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    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Fire Emblem Just like real life!

    Fire Emblem Just like real life!

    Just like real life!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:45 PM PST

    Summer Lucina (OC)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:42 AM PST

    Sometimes I think about the similarities between Walhart and Edelgard and I laugh

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    A commission from my sister of the Second Battle of Gronder.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Mercedes as Melony

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:43 PM PST

    Unrequited... A one shot Sylvain comic

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    A Big Dimitri Doodle Dump

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:40 PM PST

    doodling some designs for modern catherine and shamir (oc)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Lady Patricia

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:41 PM PST

    Nowi Cross stitches

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:49 AM PST

    Delusional King

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:10 AM PST

    Ingrid Reference (Post-Timeskip)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:17 PM PST

    I drew a mola mola.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:39 PM PST

    Grappler Hanneman kills Everyone in Verdant Wind Maddening

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Swordmaster Lon'qu I drew (OC)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PST

    A rare sighting

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:41 PM PST

    What's up with the anti-climactic Lord Promotes in Three Houses?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    I'm gonna drop some spoilers for Three Houses, and light spoilers for FE7.

    Am I missing something, or are the last Lord promotions really anticlimactic compared to older Fire Emblems?

    In Three Houses, every Lord character has a second promotion which triggers by story progression. First, they promote to their "Expertise-Lord" class at the beginning of the 2nd Act (Armored Lord, High Lord, Wyvern Lord), then at some point later they get a second promotion tied to the story progression (Emperor, Great Lord, Barbarossa).

    In my experience, these second promotes seem really anti climactic, and feel like missed opportunity to some degree. In the few other Fire Emblem's I had played, the Lord promotions always seemed very important, both gameplay wise and especially story wise.

    Like in FE7, Eliwood could not use the Heaven Seal to promote until he was ready, and they made a pretty big deal about it in the plot. But in Three Houses, the promotions just seem to happen suddenly, with no prompt or explanation besides we need a second promotion now.

    I feel like there is a lot of missed opportunity with these promotes, like if they could have synced them with something in the Lord's arc or plot.

    For example, I think it would have been great if Dimitri did not promote to Great Lord until either he had changed to his non edgelord self, or he had reclaimed Fhirdiad as the King.

    By extension, I think this kind of applies to the Lord Relic Weapons too. At least for the non-lord characters, they have to complete a Paralogue to go out of their way to get their Relic, but for the Lords it seems they just kinda get them. I can't think of any reason they give them to the Lords except "We need you to have it for the War at Gronder Field".

    But those were my thoughts, am I missing something somewhere, or do others feel similar?

    submitted by /u/Nicky_C
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    What if Felix was the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Three Houses?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:52 PM PST

    So, one day at dinner, I was thinking about Felix and his characterization on all of the routes he's on. He's a pretty interesting character, and it's a shame he's just a student.

    But what if he wasn't?

    What if Felix was the protagonist of 3H?

    Things would have to change, of course. But not much.

    So what would it look like?


    The opening, I think, would be one of the most drastic changes of the whole game. It would start with the same cut scene of Seiros fighting Nemesis. However, when the cut scene ends, it'll switch to Felix reading a book about that particular event. He'll scoff, put it away, and question why he's even going to this Officer's Acadamy in the first place. Rodrigue calls off-screen, saying they'll be going soon. Felix grunts and leaves the library of Fraldarius, to go visit his brother's grave.

    "I'll be stronger than you someday, Glenn," he laments. "How long has it been since you died senselessly on that battlefield, fighting for your damn ideals? And what did that get you? A headstone. I won't suffer the same fate. Maybe the Officer's Academy can ensure that."

    Rodrigue calls again, and Felix leaves Glenn's grave.

    So, now Felix and Rodrigue are in a carriage. There's some mindless chatter, a remark from Rodrigue about how Felix has become so much like his brother, which is met with an angry reply from Felix. This is when the carriage stops. The Fraldariuses open the door to the carriage to find it besieged by bandits, Kostas among them. Enter battle with Felix and playable Rodrigue. After one turn, Dimitri and Dedue show up to help.

    "Felix! Rodrigue!" Dimitri says upon entry. "We saw your plight and came to help."

    "Of course the boar shows up," Felix thinks. (Can't say it out loud, Rodrigue adores Dimitri). "Can't stay away from any chance to shed blood."

    The fight is won, and a short cut scene plays where Rodrigue thanks Dimitri and Dedue, and asks them if they are going to the Officer's Academy as well. Dimitri replies yes, and Felix grunts in response.

    "Did you say something, Felix?" Rodrigue asks.

    "Of course not, old man," Felix snaps back. Dedue suggests that they should each get back on their carriages, and they do.

    Cut to your regularly scheduled Flame Emperor chewing out Kostas cut scene. Instead of asking how Kostas couldn't kill three noble kids, they instead ask if any of the carriage waylaying schemes on the other students were successful, and no, they were not. Rest of the cut scene plays out as normal. (Had to change the reason behind bandit attack, since this time it was only used to introduce Dimitri and not all of the lords)

    S-Supports + Byleth's Gender:

    Odd one to continue with after the opening, I know, but this is important. After arriving at the monastery, Felix will say this line:

    "Hmph. An already terrible year ruined further by the boar. And, to top it all of, I need to start my search for a...

    Then a choice box will come up. The two choices will be "husband" or "wife". This will decide not only which S-Supports are available, but will also which gender Byleth is (for S-Support reasons).

    (Also, because Felix will now have everyone available as S-Support options, I decided to have half of all S-Supports for both genders be platonic to lessen the "player-sexual" feeling.)

    Felix will finish his thought with "(previous choice) when I get home. Even training here can't outweigh what's waiting for me." The player will then be free to roam the monastery, which will lead into...

    Part 1: White Clouds

    So, Felix is obviously auto-zoned into Blue Lions. However, for this one day (because we're still going by the week, one day off system), Felix can change houses. With his obvious distaste for his house leader, players will hopefully want to try out the other houses. This is where the "introduce the students" phase comes in. But instead of the house leaders introducing the students with their own colored view, each student will introduce themselves...except for the childhood trio. Felix will introduce them, once again showing more distaste for the Blue Lions house (I want the players to pick this one last).

    After Felix has introduced himself to all of the students, as well as changed his house (if the player wants to), Rhea will call all of the students to the entrance hall. There, she will give a welcome speech to all of the students (this will be represented by a cut scene showing all of the students, this replaces the one where Byleth first comes to the academy). Afterward, she will say...

    "But enough formalities. It is time for the three houses to congregate, and vote on this year's Master Tactician!"

    This replaces Byleth's function as the tactician. The Master Tactician is basically the house leader's left hand man (right hand is the retainer), and they command their friends in battles they get into. Each house has one.

    After Rhea's speech, the students will meet, and express their surprise at Felix joining (in non-BL routes), and then each house leader will tell their students to take a slip of parchment, and write their vote for who they want to be the Master Tactician. House leaders will then tally it up and then take the votes to Seteth to be counted for each house. The player can choose who they want to be their house's Master Tactician, but ultimately, Felix will be the Master Tactician. Rhea will call all of the students back to the entrance hall, and announce each Master Tactician. If Felix isn't in a specific house, here is who will take his place:

    BL: Ingrid

    GD: Claude (obviously)

    BE: Linhardt (much to his distaste)

    A month then passes. (You will not be able to train students during this month, this is where they gain the D and E+ skills they start with).

    So, remember the bandit encounter I replaced in the beginning? Yeah, it's going here to introduce Byleth. Kostas comes back, harder hitting than before, and the students are still too inexperienced to deal with this. In comes in Byleth and Jeralt (playable). We fight, and then Alois shows up. Same recruitment process from when Byleth was the protagonist, little cutscene doesn't show up when they walk in the woods, and then the game proceeds as normal. Fishing, gardening, recruitment of students, all that good stuff. That is, until...

    Part 2: War Phase

    So, instead of that Byleth awakening cut scene, it's a cut scene where Felix is at the Tragedy of Duscur. He's watching everyone die again. The last one to die is Glenn, who dies in Felix's arms (this is where he kind of drops this tsundere personality, since I kind of imagine Glenn's death as the catalyst that started this change in personality.) Felix wakes up, back in Fraldarius and it's time for the five-year reunion. Even in Crimson Flower, Felix will wake up in Fraldarius, since he was put in charge of the troops trying to seize Faerghus, and Fraldarius was the first territory he seized. Before leaving, he will be shown giving orders to troops not to seize anymore land without him, but to guard the land they've got now mercilessly. But, in every route, he will go back to the monastery, and meet Byleth there. The reunion battle begins, and then it's war time. Felix still retains his position as the Master Tactician, and even unlocks it as his "special class" (his equivalent to The Enlightened One and the lord's special classes).

    So, we all know Gronder in the War Phase, and that Rodrigue dies here in AM. Well, he'll die here in every route. Remember when Jeralt died in White Clouds, and gave Byleth the ring? Mmm hmm. Rodrigue does that here, but he'll also give Felix his Hero's Relic, the Aegis Shield (the Sword of Moralta will now be given in his paralogue). That's pretty much all that changes in the War Phase. He'll still follow the house leader's desires, he'll still try to help them in their ultimate goal.

    Felix and Byleth's Relationship

    So, another odd one here, but I felt like it warranted its own section. So, a lot of the lore in this game revolves around Byleth. So, if we don't get to see their point of view, how can we learn the lore? It's simple:

    Felix is Byleth's confidant. Byleth tells Felix what's going on in their life, and tells them the lore. Byleth turns to Felix when Jeralt dies, after becoming a god (Sword of the Creator, green hair), after every big event. Byleth even tells Felix about Divine Pulse (which is why it is able to be used). Basically, every big event that happens in game, Byleth tells Felix.


    The lords pretty much worship Byleth, and Byleth is a little put off by all of the the retainer, so she turns to the Master Tactician, because he's the perfect mix of the lords and the retainers.

    Also, due to this, Byleth takes over the role of the lord in Silver Snow, and leans on Felix even more due to stress.

    Miscellaneous Points:

    • Master Tactician functions as jack-of-all trades, but it specializes in Authority, Reason, and Sword (it had good movement, it can tank physical + magical attacks, and it provides an extra Mt. boost when near a unit of the same team)
    • Felix's solo endings + pre-established endings do not change, only new ones will be added (goes up to A w/ every unit, S w/ gender chosen at beginning)
    • Everything is now tailored to Felix
    • Byleth is still a god
    • Why does Felix get the role of Master Tactician?


    Dimitri tampered with the votes, and made Felix the Master Tactitican, because he recognized his tactical brilliance (as revealed in Mercedes supports), and he wanted Felix to expand his skills outside of sword play. This is revealed in the Dimitri redemption scene in AM.

    Why Felix?

    Now, for the biggest question to be answered, why him? Like I said before, he's got great characterization, but that's not all there is. He's not a silent protagonist (yay). The students don't worship him; they respect him, even if they don't like him personally (which a lot don't, this changes in supports). He's not an auto-god (still powerful, but not god).

    So, I hope you enjoyed my speculation as to what would happen if Felix were the protagonist. I have some ideas for the lords as the protagonist, as well as the retainers, so I may do that someday! If I missed anything, please tell me what I missed so I can fix it.

    submitted by /u/SilverMedals
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    Last one. Modern AU!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:45 PM PST

    Finally finished collecting the US games and amiibos!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:28 PM PST

    Cipher S19 Daily Reveal - Seliph & Julia joined-art SR+!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Abyss Mode could potentially solve one of the game's issues

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Well "issue" is a bit of a stretch, but hear me out.

    We spend entire playthroughs meticulously building up our units of choice, and while the short-term payoff to that is immensely satisfying, the long term payoff is well... still really satisfying (especially on Maddening), but I think they're leaving money on the table. This partially due to the design (finite chapters and all that) but a mode that lets us truly cut loose and go all out with our strong ass units is immensely tantalizing to me. Like did anyone else want to use Dimitri: Unleashed for more than 5 chapters?

    If it's even remotely similar to FE8's creature campaign, then we're in for something truly special. I've already dumped 100+ hours on this game, and a fleshed out postgame could easily double that number.

    submitted by /u/PK_Gaming1
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