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    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    Fire Emblem Time skip Claude fanart!

    Fire Emblem Time skip Claude fanart!

    Time skip Claude fanart!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    drew Azura :)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Posting this one here too! Azure moon hilclaude (particularly after the battle at derdriu and before Claude leaves for almyra)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    OP Fanart Claude

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Party Edelgard

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Homage to FE13 (Le Beau Monde Zine)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    [OC] Dimitri

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Edelgard and Byleth(s) fanart

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    I drew Lucina!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Arden x Ayra - A Gift of Flowers

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Byleth fanart

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Dino Pope (oc)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Sophia [commission]

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    My best friend is a huge fan of Yarne, so I decided to 3D print a surprise gift for him!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Claude von Riegan the coward turned brave

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    You know how the first thing Claude does in the game is run away from bandits and the last thing he does is charge the king of bandits? This is often cited as proof of his development and growth in this area, but there's more.

    His cowardice isn't really addressed in the main story much, but in his quotes to congratulate an ally on a kill it is. He goes from: "Leave some bravery for the rest of us." and "I'd like to be that brave one day." to "Just stay alive, okay?" and "Thanks, don't go dying on us okay?" 5 years later. He's trying to be brave on his own and sees it in those he's fighting beside. And once he becomes brave he cares about his allies and doesn't want them needlessly dying.

    Here he is at the first fight in Gronder. He doesn't charge in. He signals (silently) and lets everyone run in front of him. He still hasn't become brave enough to go into a fight on his own.

    5 years later he gives the signal, just as silently, but this time he charges with them. He became brave enough to join/lead the fight.

    submitted by /u/dusky_salamander
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    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Jesse: Desert Mercenary King

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Jesse.

    Jesse is a playable character in Shadows of Valentia.

    A free-spirit who hated being told what to do, Jesse's father was a nobleman, and he was friends with Clive and other nobles. Due to his skill at the sword, there were great expectations placed on him, but when his younger half-brother was born, trouble grew due to Jesse not being of proper birth. Most of their vassals hoped Jesse would succeed his father, but Jesse decided instead to abandon his family name and run away for the sake of his sickly brother's future.

    At some point in time, Jesse encountered Silque being kidnapped by bandits. Realsing her plight, he rescued her and then accompanied her during her travels for a distance, parting at Zofia Harbour. Later on, Jesse attempted to save Est from Grieth, but was captured and imprisoned at the Desert Stronghold. When Celica's party frees him he then joins their team.

    After the war, Jesse made his own nation in Grieth's land, joined by Saber and Kamui. He became known as the "Desert Mercenary King".

    Jesse is supported by:

    He has the following quotes

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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    Anybody else started playing Fire Emblem cuz it was a tactical rpg and not cuz of smash?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    90% of the time,when I ask people why they started playing FE they always say cause of Smash Bros. My experience was different,I was a sega then playstation fan,loved final fantasy tactics and someone reccomended me FE cuz it was a tactical rpg. I wasn't a huge nintendo fan but I loved pokemon so I bought sacred stones for my gameboy and fell in love with the series. Just curious if anyone has similar stories to share

    submitted by /u/ViniciusSalerno
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    Claude and Pasha answered 20+ of your questions! (Pasha Saga AMA Art Compilation, Part I)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    My Experience with Fates and Why I still like it.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Y'know this is kinda a risky play considering How any time I post anything that isn't the Hot takes Thread I have to spend the rest of the day trying not to cry but screw it

    So flashback to about 2017-2018. My sophomore year of high school. I was struggling hard. Every other day something was either missing or was done badly. Needless to say I was stressed and was feeling the burnout by around late December. Why is this important? well this was the year I got Warriors (the 3ds version). And since I liked how the characters were presented in that I figured "hey maybe I should play the game they're from. So of course Christmas was the perfect time to get them. And lo and behold the 25th came around and I had all of them. So of course I decided to play them. Starting with awakening. Then moving on to Conquest. I'll just say that all three of the 3ds games helped me through these very tough times. And since Conquest was my favorite of the 3 I'll focus on that one

    Now when I played Conquest I was aware of the reputation that Fates in general had in terms of it's writing. So I was thinking "surely it cant be as bad as people say right?" And I was right it wasn't that bad, not for me at least I get it if other people didn't enjoy it. IDK everything just sort of worked right for me, well the story didn't do much for me even if I didn't think it was an affront to god like most people do. But the characters and gameplay just felt... right y'know? Like most maps felt like a challenge even on normal, but they weren't complete and utter bullshit (Except for Chapter 15 and Chapter 24, those 2 can die in a ditch for all I care.) And the characters ain't too bad either. Like I still maintain that this is one of the best casts in the series, Keaton,Felicia, Xander,etc. All characters that managed to put a smile on my face. Hell I didn't even think Corrin was that bad either. Sure they made some bad decisions, but come on. They were thinking with their heart not their brain,and I can't really fault them for that too much. Also their Felicia support is too good for me not to at least enjoy them somewhat

    So since I had this extremely unpopular opinion (at least at the time) I started to feel bad about liking it. Now I know what a lot of you are thinking, why would I feel bad about just liking a game. Well there's a good reason for that, see throughout my life up until that point I never felt like I actually fit anywhere, until I joined Reddit, well more specifically this sub and r/Gamingcirclejerk but you get the idea. so when I had an opinion that completely different from consensus, I no longer felt like I belonged, which of course made me feel bad. IDK if its a ASD thing or what? but regardless I felt like there was something wrong with me for liking the game. And I feel like I'm starting get back into that mentality again. Probably because I don't feel any sort of change really. Like sure the number of posts that put it in a positive light have gone up, there still comments from these overly negative "um ackshully" types that go after anyone that has the audacity to have fun with a game they don't like. This could very well be just a situation of me being on the spectrum making it out to be worse than it actually is but that's how I see it at least.

    So yeah Conquest is a very important game to me. I'm not sure if I really explained it all that well. But this is a topic that isn't easy for me to put into a written format. I feel like some of it also has to do with timing. I was already pretty disillusioned to the FE community when Warriors came out and I was already dealing with a lot of stress with how awful my classes were going. So having something that took my brain away from both of those issues definitely puts the game up there for me

    submitted by /u/CrunchingG
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    Which Fire Emblem character is your favourite based only on their design?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I think a lot of us can agree that we can consider some characters to be the best even if they've done horrible things or have terrible personalities if they are gorgeous. Which character in the series would you consider to be your favourite based on their appearance and why?

    submitted by /u/DClordz
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    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (To Stay Dreaming)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Commission: Lost Item 4 by RayDango on Twitter

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Advice on Echoes?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Some of you may remeber my last post I made about my echoes playthrough. I've gotten a lot better with Celicas army overall. Everyone (except Nomah and maybe Atlas) are at their highest class. However, I'm struggling very much with Alms army. I just got to act 4 and Alm is trying to fight Berkut and it is not going well. I've retreated and had Alm die a few times. So many, if not all of his units, including himself, hold me back a lot. I feel like the biggest problem was something there's no going back to change now, what classes I picked for the villagers. Gray is definitely the worst unit in Alms army, I made him an archer and he's constantly dying. I made another bad choice with Tobin as a mage. His res is way too low for him to be a mage. Thats the big problem with Gray too. His res might as well not exist. His defense and speed are bad too, so Gray is constantly getting wrecked by mages and then having a physical enemy come up and double him for the kill. Tobin is bad too but his defense is at least a little better, along with speed, so he doesn't tend to get doubled as often. Another big problem is that he doesn't have lightning. He has made it to sage. A slightly better choice for villagers was making Kliff a cavalier. He does alright, he has better defense and res than a majority of the army. The best choice for villagers was making Faye a cleric. I'd definitely call her my best unit on alms side. Physic, Seraphim, defense as high as Forsyth, and nice res, she can handle any enemies thrown at her. Especially since she has Nosferatu to heal her of any damage she gets. The next best unit I would say is Python. Despite having low res like gray, he has 19 attack before a weapon compared to grays 12. He also has higher speed and usually gets to double enemies, even mages. However, other than those two, everyone else tends to hold me back. I'll start with Alm. He has all good stats except for one, the common killer in Echoes, res. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there seems to be some ability where alm and celica are targeted above others. So since Alm has the same low res as everyone else, he gets killed by mages or at least significantly weakened by them. Clive has the exact same problem. Theyd be much better if they had just a little more res. Clairs biggest problem has been getting better but she has low defense. Making her a falcon knight helped but she still has the bow weakness that makes her have extremely late starting in any map that has an archer. Mathilda is good, just wish she had a better defense growth. Silque has also become pretty decent. Her defense has grown and with a shield and the highest res in the army, she can usually survive a turn. Nosferatu being absolutely busted in this game helps her tremendously. Her weakness is speed, she tends to get doubled. Lukas and Forsyth can tank hits well and the Ridersbane that Lukas uses makes him still viable late game imo. Luthier is alright. Thunder is a big help for allowing multiple units to attack the same enemy. Delthea is still super low defense. That's her big drawback. Also having only fire and aura for spells to start sucks too. Aura is a good spell but with her low hp and low defense, it's extremely risky to ever use it. I gave her prayer ring to tobin and gave her a shield. So anyway, despite having just given so much praise, every one of these units just feels bad. I havent gone a single map without abusing turn wheel because every enemy phase, someone dies. Even Faye and Python die frequently despite being my best units. I have no idea where to train them up, or if the problems the units have can even be fixed. Any advice on what I can do? Maybe switch weapons around or go somewhere to train? Honestly no complaints at all about Celicas army other than now I've reached the part where her maps are terrible. I just have no idea how the deliverance managed to make it this far

    submitted by /u/babydaisylover
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    Streaming some FE7 randomized! Come hang out :)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:27 PM PDT

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