• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 15, 2022

    Fire Emblem Magic girl Edelgard

    Fire Emblem Magic girl Edelgard

    Magic girl Edelgard

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:38 AM PST

    My girlfriend asked me to be her S-rank support last night ��

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:20 AM PST

    POV: You made Flayn a Dancer

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 12:11 PM PST

    I used up my mobile data and forgot to charge my 3DS thus in the train & during lunch break I ended up drawing my favorite FE character from my memory lol

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 10:17 AM PST

    Hilda Pre Timeskip Cosplay with Freikugel

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:02 AM PST

    Felix’s Paralogue is stupid

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:31 AM PST

    Rant incoming and also spoilers for Felix's paralogue.

    So I'm playing through on maddening for the first time as I'm a pretty new player and although the first 3 or 4 chapters of the game were tricky it's been fine so far… that is until I played Felix's paralogue. All I can say is that Rodrigue is easily the worst unit in the game and I hate this level.

    He is absolutely useless with his hit usually capping at about 59 unless he's using his gambit. His attacks do absolutely fuck all damage and he literally cannot HELP HIMSELF when the opportunity presents itself to charge into a secluded area with 5 enemies that can basically one shot him without any allies around. I had to use divine impulse right back to the start of the level like 3 times because he would not stop charging into unwinnable fights and missing his attack anyway until eventually I have Felix, Catherine OR Dimitri all one move away from finally winning. All I need Rodrigue to do is stay away from this one bandit who likely wouldn't even hit if Rorigue just stayed on the tile he was on as he is on full health.

    But no. Instead he fucking charges right at the cunt, misses his attack and promptly gets merked and at this point I'm out of divine pulses.

    How do I stop Rodrigue from being an absolute dickhead with a deathwish.

    Sincerely, and confused maddening first timer

    submitted by /u/lokymakeye
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    Happy Valentine's Day with Marth and Caeda!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 06:38 PM PST

    I've never claimed to be the best FE player, but Berwick Saga is seriously breaking me

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:51 AM PST

    This game has exactly zero fucking chill. RNG on everything. Even the top tier characters growths can be described as mediocre at best. Horses never getting HP back. Horses costing so damn much. Going through weapons faster than Link in BOTW. Nobody has Defense and enemy strength is skyrocketing. Attempts at crippling are way too RNG to ever rely on but the enemy can certainly cripple me with just a light touch. I'm at Chapter 10 and I just have no opening moves. I barely managed to limp my way through the last chapter and have started heavily relying on emulator save states to manipulate RNG. Ugh, that feels so dirty. These axe knights have every broken skill, almost 20 defense, hit for 30ish damage and then the lance cavalry come in and wipe out whatever is left with 40 damage almost 100% accuracy charges.

    I really love (some of) the gameplay systems, the storyline, the characters, but these battles are just getting unfun hard.

    I'm a Fire Emblem Casual Mode Loser, I grind, I rely on broken characters, and I've never even touched a maddening mode equivalent. It's killing me but I'm really close to just admitting this game is too much for me.

    submitted by /u/FlyinBrian2001
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    Robin and Lissa enjoying a quiet and romantic evening after the Day of Devotion (commission by @RedKite59623438 on Twitter)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 07:20 PM PST

    The moment of warm.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:33 AM PST

    Theorizing the Movesets in Three Hopes

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:57 AM PST

    With the announcement of Three Hopes, a lot of people are wondering which characters will be playable, whether there will be any clones like the last FE Warriors, etc. There are a few likely possibilities, but every character from Three Houses being playable with a unique moveset at launch is not one of them. For comparison, there were 21 unique playstyles in Age of Calamity at launch, and there are 40 characters in Three Houses, with DLC, plus whatever OCs Three Hopes will be adding into the mix. With that said, let's go over a few possibilities.

    Option 1: Around 20 characters at launch, each with unique movesets.

    While this may disappoint a lot of fans of less popular characters (Ignatz and Cyril are my sons), at least everyone will play differently, and DLC may bring along a good chunk of the remaining cast. Still, it will feel very weird for some characters to be locked to cutscenes or just inexplicably not there.

    If the option is what Koei Tecmo is going with, that's 5 slots for Byleth, the house leaders, and the new dual-wielding guy, leaving 15 or so for the rest of the cast. If each house gets four additional characters, they'd likely be:

    Black Eagles: Hubert Ferdinand Dorothea Bernadetta

    Blue Lions: Dedue Felix Sylvain Ingrid

    Golden Deer: Hilda Lorenz Lysithea Marianne

    This would leave a handful for the church, most likely Seteth and Flayn, and maybe Rhea if she's playable. Also, Shamir is so popular that she might just get in too.

    Option 2: Class-Based Movesets

    While Three Houses' class system has grown controversial in the FE community, the larger gaming climate really seems to enjoy the customization. Due to this, many have theorized that a variant of this system will return, with each class having its own moveset tied to it. There are 20 Advanced and Master classes in Three Houses, not counting the two Wyvern classes separately. Warlock, Bishop, Dark Bishop, and Gremory, as well as Dark Knight and Holy Knight would likely be condensed into an infantry caster and mounted caster class, making only 16 class-based movesets required for this. With Byleth and co.'s 5 slots, this adds up to 21 playstyles, matching Age of Calamity.

    Each character probably wouldn't have access to every class; the complaints of character sameyness from Three Houses would be far, far worse in a Musou game. Each character would likely have access to two or three classes, probably the ones that they can suggest to you during tutoring. A list of all of those can be found here: https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Tutoring/Goals

    Option 3: Clones with no reclassing

    If Koei wants the characters to feel more unique than generic unit classes, they may opt to make more distinct playstyles, but still have them shared between a few characters. Including all characters for the sake of demonstration, would most likely look something like this:

    (Bolded characters have multiple likely options)

    Unique Playstyles: Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Purple-Hair guy

    Swordmaster: Felix and Catherine (both with some brawling)

    Assassin: Petra (with bows), Yuri and Anna (with Magic)

    Warrior: Caspar, Hilda, and Alois, Annette (using Crusher, and a few Magic attacks)

    Paladin: Jeritza, Sylvain, and Leonie

    Sniper: Shamir, Bernadetta, Ashe, and Ignatz

    Grappler: Raphael, Balthus (with some magic)

    Infantry Caster: Hubert, Linhardt, Annette, Mercedes, Lysithea, Flayn, and Hanneman

    "Dancer:" (no actual dancing, just sword and magic): Dorothea, Marianne (with Blutgang), Manuela

    Fortress Knight: Dedue and Gilbert

    Great Knight: Ferdinand and Sylvain

    Bow Knight: Bernadetta, Ashe,and Leonie

    Mounted Caster: Hubert, Lorenz, *Marianne, *and Hapi

    Falcon Knight: Ingrid

    Pegasus Caster: Constance and Flayn

    Wyvern Lord: Seteth and Cyril (possibly with some bow usage)

    That would make 20 total playstyles

    If options 2 or 3 are taken, I hope that there's a bigger push to give characters unique abilities within their classes in order to differentiate them better than in FEW. Many have suggested longer range for Ignatz and increased damage on lower health for Bernie as a way to differentiate the way those two Snipers would play. Other ideas are Lorenz and Flayn using Thyrsus and the Caduceus staff respectively for extra range, Raphael and Linhardt being able to heal themselves more easily than others, or characters having a few tweaked moves within their class to represent abilities they have. For example, if Annette primarily uses Magic, she should have a few Crusher attacks, and vice versa. Or Hapi summoning a monster for her special.

    submitted by /u/AgressivelyMediocre6
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    Lucina wishes a Happy Valentine's Day yo everyone

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:41 PM PST

    I put Lúin in D&D

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 07:44 PM PST

    Happy Valentine's Day from Byleth

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 02:54 AM PST

    The Three Hopes trailer convinced me to go through all of the clips and screenshots I took of my first Three Houses playthrough (Golden Deer), and I came across this gem. Easily the best moment of my playthrough. Marked for spoilers just in case!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:03 PM PST

    This Day of Devotion, Florina and Lon'qu take their relationship to the next level... Did they go too far? (commission by @seraikuni on Twitter)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:50 AM PST

    Idle Hilda

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 10:45 PM PST

    The State of Project Thabes, FE13 Romhack

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 12:38 PM PST

    none Some of you might remember some months ago when I posted about Project Thabes, an FE13 overhaul I was working on. I've been steadily updating the post since then, but it doesn't really let people know when that occurs, so I figured I would create an update post now that things have come along significantly since then. Whether people were actually interested in playing it or not, I know some people were simply wanting to follow progress as it happened out of curiosity.

    I'm very happy to say the project is now mostly complete. Dialogue reworks to flesh out plot points and information provided have been completed, and gameplay overhauls for all chapters of the main camaign are also completed. The project has gone from v0.1 to v0.9, and it's been a lot of fun to do.

    The only things left to do is to finish fleshing out the extensive new supports that have been added. Robinsexuals have been given new support paths and children who aren't Morgan are/will be fully compatible with them. There are still some placeholder supports left, so hopefully they will be done soon. I've had the amazing u/L498 helping me with it.

    Things added to the game include:

    - Story reworks and additions in an attempt to make the game more coherent, fun to play, and with significantly less plot holes alongside connecting Valm and Archanea closer together.

    - New supports added (Some are still placeholder, but the ones that are still give the mechanical bonuses in combat.)

    - Playable Phila and Mustafa with working voice clips, supports, barracks profiles, level up and death quotes, and nearly everything that a vanilla character has.

    - Remixing to gameplay and tweaks to characters and classes to help promote more varieties of gameplay. For instance, Villager now promotes into Soldier and Soldier has its own learnable skills and has had its caps adjusted to match playable advanced classes.

    - Addition of new items to help cover weaknesses and add new options, including magical dragonstone/beaststones, an unlock staff, the wind edge line of swords, siege tomes, light tomes and various other things.

    - Turning Same Turn Reinforcements on Hard and Lunatic into normal reinforcements.

    - Having the Spotpass Paralogues be playable on emulators

    - Tons of other changes!

    If you're interested in trying v0.9 of Project Thabes, you can download the patch here.

    v0.9 notes

    Full changelog of every change that has been made

    The patch can be installed using layered file select through either Citra or 3DS CFW. As usual, you need to dump your own roms. Feedback is always appreciated!

    If you don't feel like responding directly to the thread, you can join the discord to talk with me or L498, make suggestions, give feedback or bug reports, or maybe even help on the project here.

    submitted by /u/heritorofrain
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    [self] my lysithea von ordelia cosplay

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 06:15 PM PST

    Leonie x Lorenz Hand Kiss

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 12:35 PM PST

    Fates Fight Club Discussion

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:28 AM PST

    Ryoma vs Xander.

    Here's the setup. Both advanced classes, using their unique swords. Xander is on horseback, Ryoma on foot. Both are capable of ranged attacks or melee. Flat plain, no preparation. No healing potions. Straight fight to the death.

    Who do you think would win and why?

    submitted by /u/Cthulus_call
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    F!Grima painting!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 06:14 PM PST

    Ayra: Isaach's Devoted (Day of Devotion Ayra, Baby Shannan, and Mariccle) || Commission @Picnicic

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 11:06 AM PST

    drew dimitri's new look :D

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 03:30 PM PST

    I put Freikugel in D&D!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:08 PM PST

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