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    Tuesday, March 30, 2021

    Fire Emblem Spring Minerva as in GBA style!

    Fire Emblem Spring Minerva as in GBA style!

    Spring Minerva as in GBA style!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Exalt Lucina

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Bernadetta throws Sylvain into the fire

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    [Original Art] Warrior Priestess, Celica

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    His Knight (Dimigrid/Redraw!)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    Guys someone can explain why Byleth choose Golden Deer.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    [OC][Art] “After we graduate, I’m gonna leave Fódlan and travel the world!”

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    [OC] Severa (Robin) from FE13. Burnt out after this but I’ve wanted to draw her for a while. Twintails aren’t as long as I’d like but proud overall.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    Spoilers for Three Houses

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    Bernadetta enjoying the Cherry Blossom, Watercolor by Me [OC]

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    [oc] Nifl Princess Fjorm ❄️

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:55 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    Chibi Dimitri on a coaster I made out of epoxy resin & glitter.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    GBA AI really makes me appreciate how consistent the AI in DS FE is

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    I'm currently replaying FE6, and I have to say, the AI feels like a complete black box to me. It's really hard to tell what makes the AI make what decision and why. Looking at the factors described here, it looks like the biggest factors are if they will kill, and then if they won't, expected damage, alongside a bonus for pushing enemies below 20 hp, and a penalty for reducing themselves below 20 hp. In practice, this makes it really hard to know what an enemy is actually going to do. You can figure it out, but it's a lot of maths to figure out the exact targeting priority. You need to run these calculations for every weapon and every unit that's going to be in range.

    DS AI is a lot simpler. Will it kill, what is the expected damage. It prioritizes doing the absolute most damage, with no or little regards for its own safety, no regards for being countered, and counts crit chances above 2 as a certainty.

    What this effectively means is that for a casual player (Hi, thats me), it's a lot easier to engage in AI manipulation, which I find super fun to do... But also super tedious in GBA. When playing FE12, it's nearly mandatory to have a handle on the AI to get past the higher difficulties, and it feels really smart when you bait it into doing what you want. And once you do understand it, it's really easy to predict what the enemy will do.

    This is anecdotal, but here's a situation I'll give as an example from FE6 that just has me scratching my head. Chapter 7. The wyvern with a javelin has three targets in range. Treck, holding an iron lance, Wolt, holding a steel bow, and Marcus (21 hp), holding a silver lance but can only be attacked at 1 range due to an enemy blocking the only available 2 range slot. We know that the GBA AI hates getting countered, and none of them are in death range from the wyvern. So which will it attack? Well, it'll attack Treck, obviously, right? It gets a bonus to priority because of no counter, and Treck has low enough defence that he'll probably take similar damage to Marcus from the javelin. So he'll go for Treck.

    Wrong. He went for Marcus and got countered for 22 damage in the face.

    Later in the map, I have to reset, and as luck would have it, I get into the exact same situation with the same hp values due to redoing the exact same strategy. And this time, the wyvern goes for Treck.


    What changed?

    It's just impossible to properly predict in any context other than LTC. You can make guesses, but even doing the same thing twice in a row, it just randomly does something different, and it's really frustrating to try to predict AI in a game like that.

    This bit is just an aside, but I'll also add that GBA AI is particularly frustrating compared to DS AI since its tendency to hate getting countered means it often prefers attacking at 2 range than 1 range even if the 1 range weapon is better most of the time in order to avoid taking damage, which can make it feel like a slog in a game like FE6 where your own 1-2 range is rather lacking.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Brainstorming new and (hopefully) interesting classes and class trees for the series. Open to suggestions, questions, and opinions.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Three Houses chapter 10 is a HUGE mess

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    It's no secret that 3H had a somewhat rocky development having been delayed twice and feeling quite unfinished on release. Still, 3H managed to end up being a pretty good game overall despite it flaws. However, if there's one part that you always have to go through regardless of route, that is unsatisfying both story and gameplay wise and that feels like it was 3 different writers writting plots that purpeously conflicted with each other, it would definetely be chapter 10.

    The gameplay side

    Not gonna focus on this too much as it's pretty standard 3H gameplay. The map design is pretty lame overall, without anything too interesting going for it. Heck, the map is also reused for 2 seperate paralogues, so I guess the devs were really proud of it. For the most part it's just kind of a boring map, but nothing too annoying or tiedious.


    So, I know that this is still early in the game, but could the devs tried to make the map a bit more unique? Like, this is the map where 2 major villains get defeated, shouldn't we get something at least a bit more epic? Even when it was just minor villains like Murdock or Hans or Jarod, at least all of them got maps that felt significant because the devs understood that defeating them was a significant victory for the player and that's why they were parts of memorable maps. However, here it's just another map that's reused a bunch of times again, nothing really special or memorable about it.

    The story side

    Now, this is the part I wanted to focus on as there are just so many things wrong with it.


    3H is one of the best examples of the "I've been defeated, but I can't fall here. I must retreat!" trope as bosses such as Hubert or The Death Knight get defeated so many times, just to retreat it almost becomes comical. So, why did the devs decide to make Kronya, one of the more unique Agarathans design wise, a one off boss. The excuse of Byleth or the rest of the cast not being merciful doesn't even work as Dimitri can hit somebody with his most powerful attack while activating his crest that gives his superhuman strength with the Lance of Ruin and all Hubert would do is limp a bit and retreat or teleport away, but suddenly Kronya can't just do the same? Reminder, this is the person that killed Jeralt, Byleth's father, imagine if The Black Knight was killed a chapter after Greil's death and was never seen again, wouldn't that be lame?

    Solon's spell

    While Kronya is running away Solon appears and rips Kronya's heart out so he can perform the Forbidden Spell of Zahras. Umm, what is this spell about? Is it some kind of special spell made to kill Sothis? How come it's never used again? Are there any other requrements for it aside from needing a sacrifice? Can it stop Byleth from using divine pulse or is Byleth just stupid? Are there any other spells that require sacrifices to be used by the Agarathans? Actually, who or what even is Zaharas?

    For a fairly major plot point, it's not explained very much at all and is just kinda left in the dust afterwards. You could as easely say that Solon appeared and just shot Byleth in the face with a gun. At least it would be a bit funny then.

    Merging with Sothis

    So, the Spell of Zaharas was made spesifically to kill Byleth, OK I got that. And it failed at it's job marveously. But, how did Byleth get out of the shadow realm anyway? They merged with Sothis and cut a hole in between dimensions to escape. OK, but how does that work? I guess that since Sothis can control time, she could also control space, but how come this is never brought up again. Is it just some kind of one off thing or can Byleth use it anytime? Because if it's the ladder then I wonder why Byleth never though of using the ability to cut dimension in any situation. Heck, does the power of God and anime not have any additional applications besides countering one very spesific spell?

    To go even further let's talk about what Sothis say: "Both sides of time are revealed to you... and you alone. You know I am the Beginning. What shall you do?". Those lines make no sense, Byleth doesn't know anythign about Sothis, both sides of time aren't revealed to them at all and how would Byleth know to cut a hole in the dimesnion anyway? We hear that Sothis does a bunch of things like fly or heal the continent, so can Byleth do the same? I guess they wouldn't know how to, but then how did they know how to cut a hole in the dimesnion? And this whole stupid plot point brings me to my final point

    The sacrifice Sothis has to make

    In order to use the power of a God, Sothis and Byleth need to merge. This is described as a sacrifice by Sothis.

    Sothis"I must now use the power of a God. However, I lack a body of my own. And so, I must relinquish all the power that I have... to you. The time has come for you and I to join as one. And when that comes to pass... then I shall disappear. (...) My soul will join with yours. and you and I will never be apart. But... I will no longer have the chance to speak with you. I shall miss it.

    Excpet, none of that happens at all. Sothis is a romancable option at the end of the game and she comes back like nothing happened at all. So, when you come down to it, it wasn't a sacrifice at all. Really, Sothis only went on an extended vacation. She talks to you when Byleth is asleep and people have even theorised that Sothis is the one that made the crest stone Byleth has disappear in CF as it doesn't disappear in SS, even if Rhea dies. So, nothing really happened at all in chapter 10. 2 minor villains were defeated unceremoneously, Byleth got a new hair color, they got an upgraded sword and Sothis went off on a vacation for a while. What a lame chapter.


    In my mani hopes of the next FE game not following 3H in almost any aspect, it was nice of the devs to give me a chapter that I could point to and say, don't repeat any of that and actively avoid it, excpet the music. The music is pretty sweet and the voice acting as well.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    when your game finally gets translated and then gets taken off the e-shop 3 months later

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Question: In Fire Emblem Fates, can you encounter your spouse in the hot spring? If so, what happens?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    So, in the home area, you can build a hot spring where you'll encounter either male or female characters bathing in their underwear. If you encounter the same gender, you'll have a chat, but if you encounter the opposite gender, you'll run out, sometimes being chased. I've never encountered the player's spouse after they wed and there are no YouTube videos showcasing it.

    submitted by /u/SomLuzur
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    Draug Fan Art

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    What is your opinion on Felix?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I find Felix kinda weird in that people either like him a lot or hate him. Rarely is it an in between. Personally I like the guy as he basically Vergil if he was good. That and the fact he the only one to ever call out people and "honor as a knight". Unit wise though he alright to me.

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Emblian Orbs

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    Conquest Lunatic Negative Growths - Chapter 20

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Rutger's PTSD-how The Binding Blade sensitively potrays living with a mental health condition

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    This isn't a post about why Noah is best boy, how Zephiel was completely right, how FE6 wambush spawns is actually excellent or anything else that's been discussed by 5 people that care enough about FE6 to still post something about it instead of talking about the newer games and gain karma. This is to specifically praise the writers of this game for their deft handling of an issue that is very important in today's society. Of course this is the same game that showcases how an abuse victim like Zephiel who suffers from multiple mental issues is a irredemable monster that must be killed in order to save the continent..., wait. Now, I might not be an expert on this field, but I read about mental disorders for 5 minutes on the internet, so I'm pretty much an expert on this field. As I played through this game, I was impressed over and over with how well-written and how humanistically Rutger's symptoms of PTSD were handled. The impact it has on his personality, relationships, and philosophy is massive, and I want to point out some general writting tools writers use when they don't wanna actually explore mental issues and instead use shortcuts in order to make it seem like a character is more complex then they are in reality, I mean make a totally serious analysis.

    1. His symptoms are incredebly accurate - His anti social behaviour and constant anger issues are clear examples of symptoms somebody whose suffered through PTSD has suffered through. Now, you might say that these are just normal aspect of the Navarre archetype and that it doesn't really do anything aside from surface level comparisons as the writers don't explore mental issues very deeply. To this I say that you're nitpicking and biased, bye, bye.
    2. His coping strategies are true to life - Rutger tries to actively avoid Clarine and Fir in most of his supports. He's given up on things like love, friendship, and simple human experiences because of his trauma. When you see your family being slaughtered before your very eyes you get the need to wear sick hoodies (seriously does anybody know where I can get one) and listen to copious amounts of Linkin Park. Rutger also refuses to spar with Karel as Karel is someone who was like Rutger once and Rutger tries to trick himself into believing that there's no hope for him and that he's doomed to an awful death as he doesn't believe that the gods he worships woud forgive his actions. Wait, is Rutger actually well written? Uhhh, I mean, Edgy sword man go brrrr.
    3. His mask isn't who he truly is - Rutger presents himself as edgelord supreme, but we see many times how he is actually a caring individual. He saves Clarine, when there was no benefit to him to save her, he apologises to Dieck for making him listen to his backstory, he refuses to spar with Fir to spare her from dying due to coming as a level 1 unit several chapters after Rutger joins, etc. However Rutger tries to present himself as a guy that would unironically tell you how he studied the blade for 5 hours straight, so that you wouldn't get too close to him. Which is why he's so close to Dieck and ignores Dieck when he asks him to leave him alone, what is this consistency thing you're talking about?
    4. His gameplay is consistent with his story self - Rutger comes with pretty good bases and a high base level because he's an experienced mercenary. However, the main aspect that the game captures is his stupid ambush spawn that is the equivalent of getting kicked in the ribs. This is prefectly representative of how he'd actually fight by ambushing you before telling you "nothing personell".
    5. He isn't "fixed" by the end of the game - There isn't a support in FE6 where anyone basically tells Rutger to stop being a jerk and it ends like that. In fact Dayan even encourages Rutger to take revenge due to the culture of Sacae. The main point is that Rutger really doesn't have anything else to do besides take revenge and this is his main character flaw. We can only hope that after the end of the game Rutger manages to find a new life as he disappears after the end of the war. Oh no, I'm doing a serious analysis again.
    6. He rejects simple solutions - If you wanna take revenge on a large amount of people, you'd likely want something that can be used from afar to make it easyer to kill them without exposing yourself to danger. But not Rutger, he spesifically chooses to use the only weapon type that's locked to 1 range, now that's dedication.
    7. His haterd of Bern makes complete sense - Well, duh.
    8. He wants to get revenge to give his suffering meaning - Before he was recruited by Clarine, Rutger just planned to get close to important figures in Bern with his swordsmanship and do as much damage he can from the inside before he dies. Rutger doesn't value his own life. He would rather die than ever feel close to anyone ever again. This is why it takes up to an A support with Clarine for him to open up to her and why he only starts acknowledging Karel's advice at his A support with him. Ultimately, Rutger is a unique revenge story in FE as despite being super edgy it's taken seriously and with enough respect that Rutger manages to stand out, despite being Navarre 2.0. Oh Naga, Rutger is actually well written, despite some writting misteps.

    Anyway, I mentioned an important issue in society and a popular FE character. I expect my reddit gold 5 minutes after this is posted. Also, try figuring out if any part of my analysis was serious.

    submitted by /u/Kind_Cauliflower160
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