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    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Fire Emblem Professor Byleth cosplay

    Fire Emblem Professor Byleth cosplay

    Professor Byleth cosplay

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:16 AM PST

    Happy Birthday to The Vaike, the original tenured professor

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:10 AM PST

    Under the Azure Moon

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    I drew Caspar and Ashe Friendship!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    Lucina, Corrin, and Celica as Cheerleaders.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Ferdinand gives Bernadetta a lovely gift! A Secret Santa I did for the Fire Emblem Deviantart Group!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:30 PM PST

    Enlightened one!! Also, Merry Christmas ��✨!!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:32 AM PST

    Dimitri after soccer practice!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:09 PM PST

    How Bernie came out of her room pg 2

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:58 PM PST

    My drawing of Lysithea (:

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    FE3H Dimitri Cosplay [Self]

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:08 PM PST

    The Absolute State of Ignatz

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:57 PM PST

    Disclaimer: This Essay contains spoilers pertaining to Ignatz's spoilers as well as some paired character endings and a few pre-timeskip specific spoilers.

    Parental Advisory: This Essay contains content relating to Lorenz Hellman Gloucester

    The Man. The Myth. The Legend. Lorenz Hellman Gloucester. He's a noble whose eye for the finer things in life is without parallel, with only Ferdinand von Aegir standing in a realm of power within which he can appreciate Lorenz. But there is another… One who, though not nearly as powerful, can see the greatness of Lorenz and, in turn, receives his acknowledgment. The man he chose to be his first knight. The Luigi to his Waluigi. Yes, I'm talking about the second son of House Victor: Ignatz Victor.

    Lorenz: I have seen your talent, [Ignatz], and can attest to it. Your gifts are too great to wither away in obscurity. A knight with the rare gift of artistic talent would be most welcome in my employ.

    (Book of Lorenz: Ignatz B, Fodlan Common)

    Ignatz is the childhood friend of Raphael and Maya Kirsten. He once quickly sketched a modest doodle for Maya in like only 4 hours or something, and her love of it caused him to become an artist because Ignatz is nothing if not a man who loves the praise of the ladies (and others, but he's weak to cute girls). Unfortunately, Ignatz's older brother decided to take the family business, meaning that Ignatz would not be able to pursue art alongside life as a merchant. He was forced to become a knight by his parents. This would turn out to be a blessing, as this would change his life for the better. At the Officer's Academy, he would find nothing but personal growth, Lorenz, and classmates he would find himself deeply attracted to.

    Each house has a character similar to a shonen protagonist, with Caspar being the shonen beat 'em up idiot of the Black Eagles and Dimitri being the tragic hero of the Blue Lions. While one might think Claude to be the protagonist, he's too emotionally together and his character arc is done. Lorenz is perfect. No, the actual protagonist is Ignatz, who takes the role of the emotional loser: A humbled boy from a village who, with his strong but somewhat dim best friend, strives for greatness in an organization of people far more qualified than he. Compared to the Asta or Luffy that is Caspar or the Naofumi that is Dimitri, Ignatz is... Deku? Negi Springfield?

    Now yes, perhaps his inability to realize that he can be a knight that paints or just an artist can occasionally get as old when in strong concentration: like the Rhea worship of this fandom Catherine and Cyril, the Edelgard worship of this fandom Hubert, or the Dimitri worship of this fandom Dedue, but there's a lot more to Ignatz as there is to the other characters I mentioned.

    In spite of his extreme nervousness and shyness, this boy's artistic nature and emotional life shine through, making him more than his charm… Wait that stat's called Charisma? Charisma growth would let on.


    Ignatz: For my whole life, I've wanted to paint the goddess, but I never could. Whatever shape I gave her, she never seemed quite right. But it's just come to me.

    Mercedes: It's wonderful how inspiration can strike so suddenly! Quick! Paint before you lose it!

    Ignatz: I will! Will you help me?

    Mercedes: I'd be happy to help, but I'm not sure what I can do.

    Ignatz: Don't you see? The goddess I imagined and tried to paint so many times -- she's you!

    (Mercedes Ignatz A support)

    Incredible, simply awe inspiring. Even gets her to blush. Mercedes, the big sister archetype, spends most of this support trying to encourage Ignatz to follow his dreams while trying to do the same herself. Ignatz remains with tons of self doubt, but it's heartwarming, and their ending is sweet.

    Ingrid: This one is even more beautiful than the last! A knight in shimmering armor, fighting in all her glory! That lance looks a lot like mine! And the armor... and the horse... Um, Ignatz... Is...that...

    Ignatz: Yes. It's you.

    Ingrid: The woman in this image-she's so powerful and regal... I'm in awe. So elegant and refined, but with such a soft air, despite the armor and weaponry...

    Ignatz: That's how I see you. You remind me of Saint Seiros. Brave and vibrant and powerful, yet kind and gentle. Sorry! Was that too much? That was too much.

    Ingrid: Thank you, Ignatz. I'm deeply touched. And also embarrassed.

    Ignatz: I'm feeling a little embarrassed myself.

    (Ingrid/Ignatz A+ Support)

    Ignatz takes constructive criticism and suggestions! The dream of all people who want to commission an artist, but don't want to spend money so they stalk for raffles and suggestion based streams! His taste in women is also very broad, as you can see. Blonde though the two may be, the personalities of Ingrid and Mercedes differ. He also isn't as basic as to assume that all women are queens, no. Some are saints and goddesses, and that is a part of what makes his brain ascended. Because he's willing to pine for the goddess herself. I mean just take a look at his support with Claude! Man's got high standards, and I respect him for it.

    [The whole ass Ignatz/Marianne support]

    Turning her silence to conversational strength. Being emotionally adept in order to guide her to a unique view of the town just for her. God, it's fantastic. Ignatz takes charge for almost all of this support, and it really shows the mentality of "I can't do the thing until someone else can't do the thing and then I become competent."

    He's kind, gentle, and extremely wise. Their relationship is a natural progression whose contents become grand enough to make it to the stage. Truly the male Dorothea.

    Ignatz: Um... Personally, I'd prefer to lose out, rather than inconvenience someone else. For instance, I'd have felt terrible for intruding on your important conversation earlier. Consider the negligible loss to me, versus the major inconvenience to you. Personal loss is always going to be the better choice, right? (Hilda/Ignatz C Support)

    Selfless. Kind. Able to weigh the consequences of the situation and take the route with the smaller amount of loss. Honestly, the first portion of this statement makes it seem as though he would be a poor merchant that gets walked all over, but when it comes to love? Man seems to understand not only compromise, but the idea that you can't always take a person's time. You ain't entitled to it. That person will come to you when they've got the time. And he's right, isn't he? Hilda came straight to him afterwards to talk.

    Hilda: Oh, don't mention it! Do my cleaning again and we'll call it even. You did such a lovely job last time. The floor was practically sparkling. I swear, the air even tasted cleaner!

    Ignatz: I'm glad you liked it! You're really good at giving compliments, you know that? I suppose that's why everyone's so eager to help you with things. (Hilda/Ignatz B Support)

    Ignatz skips the mindgames that Hilda plays with Ferdinand von Aegir, jumping straight into assisting Hilda just like Lorenz would do. This slightly more suave Mung Daal is apparently more capable than he lets on as well if Hilda's compliments are to be taken at face value.

    [Whole Ass Hilda/Ignatz A Support]

    He takes a more subdued approach, but look who he's dealing with. Hilda's best when making demands, a skill that was learned by both Ferdinand von Aegir and Lorenz Hellman Gloucester as well. Though not as refined, his natural instinct to have her force him to invite her along with him along with taking the route of natural rejection because he knows she loves doing nothing for favors means that he's well on his way.

    Ignatz: Oh, no. I want us to see the world together. Your presence makes every landscape more beautiful.

    Leonie: Hey, hold on! What's this all of a sudden?

    Ignatz: Oh, uh, that's not what I meant!

    Leonie: Haha! You're hilarious, Ignatz. There's never a dull moment with you around.

    (Leonie/Ignatz A+ Support)

    Ignatz's inescapable magnetic charisma pulls even Leonie into laughter. Leonie! Their support is rather tame, but that is just another one of his strengths. Flowery language, compliments galore, and fawning will only get you so far if you do not examine the person you are fawning over. Ignatz appeals to Leonie in such a manner that the one time he speaks in an artistic and forward manner, it amuses Leonie. So much so that she would even go as far as to disband her mercenary group to go traveling with him. The mercenary group she got from… Jeralt. (Also side note unrelated to this, but Jeralt was sent there by the Gloucesters. They are the reason Jeralt knows Leonie, further exhibiting why Lorenz is almighty and his opinion of Ignatz should be honored.

    [Entire Flayn Support with Ignatz]

    So remember what I said about fawning not being the way to get through to everyone? Flayn's the right person for it. Goddamn, she goes from trying to reject him to pestering him in 10 seconds flat. He does so in a way that isn't directly complimenting her however, and in doing so, it's the veil of cluelessness that keeps Flayn coming back. He amuses her, and who doesn't love someone who keeps them entertained? The fact that he could escape Seteth's wrath is incredible and only serves to prove his pure intentions as well.

    And then you have the way he talks to Byleth as well.

    Ignatz: You know, for that painting, I thought of the most beautiful thing in the world.

    Byleth: The goddess, you mean?

    Ignatz: Well yes… … But when I was painting her, I couldn't stop thinking of you. You are the most beautiful thing in the world.

    Ignatz: I can't lie to myself any longer. I can't live my whole life denying myself what makes me the happiest.

    Ignatz: You are my goddess. I want to be with you for the rest of my life… to love you for all eternity.

    Ignatz: With my paintings, I will bring the world happiness! The same happiness that I feel when I look at you, my beloved Goddess. Sorry, was that too much? Maybe I should just leave it at this… I love you. With all of my soul.

    (All Segments fromByleth/Ignatz S Supports)

    What a smooth operator. Lorenz wasn't joking when he told Ignatz

    Lorenz: Lucky you, Ignatz! Tomorrow, if only for a day, you may live out your dearest dreams of an exalted existence.

    (Book of Clouds: Night of Promises, Alliance English)

    The man may not be able to live up to the stature of Lorenz, but not many can. The fact that he could rise to that level at all speaks volumes to his untapped potential. Even if Byleth Blanco would not come until later, there were still capable suitors all over, such as the skilled Super Sylvain God or the esteemed Ferdinand Naranja. For Lorenz to encourage Ignatz that he would indeed be one of those to have an exalted existence that night is incredible.

    I mean the Ignatz's such a chad that he can find romance even in his platonic endings. (Raphael the real MVP). There's a reason he wasn't threatened by Claude wanting to be there when the goddess arrived.

    By the way, Ignatz's tea time answers have "Blush" as an approved answer just as much as Dorothea does.

    A Man of Culture

    Shamir: Why were you asking me about the world outside Fodlan before?

    Ignatz: There's so much I have yet to see. Even these days, when it's ravaged by conflict, the world is so diverse. Buildings and landscapes and geography differ vastly from place to place. There's so much variety within Fodlan, and the outside world must be even more varied! I feel so inspired just thinking about it. So I'd like to travel there some day. (Shamir/Ignatz A support).

    If only Claude weren't so blinded by teasing Ignatz for his taste in sexy women, he could have realized that Ignatz's got a fat brain and is all aboard for punching the CEO of racism in the face.

    Ignatz's has wonderful supports with Petra and Shamir, yet he doesn't flirt with them so much as he tries to understand them. Yes love comes with it, at least in Petra's case, but Ignatz is genuinely curious of beauty to the point that he wants to see these different places or learn about them. He comes at it from an angle of childlike wonder, and his fervor to learn is so vast and genuine that he even gets Cyril to reminisce on Almyra with some fond memories. Hell, he even gets Cyril to ponder going back to Almyra to visit! Though the beginning of their relationship may be rocky, he acknowledges Cyril's hardships and simply asks if there are any fond memories. Cyril brings those memories up himself WITHOUT PROMPT in their B support!

    He turns Brigid into a land of high regard through trade and astonishing depictions of its landscapes in art. I daresay he could turn it into a tourist location that way. Art and media is a fantastic way to get drawn into a culture. With all of the trading going on, food from Brigid would definitely be making its way around as well, meaning that people might become more interested in it. He does all of this while indulging in his own selfless desires.

    Absolute Unit

    Now you need a really high IQ to understand Bignatz as a unit. With 35% strength growth 30% magic growth, it's unlikely that he'll be doing heavy damage. He's got the same 50% speed growth as Ashe and Bernadetta. Also similar to Ashe and Bernadetta, combat isn't always in the cards for him. With a weakness in flying, he can't easily go the Ashe/Cyril route of bow archer, and with Shamir available as a very powerful archer, the only thing Ignatz really has is his ability to stack accuracy. Statistically, he doesn't seem to have too many strengths. What is one to do with him?

    Well I'm glad I asked!

    Aside from the inability to fly, this man has no weaknesses. Go the Brigand > Brawler > War Master route for big damage with tons of crits so that Ignatz will really paint them a picture.

    Make him a sniper so that he can hunter's volley from the safety of his tea party with Lorenz, since his accuracy's going to be insanely good. As a sniper, he'll also have access to break shot to seal enemy defense, and if you get his hidden talent then he gets seal strength for more debuffs in order to help take down enemies that will remain alive for prolonged periods of time.

    How do I like to use him? Oh the suboptimal way: By making him try to please everyone as a mortal savant. Levin Sword+ range, Haze Slash seal strength, occasional breakshot, physic and ward use, high crit spells, it's a shame his disdain of lightning means that he doesn't learn Thoron or Bolting, because he'd be fantastic with it.

    With his strength in authority, a strength only shared amongst recruitable characters with Lysithea, Annette, and Seteth. Compared to the others with this strength who are extremely capable and strategic at all times, I like to think Ignatz's is due to how beautiful his words are, allowing him to motivate those fighting for him.

    Anyway, enough of a tangent on that, this strength allows him to test the finest battalions money can buy before redistributing them to the rest of the army like the salesman he is. With this, he can use large AoE gambits relatively early to give everyone a breather. Giving him Poison Strike from Dark Mage (either instead of another hit+20 or alongside it) is an early investment that really helps him cripple opponents, making them a breeze to take down for everyone else. He's an incredible team player, and while I'd never make him my dancer, he's got some fun ways to be used. Optimal? No, but he never claimed to be either. At the least, he's usable regardless of whether or not he gets screwed on his levels, which always means I can find a reason to put him out there.

    Oh how I do wish there were an advanced class on the way to Mortal savant with mixed offenses that allowed him to take advantage of these strengths much earlier, perhaps one that could further increase his excellent speed growth or one that would increase his offensive stats. Oh well.

    He may not be able to do everything the best, But Lorenz sees something in him, and that's enough for me.

    submitted by /u/BlueIsForPlayers
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    Does anyone else think that Fire Emblem should start displaying growth rates in game?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    Stat bases and stat growths are arguably the most core determining factor when it comes to unit viability. They're not the sole factor, but they're the foundation of basically all unit management. And while stat bases are obviously easy to see, stat growths are not; not only are the specifics not displayed, but unlike with many hidden mechanics, there's no real way to figure them out yourself.

    It really feels like that information should be displayed in game. Uninformed players are likely to never know how growths work, and the fact that you literally just can't know specific growths without visiting Serenes Forest or another out of game source feels like a mistake. It means that you cannot effectively manage your units solely using in game information.

    Fire Emblem is so frequently open with information to the player - things like hit rate, critical chance, damage dealt, etc. are fully displayed public information for the player. It seems odd that something as important as growth rates aren't included in that.

    submitted by /u/EcoleBuissonniere
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    So I forgot about this in my library...I’m not sorry

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:02 PM PST

    My friend got the Awakening art book, I'm glad my fav ship had some cute art!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:55 PM PST

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Happy New... ZZZ...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:16 PM PST

    The king and his bride

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

    Small Chrom wields Big Falchion

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    A little late but I recieved fe3h and a switch lite and I'm loving it!!!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:00 PM PST

    Seduction Armor Camilla

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:48 PM PST

    I drew marth, because I also love him and he's my other husband.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Renewed Spirit)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:58 PM PST

    What if Kostas actually killed all the lords in the beginning of the game?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude all end up taking a dirt nap, and Byleth is forced to retreat. How'd the game change with all three lords dead?

    submitted by /u/Hamzaboy
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