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    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Fire Emblem Anime swordsmen be like:

    Fire Emblem Anime swordsmen be like:

    Anime swordsmen be like:

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:51 AM PST

    Cat girl Bernie �� (you can support my twitter: jxh_soda)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:08 AM PST

    Marianne wearing Dimitri's Armor

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Ms. Marianne the Pizza Delivery Woman

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:23 PM PST

    Ponytail Corn! (OC)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:16 AM PST

    [OC] Best hoshidan retainer Oboro reporting for duty (WIP)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:00 PM PST

    Edelgard Cosplay [MarthCosplay&Art]

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:30 AM PST

    Happy birthday Azura!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:15 PM PST

    Marrying Rhea is hella weird.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:18 PM PST

    Marrying her is like marrying your grandma, mother, and daughter all at once. That's an entirely new level of incest.

    submitted by /u/ilost40lbsalready_
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    do you like how edelgard walks (OC meme)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:57 PM PST

    My Gijinka Primarina Version of Azura~ (Happy Bday!)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Demon King Eirika

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:28 AM PST

    I found a way to remove the stat additions for BEXP in Radiant Dawn

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Sylvain ��

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:21 PM PST

    POV: You wasted a silver lance use on the first chapter

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Red-Eyes Blue Dragon, Ninian.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:10 AM PST

    My 5th Redo Drawing of Azura from Fire Emblem Fates, drew 2 of them 3 years ago and another one last year on this day, Happy Birthday Azura

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:54 PM PST

    My third drawing so far: Leo from Fire Emblem! You can see Takumi and Camilla in the other slides. I'm drawing all of the Fire emblem nobles so keep an eye out! <3 (IG: Kikura_sama)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:07 AM PST

    Azura - A More Complex Character Than You May Think

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:03 AM PST

    "People misunderstand me all the time. I'm quite used to it by now."

    Azura says it best herself, people misunderstand or perhaps better put, misinterpret her character all time. Of course, I don't believe this to be entirely the fault of the player. The story does an absolutely horrendous job at showcasing Azura's personality. I would go as far as to say you don't know Azura at all if you only know her from the story. That's not to say Azura in the story isn't Azura, just that it's only a single side to a surprisingly multi-faceted and complex character. In this write-up, I will not be focusing on Azura in the story at all. To do so would involve talking about the context of her character in the story and that means dissecting Fates' story itself and well...I don't think anybody wants to read about that again. Rather, I'd like to focus on the Azura many have unfortunately never seen by talking about her support conversations. I will be making more liberal use of pasting quotes than normal because I feel you cannot get a true feel for her character without reading the words directly from her mouth. That said there's still an absurd amount I'll be leaving out so I highly recommend giving her supports a read for yourself afterwards!

    One of my favourite aspects of Azura's personality and one that might be surprising to many is that she can be quite sassy! While many characters make note of her cold personality, this usually comes in the form of avoiding contact altogether. But when Azura is engaged in conversation she can have an attitude, and at times can even come off as harsh. For example, this exchange in her Conquest Corrin support:

    Corrin: It's easy for you to say that. You didn't kill him! Now he'll never avenge his family!
    Azura: Hmm. I see. In that case, you SHOULD feel terrible.
    Corrin: Wow. Thanks a lot, Azura.
    Azura: No, listen... Just because you've chosen this path doesn't mean you have to like it. Get upset. Throw a fit. Cry into your pillow! I'd be worried if his death didn't upset you.

    Corrin is distraught after having just killed a man, and Azura does not choose soft words of sympathy for Corrin. Rather she tells them her feelings rather bluntly. Of course, it's because she's worried about Corrin, as she says herself, but beating around the bush isn't Azura's way.

    Her Hinata support has a couple of exceptionally sassy moments that get a chuckle out of me as well:

    Hinata: Come on, Azura. I couldn't help it. If some hot chick tells you, "Please, sir, buy these veggies or my family will starve..." What are you gonna do? You buy the bamboo shoots, right?
    Azura: I suppose if your wallet's full and your head's empty, that's exactly what you do.

    Hinata: This? It's a present! This time, I'll even hand it to you instead of tossing it.
    Azura: How chivalrous of you! ...Are these bamboo shoots?! Didn't you learn your lesson?

    She's quick-witted and won't miss an opportunity to make a jape at Hinata's expense, a far cry from anything you might expect out of Azura after a first impression.

    I would be remiss not to point out this legendary line from Azura and Saizo's S support

    Saizo: Ah, yes, but this scar is a part of me now. To remove it would feel wrong. Besides, it's expected for men to have scars. Women must remain delicate.
    Azura: That sounds kind of silly to me. Are you always this sexist?

    She (for some reason) accepts this man's proposal just moments after this, so it's clear that no matter how much she may care for somebody, Azura isn't afraid to call them out on their bullshit.

    Another hilarious moment of sass from an S support is with Leo:

    Leo: Do I still have to get down on one knee?
    Azura: Of course you do! I want to hear you ask me properly.
    Leo: As you wish, my love. Azura…will you marry me?
    Azura: Weren't you paying attention? The girl said yes.
    Leo: You are so frustrating. I can't wait to spend my life with you.

    This one was definitely in a joking manner, which also shows off Azura's sense of humour, another aspect of her that is rarely seen. This sort of loving teasing she does is seen in her support with her son, Shigure, as well:

    Shigure: I hope it never comes to that. I hate to think of you leaving me here... If you do, my curiosity could get the better of me. I might want to use that pendant...
    Azura: Just know that I'll haunt you for the rest of your days if you do.

    Another time where we get to see Azura having fun teasing is in her support with Sakura, where she enjoys scaring her with spooky stories:

    Sakura: The one about the m-monster in the Nohrian castle.
    Azura: Oh, that one WAS good! I remember now. I overheard that one from a few of the servants... Hanging in the castle was the portrait of a middle-aged man. At night, he'd sneak out of the painting and steal the maids right from their beds!
    Sakura: NO! Stop! I d-don't need to hear it again!
    Azura: Heehee. I'm not sure I told you the ending to that one... On a moonless night, a maid heard footsteps coming from a dark hallway. Everyone else was asleep, so where do you think those sounds were coming from?

    She ignores Sakura's pleas to stop because she enjoys seeing Sakura's reactions. More than just that, however, she also enjoys spending time with Sakura, and longs for the days long past when she'd tell those stories to Sakura when she was much younger.

    While these are all quite funny moments, Azura is no pushover. Saizo says "women must remain delicate" but I couldn't think of a less appropriate word to describe Azura. She is strong in every way imaginable. In the literal sense, she is a fighter, more than capable of holding her own in a fight. In that same Conquest Corrin support, she takes up her lance against the enemy while Corrin is paralyzed with doubt, killing the enemy with relative ease. She's also emotionally strong, carrying an immense emotional burden from her past, she nevertheless carries with her a consistent theme of hope and love. Despite how awfully she's been treated in the past, she doesn't hate Nohrians. Naturally, it's not a black and white matter, but at the end of the day what she carries with her from her painful past is not hatred and anger, but a will to make things better.

    Azura: There were some noble children who were older than I. They cornered me, and... They thought it was funny, teasing the outcast, but it went too far. Anyway, that's how I got the scar. A token of my broken past.
    Saizo: ... After what they did, do you hold a grudge against them... and against Nohr?
    Azura: I'm not quite sure myself. It's complicated, but I'd be lying if I said all is forgiven. Though really I think the world as a whole needs to change, not just one part of it.

    One of the most prevailing aspects of Azura in her supports is her social awkwardness and a general aversion to most social interaction. This is brought up directly in a few of them. Azura is very self-aware of how she is perceived:

    Azura: Haha, fair enough...well, the thing is...I know people often see me as something of a snob. But I wish only to help people and protect the very bonds I'm too shy to make myself. Despite my apparent coldness, I truly do rely on you and the others.

    Kaze: Yes. In fact, all of our conversations have been limited to me delivering messages. But I never took it personally. I know you prefer to avoid people if you can help it.
    Azura: You know how to put it quite plainly, don't you?

    Azura: I'm sorry. I think I just got carried away. You know I hate bothering people.

    Azura: ...Hmm. This is awkward. I have no idea what we should talk about! I usually try to avoid making idle chitchat.
    Niles: I know what you mean. I can think of a hundred ways to make someone cringe. But when it comes to small talk, I'm at a loss. sigh We're like porcupines--- aren't we?
    Azura: Porcupines?!
    Niles: Yes. We've armed ourselves with barbs to drive other people away. Even if I wanted to get close to someone, I'd probably stab them on accident.
    Azura: I'd prefer to think of myself as a rose, not a porcupine--- but I see what you mean.

    Benny: Uh...I'm not very good with words.
    Azura: That's all right. Just take your time. I understand. I can be shy too.

    There is one support in particular that I love that sort of ramps up this aspect of Azura to 11 in a comedic way, but also unveils more about who she is. That being her support with Keaton. Keaton makes it his mission to help Azura express her emotions. I'm going to just share the entire B support because I love it that much.

    Keaton: All right, Azura. Are you ready for your crash course in facial expressions?
    Azura: No, but it doesn't seem like you're giving me much choice in the matter.
    Keaton: That's the spirit! Now, close your eyes and hold out your hands like so. What?! You don't trust me? Sheesh! Do ya wanna improve or not? ...I thought so! That's better. Now keep 'em closed. Here. Hold this.
    Azura: Oh. What is that? It feels...squishy.
    Keaton: OK! Open your eyes! Surprise!
    Azura: This is a frog.
    Keaton: Huh. Last time I did this to a girl, she screamed and threw the frog at me. You're not going to react at all?! Not even a little flinch?
    Azura: ...I'm holding a frog.
    Keaton: Oh, I get it. You like frogs, don't you? Awesome! I was sure they'd freak you out.
    Azura: Oh, no. They bother me.
    Keaton: Then why are you just standing there? Why don't you jump or cry or something?
    Azura: I don't know.
    Keaton: Hmm. You're a tougher case than I thought. But don't worry. I've got a plan B. I'm going to make you angry. ...Lady Azura, you are a terrible singer!
    Azura: No one has ever told me that before.
    Keaton: Well? Does it make you mad?
    Azura: Yes, it does. I'm very angry with you right now.
    Keaton: Huh. You're telling me you're mad, but your face is telling me...nothing. You really are carved from stone, aren't you?!
    Azura: Keaton, I'm leaving.

    "I'm holding a frog". Azura is so absolutely deadpan here that it cracks me up. Keaton is without question the most eccentric character Azura has a support with (the next closest would be Arthur, but he's honestly quite normal in their support), and seeing how opposite the two are, it's no wonder they clash so much. I think a reasonable explanation for Azura's reactions here is that the crazier somebody is, the higher Azura has to build her walls to keep people away. However, the higher the walls, the greater the force they come crumbling down with.

    Keaton: Yes, I lied! What part of this are you not getting?!
    Azura: Hmm. You said those things to make me mad...on purpose?
    Keaton: Ding, ding, ding! YES! For crying out loud, I thought that was clear!
    Azura: Ba-hahahaha!
    Keaton: Lady Azura, are you laughing?
    Azura: Heeheehee! Yes, I am! I've been so mad at you this whole time, and you were joking!
    Keaton: Yes, it was a joke! Not a very good joke, but still...a joke. Oh, thank goodness you finally cracked a smile! My plan worked after all.
    Azura: My whole life I've been rejected by people. At some point, I stopped reacting to it. But, Keaton, you've helped me lighten up. Now I can laugh at myself.

    This is one of Azura's bigger outbursts of emotions and it comes after an arduous journey for Keaton. It does speak to how heavily Azura's past has affected her, however. She has endured bullying her whole life but her position has never allowed her to defend herself, so she had no choice but to make these defence mechanisms to simply do her best to ignore it, and the result of that is Azura's cold and aloof nature.

    Something I appreciate about Azura is actually a big reason I like Takumi so much as well. She's aware of her flaws, but that doesn't mean they're so easily fixable. She makes efforts to be more approachable, but it doesn't come naturally to her. Azura is very kind-hearted, and that's clear as day to anyone who talks to her for even a minute, assuming they aren't a bad person themselves, but that doesn't mean she radiates an aura of kindness by any means.

    I cannot talk about Azura's supports without talking about how Azura has a near-monopoly on amazing pairings in Fates. I usually don't even bother with S support conversations when reading through Fates supports, but Azura has so many amazing ships it's frankly unfair. To start with there's Kaze, who actually manages to make her cry tears of joy with his kindness in their A support, a rare emotional outburst from Azura that speaks to the impact Kaze has on her.

    Azura: sob We used to pick these flowers... sniff ...all the time! She taught me how to make them into flower crowns. sob
    Kaze: Milady, surely this will make you happy!
    Azura: It does. It's just... I'm sorry! I can't believe I sobbed all over your sleeve. Excuse me…

    And honestly I could just past their whole S support because it's so extremely sweet, but I'll just quote my favourite line:

    Azura: Haha! Yes. Now, when I feel out of place, I glance over to find you by my side. You give me a little smile, and suddenly, you and I are the only two people in the room.

    My heart can barely take such cuteness, but there's more! Her Kaden support reveals an amusing factoid about the mysterious princess. Azura is canonically a furry.

    Kaden: Disturb me? Of course not! Get over here. I'd be honored to have you stroke my fur. I had no idea you were into foxes!
    Azura: Honestly, neither did I.

    The whole support is this adorable dance of Azura really wanting to pet Kaden and being far too embarrassed to admit it, meanwhile, Kaden can't get enough of the attention. I'm not sure you can say their relationship is built on a very solid foundation, but it's a pure sort of sweetness that I love anyway.

    Kaden: Azura, I'm so in love with you. I could watch you sleep every night. I know you have a lot on your shoulders—things I can't help you with. But at least I can be your soft place to fall. Won't you stay with me forever?
    Azura: Oh, my! Kaden, if I had my choice, I'd never leave your side! You make me feel so at home!

    Next up is Niles, and boy oh boy Niles having romantic chemistry is some sort of miracle, but Azura's just that great of a character. In the A support they awkwardly try to make small talk, both being inexperienced at regular, casual conversation. They think they're not very good at it, but Azura gives them away.

    Azura: Yes. Perhaps we should discuss the weather. Isn't that what others do?
    Niles: I believe you're right. Hmm... I rather enjoy sunny days like this. Don't you?
    Azura: Yes! But my favorite are snowy winter mornings. I get up early and make cocoa...

    You can see she immediately perks up and gets excited talking about the things she loves, it's honestly very sweet. Then in the S support they basically make a commitment to do that forever. Neither of them are particularly good at expressing themselves sincerely and openly, but they find comfort in one another, making for a surprisingly cute couple.

    Azura: Do you really mean that? I am so grateful we found each other. I'll treasure this ring---and you---always.
    Niles: Thank you, milady. I never expected to find such happiness.

    In Fates you'd be hard-pressed to name a sweeter individual than Benny (other than maybe Benny's son, Ignatius). So it should come as no surprise that Benny and Azura are absolutely adorable together. Their support revolves around Azura trying to remember a song from her childhood, and Benny inadvertently helps her remember since the song is called "Bonds" and Benny's caring personality made him quick friends even with somebody like Azura. She's also super patient with him during the proposal which I think is just the sweetest.

    Benny: Uh...I'm not very good with words.
    Azura: That's all right. Just take your time. I understand. I can be shy too.
    Benny: Thanks. Uh...
    Azura: It's OK, Benny. Whatever it is, you can tell me.
    Benny: Uh... I don't know how else to put this, so I'm just gonna spit it out.
    Azura: I am ready anytime.

    Finally, there's my personal favourite, Laslow. Of course, he makes his usual shallow attempts at flirting which Azura doesn't tolerate at all.

    Laslow: Why, yes. I suppose you're right. Breakfast then? We can watch the sun rise together!
    Azura: I think we both know you're hoping for more than a cup of tea. Please, excuse me.

    But through their performances, they grow to understand one another. They actually have a lot in common, and the end of their S support even reads like it's a performance.

    Azura: Nothing would make me happier. I'll sing with you in my thoughts...
    Laslow: ...And I'll dance with you in my heart.
    Azura: May our song never end!

    There are a few more miscellaneous moments with Azura that got a giggle out of me, and I feel like these moments are important because they make Azura an easier character to connect to by making her feel more human and less...plot device.

    She's revealed to be somewhat of a glutton with Xander.

    Azura: Oh, stop. There's no need to flatter me, Xander. I hardly said two words. I was busy stuffing my face with all of that food. What a feast!
    Xander: You did seem to be enjoying yourself. But still... In between those enormous bites, you said some profound things—just as I expected. Azura, it's quite possible that you could change the course of this whole war.

    Xander: it pains me so to hear you say that. I hope you'll reconsider... Did I mention dinner will be served?
    Azura: You're going to drag me there whether I like it or not, aren't you? Fine then. ...So are we going to have those warm, buttered rolls again? Just... curious.

    And she nags Takumi like a doting mother.

    Azura: I'm sorry. Your kimono is all twisted at the bottom. You'll want to fix that.
    Takumi: Uh... thanks?
    Azura: Oh, and one other thing. I noticed you barely ate two bites of your salad at lunch.

    She coldly rejects Odin

    Azura: Oh, I'm simply watching you and thinking. Actually, watching you makes me feel happy and calm for some reason.
    Odin: Milady! What are you saying?! C-could this be...a confession of secret love?!
    Azura: Oh no, that's not it at all. Don't worry, Odin, it's definitely nothing like that.

    And has some great inner dialogue during one of his "rituals"

    Azura: (Oh no, this isn't good. He's really getting into that weird song and dance... He's so focused. I have a feeling this could go on for quite a while... Oh gods... What will I do if someone sees what's happening right now? That might be more traumatizing than my memories. That's it, I can't let this go on...) Um...Odin? That spell is really amazing! I think it's already done the trick!

    Together, Azura's supports reveal that while she is a quiet and hard-to-approach person, she's also incredibly kind, somewhat sassy, strong-willed, and awkward, with her own sets of quirks and flaws that are at the core of what makes us all human. It's through these supports that Azura goes from being little more than a song to being a fleshed-out character with many sides to her personality. She reacts differently to different people in a manner that you'd expect, being more at ease around her family and Benny, while being much more guarded with people like Keaton and Azama, just like how any other person's personality differs depending on who they're with at the time. All of it comes together to paint the full picture of "Azura". I hope this look into her supports revealed that she is far more than what we see of her in the main story. Azura is one of my favourite characters in the series, and I'm happy I got to share with you all a little bit of why that is. Thanks for reading!

    Oh, and since it's March 3rd today, happy birthday Azura!

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    What does it take for them to be good? Armor knight - General - Marshall (SERIES FINALE)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:25 AM PST

    What does it take for them to be good? Armor knight - General - Marshall (SERIES FINALE)

    Why does Hannibal get such badass art anyway?

    Hello and welcome to the final part of: What does it take for them to be good? Honestly, it's kinda hard to believe it's over already, but at leats we'll go out with a bang, or as much of a bang this classline can afford. Since we covered what I consider to be the most powerful class in the last part, I wanted to cover what I consider to be the worst class in the entire seires, the armor knight classline. This class is very well know for pretty much being a meme in the community to the point that there are multiple posts both on this subreddit and Serene's forrest trying to make this classline good. Of course I'll try my best too, but no promises for now let's just look at how "good" this classline is in the games through the series. This analysis assumes the hardest difficulties, no grinding and fast play.

    Analyzing their viability through the games


    • Draug is bad. His bases are pretty mediocre and most of his growth rates are just sad, he does have a 40% speed growth and he can use swords so he can potentially double some enemies as enemy quality in FE1 is pretty low, but then Draug has another thing to worry about, his weapon level, OK but aside from that he has to worry about his, low luck, OK cutting to the chase here, it's his movement. Draug will have the lowest movement in your army for most of the game, this is awful as movement is by far te most important stat in the entire series. Low movement means that he will likely be left in the dust by your mounted units and even everyone else unless you're playing really slowly, but even then Draug isn't a very useful unit anyway. You'd think that warp and boots would help him, but there are so many better candidtes for those two that neither he or Lorenz will ever even imagine getting them, heck Draug can't even promote. Lorenz is actually servicable due to his decent bases and he can even wield the Gradivus at base, he is unfortunately locked to 5 movement, but if most of your other units died you can imagine him contributing, at least. Listen, I'm trying to think of something nice to say. Also, Roger exists.


    • This is an interesting game for them as Lukas is actually excellent. 4 movement sucks sure and his growths are nonexistant, but since the enemy quality in Gaiden is so low and you only need 1 point of speed higher than the enemies have to double Lukas will actually be doubling for a long time. You can also give him the speed ring which gives +5 movement and just gives you 40 speed to him and he will double everything while taking little damage from phisycal enemies, but anyone can make good use of said ring. However, Lukas has another trick up his sleeve, he will likely promote in act 1 and he can make great use of Slique's warp to be one of your best combat units through Alm's route. Forsyth and Valbar aren't as good, but Lukas likely holds the tile of the best armor knight in the series, thought that might not sound that impressive.


    • Book 1: Draug has recieved some upgrades and there is forced dismounting indoors in this game, but even that isn't enough to make him good as you simply promote your archers and mercenaries to take care of indoor chapters and while general promotion bonuses are nice, they don't give him additional movement and his poor luck often makes him a bad tank too. Lorenz is better as he comes prepormoted and can wield the Gradivus at base and he will be the only indoor unit that can do that besides a level 10 general Draug. Lorenz serves as decent filler for the last few chapters, but ins't anything particularly useful, especially if you're warpskipping
    • Book 2: Due to the though enemies of book 2 you'd think that a tank woud be very useful here. Well, you'd be wrong as Draug's poor luck plagues him again to the poit that the wyverns have crit on him and as such he isn't a viable choice and Arran is plenty tanky anyway. His defense also doesn't matter against the many dragons in book 2 as they ignore defense and he will need to be a level 10 general to use the Gradivus due to his poor weapon level growth. Sheena is an Est and while he can use the Gradivus at base, he bases are stil unimpressive and she still suffers from 5 movement.


    • Do I even need to say anything here? Hannibal and Arden are meme tier units that will never reach battle with their 5 movement even with the leg ring, sure their combat isn't that bad, but most enemies in FE4 are jobbers so it isn't that impressive. They reallyjust stuck. Wait, Arden gives you the pursuit ring, take back everything I said 10/10 unit, better than Seth, Robin, Sigurd and almost as good as Leon.


    • Dalsin isn't that great, but in Manster you've gotta work with what you've got so Dalsin can actually make for a decent phisycal tank and he can even be a good capture bot if you give him the brave axe. However, due to the standard armor knight problems you're likely just gonna leave him behind in chapter 6 so you can get to chapter 21x. Xavier actually has some nice weapon ranks, an authority star, wrath, accost, pasvise and even 6 movement which is the standard infantry movement for most classes. If you discount his recruitment condition he seems pretty good, but he comes so late when you've likely gotten a bunch of strong staff users and comes with low magic which is awful in the last few chapters of thracia even with a pure water and it's not like his contributions are that important. Far from their worst game, but still not great


    • They really suck in this game. Every armor knight in this game comes with bad stats, on top of having low movement in the big maps of FE6 and FE6 usually encourages you to play fast, so there's no reason to really use any armor knight or general in this game.


    • Wallace sucks, but then we have Oswin who is actually good. He comes with great bases and very close to promotion while having nearely perfect availability. Due to FE7 having so many defend maps he can contribute despite his low movement and promoting him gives you a great tank for the rest of the game. He does still really suffer from FE7 being mount dominated and having only 5 movement post promotion, but he's still a pretty solid unit overall.


    • Armor knights and generals are pretty pointless in this game as Seth wrecks most of the game already, so there isn't really a need for a tank and their low movement hampers them a lot in this game as well. They can at least promote to the great knight class now, which isn't that great due to 6 movement while still having paladin terrain penalties, but it's something at least.


    • Still pretty pointless here as BEXP makes your mounted units broken and enemy quality is really low, but at least Gatrie has some nice earlygame contributions, while Tauroneo can make for a decent lategame filler unit, but for the most part they aren't very useful.


    • This game has an interesting balancing approach. Now, Meg is the definition of trash, but Tauroneo is your best unit in two maps (1-6) before he disappears, Brom is your best unit in 2-1 and can be decent for a few other maps and Gatrie is pretty solid all around. Gatrie is the best member of this class due to his good availability, on top of his solid bases and growths. Due to magic users being really bad in this game Gatrie is gonna be a great tank for nearely the entrie game and his 20 base speed along with his 60% speed growth ensure that he won't be getting doubled much, on top of hitting back very hard. His main flaw is the poor speed cap of the General and Marshall classline and low movement in the often big maps of RD, while also not being able to make great use of ledges. Still, Gatrie is a solid unit and a can usually get a spot on most greil mercenary teams without too much difficulty. Brom and Tauroneo sadly aren't that great when they join back. RD is one of their better games suprisingly enough.


    • Now, this class is fairly situational, but it's great for some maps and if you wanna train up Wolf and Sedgar as it's gonna build up their bulk a lot and make them hard to kill. This isn't even a bad class against Medeus as a capped general Wolf or Sedgar are one of the few things that can survive a round against Medeus and getting doubled isn't that bad when almost everyone is gonna get doubled if not in the faster classes. Still, it isn't something you wanna remain in for very long and isn't that useful if you're warpskipping.


    • Now, this class is the king of the earlygame. Armor knight is the class that makes the prologue on Lunatic and Lunatic Reverse not seem that bad and is overall Kris' best class for the prologue maps. After that, general Arran is really good in chapter 1 as he isn't gonna get doubled by brigands while deling great damage with the silver lance and is great in chapter 3 due to his bulk and bow access. After that the armor knight/general class becomes mostly irrelevant with some situational use. While still far from a great game for them, their earlygame dominance is nothing to scoff at.


    • Uh, I don't remember any armor knights in this game. That's a shame as he would probably be called Kellam and his nice physical bulk, along with pair up bonuses which give more defense would be pretty useful and there would be some useful points to choke like in the Emmeryn defense chapter. After that he'd probably be relegated to a pair up bot for a unit that appreciates extra bulk and at most would be promoted to give some rally defense. Unfortunately I don't remember getting any armor knight in Awakening and there isn't really any reason to reclass anyone into said class.


    • Once again we have a suprisingly good unit this time. Effie isn't even that durable and while she has a good speed growths her poor base speed stops her from doubling much in Conquest. However, she has a crazy strength growth and along with her personal skill she will be able to one shot a lot of annyoing enemies like mages or ninjas with a forged javelin and can make for a solid combat unit with an early promotion to great knight and a brave lance. You can also reclass her into a general as while she isn't gonna be doubling much anyway and wary fighter makes pretty durable overall. Benny isn't very good overall, but he can make for a decent pair up bot if early promoted and if you don't like using Xander for some reason Benny can make for a decent tank. Having a general with wary fighter is really crucial for getting through the Kitsune chapter without losing you sanity, but capturing a general is also an option. Anyway, Effie and Benny suck in Revelation, but that's just Rev. Wary fighter is a pretty interesting skill and some maps in CQ do make you wish to have a general with you, but CQ seems to have mostly made enemy generals monsters more than anything else, though this is still a good game for them overall. Fun fact: if you reclass Corrin into great knight they become weak to every effective weapon in the game

    Echoes: SoV

    • Uh, Lukas has some nice earlygame contributions being your best unit alongside Alm until the villagers promote and can make for a budget ridersbane user if you really hate Clive. Forsyth is trash, but he can bait some witches reliably due to his 5 res and can double some thunder withes along with being a one dollar store ridersbane user if you're doing an ironaman and every other lance user on Alm's route died somehow. Valbar will choke a couple of points and have some combat contributions against a few enemies so that your mages, mercs and Leon can pick them off. OK, I've been delaying this, but the soilder classline isn't very good in SoV. This is a bit strange as every class in SoV is used in LTCs, besides the soilder class. Aynway, this isn't their worst game, but I'd struggle calling them good.

    3 Houses

    • Not a bad game for them actually, while still wastly outclassed armored knight is a good class for female guard adjutants and it's not a bad idea to spec into armor for weight -3. The high defense of the armored class at 12 is also pretty significant for a high number of units, later a fortress knight can be pretty useful on some maps due to maddening enemies being really fast getting doubled isn't a dealbreaker and having great physical protection isn't bad either as anti-armor weapons are pretty rare overall and you just need to be careful not to get into mage range, if your unit is going into th grappler/warmaster classline it's not a bad idea to certify into the fortress knight class too for the additional HP and defense. Heck, even their movement isn't that bad as 3H gives you a bunch of tools to rectify said problem. Still, it's far from an endgame class, but 3H is one of the kinder games to them.

    What makes them bad?

    Low movement. Armor knights stand out by having the lowest movement out of all classes or among the lowest movement in every FE game. As movement is the most important stat I don't think I need to expalin to you why this is bad. Even worse, armor knights often boast low speed as well, which is also awful as that means they're often gonna get doubled or not double enemies. Fire Emblem mostly encourages agressive play and unfortunately armor knights don't work very well with said design philosophy as they're meant to be a defensive class.

    What does it take for them to be good?

    So, to avoid the obvious answer that hacks like Vision quest or Souls of the Forrest used, which is: "Just give them more movement, lol". Let's try something different. Armor knight get acsess to the full weapon triangle and later generals get access to bows as well. They will have higher ranks in said weapons than most units and will have higher base stats than most classes in the game as well. Enemies will be of very high quality, so their defense and slightly higher weapon ranks and stats will actually matter and they can also get access to powerful skills like innate provoke or wary fighter. Also, mounted units have low bases and caps so they can't just snowball through the entire game. Still, leave some weaknesses, like having poor resistance and not doubling so they aren't too good. Maybe, my ideas won't work, but at least it's something.

    And that's the end of the series. Thank you so much for following this series for so long and also giving this silly series a platinum award for the best mechanical discussion of 2020. As always have a great rest of your day and I'll be making a catalogue where all the parts will be easley accessible soon.

    Previously: Wyvern rider - Wyvern lord

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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