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    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    Fire Emblem Three Houses

    Fire Emblem Three Houses

    Three Houses

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Khalid met his first friend ever - my first mini comic for FE ��

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Black Eagles Spending A Night At The Beach!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    dark blooded corn woman bc she legendary now

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    OP Art Summer Byleth

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    OP Art Leader house Dimitri

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    (OC) Older Nowi

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Maid Marianne

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    [OP Art] Sunbeam Dancer Ferdinand ⭐��

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    It's the first time I play a fire emblem game after years of hearing about it, I don't know why I didn't tried them earlier, because everything is so cool!!!!so here's a Fanart of Chrom and MC

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Constance but a little different

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem OC: Jesse | By Scalvy

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Gray: Wry Comrade

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Gray.

    Gray is a playable character in Shadows of Valentia, and is a childhood friend of Alm.

    He is the son of a merchant family and never thought he would be able to leave Ram Village. When Lukas comes for Mycen and Alm joins in his stead, Gray joins the Deliverance army as well.

    After the war, Gray marries the pegasus knight Clair. His best friend Tobin also has a crush on Clair, but in their supports they agree that even if they feel the same for her, these feelings will not get in the way of their friendship.

    If Tobin dies in the game, Gray falls into despair and alcoholic depression, only recovering due to the support and assistance of Clair; the two then have a son named Tobin, after his late friend, in this scenario.

    If Clair is the one who dies in game, no matter whether Tobin survives or not, a very depressed Gray leaves Ram Villages and is never seen again, despite his worried friends' attempts to find him.

    Gray is supported by:

    He has the following quotes.

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
    [link] [comments]

    Quickie Lucina sketch I did on stream while trying to figure out a style for girls and proportions. [OC]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    [OC] Soft Byleth x Yuri ft. Byleth holding hands like a cave man.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Here is a simple pen drawing of Byleth. I hope you'll like it ��

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    "See you in the eternal flames..."

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    We do have official art of Lorenz's father; it's just hidden in plain sight in the VW end card!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Finally got around to fire emblem fates

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I forgot how addicting this series was lmao! It just nails the feeling of, making u feel like u been getting something done. Is there a way to play on a harder difficulty without permadeath though (yeah yeah I play casual 😒😒). Like I wanna strategize but I don't wanna permanently lose units.

    submitted by /u/Mynameisbrk
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    I made a video to help players explore Fire Emblem after Three Houses

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Life After Three Houses

    I know there's a very good post on here to guide new players who want to jump into Fire Emblem, but I've been hearing stories and personal anecdotes of people who want to explore Fire Emblem AFTER Three Houses, so I wanted to make a video detailing where to navigate from 3H, based on what you enjoyed the most out of 3H.

    submitted by /u/Bookoostrike
    [link] [comments]

    You are a Fire Emblem Character; What are your critical quotes?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Here are mine:

    "I will bury you!"

    "To Dust!"

    "The End Comes"

    submitted by /u/armouredsnuggles
    [link] [comments]

    Decided to do some art in the style of Fire Emblem Awakening and this may just be my art style from here on out

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

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