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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of December 1, 2019

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of December 1, 2019

    Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of December 1, 2019

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:39 AM PST

    Welcome to EPFE! This thread is a casual space that can be used to discuss any Fire Emblem playthroughs you have going on. Unit screenshots, general impressions, frustrations... gameplay stuff that would otherwise be removed as a standalone post under Rule 8 is fair game here. It's the same idea as the Everybody Plays Three Houses posts we had a short while ago, but not just for Three Houses.

    While you're free to ask for advice here, specific questions might get better responses in our Three Houses Question Thread or General Question Thread for non-3H questions.

    And as always, remember to tag your spoilers!

    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    (oc) bonus: Seteth being a mother hen

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Mila, The Earth Mother! [OC Art]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:18 PM PST

    F!Byleth Fanart

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:12 AM PST

    A Hilda and Marianne clothes swap!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:21 AM PST

    Annette of Blue Lions

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:18 AM PST

    The Three Houses of Oz

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:26 AM PST

    my custom Crest of Flames Switch case :o)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Bad dream [OC]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:38 AM PST

    Byleth with guns! Byleth x Python from Girl's Frontline

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:22 AM PST

    My drawing of Hilda [Laughing_Fish]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

    My order came! Amazing work by Shattered Earth, it's all adorable.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:07 PM PST

    Hubert-why I appreciate this goth weirdo, and I think you should too

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:10 AM PST

    I remember when this game was in pre-release, and all we had for the various house members were their pictures. Those were the days when popular speculation was that that Claude was going to be pulling the strings for the entire conflict, and Edelgard would be the "order" to Dimitri's "chaos." Beyond everyone dunking on Lorenz, there were a lot of comments about how Hubert looked cartoonishly evil. Quite frankly, I initially thought he was a joke character- a self-aware "evil" character in the Dr. Doofenshmirtz mold (CURSE YOU PETRA THE PLATYPUS). However, like many people in the game, Hubert is much different than he initially appears. If you play any route other than Crimson Flower, it may seem like Hubert is simply another in a long line of shady mages, and that the "twist" is simply that he remains loyal to Edelgard. However, Hubert is actually a tragic symbol of Fodlan's broken nobility, a portion of this game's commentary on the traditional Fire Emblem retainer, and a callback to a complete different type of FE antagonist than his Gharnef-like appearance may suggest.

    Hubert's backstory is deeply messed-up, even for this game's standards. House Vestra, for centuries, has served Edelgard's house. Per Edelgard and Hubert's B-support, Hubert is scolded by his father as a six year old child, when a four year old Edelgard injures herself. His father tells an, again, six year old child that Hubert's job is to protect Edelgard "with his life." From that day on, Hubert says he followed Edelgard "wherever she went." However, when Edelgard's father loses power in the Insurrection of the Seven, led by Duke Aegir and the other nobles, House Vestra also takes part. Tragically, Hanneman was good friends with Hubert's father, and believes that Vestra went along with the insurrection to protect Hubert. The resulting cognitive dissonance must have been just astounding for a young Hubert, and certainly is the reason Hubert later makes the unilateral decision to execute his father. Edelgard, as a consequence of this political turmoil, is sent to Faergus. The loss of the person he was told to build his identity around impacted Hubert immensely-he says it was like "losing all my limbs." He attempted to follow Edelgard on foot, again, as a child, and it took three days and his father's trained soldiers to bring him back. He was ten. Notably, until their B-support, Edelgard had not heard either of these stories. Once Edelgard comes back, Hubert gets to witness Edelgard being used as an experiment at the hands of Duke Aegir and the other nobles, and surely felt that he had failed Edelgard again.

    Almost every Fire Emblem game has had retainer characters who follow the main lords, providing advice and support when needed. Ike has Soren, Chrom has Frederick, etc. These characters live primarily for another, dedicating themselves fully to service. Three Houses pulls apart this traditional portrayal of retainers, emphasizing how toxic this single-minded devotion can become. I think the Soren comparison here is particularly apt-Hubert has dedicated his entire life to a single person, and like Soren at the beginning of Path of Radiance, utterly distrusts everyone else. Hubert's problem is much worse than Soren's, because the decision to devote himself to Ike was a free choice. Despite Hubert's protestations that "I chose this" in his C-support with Edelgard, he never was allowed to truly dictate his own path in life. It was predestined due to his house-yet another example of how Fodlan's nobility and the crest system dictate an individual's destiny. Hubert always was going to be forced to darken his soul by taking part in the shadow conflicts that are part of the history of House Vestra. It is clear that Edelgard has a lot of guilt (as if she needed more), about her role in how Hubert views himself. As she states in their C-support-"sometimes I wonder if your life could have taken you down a different path."

    This is partly why Hilda is the one "retainer" who ends up being a positive influence on their lord, even in non-Verdant Wind routes. Hilda and Claude's relationship is one of equals. Hilda, despite seeming outwardly lazy and irresponsible, is actually deeply loyal-note how she surprises Claude by staying and fighting for him in Crimson Flower. However, that loyalty is freely given. Hubert's is expected- and tied to the emotional abuse he experienced from his own father. Because Hubert considers himself a servant, he is unable to provide what both he and Edelgard actually need, which is friendship and emotional honesty. We can see how this mindset impacts both characters in non-Crimson Flower routes. Because Edelgard is so emotionally isolated, she relies even more heavily on Hubert, who is the one person she can trust. However, because Hubert, like Edelgard, does not trust others, his advice pushes Edelgard and himself down a darker and darker path. It's the problem in their B-support writ large; Hubert doesn't consider himself worthy of sharing his personal struggles with Edelgard, so he doesn't open up to her, when having a friend to confide in her and push back against her is what Edelgard wants and needs more than anything. It's only in their A-support in Crimson Flower, where Byleth and the other Eagles have opened both Hubert and Edelgard up, that they are able to express their bond with one another. Hubert states that it is not his position "as a member of House Vestra" that makes him serve, but instead "personal devotion", and Edelgard states "I trust you, and that is precisely why I want to know everything, your secret hopes and burdens, all of it."

    Hubert's relationship with Byleth and the other house members truly helps both him and Edelgard. Many of Hubert's initial relationships with his classmates are marked by distrust, or in Ferdinand's case, outright hostility. However, Hubert's feelings make a great amount of sense; Ferdinand, Linhardt, Caspar, and Bernie's dads were directly responsible for Edelgard leaving for Faergus, and Aegir is the person that Edelgard specifically names as responsible for her family's deaths. Lo and behold, the Eagle Hubert has the worse relationship with initially is Ferdinand, who he accuses of "seditious thoughts." This initially seems like an offhand comment, but when you remember Aegir's leading role in the Insurrection, it becomes clear that Hubert fully expects Ferdinand (and likely Linhardt and Caspar as well) to betray Edelgard, and by extension him. However, because of the positive influence of Byleth holding the house together in Crimson Flower, the Black Eagles become a tight-knit group. These positive bonds and learning to trust others allow Hubert to develop as a person, beyond just being Edelgard's shadow, as Dorethea challenges him in their support. I do think it is important to note something about Hubert's character here, which is that Hubert is always nice, or Hubert's attempted version of nice, to Petra and Bernie. Petra was taken away from her family at a young age, and we all know about Bernie's abusive backstory. Hubert clearly has a soft spot for people who were made to feel powerless.

    Hubert's relationship with Byleth also improves. After spending most of White Clouds distrusting Byleth and the other house members, siding with Edelgard in the tomb proves to Hubert that Byleth truly does care about Edelgard. After threatening to murder Byleth if they threaten Edelgard's safety, Hubert comes to see the positive impact that Byleth has on Edelgard. Hubert is very perceptive-to the point of basically guessing the Byleth-Sothis relationship in his B-support with Byleth purely through observation. He realizes that he really is not equipped to give Edelgard the type of support she needs and Byleth can provide, despite his deep (in my preferred interpretation, platonic) love for Edelgard. This leads him to play matchmaker, even giving Edelgard's favorite gifts to Byleth as quest rewards post-timeskip.

    Now, I want to point out something that I think gets missed a lot when discussing Hubert and goes a long way to explaining why he says ridiculous stuff like "allow me to paint the path that lies before you with the blood of your enemies" because holy crap, Hubie. Dimitri knows Edelgard from their time together as children in Faergus. A large part of the pathos in the Dimitri-Edelgard relationship is that Dimitri is the one individual who remembers "El"-the sweet, bossy little girl who taught him how to dance, before years of psychological and physical torture shaped her into the Flame Emperor. But Hubert remembers that Edelgard too. Everything Hubert does- the secret assassinations, the bribes, all of the information he withholds from Edelgard- is about keeping her hands as clean as possible due to what Hubert views as his failure to protect young Edelgard and her innocence. This is why Hubert is so supportive of the Byleth-Edelgard relationship post-timeskip-he sees that Byleth's support is allowing the person he loves to finally come out of the armor that she has put up for years.

    It is this sense of loyalty to a person who has changed so drastically that shows where Hubert's real inspiration lies. What other Fire Emblem "villain" (and lord, do I hate using that term for these two) was emotionally abused by their parent, and was taught to tie their self-worth to a single person? Who else was willing to die for what in many ways was a memory of the person they loved? Ishtar. Sure, Edelgard isn't possessed, but like Julius, she was an innocent victim of an organization's desire to bring a figure from the past back to life. Like Ishtar, Hubert is incredibly loyal, yet both are willing to go behind the back of the person they love. And like Ishtar, in non-Crimson Flower routes, his loyalty leads to his death.

    Is Hubert a good person? Absolutely not, and he'd be offended if you thought he was. Is he a fascinating, well-thought out character? Absolutely.

    submitted by /u/captainflash89
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    Why Remaking FE4 and FE5 Together is Bad

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:34 PM PST

    Gilbert is Dope

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:26 PM PST

    In FE3H there is no one more universally hated then my boy Gilbert. The dead beat dad Gilbert, the so selfish won't even give a poor man money Gilbert, the hair too long Gilbert, the man with no honour Gilbert, the old ass armour knight Gilbert, the had a little too much to eat Gilbert, the Gilbert with his shoelaces intentionally untied Gilbert, The Gilbert who tripped a 7 year old trying to climb the stairs Gilbert, the Gilbert who unironically says Griffth did nothing wrong Gilbert, the Gilbert who gave Adam and Eve the forbidden fruit Gilbert, the Gilbert that convinced Galle that Lopto was a trustworthy guy Gilbert, the Gilbert who swats twitch streams on the daily Gilbert, yo thats my fucking dude, Gilbert the God Free.

    Now deaf people listen, am i here to be that guard adjutant for his critics and defend him against everyone? Nah, not worth the time frankly. What I am here is to be positive about the character. Explain why I like the character personally, and what made him stand out over everyone else. If you still hate him, thats cool, no worries.

    Now first i want to preach something, my love of flawed characters, of character that can, have or will do immorally wrong things, especially in Fire Emblem. In Game of Thrones season 1-4, my favourite characters are the Lanisters, from Tywin to Tyrion and everyone in between. Anyone who knows anything about those character KNOWS just how fucked up there are. Tywin is a BRUTAL murderer with words can't do justice, Cersei is one of the most hated characters in media (Season 1-4), or maybe second behind her incest son Joffrey, and Jamie is also a huge piece of fucking shit, but there still loved by not only me, but millions of others (Season 1-4). Look, i don't project my own morals or real world morals into the media i watch normally, or at least when i watch it. I have my limits like anyone, there are themes and subject matter that do cross lines esp when executed wrongfully, but for the most part i don't project like that. Do i by liking Jamie (Season 1-4) condone any of his actions in a real world setting or even what he says to others in an online setting? Pfffftttttt no, but does that stop me from liking him as a character? Hell no

    This brings me to Fire Emblem, Makalov is one of the most hated characters in the history of this franchise, and I'm 100% fine with him. Is he a drunk gambing POS who put people around him in trouble? Yeah, he is, but you know what? He's not only kinda funny sometimes but he stands out. How many characters in this franchise end up or are a good old fine nice knight who will defend the lord and the people at all costs and are morally upright? Almost EVERYONE thats every canonically entered a FE game on a horse is exactly like that to the point of boredom for me. So when I see someone who's trying their best to be a knight but uh spins the wheel of personality traits has social anxiety about things, I just don't find much interest in it personally, and Gilbert back story, instead of making me not like him like some of y'all it made me 100x's more interested.

    Gilbert is so different from anyone else in this game. First off he isn't a skinny Anime playboy model who could be ON the cover of a magazine, who has this eccentric personality of attractive charisma. He's a old, monotone, imposeing, big, straight faced, almost kinda boring man who enjoys fucking fishing and training. He isn't a wide eyed hopeful knight with his whole life ahead of him, who believe if he works hard he can become hokage, he isn't an overtly edgy character who knows what's what and is the actual intellect but is kind of an asshole with a sharp tongue. He's an experienced vetran who tries to keep things realistic and does what he can to help in Dimitri war effort who has done some morally questionable things.

    More than anyone, he stands out over the sea of characters in this franchise, he did a morally questionable thing, has a design and character which does not fit in with the jolly, young, attractive look of the 95% in this franchise, and is a character with a risky backstory few have or even like in this franchise. 95% of the time in FE, Gilbert just a dick villain. The only character I can say that's like Gilbert is MAYBE Gen 2 Lewyn, a character 25 years old and is only fondly remembered for his Gen 1 stuff and has magic bs as a cop out in gen 2.

    The immoral thing he did,was not a turn off, if anything it was something that in my mind, propelled him into something fresh, some different, something the series never tries. Now if that was the only thing to like about Gilbert, then you could copy pasta every mention of Gilbert and replace it with Peri, but the difference here being, along with the design, and backstory, there's also a character here.

    First off, shout outs fellow Canadian and true 6 god Doug Stone with his performance of Gilbert, by far my favourite performance in this game. Man that scene after chapter 17 BL where Gilbert says "And Pride" YOOO shivers down my back bro. Second thing I want to say why I like Gilbert is his role in BL. Gilbert is canonically the Glue Guy of BL. There is no nation more fucked up by the war then Fargus, and the only thing in every route besides Edel that's holding them together is Gilbert. Gilbert is the one that finds Dimitri in 2/4 routes (almost 3) and by his one scene in church and everything post time skip in BL. Gilbert also is doing all the heavy lifting in BL and probably in other routes, while your protagonist is sitting there blankly like the dumbass he is, and at the end of the cutscenes getting a meaningless choice since everything was already decided by Gilbert and the crew already. Gilbert is writing letters to other lords, bringing up tactics and battle strategies, worrying about troop members and supplies, working tirelessly and endlessly to appease Dimitri blood thirsty demands the best he possibly can along with trying to reign him in and find the best possible solution to help the group. There is no bigger MVP for Fargus then god damn Gilbert in this game

    Gilbert being the guy that talks about world building, lore, strategy, bringing up interesting plot elements and things normally ignored in FE, and also someone who directly affecting actions of the plot, (the things i like in FE and would love to see it do more of) he's also provides great perspective on Fargus's past and the tragedy of duscur. Not many characters in this game are able to provide constant fresh perspective on the events of the story or events. Even the lords couldn't do that, but Gilbert with his past and history with Fargus along with Rodrigue are always able to keep the plot and the mystery of everything fresh, new and exciting.

    Now speaking of the man's past, we have to mention his reaction to that event, and leaving his family and everything. Even if morally speaking since its a story, I'm able to look past it, what i'm not gonna overlook is bad writing. This is the real sticking point, and most people's real issue with him, but there's one line that to me summarizes that situation better than anything else.

    Valley of Torment, Chapter 15, when talking about the creation of the Valley of Torment

    G: "That legend fuelled belief in a place of torment between our world and the next... where one's sins are purified in the cleansing flames"

    D: "Nonsense, sins are not so easily washed away."

    G: "Indeed... and there are no accounts of such a place in scripture. Yet those who cannot face their own sins have no choice but to cling to the idea"

    There is no line, NO LINE which hits harder not only for Edgy Dimitri who actually shuts the fuck up, but for the man saying it himself. There is nothing in holy text saying that the Valley of torment was a place for people to cleanse themselves of sin, but they do it anyways, just to convince not others, but themselves, that they can atone for the awful things that happen in there life that they did.

    Gilbert, might relate to that some don't ya think? He lost what basically was a son and the man he swore to protect and worked tirelessly to defend, his king, his family. Gilbert throughout the whole story is basically said to have spent a ton of his time working, and we see that he's said to care about the royal family a lot, and we see that. The decision to just up and leave your wife and your daughter isn't something that happens on a whim. Gilbert went to the only thing in his mind that HE could CLING on to, that HE thought at that moment would make up for his perceived betrayal of the king and royal families trust as a knight, and what he CLINGED to, fair or not to his family, was the goddess.

    Gilbert self reflects many times and probably sees what he did was wrong to them, he regrets his actions a lot from the way he reacts to things throughout the game (Part 1 where you accuse him of kidnapping Flayn, or him not even being able to see his daughter face in there supports due to his shame). He's able to use that self reflection to help Dimitri out in his support, and make sure he doesn't follow the right path, and even ends up redeeming himself as a knight to Fargus by ascending Dimitri to the throne. He's also able to loosen up a bit and even in his shame and regret, be able to enjoy things in life like in Manueals support, and teach the future generations as he contributes as the torch bearer.

    What also puts over Gilbert much stronger in my mind is that there is no big sappy scene with him on his knees, begging for forgiveness and a big happy family reunion. He feels wrong for what he does and he never really fully forgives himself.. He's someone that's depressed and really unsure what he should or can do. Not everyone is a hero that in 3 conversations just end up doing good and being happy, that process is slow, and sometimes never does happen. Sure we have people like Simon and Kamiya in the world who can get through their struggles and be the hero the world needs and conqueror all your demons and make all sides happy, but most of the time, your Shinji, always fighting and never able to find that one answer or one action that makes everything okay again.

    Could we have gotten a big sappy scene making everything okay? Yeah sure, but that's just not Gilbert. Gilbert is Gilbert, full of pride for what he does, shame for when he fails, and stubbornly himself.

    submitted by /u/DoseofDhillon
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    FE6 Remake Request: Please Keep Eliwood Alive

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    Marianne Doodle c:

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:35 PM PST

    Childhood Trio (Quartet) Ingrid appreciation post

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:41 PM PST

    [oc] I wanted to draw Linhardt but I gave up on the head

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:42 PM PST

    "My dear Lehran, you are more kind than any other I know." Commission of Altina & her Husband (Radiant Dawn Spoilers!)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:26 AM PST

    Jeritza scribble

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:08 AM PST

    Raise your hand if you get a Nordic/Scandinavian vibe from Faerghus and kinda dig it

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:56 AM PST

    Am I being crazy or???

    submitted by /u/Espe15
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    27 days of Padorus day 5- Wolt

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:02 PM PST

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