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    Saturday, July 11, 2020

    Fire Emblem Beach Mercedes

    Fire Emblem Beach Mercedes

    Beach Mercedes

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    A very quick doodle from a bit ago

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:12 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Genny Fanart (Fire Emblem Echoes) [OC]

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    I am partaking in some sweet delights. Is there a problem? Jeritza GBA style portrait

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    OC art - My latest painting of Tharja

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Mercedes cosplay

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Summer with Lysithea and Hilda

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Me and my friend came up with the idea of Fire Emblem Guess Who? I’m so excited to finally play it!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Summer Sylvain out there chasing skirts

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Lysithea and Merengue!! I think they’d be best friends ❤️

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Summer Byleth and her Summer Dates

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:48 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Mercedes [timeskip] fanart i drew <3

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Summer Byelth and Rhea Sketch

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    FE Fates x Pokémon sketch (I should finish it, but I don't know how to color it :'>)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Chaz and Indie's relationship is problematic

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    These have been a past few days haven't they.

    Others have covered the handling of chaz's accusations, and for the record the main focus of this post isn't going to focus on them.

    Rather I am going to focus on what Goose, LuckyCrit, and Chaz have admitted about the major FE community and interacting with fans.

    For this post I am assuming the following things.

    • Chaz is innocent.

    • Indie is a manipulative abuser.

    • Everything told by FETruth, LuckyCrit and Goose is the truth.

    For the record at least one of these I disagree with. Possibly all three.

    When Mang's got outed, I wondered why wasn't he dismissed before hand. He has a long history of being a shit head, and the fact that the Soliel incident was previously known doesn't inspire confidence. If Ghaast, LuckyCrit, Mekkah, and Chaz were so appalled by his behavior why wasn't this an issue before?

    Then a few days later the Chaz accusation surfaced. FETruth posted a [defense of Chaz (https://twitter.com/truth_fe/status/1281399687380180997)] attacking Indie. As part of the FETruth defense, the account cited that Chaz and Indie pursued a relationship up to and including sex. The relevant part of the defense can be found here (NSFW warning).

    So because we assume FETruth, LuckyCrit, and Goose are truthful, Chaz and Indie had a consensual relationship as fan and content creator. Because we are assuming Chaz is innocent and everything we don't need to worry about Indie's relationship being non-consensual. However a consensual relationship is still a problem.

    And its made an even bigger problem by the lack of response by the Youtube community.


    I used to wonder why no one did anything about Mangs and Soliel. Now I know why no one found this problematic.

    It appears that it is accepted to date your fans in the Fire Emblem youtube community.

    If FETruth, LuckyCrit, and Goose didn't find it acceptable they would have said so. Much to the contrary, FETruth cites this consensual as a defense and so do LuckyCrit and Goose (by citing this defense too). No one has called out the inherent power imbalance that a Content Creator dating a fan carries.

    The power imbalance comes in many forms. The first is parasocial relationships, which you can read about here (TLDR: we idealize and invest in content creators even if they don't us). The second is the number of followers and influence a content creator wields.

    Someone might say, "but Chaz and Mangs aren't mind controllers. They can't make Soliel solicit nudes, and wield influence over Indie" but they can. The first we can easily see that Mang's used his fandom as a means to get nudes in the first place. It was a common theme in most of the accusations (yes each are an individual account). Mang's could act out as a predator because he was popular, cool, and famous among the FE community. It's this very same popularity that ProJared used and Nimious the FE:Heroes streamer used to be predators too. Sending nudes between adults aren't a problem, but it can easily become abused between fan and creator.

    The second regards to the fandom coming to the defense of the accused and punishing accusers with a fandom. We can see this in the comments of Mang's accusers with some still defending him, but we can also quantify this. Right now Chaz has over 7,000 followers and has connections to many in the FE community with thousands more followers.

    Indie has 51 followers at the time of this writing. Connections are probably squat.

    Chaz's voice carries more weight, can reach a far wider audience, and he is far more charismatic than Indie. Even if he doesn't have a direct control over her life, he wields a lot more influence than her to control her. And as established by one Indie's status as a fan can distort her judgment regarding entering a relationship with a cool suave youtuber.

    Fortunately for this post, Chaz is innocent and Indie is manipulative abuser who can't be treated as a normal victim. But the issue still remains that this seems normal in the Fire Emblem youtube community. None of the defenses of Chaz has pointed out that Chaz's entering a relationship was bad in the first place. Only recently, Lucky Crit made a post saying he condemned Chaz's relationship with Indie, but this statement is lacking in any major post of Chaz and regulated to a single reddit comment.

    Its a statement that needs to be loud and clear without ambiguity, not tucked away in a half hearted apology.

    We need to question why Mang's and Nimious weren't called out before and even supported. We need to question why creator and fan dating is so common as it is in the FE youtube community.

    And frankly if it wasn't so common or accepted it might've prevented some of these situations in the first place. In theory a fan and creator can date, the creator doesn't wield direct influence the way a boss or teacher does.

    But recent history has shown how creators do wield the influence they have for sexual favors, and manipulate impressionable fans. And if we really want things to change we can't stand for Chaz's relationship with Indie and the normalization of this occurring.

    I will state that I think the way they are handling it is awful and this post was going to cover more of that, but I'll let this quote by u/VashTrigun78 speak for me. Their influence as a creator only exacerbates their behavior.

    Even if all three points assumed at the start are true, Chaz is a pretty sketchy creator for just dating a fan.


    FANS DON'T DATE A BIG CONTENT CREATOR. It's for your own safety really.

    submitted by /u/that_wannabe_cat
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    I could do no less!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    [Artwork] Marianne von Edmund and Dorte

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Piano Arrangement of "Companions" from FE7

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Was it wrong to knowingly associate and collaborate with Mangs for years?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    I think this is an uncomfortable thing to discuss, but it's a discussion that we need to have for the sake of the community.

    It's common for companies and such to pull their advertisements from TV shows and other things when they do something objectionable. For example, when Tucker Carlson from Fox News made some racist comments not long ago, a lot of companies were pulling their advertisements because they didn't want to associate with a racist. Literally right now, a lot of companies are boycotting Facebook because they don't want to associate with it; they don't want to associate with its "vast proliferation of hate on its platforms."

    How does this relate to Mangs? Well, we know for a fact that he has a few regular collaborators and they have worked with him literally for many years. Mangs should have gotten into trouble long ago for his questionable behavior. He literally spread hate in his Discord chat by allowing people to be racist (he literally had a rule allowing people to use the n-word). He posted absurd conspiracy theories and racist beliefs that hurt others in his chat. He retweeted Neo-Nazi propaganda. Even more than that, he was widely known for his generally creepy behavior towards women; he already had a sexual harassment accusation from around 2016 that was swept under the rug. Everyone knew what kind of a person he was. No one cared.

    Mangs has had a few regular collaborators who accepted him despite the person he was. What does that say about them? It might show that they're morally bankrupt; i.e. they just don't care who they associate with, even if he's a creepy Neo-Nazi. But I know one thing for certain: it was thanks to these regular collaborators that Mangs was able to get so famous and able to meet so many women to harass.

    And I don't think the FE community should be ok with tolerating creepiness, racism and Neo-Nazism--and tolerating people who choose to associate with it. Anyone who regularly collaborated with Mangs should at least acknowledge that these behaviors aren't ok, and apologize. I think anyone can agree this is what's best for the community.

    submitted by /u/Rixia
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    Some Linhardt for my soul — played w a new coloring style tho dunno how I feel abt it lol

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:43 PM PDT

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