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    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    Fire Emblem Subreddit banner contest voting thread!

    Fire Emblem Subreddit banner contest voting thread!

    Subreddit banner contest voting thread!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Hello, readers of /r/fireemblem! Today we're opening voting for the subreddit banner competition! How it works is that below there will be the six entries posted as comments, and to vote for an entry you simply upvote the comment it's attached to. This post will be locked and set in Contest Mode, so the comments will have their scores hidden and be randomly sorted whenever the post is viewed so as to prevent strategic voting. Just choose the entrant(s) you like the most!

    A reminder of what's up for grabs here:

    • First-place will receive one month of Discord Nitro as a gift, a Reddit Platinum award, and their submission will be used as the subreddit banner one week after the results are announced.
    • Second-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award, and their submission will be used as the banner for that week before the first-place submission is put up.
    • Third-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award.
    • Fourth-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award.

    And last but certainly not least, we would like to thank /u/PsiYoshi, /u/Chinelo-is-not-Crash, /u/NightTide9, /u/CyanYoh, /u/averysillyman, and /u/Bakaretsu for taking their time to create all of these wonderful banners! Regardless of the winner, we appreciate the time and effort they all put into making these and allowing this little contest to be possible.

    Voting will close on the 1st of December, and we will have the results announced shortly afterward.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    bernie bear WIP (twitter: jxh_soda)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    I Don't Know Why, But Now I Made a Fem Claude Concept Design So You Have No Choice But To Submit to The Golden Doe!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Redraw of a screencap I took of my favorite boy ��

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    i drew olivia

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Red Blue Yellow

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Happy Birthday Marianne! (Wedding Marianne) [Commission]

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:38 PM PST

    Sophia eating a burger [commission]

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:49 AM PST

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Despair of the Fell Dragons

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:32 PM PST

    |OC| Byleth going for a completely normal walk with his wife

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:55 PM PST

    [OC] You got your Final Fantasy in my Fire Emblem! No you got your Fire Emblem in my Final Fantasy!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:27 PM PST

    (OC) Marianne and Celeste having tea

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:43 PM PST

    Lorenz Plush sale and Special Iggy plush bundles! (Iggy & Lorenz and Iggy & Leonie)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Lucia is the best example of a damsel in distress

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:35 PM PST

    Often times people in the FE community complain that females end up being turned into damsels in distress. This isn't inherently bad, however, and in the case of Lucia, was done excellently IMO.

    A lot of what I said was actually posted in my analysis of Lucia's strategies in part two of RD.

    Anyhow, what makes Lucia's capture make her look strong is that she anticipated the possibility of her intel network being compromised and as a result warned Haar and a messenger in advance to alert Elincia and Geoffrey to prepare for Ludveck's arrival in Alpea.

    Lucia: "Actually, there's one more thing… I want you to wait here a little longer. If all goes as planned, I'll be back shortly with your payment. Then you may do as you wish."

    Haar: "And if all doesn't go as planned?"

    Lucia: "Then set out for Fort Alpea and alert the queen. I'll also send a messenger to Geoffrey. Thank you."

    If it wasn't for her thinking ahead, what would have happened is that Ludveck would have attacked Alpea and Elincia would be caught off guard and without additional fighters like Haar and Calill.

    Elincia: Calill! What brings you here?

    Calill: Well, you see… Lady Lucia asked me to give you a hand if you ever found yourself between a rock and a hard place, Your Majesty. She instructed the workers here at Fort Alpea to notify me if they thought that you needed any kind of help.

    Elincia: Lucia did?

    Calill: Lady Lucia has been taken, Your Majesty. But I think she'll be fine. Actually, I know she will. She had the brains to set this up in advance, so I know she has a good head on her shoulders.

    Furthermore, Geoffrey would not have reinforced Elincia because he wouldn't know he has to go to Alpea.

    Geoffrey: "…No. This was clearly a ruse. Duke Felirae's main force is most likely en route to the capital."

    Kieran: "But how?! Quickly! Rally the troops! We must return to Melior at once!"

    Geoffrey: "Don't panic! They want us to act rashly. Settle down. …We have contingencies in place. Light the flares to notify the capital. Move, man!"

    Geoffrey: "Scout commander!"

    Geoffrey: "It's very likely we'll be ambushed on the way back to the capital. Don't let anything escape your notice! We may need an alternate route back to the capital… Send some men out to investigate the old highway."

    Lucia manages to outplay Ludveck even though she got captured and her intel compromised. This goes to show she's capable of making successful contingency plans even in the worst case scenario.

    Ludveck: "All that foolishness…the ruses, the informers, the secret flight from the palace… Ha ha ha… All that effort, wasted."

    Lucia: "…Is that so?"

    Ludveck: "Hm? I can see that my lady still retains secrets. Would it trouble you so much to tell them to me?"

    Lucia: "To you, Lord Ludveck? I am afraid there is nothing to tell."

    Ludveck: "Lady Lucia… I'm done with these games. You'll tell me whatever I wish to know… But I believe I already know your secret."

    Lucia: "We shall see."

    Ludveck: "I see… Lady Lucia must have arranged some way to warn the queen. But alas, even if they were to have all the energy and luck in the world, the Royal Knights wouldn't arrive for two days. In any case, there's no way we can lose, considering that we have a card which has yet to be put into the game."

    Geoffrey manages to flank Ludveck's army thanks to Lucia's message. Thus Lucia manages to surprise Ludveck yet again and break Ludveck's siege thus outmaneuvering him.

    Geoffrey: "Your Majesty! We'll countercharge their flank! The Royal Knights will succeed again! Indomitable knights of Crimea, this is the hour you have trained for! Hold the line, and run them down!"

    Elincia: "Geoffrey! Geoffrey, oh, Geoffrey!"

    Geoffrey: "Find Ludveck, duke of Felirae! Seize him immediately! He must not escape!"

    Ludveck: "What a bother! They arrived far faster than I had expected. But I will prevail. I won't lose to that worthless queen."

    Finally, Lucia was the one to encourage Elincia to go through with the sacrifice and hence is a catalyst for Elincia's growth and resolve as reflected in her decision to sacrifice Lucia for the greater good.

    Elincia: "No!"

    Geoffrey: "…Lucia."

    Crimean Rebel: "You have half a mark! If the duke is not released by then, the girl dies!"

    Lucia: "Queen Elincia, don't listen to them! Don't worry about me!"

    TLDR: In summary, Lucia warns Elincia and Geoffrey in advance that she got captured, foiling Ludveck's surprise attack on Alpea, and instead surprising Ludveck instead. She deduced that her getting captured means Ludveck has infiltrated her intel network. From this, she further deduced that he knows her plan to hide Elincia in Alpea. Usually damsels in distress are quite passive and a burden but Lucia has the ultimate agency as her plans allow her to foil the enemy's and win a decisive victory.

    Caeda is touted as a strong female character because she is never a damsel, but I'd argue a damsel as well-written as Lucia is even more interesting than someone who never gets captured.

    submitted by /u/lcelerate
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    Path of Radiance on a CRT & Chill

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Marianne Kiss (Commission)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:54 PM PST

    Byleth but it’s pulp fiction

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:33 PM PST

    Fire Emblem games should be more player phase focuse on higer difficulties

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Now if there is one thing that the Fire Emblem series is known for, it definetely isn't balance. Things like: busted mounted units, unlimited range warp, super canto, broken skill combinations, ect. Those are commonplace in the FE series, however if there is one annoying thing that most FE games are guilty of is their heavy focus on the enemy phase.

    For those wondering what I'm talking about, let me explain. An enemy phase focused game is something like FE8, where the main strategy is to build up your units to the point where they can just equip a 1-2 range weapon and one round a huge wave of enemies. A player phase focused game is something like FE12 where one rounding is quite rare and often times multiple units need to work together in order to kill even a single enemy.

    Now IMO, on higher difficulties FE games should be more player phase focused rather than enemy phase focused. Why? Well, because what is more interesting? Sending Seth to the frontlines with a javelin and seeing him kill everything or needing to send in Gordin first to deal chip damage, then sending Cain and Abel to finish the enemy off. I think most people will agree that the second example is more strategically interesting. Now, I'm not saying that FE games should be purely brutal player phase focused games, what I'm saying is that the player phase should be the most important part of playing a map, but there should also be some potential to achieve a successful enemy phase.

    What am I saying? Well, I think that the player shouldn't get ridiculously OP tools that let the break the game in half for free. Getting a warp staff for free isn't very rewarding or interesting as afterwards your main plan is figuring out which chapters will be cleared fastest by using the warp staff, how long until you can fix said staff or get another one, who is going to be your bosskiller and how are you gonna get the main lord to the throne. Now, an obvious way to fix this is through making more diverse objectives aside from the traditional sieze one, however you will see that even in games like Gaiden, where route or kill boss are the most common objectives, units that can use warp are still considered top tier due to it's unparalleled utility. Now, making the warp staff a hard to get hidden item, making it limited range, not giving you many warp users once you get it unless your seriously train up your staff units is far more interesting. Giving the player broken tools isn't a bad thing, but breaking the game should at least take some effort.

    Another way modern FE games try to balance harder difficulties is by giving enemies a ton of skills, same turn reinforcements and ridiculous stats. This sadly isn't a very interesting way of making a higher difficulty. Now Conquest, despite having these two aformentioned flaws and some annoying map design choices, does something interesting by changing up the enemy placements in Lunatic mode which is a great way of keeping players on their toes. Conquest also has the very interesting mechainc of allowing you to turn enemy units into player units. This is particularly interesting because a notable enemy unit called "Rallyman" gives you multiple rallies in important stats which allow you to reach important stat tresholds by his help.

    Another interesting way of making the game more balanced is through restricting the player from abusing the more broken mechanics. Thracia tries to do this with fatigue, which prevents your from using too many units on multiple maps without them at least sitting one chapter out, but also allows you to use stamina drinks in order to fix their fatigue if you really need the for another chapter. However, because fatigue is based on HP, units like Dagdar can go through multiple maps while some of your other units can barely manage to go through two without getting fatigued. RD also does something similar by changing armies frequently making you build up strong units in multiple armies. However, RD suffers from letting you build up your two wyvern riders and have them just wreck the rest of the game with their high movement and insane stats.

    Ultimately, on harder difficulties FE games shouldn't let you easely break them by giving you strong units or tools for free, but should instead let you break the game through careful planning and knowledge of game mechanics. FE12 is the closest game to come to this, but it can often time feel a bit trial and error because of same turn reinforcement.

    Tell me how you think FE games should be balanced and what you'd do to make them harder and more interesting to play through.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    My attempt at drawing TS Edelgard

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Catria talking with Warren, who has buried himself in snow

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:16 AM PST

    [OC] I Drew Roy! Ink on paper, then I used a phone app to add in flat colors.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:59 PM PST

    I attempted to draw Dimitri badly.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Tried drawing Dimitri�� (Instagram: yavanna_art)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Berwick Saga Ranked - Chapter 7: Rescue Mission

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:58 PM PST

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