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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Fire Emblem First photoshoot of my Mercedes cosplay

    Fire Emblem First photoshoot of my Mercedes cosplay

    First photoshoot of my Mercedes cosplay

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Found this ABSOLUTE GEM at my local Half Price Books. I don’t know the employee who drew this, but I had to share. Enjoy the art everyone!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:57 PM PST

    A FE3H starter evolution

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:24 AM PST

    Caspar in Brawler class

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:40 PM PST

    Drew Hilda for a friend :>

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:20 PM PST

    Pelleas gets his first cipher card!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    this is a real google search

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:39 AM PST

    The Sacred and the Profane Love only it’s Fire Emblem

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:40 AM PST

    You spin me right round baby right round... ��

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:15 AM PST

    Please forgive me I’ve got demons in my head

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:34 PM PST

    Felix is a tender one and we all know it!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:54 AM PST

    My Moment Has Arrived!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:16 PM PST

    No smiles bestowed upon Sylvain

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    I drew me and my friend as Three Houses characters ��

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:12 AM PST

    [OC] Special Hero (Seteth: Austere Envoy)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:52 AM PST

    Real-life artwork in Fire Emblem: Three Houses!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:42 PM PST

    Real-life artwork in Fire Emblem: Three Houses!

    So we did a video review of Fire Emblem: Three Houses recently and one of the things that really intrigued me was the real-life artwork that clearly inspired some of the chapter artwork in the game.

    One really striking example I found early in the game was a chapter artwork for a winter scene, presumably set in a village in Fodlan.


    This wintry scene was very likely inspired by a real-life artwork known as "The Hunters In The Snow" by Peter Bruegel The Elder. It is an oil-on-wood painting that dates to 1565. Have a look at this and see what you think.


    What I also found really interesting was how "The Hunters In The Snow" is part of a series of paintings, which altogether depict scenes from different times of the year. This series of paintings belongs to a medieval and early Renaissance tradition known as the Labours of the Months. Goes nicely with the calendar of the school year at Garreg Mach, right?

    Another similarity I found was in a chapter artwork depicting a springtime scene. On the right side, you can a trio of women who are either dancing or playing musical instruments.


    My guess is that the inspiration for the musical trio comes from "Primavera)" by Sandro Botticelli. This was painted in the late 1470s or 1480s. A trio of women appear in the left side of the painting - they are traditionally thought to be The Three Graces from classical mythology.


    I also thought of Art Nouveau at the moment when Byleth first meets Rhea in person at Garreg Mach Monastery. Possibly inspired by Alphonse Mucha's "Gismonda"? The stained glass that appears behind Rhea is very much in the style of Art Nouveau too.

    Anyway, I'd love to hear what you all think and if you spotted any other real-life art references! I've only played the Blue Lions and Golden Deer routes so far...looking forward to spotting more artwork in the Black Eagles run!

    submitted by /u/GlassHouseGames
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    27 days of Padorus day #10- Nino

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:50 AM PST

    A holiday Robin doodle!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:27 AM PST

    Broke my own heart drawing Timeskip Annette

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:20 AM PST

    Celica - My Thoughts on Shadow of Valentia's Leading Lady

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:17 AM PST

    Hiya folks, PsiYoshi here, and today I'd like to talk about Princess Anthiese Lima, AKA, Celica. One of my personal favourite characters, not only in Shadows of Valentia, but in Fire Emblem as a whole! Since SoV's release, I've read many opinions about Celica, some positive, some negative. My goal isn't to change your opinion about Celica with this write-up. However, I feel that Celica is often a misunderstood character, so I'd like to express what it is I enjoy about Celica's journey and character arc, and provide my personal insight into them.

    Part 1: Celica's Character

    First, I'd like to talk about Celica's personality. There's an apparent dichotomy to be found here. In part, she is bold, rash, and independent to a fault. On the other hand, she's incredibly kind and selfless, willing to help friends and strangers alike.

    Her boldness is apparent even when she is a child. Conrad is terrified of a ghost from a story his mother told her, and when Celica is asked if she's afraid of the ghost, she's genuinely confused as to why she would be. It's Celica that suggests Conrad should own up to his mistake of dropping an expensive vase, and she even holds his hand on the way to apologize since he was scared. It's a fun little role-reversal that shows off her bravery and leadership. She doesn't lose her fearlessness around the dead when she gets older either, as seen in this humorous little interaction with Boey:

    Boey: Yes, but there's been talk of Terrors around here as of late…

    Celica: So there has. Best keep our wits about us then, hmm?

    The line is delivered in a way that makes it clear she's more worried for Boey's sake than for her own.

    Another example when Celica is a child is in Ram Village. I think this little interaction is a great introduction to the kind of person Celica is:

    Celica: I made a wreath out of these flowers. Here, put it on!

    Alm: Wh-what? No!

    Celica: Why not? I think it'd make you look very handsome.

    Alm: I think you mean "very stupid." Boys don't wear wreaths.

    Celica: Don't call it stupid! It took me a long time to make this. Fine then. Maybe I'll just give it to Grandpapa instead.

    She's not at all shy about her feelings for Alm, presenting him with a homemade object showcasing her affection, a fairly bold move in itself. When her offer is rejected, she pushes back, and is very upfront about how she feels. When rejected once more, she's adamant in her disapproval of Alm's comment, and doesn't let him put her down, instead stating her new intent with the present, a sly attempt to make him feel guilty.

    And then there's the boldest decision Celica makes, her decision to leave the priory on a journey to Mila's Temple.

    Nomah: There are many who would seek to use you. Or even end you. That threat is greater now than ever. Yet you would still leave, knowing that?

    Celica: I must. Even if my decision betrays the care you and Mycen have shown me. You've done so much to keep me safe, and it breaks my heart to pain you. But what calls me to do this goes beyond my heart. I can only ask your forgiveness, Nomah.

    Defiant, Celica goes against the wishes of her caretaker, determined to see her mission through. She's not rude about it of course, but she's firm in her stance. This is a key characteristic of Celica, and one I'm a big fan of. She has an incredibly kind heart, but she's strong willed, and won't let friend or foe stand in the way of doing what she's set her mind to, which leads to my next point.

    Celica is shown to act rashly in many moments throughout the game. Whether it's steering course towards the Seabound Shrine even with the knowledge that a Necrodragon lies in wait, or her gambit against Grieth, attacking his fortress even knowing that if Sonya's/Deen's forces moved to defend Grieth, they'd be doomed. Celica does as she wishes, and sometimes this works out in her favour, like the above examples, while other times it doesn't, like a later deal she makes with Jedah. This part of her personality plays off another: her unwavering independence.

    Celica's not wanting to rely on others is a key aspect in the explanation behind many of her actions. It's referenced directly by Mae in their support, and is readily apparent in her unwillingness to tell her friends about her plan to give herself up to Jedah. She doesn't shun help, and is explicitly grateful for her friends and allies on her journey, but there's a limit to how much she's comfortable relying on them. There's several times along her journey where she doesn't fully open up, even when it's to her detriment. That said, when it comes to matters not personal to herself, she's much more willing to be open and lend a hand.

    For an unquestionably positive trait Celica possess in spades, her kindness is showcased countless times. She's always modest about her achievements and is very polite when speaking. Defeating Barth? It was the least she could do, according to Celica, no big deal. She's also always looking to support her friends. When Mae comes to her needing a confidence boost, she's more than happy to oblige. She'll often act as the mediator in arguments as well, specifically between Boey and Mae. Celica detests fights, big or small, more than anything else and will fight only out of necessity for a goal greater than herself.

    Though Celica often skirts around the topic of her generous actions, her admirable selflessness is seen in decisions like risking her own safety to help Palla and Catria find Est, help Atlas find his brothers, and, for better or for worse, even giving old Nomah massages to relieve his pain. Celica will use the full extent of her ability to help those in need.

    Above all else, I feel that Celica's faith in Mila is the most important aspect of her character when it comes to what drives her. Spending the past 7 years of her life in the priory, she's become a priestess who believes fully in Mila's powers. She believes that it is Mila that provides the people of Zofia the ability to live peaceful lives free of hunger and she believes Mila has the wisdom to provide guidance to those who are lost. So when people start showing up to the priory's doors hungry in ever increasing numbers, and Celica is filled with doubt, she is convinced that something has happened to Mila. This is the spark that lit the fuse which started her journey.

    Before we get into the nitty gritty, on a less serious note, I'd like to highlight a fantastic part of Celica's character. She has a sense of humour! She's not just a dry, serious-business, protagonist on a mission. She's got quips to spare!

    Kamui: Whoa, whoa, whoa—hey, Priestess! Did you forget our little chat about staying clear of the Seabound Shrine? Because this is not staying clear! This is the exact OPPOSITE of staying clear!

    Celica: I'm sorry, did we discuss that? I must've been preoccupied… What if there's something of use here? Surely you would want to— Ooooh, I remember now. You're scared of necrodragons, aren't you, Kamui? How careless of me. It completely slipped my mind!

    Here she sarcastically pretends she forgot that Kamui was afraid of Necrodragons. This is also another clear example of her boldness and rashness. A reserved minded individual would deem it is not a good idea to go out of your way to fight a Necrodragon, but Celica doesn't want any opportunity to go to waste, and is determined to make the most of whatever the Seabound Shrine might have in store, Necrodragons be damned!

    She likes to tease Conrad a lot too:

    Conrad: Aw, whaaat? C'mon! I'm the only brother you need!

    Celica: Hee hee. Yes, you're right. One is MORE than enough.

    And of course there's one of her most famous lines:

    My my. Look at all this pirate booty. ...Heh.

    It's little things like this that go a long way to making a character enjoyable. There's a lot of depth to Celica's personality, making her a more believable character.

    Part 2: Celica's Journey

    I believe Celica to be a strong role-model and excellent protagonist. There's an argument to be made that, without Alm, Celica's mission would have failed. While true, I don't think that should take away from all that Celica achieves by her own hand, nor the inner conflicts she overcomes.

    I admire Celica because she is confident in her decisions even when faced with uncertainty. She thinks for herself, and though she's won't deny counsel, at the end of the day there's no stopping her when she's made up her mind. I appreciate that kind of sure-footedness. She'll even get sassy occasionally if somebody seems to question her actions, like when she met one of Barth's pirates:

    Pirate: These waters belong to Barth the Pirate King, as yer surely aware! That means ye needs pay a toll… All yer goods and women'll do nicely!

    Celica: An interesting offer…but I fear we must nevertheless decline.

    For most of her journey, every occasion where Celica went against the guidance of her friends it worked out for the best. Taking on Barth and his pirates led to befriending Valbar and Co., and they gained the appreciation and love of the townspeople. Tackling Grieth's Citadel earned them allies in Jesse, Deen/Sonya, Palla, Catria, Est, and Atlas. They gained treasure by defeating the Seabound Shrine Necrodragon, and all of the events in Rigel that led to saving the world wouldn't have happened if she didn't march forward with grit and determination. She loves and appreciates her friends, and she makes sure not to take them for granted or neglect the effort they put in for her. But, she's capable of so much relying on just her own instincts too. Of course, there's one key example where this does not work out for Celica however, and I think it's good that there is a situation like that where Celica can learn and grow, which I believe is important for a well-written protagonist.

    Before that however, a different part of the story I believe helps to showcase her growth begins with her reunion with Alm and the argument that followed. When Alm and Celica have a clash of ideologies in regard to the problems plaguing Valentia, what should have been a heartwarming reunion turns into a heated fight. Tensions rise when Celica, in a comment void of empathy, questions Alm's duty as the leader of the Deliverance because of his station. Alm goes on to remark that Celica is talking like a blue blood, and further cements that comment as an insult when he then attacks the Zofian royalty:

    Alm: Do you think I WANTED this fight? This all started because Lima IV went and angered the empire. If you wish to point fingers, point them at the ruler who failed his people. It's his fault we're in this mess.

    Celica: That's not… Well, so what if it is? Maybe you should go become king if it's such a damnably easy job!

    Alm: What? Celica, that's not—

    Celica: You're awfully free with accusations for a boy with no idea what royalty entails! And now that you're a "hero," I imagine the throne is next on the list, is that it?

    I find Celica's comment interesting, as it was not long ago at the priory where she says that she'll never think of Lima IV as her father, yet here she's fiercely defending him against the person that means more to her than anyone else in the world. I think Celica holds disdain for Lima as a father. There's no evidence that Lima had anything to do with raising Celica. She lived away from him and was taken care of by servants. During Slayde's attack and the loss of her home, Lima didn't do anything about it. It was Mycen that came to her rescue, and he's the one she sees as a father figure (along with Nomah). Celica does however, empathize with Lima's position as king, despite also feeling Lima was a poor one. I think Celica understands the weight of the responsibility that falls on the shoulders of one in that position, even without understanding the role in detail. As the Zofian Princess, it's reasonable to assume that Celica has thought about what that means to her, and later in the story, when she stops hiding and takes on the responsibility of being Zofian royalty, she vocalizes just that:

    Celica: I… I'm afraid I know little of kingdoms or the scope of rule. But I have people I wish to protect. Both here and elsewhere. I wish for this by my will alone. For my own happiness. Is that resolve enough?

    For now though, there's conflicting feelings regarding the throne that she hasn't sorted out yet, conflating her feelings of Lima as a father and her feelings on being a ruler. She takes out some of that frustration on Alm. She ends the argument with a burst of emotion and leaves without another word, showcasing a general immaturity that she hasn't yet overcome.

    Celica: Enough! Just…enough. Go fight your war if it makes you happy. I'm going to the Temple of Mila. …Good-bye, Alm.

    Celica: You…you stubborn JERK!

    Fortunately, this does get addressed later, when thanks to the powers of Halcyon, she can speak with Alm from across the continent. Before even contacting him, she shows regret for how she acted.

    Celica: What? Well, of course I do, but… I doubt Alm is eager to see me. I said terrible things to him when we last parted.

    Importantly, she also expresses this same regret to Alm when speaking with him.

    Celica: Y-you're not angry? I said such terrible things to you back at the castle.

    Alm: Huh? Wait, that's been bothering you? I mean, sure, I was sad you didn't seem to see my side of things. But I'd never get mad at you.

    Celica: Why not?

    Alm: …Why not? You sure do like putting me on the spot. Didn't we have a similar conversation years ago?

    Celica: Ha! sniff I suppose we did. You were always so nice to me, while I— While I'm always thinking only of myself. I'm sorry, Alm…

    This moment shows real growth of character for Celica. She acknowledges how she has wronged Alm, and apologizes for it. She shows empathy for Alm, and it's a moment I really appreciated after the heartbreaking ending to their meeting at Zofia Castle.

    Now, where Celica's reliance on none but herself ends getting her in trouble. There's one Rigelian event in particular that I often see come up in regards to Celica where she gets a lot of flak, which is her deal with Jedah. To be clear, I do think Celica makes a mistake here, but I'd like to take a look at this and talk about why I can't personally hold what she does here against her. I believe there are three things that motivate Celica and dictates her actions above all others. First are the people of Zofia. She cares deeply for the people of her country and doesn't want any harm to befall them. Above that, Mila, the one she believes is responsible for keeping her and everyone else safe. After Celica's life was turned upside down not once, but twice, Mila was her guiding voice. Growing up in the priory, and enduring all of her hardships, it makes sense that she grew to rely on Mila for inner peace. Above even her however, is Alm, the one who helped her recover from the most traumatic event of her life, the one she'd do anything for. Now let's look at Jedah's first meeting with Celica:

    Jedah: Her soul, as Duma's, is host to the madness shared by all dragonkind. Duma will grow stronger till that power brings his ruin—and Rigel's alongside it. It is no different from how Zofia now rots in Mila's absence.

    Celica: Her absence by your hand! And what is this madness you speak of? Do you truly claim that Mila and Duma are fated to destroy themselves?

    Jedah: I do. Which is exactly why your soul is required. It is rare and precious—born of Zofian royal blood and marked by the Brand. Such a soul could set Duma's path to rights and ensure his survival. And with Mila restored to her place, both our peoples might be saved. As for the boy, Alm—if you do this, he could lay down his arms.

    Jedah targets those same three forces that drive Celica. He brings up how Zofia is fated to wither without Mila, something Celica has already seen first hand with the starving population. He brings up Mila, who he claims is fated to go mad. Celica denies this, stating she has no reason to believe anything Jedah is saying, but the seed of doubt was planted. Lastly, he goes for the throat, and mentions Alm and how he'll be safe. Celica had a premonition of Alm's fight against Rudolf (the use of premonitions in stories being a topic for another day), so to her he is in very real danger.

    First, I'd like to make it clear that Celica isn't stupid. She knew very well that Jedah was not on her side:

    Celica: Enough talk, Jedah! I've come to judge the truth of your claims. I will meet with Mila first. Any decision I reach will come after.

    Jedah: As you will. But my bargain was with you alone. The rest will die for trespassing upon this holy place.

    Celica: What? But my life is the only one you need!

    Jedah: This is true. But I've no fondness for interruptions, and they've proven the meddling sort. I trust you will forgive me for being cautious.

    Celica: Gods, he's completely mad… Everyone, be careful!

    Unfortunately, this doesn't change the fact that Mila is missing. Celica knows that Jedah knows where Mila is, and Celica believes that Mila is the key to helping what is most important to her. So, she carries on to the top of Duma Tower. Jedah shows her that Mila has impaled herself with Falchion, her powers and the blade now sealed away.

    Celica: …… There's no other choice. Without the divine dragons' power, all of Valentia's people are lost. And the only thing that can save the dragons is the soul of a Brand-bearer.

    Now the question here might be, why does she believe this now? Earlier she questioned to Jedah how she could possibly believe a thing she told him. I believe that's answered with these lines from earlier:

    Celica: Her absence by your hand! And what is this madness you speak of? Do you truly claim that Mila and Duma are fated to destroy themselves?

    At the time, Celica couldn't imagine Mila was fated to go mad, but now she's been shown proof. Celica couldn't possibly comprehend Mila's actions. It went against her core belief system. The foundation of her entire journey was built upon Mila being the saving grace for all the problems she and Valentia faced.

    Celica: No… This isn't possible!

    Celica: Mila, I don't understand. Why would you do this? Have you truly forsaken us?

    With seemingly irrefutable proof in front of her, Celica now has reason to believe that Jedah was telling the truth after all. So now, given the option to sacrifice herself to save Alm and Zofia, it was obvious to her what she had to do. This was obviously a naive decision, but I really don't think it was an unfounded or unreasonable one from Celica's perspective. In her mind she had no other choice, and any risk was one worth taking.

    Conrad: Anthiese, you made me a promise, remember? You promised not to throw your life away again.

    Celica: I'm sorry, Conrad. I'm sorry, everyone. Please forgive me… I can't tell you how much it means to me that we've come so far together.

    Celica once more goes against the counsel of her friends, her own brother even, and goes ahead with the deal with Jedah. This is the time her independent way of living fails her, and her rash decision making gets her into trouble.

    Once the journey has come to an end, the epilogue showcases two major ways in which Celica has grown on her journey. First, her feelings on her father are made clear.

    Celica: Please don't misunderstand. I don't bear him any grudge. Not now. I just think he was a very sad man. Perhaps if I'd been there with him, I might have helped him change. If I have any regrets, it's that

    Once, she did bear him a grudge. At the beginning of the game, she wouldn't even acknowledge him as her father. But now, she just wishes that she could have helped. As a leader herself now, she can apply the action she wishes he would have taken, and apply the help she wishes she could have given him by counseling Alm (read: keeping him in check).

    Celica was very reliant on her faith in Mila throughout the game, it was a key aspect in almost every major decision she made. But her final lines shows that she's grown beyond even that now. She is now willing and capable of working together with and trusting others to achieve her goals.

    Celica: In time, yes. They grow for hundreds, even thousands of years. Who can say what Valentia will look like once they've matured? Will man's endeavors continue without the grace and strength of the gods?

    Alm: They won't continue on their own. We have to make it happen. We'll forge a land where we can do just that. All of us—together.

    Celica: That sounds lovely, Alm. And you're right. I know we can do it.

    Alm: We can…and we will. I think Mila and Duma gave us one last gift… The strength to trust in our own abilities …Anyway, it's time. Let's go, Celica.

    Celica: Gladly.


    Celica is a character that means a lot to me. I feel she is a character that, even in these impossibly wild situations of a fantasy game, is easy to empathize with. She had me running the gamut of emotions, which is certainly something I can't say for every character. She stands out as a brilliant vessel for emotional investment in Shadows of Valentia all by herself, in a game filled with impactful characters and moments.

    I tried to condense this as much as I could, as I didn't want it to be too overwhelming of a read (I know I'm sometimes turned off from reading if I open a post and I scroll and scroll and scroll and it never ends), so I didn't talk about everything I possibly could have, but I made sure to get the most important bits in there.

    As is a bit of tradition now when I'm writing about characters I love, I'm just gonna take this paragraph to gush about some miscellaneous details about Celica. First, being a warrior-priestess is super rad. I've always loved Lucina's warrior-princess thing, but Celica takes it up another notch by showcasing that even with her devout faith and skills in healing and magic, that doesn't stop her from kicking ass with a blade either. I'm a big fan of her design, especially the boots and cape. I think her Rigain outfit is super rad as well, between those sleeves and the fur. I hope it makes its way to Heroes soon! Lastly, I couldn't possibly include a praising section without talking about Erica Lindbeck, who does so much to bring this character to life, and her performance made an immense positive impact on my enjoyment of the game.

    If you enjoyed this and would like to read more, I've done several other write-ups on my favourite characters! Thanks for reading!





    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST

    my piece for ferdibert week!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:51 AM PST

    Creating a Golden Ending with Time Shenanigans

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:31 AM PST

    So with the almost limitless potential of Time Manipulation, there should be some easy way to create a golden ending. So let's get some ideas. You don't have to limit yourself to Byleth. We can create excuses for other characters. Here are some of my ideas.

    1. Memories of other Timelines for the Main Characters: Dimitri, Claude, Edelgard and Rhea all get at the start of the game the memories from Post-AM-Dimitri, Post-VW-Claude, Post-CF-Edelgard and Post-SS-Rhea. No, they don't just get their own memories. All of them get all four sets. So they go through their own Character Development and see the positive potential of the other three and get to empathize with them. So they can just all realise, that happened to all of them, meet up, make deals for the future of Fodlan and deal with TWSITD together. Downsides: The overwhelming amount of Memories from Rhea in Comparison to the other three could end up in all of them just identifying as Rhea and having her personality.
    2. Memories of other Timelines for the side Characters: All the characters, that are playable in every route get their memories from all four Timelines(All four Timelines were Max-Recruitment-Runs here). Since they now have feelings of loyalty for all four Leaders, they all want to work them together and try to convince their Leaders with information from the future. Downsides: Not sure, how trusting the leaders would be to them without their character development.

    Please no "Golden Endings would ruin the story"-Comments. This Thread is supposed to be fun.

    submitted by /u/Saldt
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    Fire Emblem Character Spotlight: Echidna

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:47 PM PST

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