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    Monday, May 4, 2020

    Fire Emblem "Hilda! Hilda! Hilda!" | I'm so excited to cosplay Hilda and I'm super proud with how it came out! | [Self]

    Fire Emblem "Hilda! Hilda! Hilda!" | I'm so excited to cosplay Hilda and I'm super proud with how it came out! | [Self]

    "Hilda! Hilda! Hilda!" | I'm so excited to cosplay Hilda and I'm super proud with how it came out! | [Self]

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Bernadetta's Fanfiction [OC]

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Manuela doesn’t get enough love (literally) so have this Manuela I commissioned from @Kawawek for Anna’s Roundtable

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    TIL Lysithea and Tatsumaki share the same seiyuu

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Dumb_Byleth13.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    ��Hey Teach�� | (cosplayer: me)

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    FE Echoes Pride & Pain Art

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    [OC] Angry Corrin!!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Awkward Zombie - Morale High Ground

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    |ByMir| Gekken Shoujo Byleth-kun?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    I haven't played DLC's yet but she's clearly the best new character

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Ohayou! Unity! by MaximumSpazzitude on DeviantArt

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Silver Snow fundamentally fails as a story about Edelgard

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    At this point, we all know that Silver Snow was both the starting point and foundation for the other routes. It's essentially a story about how your student betrays you, culminating in a confrontation with them (similar to say... Anakin's fall in Star Wars). I'm not opposed to this setup, despite it being somewhat of a cruel bait and switch for Black Eagles fans going into the game. It's painful to come to blows with someone you trusted and cared for, especially since that betrayal means depriving the player of their lord of choice for the rest of the game, something the director himself highlights. But in practice... it doesn't feel that way. And I think, this is because Silver Snow completely and utterly drops the ball as far as making you care about Edelgard beyond Part 1.

    A villain in name only

    I often see the argument that Edelgard is "a great antagonist" but I feel like that claim should come with an asterisk because I don't think applies to SS. She just... doesn't have a presence in the story at all. SS is extremely rote in how it executes the Fire Emblem formula. You basically fight your way to the empire, take down Edelgard and then fight the "weirdo dark magic bad guys who were responsible for everything" (and then a rampaging Rhea, but we all know the final battle was clearly supposed to be vs Nemesis and serve as a bookend to the story). It's kind of ridiculous how the game places so much importance on this relationship, to the point where it's heavily emphasized in pretty much all of the teaser material, but Edelgard herself barely factors into her own default route. The perspective never switches to her (something even past FE games have done with their antagonists), and you don't even get to meet her again Gronder since that chapter is skipped. The Black Eagle students express disappointment in having to come to fight their fortmer ally but aside from monastery dialogue (which is repetitive and boring "poor Edie, I must do this for Brighid, i'm scared, etc"), their story presence is minimal and forgettable. (there's a reason it's colloquially referred to as the church route) What should be a pivotal moment, Caspar's father dying, happens offscreen.

    Their supports (which should have reinforced their position in the narrative like in the other routes) is clearly written with Crimson Flower in mind or indifferent to the conflict in general. So your only meaningful interaction with Edelgard in SS is at the beginning and at the end. This is frankly, unacceptable for a story that should primarily be about Edelgard. In SS, you don't even get Edelgard's reasoning for why the war needed to be started in the first place. Instead, the focus is put on why Edelgard feels regret in having to fight Byleth and it just... isn't all that satisfying. It's a confused narrative, that lacks VW's structure (a route is cleanly broken up into 3 parts, with Gronder serving as the bridge into the final act) and polish (a lot of plot points in SS are glossed over/reliant on a silent protagonist to somehow drive the plot). I don't even want to get into why it laughably fails at integrating Claude and Dimitri into the. It's not a bad route to play through and I could easily see the argument for why it's more fun to experience than say, Crimson Flower. That said, I think it completely fails on making its premise interesting and winds up being disappointing as a result

    Azure Moon Succeeds where Silver Snow fails

    If that was all that I had to say about SS, i'd write it off for being a disappointment and call it a day. However, the reason I made this thread is because of Azure Moon. The Blue Lions route more or less addresses every single issue I have with SS. SS is fairly flavorless as a story, but Azure Moon is about something. Dimitri's arc and redemption being the most prominent aspects, but it's also heavily about Edelgard as well. In the Blue Lions route, so much more care and attention is given to Edelgard as an antagonist. Her backstory with Dimitri is explicitly shown to us, and (imo) it hits so much harder simply her telling us that bad things happened to her in her C+ support. We see that she used to be far more spirited as a person. Her brown hair signals that something absolutely awful happened to her in the main game, so even if you don't get the explanation that she was experimented on, the game does a good job of conveying that Edelgard is being driven by extreme trauma. The route also constantly reinforces their relationship, even in part 1. It's easier to care about Edelgard because Dimitri cares about her, rather than some unfeeling avatar who can only verbalize their feelings through text boxes. In Azure Moon we learn that Edelgard used to be a believer of the faith, and that despite all her attempts at praying to the Goddess, nothing changed for her. How are we supposed to get any of that in Silver Snow, when the absolute most we're treated to pertaining to that is Edelgard's C+ support? And even then, SS misses out on something as crucial as Edelgard being a former believer in the faith, which completely recontextualizes her character.

    The rematch at Gronder also has significance because we're forced to reckon with the fact that Edelgard has irrevocably changed as a person (not to mention Dimitri's own incredible and extreme change as well). Edelgard and Dimitri's parley scene, while it suffers from questionable writing in parts (not at all helped by Treehouse localization) still does an amazing job of setting up the final confrontation, gives us insight into Edelgard's motivation and at least frames the final confrontation as an ideological and emotional one.

    SS as a whole seems less concerned about Edelgard's own feelings, but rather the players, and focuses on the tragedy of losing your lord/waifu. AM, meanwhile, cares about Edelgard's feelings and agency in the story, culminating in an experience that feels akin to a tragedy. Despite primarily being a Black Eagles fan, her death in AM hits so much harder than her simply expressing her desire to walk along Byleth (ie the player's) side. If anything, her death scene in SS/VW feels me with irritation/indifference.

    So yeah, Silver Snow. Pretty disappointing for a variety of reasons (and I have more complaints, like how Byleth primarily seems to be motivated by his desire to find Rhea and. Thankfully Azure Moon picks up the slack and is (imo) the ideal first route a player should experience.

    submitted by /u/PK_Gaming1
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    dedue but animal crossing villager

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    [Original Art] The White Sage's Disciple, Gharnef

    Posted: 04 May 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    IS is remaking your favorite FE game. How do they mess it up?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Let's say that IS decides they're going to remake your favorite classic Fire Emblem game. You excitedly wait for months, until the trailer drops. And you close the video in disgust.

    What's some interesting way that they ruin the experience? Do they change character designs drastically? Add in supports or marriage? Simplify maps?

    Or, what games would be awful if they WEREN'T changed enough? A lot of people complained that SOV was a bit too faithful to the old maps. That would also be interesting to consider.

    submitted by /u/Toyotanomiko
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    It’s best girl’s birthday! Happy birthday, Charlotte!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    Happy birthday, Morgan!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Rhea and the Eisner family.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Does anyone feel like Rhea was a dick to Sitri and Byleth and to an extent Jeralt? Rhea promised Sitri that she would take care of Byleth, after being asked by Sitri to save her child's life knowing that it meant losing her own, but Rhea fully intended to have Sothis overwrite Byleth's personality after they sat on Sothis's throne and actually follows through with it too. If her plan had worked it would have been killing the child of the women you considered a daughter and breaking your promise to her.

    Edit: I just want to clear up that I do not think Rhea taking the stone from Sitri was a bad thing, it was what Sitri wanted and it was to save Byleth's life, it's what she plans to do afterwards that I'm not a big fan of.

    submitted by /u/ComfortableExchange9
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    A quick sketch of Claude

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    "Edelgard Always Loses" from an Edelgard fan's perspective

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Before I begin, I want to say that I don't have nothing against the person that made the video, I'm actually one of his subs since he makes a lot of gundam-related videos, of which I really enjoy watching.

    I'm doing this post because I want to talk about the video "Edelgard always loses" made by him, in which there are a lot of things I find to be not true/exaggerated/straight up wrong.

    Normally I wouldn't write on something I don't agree about, but at the same time it's being used by various people as a mean to support their thesis on how Edelgard is just "bad". Which is something I really don't agree with.

    Before people start giving me the "Edel-stan" already, let me say that I consider CF to be the worst route overall in TH and I consider AM my favourite by quite a bit from my second favourite, and even though I really love Edelgard, I hold Dimitri just as close in my heart.

    That being said my intentions are to take basically all the claims made in the video, and try explain why I don't agree with most of them.

    He starts saying that Edelgard is a great "Antagonist" (which is true) but continues by stating to the Edelgard-stans that since she sides with TWS and starts a war she loses the right to be called a "hero".

    That being said just assuming that someone in TH can be called "a hero" is wrong on multiple levels, even more so if referring to the lords. But that's besides the point.

    Returning on the point he makes on Edelgard losing her right to be called a hero the second she starts the war and sides with TWS, there's something I don't agree with that it's not mentioned anywhere in the video, and that's her "relationship" with TWS (the fact that a lot of aspects about her are being left unsaid says a ton about the video and its fairness).

    Edelgard's family got destroyed because TWS have the Empire on the palm of their hands, and since she does not have any power on her own, she couldn't really rebel to them, and has no choice other than be their pet until she becomes emperor and gains the military power she actually needs.

    If she had rebelled to them she would've just been killed or either transformed in really just a puppet: the one thing TWS have on their side is the time, all they would need to do is wait some time and create another Flame Emperor, and Edelgard's "rebellion" would have been for nothing.

    So assuming that Edelgard had a choice regarding her alliance with TWS is pretty much just dumb, she is making (almost) the most out of her situation, situation which is really bad and precarious.

    That being said the video doesn't explicitly states that she sided with them willingly, but after most of his statements done after this it's fair to say that the video ponders on her willingly siding with them.

    Let's continue (this post is gonna be a long one).

    The video states that she could had done things differently. And I, once again, agree with a bit of reserve. Even though nothing is suggested nor anything practical is proposed regarding what she could had done differently (it's just stated that things, if made differently, could have taken just more time for the same results), I think that I'll have to pick one of the most used suggestion regarding this matter: the "talking always works" solution.

    The theory I read the most on the forums regards her reaching out to the other lords/someone with the same way of thinking as hers, and explaining to them her situations: and yeah, in a golden route that would be what would happen.

    But here's the thing: when arrived at the Academy, Edelgard has really big trust issues, and it's shown with her C supports throughout CF, where she projects her ideas on her classmate's life experiences.

    She's also surrounded by enemies keeping her in check (ring any bells?), so it's pretty fair to say that she doesn't feel particularly confident on her opening to others regarding her plans.

    Of course everything changes during her time at the monastery by being with her classmates and (most of all) Byleth, and, little by little she gets to open up to others, and starts planting the ideas of her points of view into Byleth, and the second she starts doing so she gets Kronya on her side, and we all know how that ended.

    So yeah she could have done things differently, but not only they were way too risky, but even if she tried to reach out to others, things couldn't necessarily work out and her situation would have gotten way worse (and by worse I mean tortured/killed).

    Those are the things a hero would do, as stated in the video, and Edelgard as we know is not that strong of a person to be a hero.

    So yeah saying that she could have done things differently is correct by having the hindsight on what happens in all four routes, but I don't think if we were put in her position we would have done much differently without dying/making things worse for us and the others we care about.

    And no matter what Edelgard could have done the ones with the upper hand are TWS, and they are the ones that would kill her no question asked, even though they consider her "their greatest creation". One of the many things that allowed TWS to grow so much under fodaln's skin is the time at their disposal, for all we know once Edelgard's killed they would just calmly wait until the situation gets calm to start all over again to create another Flame Emperor.

    After all of this let's talk about Rhea.

    And let's start by saying that no, I don't think what Rhea did 1000 years ago was necessarily wrong,in fact I don't think that her lies are what really puts Fodland under so much stress.

    The real reason why I think Fodland gets so screwed is due to Rhea's inaction and incompetence during these past 1000 years: by doing nothing and letting the humans be she lets them create the crests/nobility system, creating the perfect environment to allow TWS to grow under fodland's skin, so much that by the events of TH they have control of the empire, of entire portions of Faerghus and to have their base inside the alliance without being noticed.

    Yeah Rhea gets punished for allowing Fodland to get where it gets, but that's just because of Edelgard's war, it's not sure what would happened if Edelgard just talked things through with Rh-ah no wait it's shown multiple times over during WC that Rhea will do everything to remain in power, so much so that she builds an academy to teach the ones that will lead the nation what would happen to them the second they point their blade against her.

    Rhea learns what she didn't learn in a 1000 years by being imprisoned for 5 years. And the only instance where this doesn't happen is during CF, where she gets full on incel-rage over her mother.

    What Rhea did after the war 1000 years ago was NOT to suit her beliefs, but rather because she was forced to do so (making Nemesis and the 10 elites as good as the church makes them appear to be doesn't make a lot sense if you think about it): there's no lie that drive Rhea forward, but rather her wish to see Sothis yet again, since she doesn't manage to move on from her past not allowing her to look forward the future, at least during WC.

    So by stating that Edelgard is the same as Rhea in this regard, when what Edelgard does is uses her past as a reminder (even though it pursuits her) to help her look forward to the future she wants to build, the video is making another big mistake regarding the two women's approach to their past/future.

    So even though this makes them two faces of the same medal, it really is just that, it doesn't make them the same.

    And now shit's really hits the fan.

    The video states that CF's the worst ending out of all TH overall.

    And for supporting this instance the video starts with "ignoring the elephant in the room: TWSiTD", referring to the fact that TWSiTD apparently survive the war.

    It's explicitly stated that after the CF's ending TWS gets destroyed by BE strike force's efforts, and I wouldn't mind it so much normally but the way he uses their apparently survival as a mean to support most of his future claims (letting the viewer think that Edelgard supports their dogma) really startles me.

    And now let's talk about the "lie" the video says she'll use as a foundation for her new Fodland after CF: and it starts by pointing out the speech she does in every route. Besides CF.

    What the video says about all of the points made during that speech are actually true, but the second Edelgard has the chance to be with byleth during CF those points are never brought up once. Ever.

    And it's really hard to think that Edelgard would not use them to convince Byleth even more so during CF, if she really thinks that they state the truth.

    So pretty much the entire speech takes the shape of a "propaganda speech", and since during CF there's no speech but just a manifesto written by Hubert, the possibility of Edelgard knowing she's stating lies are actually really high (most of them at least, if you read carefully both libraries in TH you'll learn that she actually has more than a point).

    Yeah of course the manifesto could contain the same information as the speech does, but then again, if Edelgard really thought of them as "truth", why she never talks about them during CF with byleth? Or any other?

    For the ones that think that since the speech happened in all routes beside CF and still make it relevant in that route let me clarify something for you: TH is a multiple route game, if it isn't expressed so, everything that happens inside a route stays in that route, if it doesn't happen in another then it means that it didn't happened.

    And during CF there's the manifesto and not the speech, so pretty much the fact that Edelgard during CF builds her Empire on a lie falls really short.

    There are also the matter regarding her many notions being"wrong" but I'll analyze them in a second.

    Let's talk about the "Edelgard's acceptence of TWS's dogma".

    Let's start by saying that most of the assumptions people (and the video) make about Edelgard being piloted by TWS, by giving her wrong information, are really wrong, at least I think so.

    As the video states Claude's the one who pursuits the truth the most out of all the lords, and by the end-cards he's the one that learns the truth more closely than the others, but the only reason why he got so close is because Rhea told him so, he just had the luck to be the right guy at the right moment with the right questions.

    Yeah of course he investigated during the year at the academy, but let's be real what he discovered (or pretty much the only thing he mentions) is Rhea's other form, nothing more nothing less: by the war's beginning, Claude knows very much less than Edelgard, and what he knows is known also by Edelgard.

    By the way, the only reason why Claude discovered what he discovered was because he had the luck to find one of the few tomes that didn't got through Seteth's eye, because the church was applying an enormous amount of censorship to allow Rhea's lies to not came up and to remain in power.

    What Edelgard says to Byleth really doesn't clash with what Rhea tells Claude, so talking about her being manipulated and biased in what she says and wants to accomplishes in CF is just wrong on so many levels.

    What Edelgard doesn't know is what Rhea knows for sure: who really was Nemesis was and what exactly are the Arghathans, notions which are yes important but not in the grand scheme of things. Everything Edelgard says in every route besides that damned speech doesn't contrast with any of the things Rhea says to Claude, so it's really hard to state that Edelgard lacks critical notions, making her aspirations vain.

    It's almost as if the video wants to say that Edelgard doesn't consider TWS her enemy, which cannot be further from the truth, you just need to play WC to learn it ("there will be no salvation for the likes of you").

    The thing is TWS are way too advanced regarding their technology, Edelgard really can't allow herself to fight both of them at the same time, in fact she tries during CF and as a result she got the Silver Maiden completely destroyed. And it's not like she only needs to destroy the church to accomplishes her goals, she need both TWS and Rhea to fall.

    And by stating that what caused rhea's reign to fall were her lies the video states that the same will happen to CF's Edelgard, because of lies never told in CF (again, what Edelgard says during CF doesn't clash with what Rhea says to Claude, so stating that she holds TWS's dogma refusing the one of the church really makes me angry at how wrong it is).

    Let's talk about how Edelgard never doubts herself, never changes, never wavers.

    This is just plain false: she knows what she's doing is wrong, and it's shown multiple times both during the year at the academy and during CF.

    What makes her a really tragic character is that no matter what would happen she would follow her aspirations no matter what: so when she's alone in most routes with only servants and enemies at her sides it's obvious that something inside her breaks, becoming what she really despises: a cold emperor.

    Because that's what she would hate to become, not "another Rhea" as the video states.

    It's literally Byleth's presence that allows her to not become that, not being able to see those things is a statement on how people misread her.

    And finally (finally) let's talk about the glorious ruminations which are how CF's future will be bleaker than the ones on the other routes.

    And well, where to begin if not talking about the other endings: AM's ending lets intend that basically nothing changes, the crests and nobility systems are still in place, so are TWS, yes Byleth as the archbishop is a "good" thing, and Dimitri for sure will be a good king, but with TWS still around and the possibility of Hapi not destroying them as high as it is, it might actually doom Fodalnd to another war.

    Let's not also forget the fact that Fodaln at the end of AM is reunited under the same banner, so basically the unhappy ones that will rebel against the new king are very much a possibility.

    If we take into account VW's ending we see that TWS and the rebel nobles (because, you know, they're not happy being under the same banner) will cause another war, one so grim that puts Byleth on the verge of losing it, at least until the arrival of Claude with the Almyra's army.

    Let's not also forget the fact that Fodaln at the end of VW is reunited under the same banner, so basically the unhappy ones that will rebel against the new form of government are very much a possibility. Even more so when Claude will try to unite both his and Fodlan's culture.

    What I'm trying to say is that by stating that CF's ending will be the most bleak one since Fodlan gets reunited under the same banner, which is something that happens in every other route, is just blatantly wrong, and biased.

    Because no matter what we'll say on the argument what we'll say will be only ruminations. Just ruminations. Because what really matters is what's written on the end-cards, and in those Dimitri will be a great king, Claude will unite Fodlan's and Almyra's cultures, and Edelgard will manages to create her meritocracy.

    And that's what I really think people should focus on.

    The video concludes with the Youtuber making the statement that what he once found boring now founds depressing. He doesn't states if he's referring to either CF as a route nor Edelgard as a character, and even though I would understand the former, I really hope it's not the latter, because that would be the red flag that proves that more than one form of bias was being used in his video, since Edelgard is the best written character in TH and also one of the best lord in the franchise.

    So, if you read this immense wot until here, thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the time to read it all, I really appreciate it. Here in Italy it's 1 am so I think I'll head to bed knowing that the comment section when I'll wake up will be a disaster.

    Have a good one.

    submitted by /u/GiuseppeF7
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    Annette Transistor AU

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    Can we talk about how godlike Hiroki Morishita's music is?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Id Purpose in Awakening, End of All in Fates, and God-Shattering Star in Three Houses. That's just the final boss themes for those respective games.

    You can also check the rest of the songs he's composed in Fire Emblem as well. It doesn't list his Three Houses tracks. But the site lists Rei Kondoh and Takeru Kanazaki's tracks.

    submitted by /u/RangoTheMerc
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