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    Thursday, November 4, 2021

    Fire Emblem [Original Art] Princess of Renais, Eirika

    Fire Emblem [Original Art] Princess of Renais, Eirika

    [Original Art] Princess of Renais, Eirika

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    when youre playing shadow dragon chapter 20 and camus starts moving before you enter his range

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    3H Dancer Mitama (Commission by @h_nyoro)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    I know that Sacred Stones is an easy game and all but I'm still proud of the fact that I finished off the final boss with a trained Marisa all the same.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    Halloween/Inktober Kronya

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    [OC][Art][FE6/7] Warm Light: Lucius + young Araphen trio

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    New classmate

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 06:33 PM PDT

    smol Lucina doesn't want to let go of Morgan for his naptime | by @Loustica_Lucia

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Janaff! I've never used him, have any of you? Is he any good?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Shirtless Atlas ;)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Great Lord Dimitri Cosplay

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    Who is your favourite secondary villain? Why?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    Date with Fir [commission drawn by @BPunapuna on Twitter]

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    Easy Fixes to "Difficulty Problems" with an Open Class System

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    So lately I have been seeing all sorts of posts that take it completely for granted that "if you have a system where any character can be any class, then it is impossible to balance." The problem is, I don't see the logic in that statement at all. Nearly all the complaints I see about Three Houses related to classes can be easily fixed in a way that still allows for a very open re-class system. Personally, I have loved the variety that crazy re-classes bring to repeat playthroughs, so I would hate to see them go. But at the same time, I would love for something a little more challenging than the "Hard" setting on Three Houses. Here are my thoughts:

    • Bring back the Weapon Triangle in earnest and get rid of Axe/Lance/Sword Breaker skills/abilities
      • One frustration I've seen a lot is the idea that a player can just make all of their units into one or two of the "best" classes in the game and then wreck everything. IMO, this is made a lot worse because every class in 3H can has no consequences whatsover to using their preferred weapon outside of the occasional enemy skill. Rather than locking characters into particular class families, just bring back real consequences to having an un-balanced party. Maybe your group of 8 Wyvern Lords just wrecked the map full of paladins, but now on this map there are crap-tons of Sword Masters, Heroes, and Archers. This way, you can still do crazy class compositions for fun, but you would be much more rewarded for having a healthy mix of different weapon wielders. Likewise, by getting rid of the Breaker skills, you can't just slap a Sword Breaker on your Warrior Hilda to mitigate any consequences of your class choice.

    • Either limit weapon choice by class, or add disadvantages to using a weapon type that is not class supported
      • Very much in the same vein as the last point, but this is in regards to 3H adding the ability for any class to wield whatever weapon they want. Easiest solution is to just bring back the class-specific weapon sets from the Fire Emblem's of yesteryear and call it a day, but I want to offer another solution too. Why not say, sure, your assassin can wave around a Killer Axe if you really want, but there will be some negative effects to using something so wildly out of their normal tool set. Sky's the limit here, but some ideas I had are: negative stat modifiers (i.e. lower hit, lower crit, lower strength or defense, etc), no weapon triangle advantage (you don't get an advantage against lances for using an axe on a class without axe proficiency), class specific skills stop working (i.e. your assassin can't proc Assassinate when using an axe), cap on weapon rank (maybe an assassin can only ever use D rank axes and lower, or maybe they can only raise their Axe rank to C at most). I think this preserves fun options for the player while still allowing the devs to add in greater difficulty against people going all-in on certain classes or class compositions.

    • More limits on skill/ability transfers, more class specific abilities, or both
      • A lot of the really dumb stuff that can be done in modern Fire Emblem is a result of the skills system. Namely, the ability to learn a skill in one class and carry it over to a different one. I don't think this is necessarily a problem on paper, but it does absolutely require that nearly ALL the skills are well thought out and balanced around each other, taking into account that players WILL be transferring a lot of skills between classes. 3H does have a problem where certain skills are so good or so centralizing that essentially every character has to take them. I think we can work around these pitfalls without scrapping the whole system, though. The two options would be (and you could easily do either or both):
        • Only allow 1 or 2 skills total to ever transfer between classes. 3H allows up to 5, which is insane, and a lot of other games also allow all sorts of skill transference like this. By only allowing 1-2 skills, a player no longer has to feel the need to re-class into 6 wildly differing classes just to nag those special cheese builds, and the devs don't have to worry quite as much about foreseeing every single skill possibility known to man when working on difficulty. 1 would be ideal if you valued balance above all, while I think 2 would still allow for some decent player customization while still being several degrees less complex than the current 5 skill system
        • Class abilities count toward the 5 total skill limit. Fire Emblem has had several games where certain classes come with baked in skills, visible or not. 3H stands out as the first game where almost every class has multiple skills linked to it that are active as long as the unit is in the class. The way to reduce complexity and cheese, then, is to take a lot of the mix and match skills and instead tie them directly to the class. Then instead of having the class abilities, and 5 of whatever learned abilities the unit has acquired, the class abilities count toward the 5 total limit. We already see this happening with some classes like Hero automatically having the Vantage skill from Mercenary, but this could be much more broadly applied across all the Advanced and Master classes. You could also use this as class balance itself, with stronger classes like Wyvern Lord having more base skills and, as a result, maybe only 1 open skill slot for customization.

    • Varied Map Objectives
      • This has already been hammered to death in every other conversation about 3H, so I'll only point out that if a variety of map objectives cater to different kinds of classes, then by necessity the game will be harder if you limit yourself to a handful of class types. This allows class selection itself to be part of the tactics and difficulty of the game, rather then something that destroys the difficulty.

    • Allow Early Promotion for Natural Classes but Lock Advanced+ Re-class Options
      • Probably my least-preferred option here, but something that would still make sense in the context of 3H. While a unit is still in the Novice and Intermediate class, allow complete freedom to re-class to whatever. In addition, the requirements for promotion into an advanced class are lower for the natural class path the unit is in. Example, Ferdinand is in the Cavalier intermediate class, and gets the option to promote to Paladin at level 15-17 (rough numbers) but every other Advanced class would require a level of 20. If he re-classed to Fighter, then he would have to wait until level 20 to promote to any Advanced class (including Paladin). BUT, as soon as they upgrade to an Advanced class, the re-class options are locked into the normal re-class options for that class group. As in, a Warrior could reclass to a Hero or a Berserker/War Master, but nothing else. This would present the player with a choice:
        • Promote early to have an easier time on the maps with a stronger unit/skills but lose out on some extra skills OR
        • Be stuck with a slightly weaker unit with worse skills for several additional levels, but with a potentially better skill combination in the final Advanced class
      • Granted, for this to work properly would require a lot more investment from the Devs. There would need to be a difficulty spike in enemies around level 15 so that there is a clear benefit from early promotion, and the intermediate classes would need some decent skills to make the disadvantage of re-classing worth it in the long run. Bit of a mess, but something that could work, IMO.

    So, am I crazy? Would these options solve your gripes with the difficulty of Three Houses while retaining the option to swap into whatever class you want. Or maybe the thought of free re-classing is just completely repugnant to some? Let me know.

    submitted by /u/Grumbletendo
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    Reviving an old project of mine and starting from scratch I’m currently drawing every Smash Bros character in roster order Fighter 25E: Chrom (I know this is bad but it’s better than what would be my first attempt)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Got this Forrest made for me by TristanCityMayor (source is in the original post I am linking)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    I Ironman every Fire Emblem game in the series, Part 1: Genealogy Gen 1

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    So, I recently embarked on a journey to Ironman every Fire Emblem game* and do a little retrospective on each one after I beat them. I decided to do it mainly because I haven't really Ironmanned an FE game before, but I've seen enough of them that I decided I would definitely like them. The other reason why is because I feel like I rarely play FE outside of my playstyle (a semi-completionist philosophy) and I wanted to go through each one with a different perspective to gain a bigger understanding of how these games are designed.

    So, I've put in place a bit of a weird rule set that I hope will make sense.

    -No Resetting, obviously

    -No Turnwheel, casual mode, or divine pulse

    -I will be playing through each FE storyline once. All this really means is that I'm playing the remakes of the first three games instead of the originals. The complete games list is Genealogy through Three houses, plus Tear Ring Saga, Warriors, and Vision Quest for fun.

    -I will be modifying some of the games for my enjoyment, such as playing Thracia with the patch that allows you to see where you deploy units, Fe6 and Revelations with balance patches, and adding the Fun is For Casuals ruleset (https://youtu.be/7tQ-wFywV1E) to Birthright

    -Everything else is fair game. I'm not limiting myself to the highest difficulties, just trying to have fun along the way.

    Anyway, with that out of the way, time for the first bit of documentation

    FE4 Gen 1: Deaths: Arden (died to Ayra), Laquesis (killed by Elliot on turn 4), Ethlyn and Quan (Retreated after Ethlyn died to the Maliky ballista squad), Sylvia (Intentionally Sacked during chapter 4 to make sure Lewyn didn't marry her, then revived), Ayra (Killed by a brave axe general in Chapter 5, then revived)

    MVPs: Holyn for one-rounding Eldigan without getting hit, Noish for carrying the earlygame, Lewyn for sweeping the last map almost singlehandedly

    Pairings: Adean Azel (accidental, meant to do Midir) Ayra Dew Silvia Midir (accidental, wanted the substitutes, but it was too late to fix it) Erin Claude Tailtyu Lewyn Lex Brigid

    FE4 Gen 1 is an excellent game held back by being really slow. There is a lot of castle management that is pretty convoluted, and tons of wide open space. With that being said, Genealogy is downright genius in how it's mechanics support it's meta-narratives. From the holy weapons creating Gods among men, to the limited weapons creating excellent unit feel (the weapons feel truly unique and like an extension of the character that holds them), and the ridiculously tough bosses making you feel like a champion for beating them, FE4 is an absolute joy to Ironman, especially because not being able to permanently save discourages the abuse of many of the boring FE4 mechanics. The arena feels much more impactful now because you can't just save-scum past it.

    FE4 doesn't seem like a good Ironman game, but I assure you that it is forgiving enough that it ends up being pretty fun. I might be biased though, as it is my favorite FE game.

    So yeah, I'll likely start FE4 Gen 2 soon. Feel free to list tips for Gen 2 and FE5, as they are the next games. If anyone else wants to come along for the ride with me, feel free to add your own stories in the comments.

    submitted by /u/HeroVP7
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    How could an FE4 remake expand on gen 2, but still remain faithful?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Haven't read any of the manga, but that might be a good place for IS to look for inspiration. I think it would be good if Seliph faced more challenges (like they did with Alm in SoV), but I don't know how they'd fit that in with him being set up to win. And definitely I'd want Seliph himself to have more character, but I hope he'd still be the same overall (my favorite lord lol).

    submitted by /u/BreadfruitJunior
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    Fixing Fire Emblem maps #1- Abducted Princess

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    If you somehow end up in one of the Fire Emblem worlds, which class would you try to become?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Personally I would try to be a Mercenary to later become a Hero because it's my favorite class to use in the GBA games and both Swords and Axes are my favorite weapons to use in these games.

    submitted by /u/PkmnTrainerLucas
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    Fire Emblem 3 Houses and putting yourself in a corner when designing a difficulty

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    A lot has been said about 3 Houses and in particular the Maddening difficulty. While 3H was criticised on release for how easy it was to break the game even before people found the optimal strats, Maddening was there to "fix" that aspect of 3H and in a way it sort of did. Enemies have a lot of annoying skills, high stats, there's a ton of them, they have strong weapons and of course there's the classic same turn reinforcements. Maddening is such an extreme jump in difficulty many people believe you can put an entire seperate difficulty mode in between hard and maddening. This has caused Maddening to gain the reputatuion of being an annoying slog that only is more frustrating than fun and is only really enjoyable if you're on New game+ and have the ability to progress the game faster and get most of your characters battle ready fairly quickly.H. And I while I do agree that most of the criticism is warranted, I must ask. What were the devs supposed to do?

    3H is the most open FE game to date. Everyone can be any class (besides the gender locked classes) in almost any map of the game. No more are the days of that crappy armor knight being an armor knight, now they become a wyvern rider. And while it is fun at first, you quickly start to figure out that the game isn't really equipped to deal with all the tools the player has at their disposal. The maps in particular are extremely suceptible to warp + flyer strats and you can also rig the desired outcome way easyer thanks to the fact that you get the stride battalion super early and you can just rewind once you mess up thanks to divine pulse. And even if you don't just use the most optimal starts you will probably start outpacing the enemies significantly fairly quickly. So, the only real way to combat all the tools the player has is to significantly buff the enemies stats, give them a bunch of powerful skills and also let them attack on the same turn they arrive, to waste the players DPs.

    A lot of people like to mention Conquest and how it managed to make a challenging difficutly without resorting to big stat inflation and ambush spawns, but Fates and 3H are fundamentally different games. Despite all the freedom the devs can still know what tools the player has somewhat well, while in 3H that's not really possible. Just look at Cindered Shadows. Yes, the maps are very flawed, but they are overall of a higher quality than that of regular 3H because the devs know what tools the player has access to in every map and can design around that, while at the same time wastly limiting the number of DPs the player can use.

    Ultimately, I'm afraid that due to the financial and critical success of 3H IS will continue to follow in it's footsteps when designing the next FE game and as such I cannot see any way to make a compelling difficulty, as once you start limiting the number of tools the player has in every map and designing around that you're just not making 3H anymore, but something different.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Am I ready for Conquest?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    I have played awakening on normal as my first FE game and proceeded to play birthright on hard without Ryoma and without any grinding. Would conquest on hard still kick my ass?

    Or just skip conquest and play three houses

    submitted by /u/INeverTried
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