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    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Fire Emblem Drew some soft Mercie

    Fire Emblem Drew some soft Mercie

    Drew some soft Mercie

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:00 PM PST

    Dimitri, the Savior King! [OC Art]

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:14 PM PST

    It seems you're not the only one who enjoys surprise attacks, Petra.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:48 PM PST

    a generation of fully armed calvary

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:36 AM PST

    Watch and learn!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Give flayn the fish she craves, Seteth.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:16 PM PST

    (Commissioned) House Vestra-Aegir Portrait

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:11 PM PST

    Part of growing up accepting that you'll never be as cool as Claude.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:38 AM PST

    Edelgard with the black eagle charge blade from monster hunter

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:06 PM PST

    Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (2h+ late night scribbling)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:09 AM PST

    PFFFFFFFFFT THAT ACTUALLY WORKED IM DED (Rally Str, Spd, Stride, and a Warp to the middle of the level)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Rewriting the Timeskip (spoilers)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:18 AM PST

    I've been thinking about the timeskip in 3H and while it works, I think it could have been done differently. I think the CF version is the coolest in theory because bruh, having a monastery collapse on your avatar is one hell of a way to go. Obvs though it's still meh since NO CUTSCENES in CF other than at the very end, and the other three are even more meh because it's the same thing each time (when you get to your 3rd/4th route it's just so fucking repetitive and you want it over with). So to that end, I came up with a few ideas of my own.

    All routes: the spell of Zaharas

    This moment is when I thought the timeskip was going to happen, and I think it can be made to work, so this is where I want to start from. What will happen is that the map plays as it does until the point where you defeat Kronya and Solon banishes Byleth to the Shadow Realm. Everyone gives their little speeches about how they believe in the professor and blah blah blah, and the Byleth cutscene plays, but there's a disconnect. Byleth doesn't reappear in the current time. Instead, Solon cackles evilly or whatever and you have your students (led by your house leader, of course) btfo him and finish the map without Byleth.

    For the remainder of the school year, you control your house leader for the monastery portions. The personal instruction periods would be unavailable since that's Byleth's job, but otherwise setting goals and the normal weekly experience for it would still be in. The usual activities around the monastery also work without Byleth (meal time would probably be limited to students, though) so that's good.

    Some divergence: the Holy Tomb chapter

    This is where things will change depending on house. The reason for Rhea to visit the tomb can be reworked from what it originally was (wanting Byleth to become Sothis's vessel) to something like, seeking guidance from her mother (remember, she said she heard Sothis's voice at the throne in the past, and we know that when it comes to Byleth Rhea can get pretty unhinged if things aren't going the way she wants them to.) Rhea visiting the tomb still happens, and the Empire/TWSITD will still find it and invade.

    The tomb chapter will play the same for BL and GD, but it will differ for CF and SS. Since Byleth will be gone at the time when Edelgard ascends the throne (and I don't think pushing it back would be right), instead the onus is on Edelgard herself to change as a result of the player's actions as Byleth. If Byleth reaches C+ support with her before the Solon chapter, then Edelgard has the option to trust in her fellow students (and her professor) before the Holy Tomb map, which fundamentally changes the events of the chapter.

    CF (putting faith in Edie's classmates thanks to Byleth's influence)

    Edie talks to Hubie and calls off the invasion of the tomb. Instead she goes to her classmates and asks them if they want to confront Rhea about Byleth and everything that's not adding up, and to the tomb they go. However, Metodey (the empire general who assaults the tomb with Edelgard on the other routes) goes ahead with the invasion anyway (drop a hint that he's allied with Twisted Sister TWSITD and not really under Edelgard's control).

    The imperial forces arrive as Rhea is already losing her shit with the students, and despite Edelgard pushing back Metodey Rhea goes full dragon mode (like normal for CF) and Edie + students flee the monastery after the battle. From this point on things are typical, just without Byleth. The next month's battle at the monastery ends again with Rhea becoming a dragon and whatnot.

    SS (failing to meet the support requirement, or choosing not to put faith in Edie's classmates)

    Edelgard goes through with her plan and follows Rhea to the tomb at the end of the month with her soldiers, and the students see this and tail her. Ferdinand confronts the Flame emperor, you get the usual SS Edelgard reveal and all that jazz, and the students side with Rhea/against Edelgard. For the next month at the monastery, the player controls Ferdinand instead of Edie for obvious reasons (I don't think recruiting Hilda would really work in this context, so I'm willing to write that off). The battle against Edelgard at the monastery otherwise plays out how it would in BL/GD.

    All routes: Reunion

    Now, this is where Byleth's return goes. We see her/him break out of the spell as a reminder of what happened, but no one is around in the sealed forest. Byleth goes to that ruined town at the base of the monastery, sees the farmer there, and then rushes to the monastery and you see the respective scenes for the different routes. The time difference as a result of the banishment to the dark realm works in-universe because Fates gave us realms with different flows of time relative to one another (thanks babyrealms).

    To me, I think this would put more weight in the scene where all the students say that they have faith that the professor would return, and it's no more of a reach than what we already got to begin with, so personally I'd rather that something like this happened instead.

    submitted by /u/Endsinger
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    Thank god Abby Trott (English VA of Annette) is Nezuko's English Dub VA for Demon Slayer! Bonus: M! Byleth and Tanjiro (English Voices) are both voiced by Zach Agular! *Happy Noises*

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    What are your favorite and least favorite chapters in FE3H, and why?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    So, now that the game has been out for more than three months, I think it's safe to assume that quite a few people have cleared the game in its entirety.

    I've seen quite a few favorite route/ending/character/support threads go around, but have yet to see a discussion on the best and maybe worst chapters in the game (if it has actually been done already, I apologize).

    So here it is! A small thread to discuss which were your favorite and least favorite chapters in 3H, whether in terms of gameplay, story, tone, sheer awesomeness, anything really.

    And if you haven't cleared the whole game yet, well, stealthily dodge potential spoilers and share your favorite from the path(s) you've completed! Or don't and just, uh, observe? Idk

    In any event, I'll start with my own:

    • Favorite:

    It would be a tie between Ch10 of White Clouds and Ch17 of Crimson Flower. On my first run, the sudden change of tone in Ch10 left a big impression on me. Be it the music, or all of the character lines and scenes acknowledging Jeralt's death and Byleth's grief, it was enough to make me tear up, as silly as it may sound.

    It actually made me feel like someone important had just been lost, and I absolutely loved the change in atmosphere. Dat revenge map was awesome and the "awakening" cutscene with its epic track is one of my favorite in the whole game. I often think that White Clouds as a whole was better than any branching paths, and this was probably when it reached its peak for me.

    As for Ch17 of CF, that was probably the most epic chapter in the whole game for me, and it being followed by an equally fun last map made it even better. The Tailtean Plains map is absolutely awesome and so fun to beat, especially the first time with Seiros pulling those surprise, motherfucker reinforcements that got me a little panicky.

    Quite a few moments in that chapter were deserving of a cutscene if I'm being completely honest, be it what qualifies as a properly epic face-off between Seiros (in her best form let's be honest) and Edelgard, or Dimitri's death scene. Not to mention my personal biggest 3H sob moment with Annette and Mercedes facing each other on the battlefield. As a sucker for tragedies, Mercedes' lines hit me so hard I had to put down the console for a little while.

    • Least favorite:

    As hyped as the E3 trailer had me for the three way post-timeskip battle, I have to say that Gronder Field is most definitely my least favorite chapter in the entire game, particularly in Azure Moon where the plot unfortunately makes it even messier.

    That one may be beating a dead horse so I won't go into too much detail, but it overall felt like a very forced reunion to me whether in AM or VW. The map is messy, the characters' battle dialogue is contradicted by the gameplay (chaotic battlefield isn't chaotic at all, Claude's dialogue implies that Dimitri is the aggressor but the gameplay apparently didn't get the memo in AM) and an IS intern may or may not have forgotten to turn on the fog of war.

    And of course, the plot building up to and following the map itself is a proper mess and what I personally consider to be 3H's lowest low from a story standpoint.

    Gronder Field deserved better or maybe it didn't idk

    That's it for me, please share your own preferences if you like, and remember that this is about personal opinions (please don't let it get unnecessarily heated).

    submitted by /u/HowDoI-Internet
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    There should have been more options to question or turn on the Church/Rhea.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    So I am replaying the game yet again. And the whole opening of the game really seems to want you to question the church. Your dad even tells you straight up not to trust Rhea. But then he dies and you are Rhea's right hand man/women and protect her and work with her in three of the games storylines. It just dose not seem to narratively flow well for me.

    submitted by /u/ILikeToDanceAndPogo
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    Noirevember, a month of Noire! Day 5 - Formal Dress

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:54 AM PST

    Sword of the Creator and Carnations

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:26 AM PST

    Redrew a reaction image as Ignatz

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:15 AM PST

    Marianne's Fate

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:24 AM PST

    Marianne never fights against you in the post timeskip period if you have not recruited her. Marianne's paralogue occurs post timeskip. These two events are quite likely to be related to one another. It stands to reason that the Crest scholar persecuting her either led to her committing suicide or sending her to the goddess being lynched or eaten by her ancestor. So without Byleth to defend her honour, she's has no one to defend her and never gets the opportunity to pick a side.

    TL DR: Save Marianne or you're a bad (wo?)man

    Edit 1: my idea is that the Crest scholar drove her over the edge. Without Byleth being there in her paralogue to back her up, she may have committed suicide thinking that it would stop the attacks

    submitted by /u/OnceAndFutureEmperor
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    I attempted to LTC NG BL on Maddening with full recruitment (All paralogues and the merchant quest in 128 turns)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:45 AM PST

    Hello. So I forgot what I was doing in SMT IV after a doctor knowingly gave me the wrong medication for my illness which sent me to the ER. I heard maddening mode came out and hard mode was very easy from what I remembered so I decided to play it just for the experience. Initially I was going to play Crimson Flower because it's the shortest and my first route, but the prologue changed my mind. I noticed the exp gain was very bad and Edelgard gets doubled by everything along with shaky hit rates, so Azure Moon it was since Dimitri one shots with tempest lance.

    Turn Counts Here : https://imgur.com/a/E5wG5TM Endgame Stats and Records Here : https://imgur.com/a/fdtlYeH

    I'm not sure how hidden posts on imgur works, so I'll list the turns anyways. No DLC or online content is used, I'm too poor to afford it anyways since I'm always going to the doctor. I didn't even buy the game, my friend bought it for me as a surprise. I'm still suffering from brain fog so I may be remembering things wrong.

    I mostly planted pale blue flowers for more speed and sometimes I get nothing. Purple flowers were also planted for more strength. Dimitri and Sylvain mastered death blow in part 2 because I was feeling really stupid for putting renown points into class mastery. I could have gotten the exp+10% statue in part 1 rather than part 2 instead. Felix mastered Hit +20 in part 2 as well. Dimitri also learned seal defense because of the knowledge gem and he can't be tutored anyways in the first half of part 2. Bernadetta learns special dance really late with the second knowledge gem because the quick riposte sword masters seemed really scary, I didn't even have to fight that much of them.

    I was playing the prologue casually and was not trying for low turns, but it was still done in 5 turns.

    On my first try in chapter 1, Dorothea crit Felix on turn 1 much to my shock. So I guess the game decided to be nice to me on my second try. Annette randomly got a crit on Lorenz which let somebody take him out, I don't remember who. Dedue took out Hanneman with a smash crit which was entirely unintended. I only wanted to weaken Hanneman and sack Dedue so I could give Felix some much needed exp. So that happened and I accidentally cleared it in 7 turns while playing casually with no losses. I was not thinking clearly so I decided to try for low turns and see how badly things go. The forced auxiliary battle is done in 4 turns, exp gain was really bad.

    Chapter 2 is done in 11 turns. The enemies have so much speed, but everybody can take a hit. I make everyone use iron bows except Annette who just rallies. Ashe loots the chest for money while everyone else went down. I make Byleth, Dimitri, and Felix into myrmidons for the speed afterwards.

    Chapter 3 is done in 8 turns and I took Marianne for mission assistance to heal the suicidal green units since she has higher magic than Linhardt. The mage in the bush is stupidly dodgy which caused a lot of resets. Ashe was a stride bot and it also affected the dumb green units, it was bad, I barely kept them alive.

    Chapter 4 is done in 4 turns because Dedue couldn't get smite in time. The cut tutoring exp feels bad, so close, yet so far. DK ignores an unarmed Byleth and goes after Dimitri instead who has battalion wrath active, has more defense than Byleth, and rallied by Annette. I even used a gambit on DK with a weaponless Byleth, so I guess his AI is just dumb.

    Chapter 5 was 15 turns of horrible. I recruited Lysithea to train her faith rank and healing, Catherine for help, and Bernadetta for deadeye and chip damage. 3 uses of physic felt really bad. Byleth, Dimitri, and Felix gained a bunch of levels enough for intermediate class. I decided to train Sylvain to have another unit do damage so he gained a bunch of levels as well. Lysithea learns magic+2 and draw back here.

    I did the merchant quest in 4 turns so I could buy fish bait and forging materials. Exp doesn't exist here, nothing to say.

    I did not recruit Shamir to do the 1 turn for chapter 6 because I made Felix an archer and I rather give the exp to Felix considering Shamir is unavailable for chapter 7. With Sylvain as Felix's adjutant, he is able to reach level 10 and become a brigand.

    I recruited Ignatz and Leonie for break shot, Dorothea to make her replacement easier, Lorenz for thyrsus, and Cyril before I forget he exists for chapter 7 which is done in 8 turns. I did Dedue and Lorenz's paralogue this month because they're easy 1 turns. Also I got no battalion reward from Dedue's paralogue which made me confused. I asked Ferdinand for mission assistance to make it easier. The pegs ignored Annette at half HP to suicide into Byleth who has battalion vantage. Felix and Leonie goes right, everybody goes down the middle and then left. Annette and Lysithea trades around thyrsus for chip damage. Lance of Ruin is used here to take out Edelgard. Mercedes also uses waning shot here too since Edelgard one shots my Byleth and gambit hit rates are shaky.

    I recruited Hanneman for chapter 8 and did Felix, Raphael, and Ignatz's paralogues in 1 turn. New gambits available so I bought retribution to 2 turn chapter 8. I also grabbed the 2 chests and got Ingrid to level 10. I was surprised by Solon moving.

    Chapter 9 is done in 4 turns and it's mostly fishing for prof rank. I recruited Petra and Shamir to help out and Manuela to train her faith rank. Manuela and Hanneman's paralogue is done in 1 turn and I grab the exp gem as well. I wanted to do Sothis' paralogue, but I forgot to make Dimitri and Sylvain take the exam for cavalier and I always do paralogues at the end of the month so I did Ingrid and Dorothea's instead. I don't plan at all and Ingrid was 1 tile short from reaching the end, but with rally magic it was able to be done in 2 turns. I forged a bunch of killer weapons because the monsters are bulky. Sylvain and Dimitri trades around the exp gem on the right side as cavaliers. Everybody else on the left takes out the other monsters. I'm able to make Byleth into a wyvern rider at the start of the next chapter.

    I recruited Hilda, Ferdinand, and Marianne to help out in the paralogues for chapter 10. Lysithea learns fiendish blow in Sothis' paralogue and Hilda grabs the knowledge gem. Felix, Sylvain, and Dimitri trades around the exp gem. I hate that the monster is so far away, so 2 turns it is. Sylvain's paralogue is done in 4 turns because I have no idea what to do, a bunch of enemies don't move and when they do move, the don't attack. Sylvain has the exp gem here while Dimitri has the knowledge gem to train his axe rank. Shamir's paralogue is 1 turn. I reset a lot for chapter 10's 1 turn because Kronya is super fast and I need to crit, Solon is a joke. I also got Dimitri and Sylvain to level 20 from trading around the exp gem, just barely though. Felix got the knowledge gem and got to level 20 as Dimitri's adjutant. So I was able to make all 3 into wyvern riders at the start of next month.

    I recruited Linhardt for chapter 11. Dimitri learns battalion vantage after tutoring and I had a flying battalion at 1/3 HP. Seteth and Flayn's paralogue is done in 3 turns, Dimitri solos the entire left side, everybody else takes care of the rest. I have Dimitri and Sylvain go back to brigand for Catherine and Ashe's paralogue because I really wanted death blow, I give the knowledge gem to Sylvain and the exp gem to Felix for this paralogue which is done in 2 turns. Chapter 11 is an easy 1 turn and Sylvain gets a level up with the exp gem while Dimitri focuses on getting death blow with the knowledge gem.

    I recruit Caspar and Alois and did chapter 12 in 1 turn with Byleth because Byleth does not autolevel and Byleth could gain a bunch of exp with the exp gem next chapter. I was definitely not prepared for chapter 13.

    Chapter 13 was a dreadful 7 turns. All the enemies with the exception of the archers doubled and quaded Byleth and Dimitri. It would be nice if Byleth and Dimitri's positions were switched, he's one tile away from reaching the bush. It's like the game is trying to taunt me. Lots of resets with dodge tanking with alert stance and swordbreaker along with turtling in the bushes. Ashe and Gilbert does absolutely nothing. Annette and Mercedes flies out of danger. The boss needs to respawn at the top or Sylvain can't get the kill, so that's more resets. I wish I had Byleth master darting blow, the boss is too fast. Byleth gambits the boss, Felix finishes the boss, then Sylvain takes him out the second time while trading around the exp gem.

    Chapter 14 is done in 2 turns with Dimitri killing most of the enemies while Sylvain and Felix trades around the exp gem. Ignatz is the true MVP for rally dex, the pegs are so dodgy. Too bad Dimitri doesn't have the weapon ranks for wyvern lord, oh well.

    Chapters 15-21, Gilbert/Annette's paralogue, Rhea's paralogue, and Dimitri's paralogue are just kill boss, easy 1 turns. Dimitri learns death blow in chapter 15. Sylvain learns death blow in Gilbert/Annette's paralogue, Felix learns Hit +20 there as well.

    Hilda and Cyril's paralogue is done in 3 turns because I have no idea what to do when the enemies ignores you. Gilbert and Seteth helped out here, Gilbert can double things. Dimitri learns seal defense here which made me really confused probably because I've never had a unit mastered a skill from an advanced class.

    Marianne's paralogue seems to be the only chapter I can get wootz steel from which took lots of resets because it's entirely random how much you get. Seems to be the only time you can use seal defense, but the boss is another easy 1 turn with brave axe spam.

    Mercedes and Caspar's paralogue is finished in 3 turns. Initially I was worried about reinforcements because they showed up on the first turn when I played through it on hard mode. If you don't cross a certain point, they don't show up at all. Caspar can beat the death knight with a freikugal crit, took lots of resets. Mercedes can deal with the miracle mage if it doesn't die. Byleth goes right to deal with the sword dudes and archers. Felix goes left to deal with the dark knights and armors. Sylvain goes handle the monster in the middle. If Sylvain misses one attack on the archer in the bushes because of hit issues, the monster will get a lifebar taken out because it doesn't have enough space to move from the archer blocking the way. So Sylvain gets Arheadbhar because Luin has good hit and Lance of Ruin is too inaccurate for this paralogue. Caspar also needs to take out the battalion mage. There's a spot in the top left Dimitri can move to which causes the monster to not use it's AOE attack which is where the mage will try to gambit him.

    Linhardt and Leonie's paralogue is done in 2 turns. I hate the stupid turtle. Seal defense doesn't even work on him and damage is halved the whole time. Dimitri takes out his first life bar with double crits from Failnaught and sacred shield to negate damage. Sylvain takes out his second life bar with the brave axe after a rally. Byleth and Dimitri takes out his third bar with the brave axe. Byleth gets danced and uses windsweep sword of the creator. They all get danced with dance of the goddess and Byleth uses windsweep, windsweep and the brave axe. Dimitri takes the brave axe and got the turtle's health low enough for Sylvain to quad with the brave axe. I use blessing here, the turtle is mean. Of course he needed to have miracle too, which happened twice. Bernadetta learns special dance here just in time for the last 2 route paralogues.

    Bernadetta and Petra's paralogue is the worst chapter in the game in my opinion. I did not want to play it. Hit rates are shaky everywhere from all the bushes. I did not expect surprise Hubert with meteor because I only played it on Crimson Flower and it was Catherine so I assumed it would be a swordmaster. This is the one and only time Lysithea used dark spikes in the entire game. Gilbert and Seteth helped out. I reclassed Byleth to falcon knight only for this chapter for the extra dex and speed. Sylvain needed 46 AS to double quick riposte sword masters, just 2 of them because the rest are taken out on player phase. It was a horrible 3 turn clear.

    For Lysithea and Ferdinand's paralogue, I was really afraid of the 48 AS quick riposte swordmasters when I saw it which is why I planted so much pale blue flowers. With the 2 speed rings, Byleth, Sylvain, and Felix can reach 52 AS. I distributed the remaining speed carrots in a way so that Byleth and Felix gets 52 AS with the speedrings. Sylvain has 48 AS and with a dance from Bernadetta hit 52 AS. It turns out I only needed one unit with 52 AS because I did not know killing 2 of the bosses causes entire areas to be cleared. So only the top areas mattered and the swordmasters are all the way on the right side. I could have planted more purple flowers to make the turtle easier. Enemies had really low hit rates as a result of so much speed. I think the enemy wyverns had 0 hit on Byleth from what I remember, this is without alert stance. It ended up being a simple 1 turn after all.

    For the final chapter which was done in 1 turn, the boss does not move first, reinforcements do. Seteth died a horrible death from the reinforcement from the stairs, so I bought impregnable wall, but then I ended up one tile short for the second dance of the goddess without having Gilbert to smite. If I had not given shoes of the wind to Bernadetta, Flayn or Dimitri could have used it, I felt really dumb here. After readjusting positions, it turned out there's a spot Seteth can be safe without the need for impregnable wall, one tile away from death. I'm so glad reinforcement meteor gremories don't attack first. After getting to the throne room, Dimitri gambits the boss because I got too confused reading the description for heavily armored wall and nobody has enough attack to take down her first bar with the barrier active. Felix comes in and takes down her first and second life bar with the brave axe. Sylvain takes the brave axe and takes down the third one. Dimitri finishes the last life bar on enemy phase with double crits.

    Sorry for the incoherent mess!

    submitted by /u/mintyseaweed
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    Where are people getting the numbers that Fates sold 2.94 million and Awakening sold 2.28 million?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST

    I have done a lot of digging and the most solid numbers I could find are 1.9 million for Awakening and 1.84 for Fates.

    I see a good amount of outlets and reliable outlets say Fates sold 2.94 million and Awakening sold 2.28 million, but I cannot find those numbers anywhere from an official Nintendo source. People keep on using them so obviously they must be seeing something that we aren't or everyone is just confused and are passing around false information.

    This guy at resetera has compiled all this data together and has the 2.94 and 2.28 numbers, but I have no idea where he is getting that. If anyone has a resetera account and could ask him, I would appreciate it. How the hell is he getting those numbers though? Why hasn't Nintendo talked about shipping/selling that many copies? They usually do.

    All we have are Nintendo's official reports vs. the guy on resetera. I don't understand why no one has shared where they have gotten the 2.94 million and 2.28 million from, but maybe they have and I am completely missing it. Anyone with further insight that would like to enlighten me, I would deeply appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/LoomyTheBrew
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    Was a planned time motif scrapped?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:03 AM PST

    Hello chaps.

    I think there are hints throughout Three Houses that Intelligent Systems had plans for plot lines that were later scrapped either due to time constraints or because they simply didn't pan out. The Death Knight's arc is strange to say the least, though this might be salvaged by the Jeritza DLC, and the assassination attempt in the very first map quickly gets forgotten about even though it really shouldn't for obvious reasons.

    However, something that gets alluded to multiple times is the "flow of time". When Byleth enters the academy for the first tme, Rhea wonders if the flow of time brought them there. When Byleth merges with Sothis, she says only Byleth knows about "both sides of time", and hell even in Heroes Byleth says that that the flow of time brought them there. The very first cutscene, right before you meet Sothis, also very briefly shows several scenes of Fódlan's past. This, in addition to the Divine Pulse being a central mechanic, I can't help but wonder if we were supposed to have had a plot that more heavily delved into the concept of the flow of time.

    I think this was all building up to something, but as to what is anyone's guess. Perhaps it was scrapped early on and we're only left with the fragments, perhaps I'm just thinking about this too much, but I like to believe the Divine Pulse was going to play a bigger role in the plot of at least one route.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/Odovakar
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