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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Fire Emblem (self) my claude cosplay!

    Fire Emblem (self) my claude cosplay!

    (self) my claude cosplay!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    i drew tharja and olivia

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Witch Annette & Cat Felix

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Tibarn

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Saint Seiros

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Most blessed S support

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Hapi - drawn by me (@TEEJ_007)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    Amateur pumpkin carver attempt at the Crest of Flames... get spooky.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Edelgard and Fire Emblem: The Struggle of Projection Fantasy

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Here is Edelgard in her own route, she's been in secret for a while trying to draw a picture of the person who means the most to her, and for all intent and purposes in my opinion the only real lord of Fire Emblem Three Houses, (Insert your name here). In a totally isolated incident it's actually fine, and if anything is a display of Edelgards softer side and maybe a look at what would be doing if she wasn't wrapped up in this war, and what she likes to do with whatever free time she has. The issue is this incident isn't isolated and in fact when put into context of the whole route and this kind of the game, its actually devalues her as a character.

    Around this is a incident where she's scared of a mouse and the game pesters you multiple times for you to call her cute, her undying confusing trust of (insert your name here) for almost no reason besides the 21 year old who never taught anyone anything now becoming the best teacher in the history of fodlan so much so other teachers say "fuck this i'mma join you", a joke about either panty raiding or stalking translated out of the english version (not 100% sure what the direct translation is), a story about how romantic the goddess tower is and how her parents meet on that said tower if you choose her, multiple scenes of her blushing which already show her softer side, her hugging (insert your name here) in the story not once but twice and her fighting a whole war in a literal dress. And yes, just a dress, in the final cutscene of her route her breast jiggle which means she's not wearing any armour there. Side note the game tiers her bust size with characters like Flayn with that dumb % tier list, which means they were intentionally made bigger in that cutscene probably for said bounce. They animate that but not you know, an actual jump squat before the jump for the big final attack Why? She's not a character, her depth and interest in what she tries to do becomes mute in the overwhelming amount she tries to satisfy the need to make you the player feel special.

    All these things happen in the game, and are things which plague all of three houses This post isn't a bitch at the avatar post, that would be much shorter and less interesting, this post is a moan at how IS plays into projection with other aspects of there game, and how that can be improved upon.

    First let's establish without complaining, Byleth is a projection fantasy, projection fantasies are highly loved and IS knows this. Byleth is a silent protagonist, these are popular because of how easy they are to project on to, you can imagine and even pick what Byleth says or does for the convenience of this. Main characters in games are often plain or don't talk, creators don't want them to be hated which is why characters like Byleth never have a personality to enforce on the game. A great comparison to this is Dead Space's Issac Clark. In DS1 he's quiet, so you can project onto him and have your experience, Dead Space 2 Issach Clark swears like a sailor. It makes sense that he is but in DS2 it no longer is you having your own experience, you are having Isaac Clark experience, and people hated that. Byleth unlike someone like Corrin or Robin is a perfect blank canvas for this and is presented as this in the game. Byleth is the not actually but might as well be chosen one with special powers important people take notice of, everyone can and will eventually love or fall in love with, they can master almost whatever they pick up and have special scerte blood and magic with super special swords only they can use. A projection fantasy if I ever saw one.

    This is done to play into our nature as consumers. We love to create versions of ourselves, insert and project onto others and love to create avatars that defeat things we don't like. There's a lot of wish fulfillment escapism fantasies where you, or whatever vanilla hero you project yourself as are the right one and big time hero that saves the day from an evil, it's how many of these Avatar stories play out. The drastic black evil villains like Grima, Validar, Slithers, Garon, Hans Iago, and Rhea in Edelgards route although all have some sort of sympathetic edge to them, its mute in the face of how dastardly they act, and how poorly the story presents them, since IS always wants you to feel like your on the right side. FE3H in particular although tries to be morally grey presents every action you do no matter the route as the morally right one. "ME, YES ME, the right one, Me going to save the world with a group of people that all love and cherish ME, as ME becomes the hero and the best that ever was." If sales or the reception of not just FE but other games (Half Life, Dragon Quest, Persona, Dead Space 1) that do this tell us anything, game companies come hell or high water will play into our selfish desires to be right. And me pointing this out doesn't make me above this.

    IS also feeds this all the time, whether its Lyn breaking the 4th wall and looking right at the player when talking, to lines and heroes referring to her holding "your wam hand" oh so romantically. How in every post awakening game everyone on the good side will love the Avatar and support them, are all romance options. IS even more so then something like Dragon Quest and even Persona plays into the projection fantasy when designing their games, which in lines the main issue. The problem isn't that these projection fantasies exist or are in the franchise, you can even argue Marth was changed back in FE12 because they made Marth more of his own character in 11, taking away the projection aspect he had pissing off japanese fans. Its been in the franchise for a long time, the issue isn't even the Avatar itself, its IS's usage and abuse of it that causes these problems used to masked the issues with its actual game, making it feel like a product to inflate myself more than a story or experience a writer is trying to take us on.

    This is where I go back to Edelgard, is it fair to only mention Edelgard? Dimitri and Claude certainly have many scenes where they sit there and praise Byleth as the saviour of worlds. Well in Claudes case his arc isn't really Byleth changing his life, as much its Byleth steering him to the right direction, he praises you sure but his character isn't intertwined with yours. Dimitri you could honestly take out Byleth from BL and it would basically be the same story, just his friend groups plus Rodrigue plus Gilbert do enough to set Dimitri on that path, he's the second most guilty but more later on why he's not Edelgard. Edelgard in FE3H eats, sleeps, and shits Byleth. In other routes she bemoans that she couldn't be with Byleth the most, there's a whole cutscene where she straight up says "if only we could be together but now you have to kill me" and a lot of her dialogue alludes to this, and in her own route, her whole "softer side" is all credited, done and exclusive for Byleth you.

    The "someone with a soft side she keeps private'' thing? Instead of feeling like a actual character trait it starts to feel like an excuse for you to see your waifu in a dress address you in secret on how special you are, and how much she cares for you, how much she cherishes you and you make her go doki dok, because look at her blush. Aren't you going doki doki and seeing your soon to be waifu melt all over you? Isn't it romantic? Don't you feel oh so good about yourself? It makes everything about her moral ambiguity feel mute. The issue isn't the excuse of a character trait but it's how the game does it, the game pesters you to make her look cute, her obsession and how much she adores you coming throughout the story, her only talking and blushing towards you because your just that important, how she never really lashes out or shows any anger if you choose another side, how you protect her in the start of the game. We spent more time with Edelgard blushing than with the death knight when I first played BE and more than I think the 2 generals that died off screen.

    Edelgard depth becomes neutralized and irrelevant to me in her route, I don't viewer her character in her route as a character, she's there to make you forget all the interesting things they could explore, she's there to take away time from world building or lore building, or building tension in the story. The games are not interested in that, they want to make you feel good more than be anywhere near a dynamic game. Fire Emblem Three Houses fails this character and this route in almost every way possible, no not because of the lack of poorly animated cutscenes, because the writing is crap.

    The thing is? They can easily show the effects that Byleth had while keeping her soft nerdy thing intact. You could have characters comment in post time skip how much she changed since meeting you in her attitude, hell even pre, you can have her show her acting much more kind to others or maybe just have a talk to you about art randomly, hell the painting she could be drawing could have been one of all the black eagles showing how much the time she has spent with you and her friends has meant. Maybe even use supports to put this over. The worst part about this is? They do this with Dimitri. Dedue points out how the events of the plot really changed him, Dimitri has that moment in chapter 18, he apologies to everyone how he acts, and even the supports in the game like with Felix and Marianne address how fucked up he used to be and how much better he is now. If supports are so important to the story now why don't they showcase her character growth? Because see it wouldn't be special. YOU did it, you now have this good looking 22 year old empress who in private gets all doki doki around you, and cares for you oh so much, she cries tears of joy for you and draws you on her free time. Don't you feel special? Its IS having 0 interest in wanting to tell a dynamic story, it wants you to feel turned on more than anything.

    Its these moments and things that take me out of stories, honestly? Edelgard in this aspect is far FAR worse than Lyn and I don't even think it's close. I don't even know why they needed to do this. Lucina is a character who's arc doesn't rely on Robin at all, and Lyn's avatar obsession doesn't become the main thing her whole character arc spins around or the most important thing in the game, if anything its a pointless side thing which wouldn't affect the game at all. Why even focus on THAT aspect of the character anyways so much? Its the only different world of all the routes and THAT was the biggest thing they wanted to focus on, Edelgard drawing you and blushing. What was even the goal here? Is that all that route really wanted to add outside of her support with Byleth? Was that all female Arvis could be? Really IS? Fucking really? That was what you wasted you 17 chapters on?

    This struggle with projection fantasy doesn't end there, the obsession the entire cast of Fates and 3H has with the you, the fact you can solve every character issues and flaws through supports with the avatar, villains being obsessed with the hatred of the avatar and the avatars role in the story and a strange one for me, the total control you have over these characters. Imagine if Hilda couldn't support and marry Byleth, and the reason given is because she just didn't really feel like a character that would gel with him, oh the amount of people that would complain the character with the biggest bust size in the game wasn't a romance option? Oh just call me Nero, playing my violin hearing the sounds of fire everywhere hmmm….oh sorry need to focus. That scenario would piss just SO many people off, no matter the reason, because they couldn't marry the person they wanted. Its become a forced part of the design and makes every interaction do much less interesting since everything is required to have this. The gun to head everyone loves you because your you is so hilariously pandering to the cast.

    Even things like characters feeling less independent, someone like Merric is beloved for being a great mage, a wholesome character and having a special connection with Marths sister, in a modern day game Merric wouldn't be beloved for those traits, because that would go against making these characters dolls you can bash against each other because "you think its cute''. There's no struggle or things that make you work around these characters' roles and personalities more and more as the franchise goes on, because you wouldn't be able to make them exactly how you wished them to be or pair them with who you want to.

    There's a lot more I can talk about but seeing as I already caused a riot by calling Edelgard a product more then a character in her route, I think it's time I wrap this up. Having these avatars and projection fantasies is fine, it's when IS writes and designs these games with that in mind that really irks me. They lean FULL into the projection fantasy, to the point its what they write and design the whole game around. With their current mindset and approach to the avatar, we are not getting the best possible stories that wish to challenge us in any meaningful ways, we're getting morally cowardly stories that always want you to feel special to inflate your ego.

    We may have lost real Camus's (character who you can just choose a different route for and use defeats the whole purpose of a camus) true morally ambiguous villains, married or characters already in relationships, stories which challenge its characters if they're doing the right things, and a potentially dynamic Edelagrd. BUT say hello to ME, the best person to ever walk the face of these lands. Congrats me, I did it, I saved the world and everyone loves me as me did nothing wrong. Me and my waifu in a dress are now gonna kiss now, chu chu and good bye.

    submitted by /u/DoseofDhillon
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    |COMMISSION| Keeping You Close - By: Dreaming-Witch

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Should Jeralt have been 3H's Jagen?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Yes imo, it's strange that we don't start with a true early carry unit; having one would make earlygame Maddening much less of a miserable slog. Plus Jeralt drops off hard near the middle, if you know what I mean

    I have no idea why IS didn't do this-- he even has unused playable-related voice lines

    submitted by /u/brainrotter1993
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    [OC] Drew a portrait of saint Seiros

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:50 PM PDT


    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Cat paws are useless

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Does FE6 have a deep meta-narrative on how Humans and Dragons shouldn't come together?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Why else would they make sophia so shit?

    she's a half manakete and worse than just any other human (or manakete)

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    Shigure and Azura made by me (For 24th and 25th day)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    (In)famous Maps: Radiant Dawn Chapter 3-6 - A Reason to Fight

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Welcome to Week 5 of (In)famous. Last week's Strawpoll resulted in a 4-way tie between Binding Blade Chapter 15, Conquest Chapter 20, Three Houses Chapter 13, and the one we'll be talking about, Radiant Dawn Chapter 3-6, chosen because I wanted to talk about it most.

    If you haven't seen one of these posts before, this is a series designed to reignite some discussion about map Design on this subreddit, where we can share our opinions, some stories and/or discuss the merits and flaws of this particular map.

    Chapter 3-6 is the map where, after all of part 2 and the first half of part three, you finally get to meet the Dawn Brigade again. Well, finally from a story sense, at least. Most if not all of the Dawn Brigade will have fallen behind heavily at this point of the game, and they get to measure themselves against Tigers and Cats, some of the beefiest/fastest and most hard-hitting enemies at this point of the game. Your win condition is pretty simple: kill 46 enemies. That's where the problem lies, though. You are vastly outmatched in both unit quality and army size, a good chunk of your army probably won't even survive a single round of combat against these guys, and you'll be hard pressed to find someone that can survive 2 rounds. However, on Turn 4, the Black Knight arrives, and while he can only be in one place at once he can decimate anyone that tries to fight him. The problem comes from trying to survive until he can arrive, or trying to clear this map as fast as possible. All of this is made even more egregious for first-timers because Fog of War is hiding a lot of enemies from your view, making even the slightest step out of line a possible Death Sentence.

    A bit of fun Trivia about this Map is that, while many players probably won't even get to them, both Lethe and Mordecai are present on this map as enemies (and if you kill them here, you lose them in the Laguz Alliance). Even more curiously, if you talk to them with Zihark he recruits himself to the enemies' side, permanently joining the Laguz Alliance if he manages to survive this chapter.

    As always, there's a Strawpoll for deciding which map we'll look at next week


    FeWiki page

    FeWoD page , sadly only in spanish for now

    Last week's thread

    If you'd like to see something added to the Resources or the Strawpoll please say so, I'll add it.

    submitted by /u/Morrorwind33453
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    [OC] Lady Lyndis (First Pixel Art Animation)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Loki (18th Day) made by me

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    I started a playthrough of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and it's my first time playing a Fire Emblem game. If you have tips please let me know!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:29 PM PDT

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