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    Monday, December 13, 2021

    Fire Emblem Happy Birthday Bernie!! She grew up! πŸ₯ΊπŸ’œ (OC)

    Fire Emblem Happy Birthday Bernie!! She grew up! ���� (OC)

    Happy Birthday Bernie!! She grew up! ���� (OC)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 09:30 PM PST

    Ironmanned the Japanese Version of FE8 on hard mode. Final status

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 02:36 AM PST

    Gatekeeper drawn by Kyle McCarley (his VA), Erica Mendez (Bernadetta), & Katelyn Gault (Ladislava) at Tekko 2021 (details in comments)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 09:21 PM PST

    Happy Birthday to Bernie!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2021 09:28 PM PST

    FE Hack/Fangame Recommendations?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 05:16 AM PST

    Yep, it's that time again. Idk why, but I enjoy playing FE and I love seeing what FE hacks are out there. Give me your fave FE hacks/fangames, and I'll play it and get back to you and tell you if I liked it. If you recommend something that I've already played, I'll tell you my opinions of it right off the bat. I generally prefer fun gameplay over story, but I'm hoping that any recs have a bit of both.

    submitted by /u/GullibleParsley08
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    I Ironman Every Fire Emblem Game in the Series, Part 5: Three Houses CF.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 04:54 AM PST

    To recap real quick, I decided a while ago that I was going to Ironman pretty much every FE game in the series. There are more specific rules and stuff in the first post, which is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/qn1vvk/i_ironman_every_fire_emblem_game_in_the_series/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf And here is the last part (Sacred Stones), in case you missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/r1g41x/i_ironman_every_fe_game_in_the_series_part_4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    For this fifth installment, I completed a Fire Emblem Three Houses Crimson Flower Ironman on hard.

    The rules for this run were a bit weird, as TH isn't exactly designed for an ironman in the traditional sense. Here they are:


    No Turnwheel

    Exploring is not allowed unless the game explicitly makes me do it (only exception was to get a dancer)

    Aux battles are banned aside from the first forced one (paralogues are fine)

    Gambits and Battalions were banned for the first half of the game, but unbanned after the Claude map (my units were seriously Underleveled due to the lack of grinding, so these were required to give me any sense of reliability for the final boss and a few strong waves of enemies in certain maps)

    NG+ is allowed exclusively to buy B supports (as Byleth couldn't gain any skills through professor training, and therefore couldn't meet any recruitment criterion)

    Wyverns were banned aside from Seteth in his paralogue.


    Petra died to a misclick against Kronya

    Casper died on the Judith map to a 50% hit 10% crit from a brave bow sniper

    Hubert died on the Claude map to me forgetting about Fiendish Blow (a bunch of people were in danger, Hubert could kill a wyvern on player phase, so I assumed he would survive being doubled by killing the Wyvern before it's second attack. Therefore I didn't commit a warp/dance to him that turn, and he died)

    Alois died on the Felix/Rodrigue/Cornelia map to me just not paying attention. I put him in range of a Warrior thinking he could bait it safely, but the generic Warrior had nearly double his speed for some reason, and he got one-rounded

    Ferdinand died on the Dmitri/Rhea map to a 57% hit 1% crit from a random demon beast. I was so mad here, as my strat for Rhea's squad basically required me to have 5 combat units to deal with her safely, and Ferdie's death made that a lot harder. Because of this, I had to try and brave lance Rhea with Jeritza (who could kill her in one turn through her healing, provided he dodged a 21% crit) He did not dodge the crit, and Jeritza also died, leaving it up to Lysithea to steal the kill, which she did.

    Finally, a level 25 archer Bernie died in the final battle. I was running out of units, so I used her as an encloser bot on the final map. The Pegasus reinforcements from behind were going to kill someone, and Bernie just happened to be the most convenient option to sack.


    Hubert: I did the Lorenz paralogue super early to get him Thyrsus, and I cannot overstate how fantastic 5 range mire is. Hubert absolutely shredded the hardest bosses and demon beasts of the first half, and he saved me several times from having to overextend to kill annoying enemies.

    Lysithea: I don't like using Lysithea. Her playstyle is super annoying, and I assumed her ridiculous frailty would make her a horrible pick for an Ironman.

    I was so, so wrong. Lysithea, a level 25 mage, came off the bench after Hubert died, gained about 10 levels immediately, and quickly transitioned into being the best unit in my army. Having a mage with high enough attack to decimate any enemy type is incredibly useful. Had I deployed any other unit that I had access to in the Rhea/Dmitri map, they would've failed to kill Rhea, causing the deaths of Shamir, themselves, and Sylvain (which would've killed the run). What an incredible unit.

    Jeritza: Despite not being around as long as the two mages, he came in at a time when I was horribly underleveled and underpowered, killed some bosses, held a front of the Seteth/Flayn map by himself, and generally Jeigen'd his way to victory. Had he not died, he could've easily taken out Final Map Rhea.

    Best Map: Last Map Pre-Timeskip: The Garreg Mach Siege/Defense mission is the first map that feels like a traditional Fire Emblem map. The map is super difficult, has tons of cool secondary objectives: killing the opposition's base captains (Death Knight and Hubert or Flayn and Gilbert), dealing with the charging army (Randolph and Ladislava or Seteth), supporting the green unit charge (Catherine and Shamir or Ladislava and Randolph), etc. I personally prefer the BL/SS/GD version of the map, but the Black Eagles version also feels great.

    Worst Map: The map that is literally 5 demon beasts thrown on an uninteresting map. It isn't bad, it's just boring, and the only way to lose the map is if Jeralt rushes in and dies to the beasts, which he is prone to doing because of his bad AI.

    Is this a good Ironman game: No. There are two main problems with Ironmanning Three Houses, as well as a minor third one that I found while running the game. The first big issue with the game is that it is designed around you using the turnwheel a lot for reliability. Because of this, the game is filled with high crit enemies, high evasion enemies, and very bulky enemies that are meant to be either taken out by 1 person with turnwheel support, or like 3 people without it. In general, the game can be a lot meaner and tell you a lot less when it knows you have 12 free resets per map. The other big problem is that this game is around 95% investment units, and units require much more investment to become good then other games. At the most, when you lose a unit in a GBA game, you can lose some weaponry, a gaiden chapter, and a promotion item. Losing a unit in the back half of three houses is losing 50 tutoring sessions, 4 promotion items, half a dozen meals, maybe some stat boosters, and a paralogue. It's rough, especially because the unit you take off the bench to replace them is likely a lot worse than them, as their skill exp has been distributed on autopilot. This is only compounded by the fact that there so few late joining characters. CF has Jeritza and Lysithea, BL has Gilbert, and the non-CF routes get Seteth. Aside from them, the only character that can really contribute that late is Alois and maybe Catherine (assuming you didn't recruit her in chapter 4/5).

    The third problem is more of a weird observation I had about halfway through the game, which is that it is very difficult to make a good ruleset for a Three Houses Ironman. Hard is easy enough that going all out on a NG or NG+ run will annihilate it, but maddening is so difficult that it's near impossible to beat it with any reliability on NG, and even a NG+ run is bound to get screwed by low percent crits and dodgy enemies without the turnwheel. If you decide to do no-grinding like I did, then you are essentially forced into hard mode and NG+ support buying if you want to recruit students. But even then, this ends up being an unsatisfying experience, as even without battalions, the first half of the game is too easy, and the second half is too hard without battalions and too easy with them.

    Tldr: Three Houses is a fun game. Three Houses challenge runs are typically super fun, but Ironmans aren't. The game isn't built for Ironmanning, and trying to make the game fun to Ironman is more trouble than it's worth. Play Sacred Stones or Fates instead if you want to have fun building units.

    As for what's next, I'm currently playing a Revelations Ironman while testing a Fates content patch for a friend. That will likely be the next game finished. If not that, then FE6/FE7. I'm also not sure if I am going to leave the Three Houses stuff here or eventually do a VW and BL Ironman too

    Feel free to leave any questions about any of the runs, or ideas for new segments, or whatever you want really

    submitted by /u/HeroVP7
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