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    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Fire Emblem OP art Empress Edelgard

    Fire Emblem OP art Empress Edelgard

    OP art Empress Edelgard

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Dorothea ♡

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    House leader Edelgard

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    House leader Claude

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Ingrid's favor

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    OP art Dimitri

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Rhea has my heart <3

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Marianne Fanart

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Female Robin( commission)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    I improved my old Diavolo Hubert, what do you think?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Norne taking a rest

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Saint Cichol [OP]

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Dimitri Art (OC)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Anyone else love CF!Hilda? *spoilers*

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    And by that, I mean that she doesn't exist.

    The game should have done more of that. Retainer aside, you can tell the game struggles with justifying some house recruitments and defaults to "Well, I joined and am fighting for you in this war because I like Byleth."

    Hilda feels like a real character because no matter how much she likes Byleth, she is absolutely not joining Edelgard in any capacity. Her animosity for Edelgard's plans/person outweighs any affection for Byleth or any of her friends, and she will only join BE after Edelgard leaves in SS.

    More characters should have had those moral limitations to their recruitment.

    submitted by /u/iamthatguy54
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    Radiant Dawn is a weird Fire Emblem game that I liked

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Hey I beat Radiant Dawn last night for the first time! I had a real interesting time with the game. I didn't absolutely love every second of it, but I think it's one of the more complex games I've played in terms of my thoughts on it as an entire package.

    I've been trying to think of how I feel about this game since I went to bed last night. I've decided to just make a reddit post like this which would be a nice place to get my musing about the overall game onto something concrete. So this might essentially be a ramble but that's how my mind rolls, and this post doesn't really have too much focus but hopefully someone enjoyed reading these thoughts.

    Full spoilers ahead

    The characters

    Honestly like people talk about RD's character balance being whack, but honestly even more so than unit viability just.... the characters themselves.

    I honestly adore this game's highs and so many excellent base convos and boss dialog really enhance characters really help Tellius's cast feel more standout.

    ...for the characters that get that is. I'll return to the characters I strongly like in a bit.

    Like legit so many new characters in RD are literal whos to me even after beating the game. Vika/Aran/Kyza/Meg/Fiona/Heather are all easily some of the biggest literal whos in the series. Feeling like Dolph and Maecellan in Archaena over here.

    Like there's nothing inherently wrong with filler characters. It's an interesting point of Thracia how many literal whos are sick of the empire they are under and join Leif for the greater good in a plot driven game and adds to the struggle of grabbing all the help Leif can get. But that's really not what kinda game this is. This essentially is a game about countries coming together and this is reflected in commanding countless people critical to countries and their armies. Hell my endgame army had the leaders of literally every country in Tellius.

    Not to mention this is a sequel to the character driven game Path of Radiance. That for the first time ever in FE really tries to get you to care and learn a decent bit of most of the cast present to you with many base convos and obviously supports help of course. Radiant Dawn's issue with this stuff wouldn't be completely fixed with supports assuming you have a number similar to path of radiance's. I'd still feel confused using random joe who we found fighting next to 6 members of royalty. The dawn brigade's ragtag opening really gets lost in the plot and is certainly the most egregious part of all of this. Funnily enough I am aware that the prfs Edward/Leonardo/Nolan get in RD are all localization based but honestly like... superb job localization team. You addressed the fact that these conflicts were getting bigger than them but they were still pledging their loyalty to Micaiah and what she believes in. Really help sell Micaiah's uncertainties about the hard situation but still affirming that she has support.

    I'd say the only newcomers to RD that I do really enjoy are Micaiah, Pelleas and Yune. Although I do really love both Micaiah and Pelleas.

    This game really did knock it out of the park with returning characters though. So many people just have stuff going on to make the world feel lived in. The game never feels like callbacks for sake of callbacks and is really a sequel to Path of Radiance rather than another game set in Tellius if that makes sense.

    It is the sequel to Daein and it's fall out post PoR and with the Mad King dead. How a small effort gains steam.

    It is the sequel to Crimea and how Elincia leads despite not being raised to be a queen and succeeds and demonstrates how much she's grown.

    It is the sequel closing out the corrupt Bengion Senators.

    It is the sequel to Laguz and Beorc differences really being overcome significantly more than PoR.

    However, this isn't really a sequel for Ike. Who is the literal begrudging leader of the Alliance against Bengion.

    This game has a real identity crisis when it comes to Ike. He isn't growing to something new, but this is very much his story where he is the main dude basically. That's what the end card is about, commenting on how this was Ike's journey.

    In days long past, a young man strode the lands of Tellius.

    He was simple yet true, his deeds brave and noble. He reunited two races long at war, and healed the heart of a goddess long gone mad.

    Ask any you meet be they young or old, beorc or laguz, of a hero named Ike and you'll receive a warm smile and a tale or two of faith, courage, and honesty.


    He is the person with the final denouement of Ashera in the climax of the game. He is the one that gets to talk to Yune encouraging her to stay and not that person that she has resided in for ages. He is the one that gets the final blow with micaiah's (Yune's) powers charging the sword.

    Mini rant: Also wtf is his ending? Just leaving Tellius? Like... what about the Greil Mercs who he calls his family? What about his literal family Mist? And then who is leading Greil Mercs if Titania is just second in command? Agh just dumb.

    Honestly going into this piece I didn't even dislike RD Ike that much but it's really just clicking just how much focus he gets at the very end of the game. I think in part 3 and 4 it is fine. But honestly I wonder if Yune is more to blame for stealing Micaiah out of the plot more than Ike with the whole possession thing...

    Well at least I think Yune is an interesting character throwing large and serious questions with a child like innocence balancing them out. Also a touch funny which caught me off guard. My favorite line being

    "How would you like it if I called you a dark bag of organs."

    Also while I could talk more about my specific favorite prominent story characters Elincia/Micaiah/Pelleas I think I could probably save those for individual character write ups because I feel I'd like to have more of a concrete point for why I like them. Just to save space, I think Micaiah and Elincia make great use of the time they have in the game even if it's not as long as I'd like. And for Pelleas.... god I absolutely hate izuka's character, part of the reason why I actually really like Sothe is because he is absolutely no nonsense whenever he speaks or the world is presenting bullshit he'a calling it out. Pelleas is cool in a lot of ways but is really carrying around the chains of the plot being stapled together rather than being cohesive.

    Just as an aside I think the villains in this game are all bad memes and while I think it's cool what the plot does and treats the main characters as they go through interesting things. The villains are all cartoonist evil without any bite to their bark like Ashnard carried. Thank god part 4 is you slaughtering them thinking they're fighting for the right god and dying in vain. It made part 4 feel a bit better for sure.

    Instead of talking about plot prominent characters I'll gush about Haar real quick. This absolute god is basically an unfunny meme in Path of Radiance for 90% of his dialog.

    Someone working on this game must have had a weird obsession with this man because he is basically not only the best unit in the game for the maps he's in but also gives him an insane number of boss convos and I honestly think his Elincia base convo is still one of my favorites in the game still. He is someone with a real perspective on the world, and knows what's important and to not live with regrets with immense confidence.

    Also he's got really goddamn witty responses.

    Levail: Captain Haar! You are still alive!

    Haar: What happened that you didn't expect me to survive?

    Haar: Why couldn't you just stay on patrol? Saw a pretty little heron and just had to have her, is that it? I could never decide if you were more greedy or more corrupt. Stupid was never in the question, though.

    Zeffren: Who do you think you are?! You're a traitor, just like Shiharam! The dracoknights spit on your name!

    Haar: … Do they now? Well, here's your chance to try the real thing.

    Haar: You could live another lifetime, and you'd still never understand.

    Haar: You're full of doubt. How do you live like that all the time? Is that how your father wanted you to live? Afraid to trust your own instincts?

    Jill: But…

    Haar: Daein has no business in this war. You know that, right?

    Jill: But…what about my comrades? What about my friends?

    Haar: Is dying how you show loyalty? If you're their true friend, then why not show them the error of their ways by fighting alongside me?

    Jill: Oh, Captain…

    Haar: Come with me, Jill. We both know that we should follow our hearts, even if it makes us traitors. We know that better than anyone. For the sake of your father, live your life without shame.

    Alright I'll stop for now.

    Since I'm on Haar might as well talk about the gameplay.

    Gameplay and Maps

    Oh boy.

    I expected this game to be much harder than it was, but I will admit I am very much an adept FE player playing most games on their max difficulty (6/11/14/16) and this was on "Normal". This game feels almost like going from Awakening to Fates in terms of polish compared to Path of Radiance and the speed it plays as.

    However I did not expect that this game would be uh.... so casual in a number of ways. This game absolutely shits out bexp at every corner. At my peak I had like 60,000+ BEXP on hand and the game is basically asking you to rig certain procs honestly so you can rout enemies faster. I'll admit that I occasionally rigged stuff. I planned on making Pelleas god for a joke, but found out ONLY AT THAT SCENE that this wasn't a ng+ save but just was treated as fresh one while I had animations off. I then proceeded to have micaiah cap tier 2 speed in his honor. And then I got her to cap magic for the start of the tower after promo lol.

    Bexp is just broken, I love it and hate it. Master Crowns are memes in RD because of how much exp and bexp you get. It's a cool reward for playing fast/doing side objectives as well. It lets everyone catch up and almost everyone can become great endgame contributors. However it also just let's you do shit like get Tier 3 Haar and Titania much faster than you should and is very open to riggable cheese. Not to mention battle saves which is literally free save states+RN burning. I certainly used it to make Part 4 go faster so I could throw Naesala and Tibarn at crossbows just to speed along the map.

    The getting into the maps themselves... The early dawn brigade of course was the tricky part but I was surprised how many gods you get after like 1-4. Sothe/Volug/Jill/Taur/Part 1 Tormod/Nahaliah/Black Knight oh and an FE4 dancer. Part 1 was certainly cool in terms of progression and most maps were pretty solid in terms of objectives and just feeling unique for FE being a small scale crew and having your role expand.

    Honestly this game does an utterly fantastic at making you feel strong when it wants to. Like I don't play FE or many games in general to feel strong or whatever. But man, just using the absolute gods of this game is such a great feeling. I deployed all Laguz royals in the endgame and I don't regret it for a second.

    After part 1 too much of the game boiled down to sending Your god #1 unit forwards while your next best unit takes the enemies on the flank, and everyone else picks up the scraps. Even a bit when Sothe is flexing for the dawn brigade but most Part 1 maps encourage being in multiple places which alleviates this.

    Think of the maps like 2-P, Geoffery's charge, Elincia's Gambit, the fog of war greil merc map, that arrival map with ike/ranulf, that one about destroying Senator supplies, killing 40 alliance enemies, and ect.

    I think Haar honestly breaks the game a lil too much. I played basically any map he was on prior to part 4 on pure auto pilot because he's that good while doubling. For reference Titania had my 5th most kills in the game at 66, Haar had the most kills in the game at 164. Just near 100 kill gap for people with near identical availability. Jill of course had second most kills.

    My honest to god hot take is that Part 4's P/1/2 aren't even that different from the rest of the game while I one turned 4-5. 4-3 and 4-4... are absolute art, no changes needed at all guys

    (author's note wtf is RD's deal with random items all over the map, like rescue is just casually in 3-E. I needed it so Izuka didn't spam rewarp everywhere in 4-5)

    My favorite part of the game was actually figuring out how to properly rout quickly with all these gods at my disposal. I had a great time and it's really not a feeling equatable to any other moment in the series.

    I would call Ashera a great final boss fight if her AoE attack wasn't like random and unknown bullshit.

    Killing dancer at full health?

    Ok then, good design guys

    I feel bad for weak micaiah's in that map but mine was just stornk with large favoritism

    I think I would replay RD someday for sure despite all I've said. I certainly wouldn't with PoR because of how samey everyone feels but RD has maps play interestingly for sure. Maybe Hard mode with enemy viability patched in.

    Man I haven't even mentioned availability stuffs but I'm losing massive steam at this point. Uhhhh too much of it doesnt make much sense but cool concept guys. Don't come back.

    Final Thoughts

    After it's all said and done. I really enjoyed Radiant Dawn. It kept me on my toes for things I wasn't expecting and I had a number of pre-conceptions that were different takes towards the end. Many people see this as the peak of the series and while I'm not going to agree there's certainly many parts to this game that are fantastic. Is the game larger than the sum of its pieces? Maybe. I'm still not entirely sure. I think I enjoy execution more than ideas and enjoy the concise simplicity of FE8 and FE11 a bit more or how Judrgal handles its world, I certainly think there is a lot to love about Radiant Dawn. It's a little clunky, but a lot of it is endearing.

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Jedah: High Priest

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Jedah.

    Jedah is an antagonist in Shadows of Valentia, and is 147 years old accoriding to unused data from the game.

    Jedah is a priest of the Duma Faithful who came in dispute with the High Priest Halcyon and banished him, gaining control over the church. He is the father of Marla, Hestia and Sonya, but abandoned them at some point. Soon, he would return to them, and sacrifice his two daughters to Duma, therefore making them Witches. Under Jedah's suggestion, Rudolf one day stormed the Temple of Mila with the intent of sealing Mila with Falchion. Taking her skull with Falchion still embedded in it, Jedah places it in the deepest catacombs of the Duma Tower. With the Earth Mother sealed, the lands of Zofia begin to decline, beginning Jedah's long laid plans to have Duma's influence spread throughout all of Valentia.

    As Celica leaves Novis, Jedah is concerned about Duma and tells him that he'll ensure Celica is delivered to him. When Celica passes through Dead Man's Mire, Jedah contacts her. Here he tells her that Mila and Duma will eventually go insane and destroy Valentia, and he offers to return Mila to Zofia if Celica sacrifices her soul to Duma. If she does so, Duma will be cured of his madness and Mila will be returned to Zofia, saving both kingdoms and preventing Alm from fighting further. However, Celica tells him he has no reason to believe him and tells her that he awaits her on top of Duma Tower.

    Once Celica reaches Jedah on Duma Tower, he reveals that Mila sealed herself and the Valentian Falchion away. With nothing left to stop Duma, Jedah once again requests that Celica sacrifice her soul. Despite Celica's comrades trying to convince her to not do so, Jedah warps Celica's army to below Duma Tower and allows Celica to watch Alm suffer while he prepares for the sacrifice.

    After Alm kills Rudolf, Jedah tells Celica that Alm is going to slay Duma next, which would be a suicide errand without the Falchion. Celica, not wanting Alm to continue suffering, agrees to voluntarily offer her soul to Duma in exchange for Alm's safety. Satisfied, Jedah leads Celica to the underground catacombs of Duma Tower to prepare to sacrifice her.

    When Alm reaches the Duma Tower, Jedah allows him to converse with Celica one more time. Shortly after that, Celica asks Jedah to release Mila from her seal once the preparations for Celica's sacrifice are complete, but Jedah reveals that doing so is beyond his power and abilities, and reminds Celica that Mila sealed Falchion herself and that normal people have no say in the matter. Celica is furious that Jedah lied to her, but he merely tells her to blame Mila for abandoning the Zofians. Jedah then destroy's Mila's body, leaving only her head remaining the Falchion still impaled on it. After that, despite Celica's struggles, Jedah then summons Duma's eyeball to have Duma devour her soul. With Celica now reborn as a mindless and soulless witch, Jedah sends her, Mila's remaining head, and Falchion to the depths into the Royal Vault.

    When Alm encounters Celica and Falchion, Jedah chooses to watch them fight to he death for his amusement. However, Mila instructs Alm to use Falchion and impale Celica, forcing Jedah to retreat. When Alm and Celica's reuinte, Jedah stands against them to protect Duma, as he believes that Valentia cannot sustain itself without the gods. Jedah fights the two armies alongside his two older daughters, Marla and Hestia, and his lord Duma, but is slain with his last thoughts being concern for Duma.

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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    Just wanted to add my own spice to M Byleth’s chibi sprite!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem OC: Ceol | By Scalvy

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    [OC] Zapperbullet's Bernie post reminded me of a time when I had access to the 3D models + software and made Marianne do this. [Side note: the rigging for these models is REALLY good ��

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    For a chuckle, make Edelgard a Lord and give her the Hand Axe.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    The game uses the sword animation for some reason, which is a fencing thrust...with the hand axe. Instead of a cleaving swing, she lightly boops the enemies with it.

    Any other unexpectedly funny animations?

    submitted by /u/ThunderRoad5
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    Tried drawing a cute Lucina [OC]

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I looked through all of Fates' maps to see how often Corrin initiates a fight and how often they get ambushed/tested

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Hello chaps.

    Every once in a while we get posts about Fates' writing, either to further beat the horse that has been dead for five years or to explain why the story wasn't as bad as we remember.

    I know that some people know me as a big anti Fates guy, and I am, but it's a fascinating game to explore why it's story is so, to use a diplomatic term, controversial.

    We all know about the big events. The crystal ball, the throne, "justice is an illusion" and all that good stuff. However, there are many, many more elements to why Fates doesn't deliver a satisfying narrative, and one of those reasons is because Corrin feels like they're lacking in agency. This is a phrase you often see thrown around in threads about Fates' story.

    So, where does this come from?

    Well, to me, a good Fire Emblem protagonist generally tries to fight against the odds, come up with their own plans and execute various strategies. They can get help with this, like how Ike and Chrom have Soren and Robin respectively, but I generally want to feel like the protagonists are part in moving the story forward, not just reacting to what is happening around them.

    One of the many problems Corrin faces is that they very rarely get a chance to show off any of these traits. There's a feeling that things just happen around Corrin, and when you look at how conflicts are established in Fates, you start seeing a few patterns.

    This is not to say that protagonists can't be reactive or get surprised/ambushed or whatever. What I'm talking about here is that this is done to the point of almost comedic excess. Take a look for yourselves:


    • Chapter 7: A Vow Upheld - Ambushed (Silas)

    • Chapter 8: Fierce Winds - Tested (Fuga, cutscene ambush by Iago's illusions)

    • Chapter 9: Land of Gods - Ambushed (Zola)

    • Chapter 10: Ninja Village - Ambushed (ninjas)

    • Chapter 11: To The Sea - Ambushed (Valla)

    • Chapter 12: Dark Reunion - Azura's assassination plot fails. Still, the good guys' initiative

    • Chapter 13: Another Hope - Ambushed (Camilla)

    • Chapter 14: Light Scatters - Good guy's initiative (surprise attack in previous cutscene triggers this though)

    • Chapter 15: Wolfskin Peak - Sudden hostilities caused by Iago

    • Chapter 16: Pleasure Palace - Ambushed (Iago)

    • Chapter 17: Lost in the Ice - Ambushed (Flora)

    • Chapter 18: Leo - Ambushed (Leo)

    • Chapter 19: Rainbow Sage - Tested (Rainbow Sage)

    • Chapter 20: Fort Dragonfall - Ambushed (Iago)

    • Chapter 21: Burning Falls - Technically an ambush but it's harder to tell since the cutscene ends with Jakob saying he's sensing a hostile presence.

    • Chapter 22: Hidden Capital - Ambushed (Shura)

    • Chapter 23: Camilla - Ambushed (Camilla)

    • Chapter 24: Tears of a Dragon - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 25: Traitor Revealed - Technically good guys' initiative, but Iago also ambushes them (it says so right in the game's own synopsis)

    • Chapter 26: Xander - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 27: King Garon - Corrin's initiative

    • Endgame: Dawn Breaks - Corrin's initiative


    • Chapter 7: A Dragon's Decree - Ambushed (Faceless by Iago)

    • Chapter 8: Cold Reception - N/A, Corrin went there to "subdue" the Ice Tribe but didn't want to fight. However, Elise ruined that. No matter what, Corrin is attacked first.

    • Chapter 9: Another Trial - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 10: Unhappy Reunion - Unexpectedly attacked (Takumi, they have some time to prepare)

    • Chapter 11: Rainbow Sage - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 12: Bitter Intrigue - Ambushed (Ryoma)

    • Chapter 13: Uprising - Ambushed (Takumi)

    • Chapter 14: Voice of Paradise - Ambushed (Hoshidans)

    • Chapter 15: The Black Pillar - Ambushed (Valla)

    • Chapter 16: Invasion - Ambushed (bandits)

    • Chapter 17: Den of Betrayal - Corrin's initiative (saving Kagero)

    • Chapter 18: Black & White - Ambushed (Zola) [Edit: Corrin wants to help the Hoshidan siblings. Fight forced by Zola, Corrin's initiative]

    • Chapter 19: Kitsune Lair - Ambushed (Kaden)

    • Chapter 20: Winds of Change - Tested (Fuga)

    • Chapter 21: Eternal Stairway - Ambushed (Iago)

    • Chapter 22: Sakura - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 23: Possessed - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 24: Hinoka - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 25: Ryoma - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 26: Treason - Ambushed (Iago)

    • Chapter 27: The Empty King - Corrin's initiative

    • Endgame: Night Breaks Through - Ambushed (Takumi)


    • Chapter 7: Unspeakable World - Ambushed (Valla)

    • Chapter 8: Traitor's Brand - Attacked (Yukimura)

    • Chapter 9: Wanderer - Tested (Fuga)

    • Chapter 10: Voice of a God - Ambushed (Zola)

    • Chapter 11: Mutual Enemies - Ambushed (ninjas) [Edit: they go there to help Saizo. Corrin's initiative]

    • Chapter 12: Frozen Sea - Ambushed (Camilla)

    • Chapter 13: A Lost Peace - Corrin's initiative

    • Chapter 14: Orders - Ambushed (Silas)

    • Chapter 15: Rainbow Sage - Tested (Rainbow Sage)

    • Chapter 16: White Flames - Ambushed (Hans)

    • Chapter 17: Black Flames - Ambushed (Iago)

    • Chapter 18: Veiled Kingdom - Ambushed (Valla)

    • Chapter 19: Hidden Strings - Corrin's initiative (saving Anthony)

    • Chapter 20: Seeds of Doubt - Ambushed (Valla)

    • Chapter 21: Going Forward - Ambushed (Anthony)

    • Chapter 22: Memories - Ambushed (Arete)

    • Chapter 23: Arete Undone - Ambushed? (Arete shows up out of nowhere but they're really casual about this)

    • Chapter 24: Days Lost - Ambushed (Mikoto)

    • Chapter 25: Blades Drawn - Ambushed (Sumeragi)

    • Chapter 26: The Vallite King - Ambushed (Gunter)

    • Chapter 27: Hear My Cry - Corrin's initiative

    • Endgame: Anankos - Corrin's initiative

    submitted by /u/Odovakar
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    I did it ! I got SSS Rank in Thracia 776 !

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    It was probably the hardest challenge I have ever faced in a Fire Emblem game. I played FE12 reverse Lunatic, I played Three Houses Maddening, but nothing come close to this one.

    A lot of fun, some chapter are a little bit too long and can be ruined with some bad RNG (chapter 4 and 5 for example) but overall, it was really intense. I planned a lot of things in order to not get screwed in some of my future strats, that was the first time I had to plan so much ahead.

    A few personal tips :

    - Try to give as much exp to Leif as possible early game, and the speed ring. He will be your best asset in the Manster chapters along Fergus.

    - You don't get much knight crest so chose very wisely, personally I give one to Fergus and kinda regret it because i was not that good once you get past Manster.

    - A rank every staffbot as fast has possible, fatigue will only matter for your staff healer but if you have enough warp user you can avoid using a ton of S drink.

    - Money should be dedicated mostly to door keys, wind tomes and S drink.

    - Since you need to go really fast, exp is a rare ressource, so if you want to promote, do it asap and choose wisely who want to get to level 10.

    - Don't be afraid to use prf weapons, finn brave lance has more than enough uses. The only prf you should be wary of not overusing is grafcalibur since it's amazing for boss kills.

    - Asvel is your best combat units by a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide margin.

    - Use the arena if you can.

    - You can't complete this run if you try to get every chests, for example the Brave Sword in chapter 4x is good but honestly a little bit too far out of the way. The warp staff in chapter 12x is nice but it will screw over your run.

    - Chapter 14 and 20 are the best time to gain some exp and get some capture going on since they are defense map. There are also an arena in these chapters.

    - Don't be afraid to escape without your full army in escape maps if it means gaining a few turns. One because you can get them back in chapter 21x, two because there is a total of 6 warp staff in this chapter.

    - Forget about Olwen, seriously.

    Well I think that's it, honestly I'm proud of myself. Now I am tempted to do an iron man of this game.

    submitted by /u/MissileDedue
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