment. She gets 4th place.

    Elphin - Dancer

    He's a dancer. Pretty good. Deployed him everywhere but 24/final.

    Bartre - Free Karel

    I didn't use Bartre in case I needed to rely on Karel, which I didn't. So he became a benchwarmer.

    Raigh - Darth Edge

    Raigh seems edgy. All I'm saying. I used him on my last run, and I wanted to use Sophia instead, so I forgot about him.

    Cath - Bad Resistance

    She's a thief. Was going to thief stuff, but I moved her one tile too far. Death by bolting.

    Milady - M. V. P.

    Amazing bases, hard mode bonuses, flies, joins to help in Arcadia, easy to grind in joining chapter. She took the boots to be more useful, and definitely earned them. My only other 20/20 unit, and capped half her stats, which were all the important ones Surprising no one, she was my no. 1 unit.

    Cecilia - Clarine Lite

    Just a worse Clarine. Aircalibur let her kill a few fliers, but that was all she did.

    Sophia - Guiding Ring

    Did want to try her out, but she died right after her joining chapter. Therefore, all she did was let me promote Lilina, so that's nice.

    Igrene - Sniper 1.5

    I'm sure she was better than Klain, but I forgot she existed, so Klain took her deployment. That sums her up pretty well imo - forgettable. Was going to get Astore/Igrene support, as I had heard good things about it, but after Cath died, I wasn't going to risk my last thief for a support I didn't need.

    Perceval - The Good Paladin

    Hadn't used him before, but he's pretty good. Good weapon ranks, good bases, decent growths, and good move. Solid unit, and my honorable mention unit-wise.

    Garret - Pirate 2

    A solid prepromote. I didn't need him, so he got benched until ch 21, where he died fighting off wyverns.

    Fae - Dragon? Girl? Both?

    I'm sure Fae could be good, but I tried and she wasn't. She was benched so that i got that ending scene with Idunn.

    Hugh - Costly Member Card

    Never used him, but his member card gave me an angelic robe. Would not recruit again.

    Zeiss - Milady Lite Lite

    He looked good, and I debated using him to get another Milady-level flier, but him dying ruins the true ending, so it wasn't worth the risk.

    Douglas - Knight 2

    Just a better Barth. He took over as rescue bot, and for that I thank him.

    Niime - Old But Good

    A good staffbot for restore, and joins earlier than Yoder. I do wish she was tankier by a bit, as 25 hp is horrendous lategame. She also helped to kill walls with Eclipse.

    Juno - Flier Fodder

    Bad flier, but still a flier. Helped get Rutger across some mountains, and then died.

    Yoder - Murgleis Carrier

    How'd he get Murgleis? Idk, but it was helpful. He also was good at Restoring, but that's all he did, as I didn't want to grind for Aureola.

    Karel - Rutger Lite

    To round off the "Lite" units, we have Karel. He almost died right after he joined, and that was all he did. I know he was good, but deployment was limited after he joined, so he didn't help me.

    That was a long one. Thanks for reading if you did. I would recommend iron manning the game if you haven't done so already, as this was a fun experience.

    Tl;Dr, I won.

    submitted by /u/ThePurpleLapras
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    Conquest Lunatic 0% Growths LTC- Chapter 15, Co-commentary with KrashBoomBang

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:15 AM PDT

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