• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Fire Emblem /r/FireEmblem Post-3H Survey - Please take this! We're considering changes to certain rules.

    Fire Emblem /r/FireEmblem Post-3H Survey - Please take this! We're considering changes to certain rules.

    /r/FireEmblem Post-3H Survey - Please take this! We're considering changes to certain rules.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:00 PM PST

    The survey is here. All questions are optional. Answer as many or as few as you'd like.

    As is tradition, you can also comment down below if you'd like to air your grievances publicly.

    In the half-year since Three Houses was released, our sub has grown by 60%! With 75,000 new subscribers on board, the landscape of the sub has shifted substantially. The mod team genuinely believes that are current policies are good for the sub, but for all we know, the userbase heavily disagrees. Frankly, it gets a bit hard to see the big picture when the only consistent feedback we see are modmails from people angry about their memes being removed. This is our vibe check to see how out of touch we may or may not be.

    Please note that we will not necessarily take the results of this survey as strictly binding on our moderation policies and the subreddit rules. We recognize that the number of subscribers who actively participate in the sub are a small minority compared to the large, non-posting majority, and that will have to be taken into account. We also need to strike a balance between accommodating the desires of new subscribers and not alienating our old ones.

    I understand that the above statement makes it sound like we're going to disregard the results entirely if they're inconvenient for us, but given the above factors we're going to be cautious about big changes. At the very least, we'll make the survey results public so you can see to what extent we adhere to it.

    Here are the rules we're considering taking another look at. With both rules, we're considering doing a thing where the rule in question will be negated one day a week - Meme Monday or Fanart Friday or Shitpost Sunday or whatever. Without speaking for the rest of the mod team, that sounds like a decent compromise to me if the community is amenable.

    Rule 8

    "No Unedited Screen Shots, Simple Photo Edits, Simple Macro/Caption Memes, Photographs of game boxes/discs, or any other form of a low-effort post. Any images or memes must be related to Fire Emblem directly, and not just through a title or caption. Posts that serve no purpose and offer nothing are considered Spam. Any Low Effort or Spam post will be removed."

    The famous low-effort rule. Highly-contentious, if modmail is to be believed. The vast majority of posts we remove are removed under Rule 8. While we've had Rule 8 for a while, prior to Three House's release, it was tightened up considerably, and as a result, memes were effectively banned unless they were made from scratch. While our intention was to prevent a flood of low-effort posts during the 3H release, we don't necessarily mind that we've created a more meme-free environment. That's us, though. We want to know what you think.

    A secondary reason for the ban on low-effort content is that it, like fanart, is easy to appreciate at a glance and therefore tends to get more upvotes compared to most other posts. Were we to relax Rule 8, it is likely that memes would rejoin fanart in shared dominance of the front page. Some people are probably cool with that. Some people probably aren't. We'll see, I guess.

    Note that we've included an option for "Memes should be allowed, but only if they have effort put into them". I wasn't a moderator a year ago, but I think this is roughly similar to what we had back then. If you vote for this, understand that that means we would have to exercise discretion as to effort. People hate when we do that. We would remove some memes for being low-effort while leaving others up, and the line has to be drawn somewhere.

    Rule 9

    "No Fanart or Cosplay is to be posted unless it is of your own making, or you commissioned the artist and have permission to post."

    I've previously written a bit about rule 9 here. Basically, what it boils down to is that fanart already dominates the sub despite rule 9, and despite what we hear semi-frequently in modmail we don't believe that users really have a "right" to post art that isn't theirs.

    Similarly, often when we remove posts for rule 9, the user in question will say that we're screwing over artists by not allowing them to get more exposure by having their stuff posted here. We don't really have a problem with that. As it stands, the artists who get exposure from the sub are the ones that are active in the community. Or, you know, are at least aware of the community in the first place. Just as users don't really have a "right" to post art that isn't theirs, artists as a whole don't have a guaranteed right to exposure from the sub unless they do it themselves.

    At least, that's part of the conception that's justified rule 9 so far. Disagree? Go fill out the survey!

    We also included a slider about how you feel about the amount of fanart that is currently on the sub, partly because we get people from both sides claiming that there's too much or not enough, and we're interested to see where people land.

    Here's some stuff that you shouldn't bring up in the survey, not because we don't care about it but because it has been (or is in the process of being) addressed:

    Mod activity

    It can be concerning to have a list full of inactive mods. For a decent amount of time, /r/FireEmblem has had a few of these in its ranks. Five months ago, though, we cleaned house, and I can assure you that every mod left on the list does their part for the sub even if some of us are more public-facing. This includes our new top mod, /u/V2Blast, long may he reign.

    Post Flair Bot

    Yes, this has taken way too long. We got distracted, and our plans to heist the bot code from /r/FireEmblemHeroes didn't pan out as intended. /u/stalwartness is currently locked in his coding dungeon to spin this thing up. Once implemented, it should automatically remove unflaired posts after a certain amount of time. My understanding is that we can get it to automatically reapprove those once a post flair has been applied, but I'm not the tech guy so I'll hold off on making any promises.

    Al flair


    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    We Won!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:29 PM PST

    Three Houses just won best strategy game in the game awards 2019!

    submitted by /u/Lorallynn
    [link] [comments]

    Dumb_Byleth06.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:14 AM PST

    Congratulations, everyone! Player's Voice has ended and the winner is indeed Fire Emblem: Three Houses! (at 45% of total votes)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    Petra in style of a GBA Fire Emblem half-body portrait!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST

    Catherine and Shamir Timeskip Designs!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:07 PM PST

    [FE3H] Which house will you choose? You chose the Blue Lions!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    The progenitor god, Caspar!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST

    (oc) sometimes I wonder what the NPCs think about DLC outfits

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:37 AM PST

    Ready for them to rake in all the Game Awards

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:20 PM PST


    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:17 AM PST

    "KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM" made the intro sizzle reel at TGA.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:15 PM PST

    Thought y'all should know that punished boy was a featured scene, as he deserves to be!

    submitted by /u/NateDawgDoge
    [link] [comments]

    My friend made this beautiful box

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:55 PM PST

    Fire Enblem Three Houses is massively in advantage at the Player's Voice Game Awards

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:21 AM PST

    Tag Yourself: Golden Deer House

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:23 PM PST

    padoru edelgard :>

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:12 AM PST

    (OC) Byleth from Fire Emblem: Three Houses

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:23 PM PST

    Sothis Exclamation

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:53 AM PST

    We are currently winning

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:56 PM PST

    Female Corrin in Yusuke Kozaki's FE Fates Artbook Illustration

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:12 AM PST

    Emperor Edelgard

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:36 PM PST

    Allegra Clark on the Game Awards result: Put the house rivalry aside for now, this victory belongs to all of Garreg Mach

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:34 PM PST

    Crimson Flower Requirement Analysis

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:47 PM PST

    You know, it's been bugging me for some time.

    Why does Byleth side with Edelgard in the Black Eagles route?

    What is it that makes Byleth decide to protect the woman that revealed herself to be the Flame Emperor, the one that admitted several chapters ago to working with the evil mages that caused Remire and later Jeralt's death? I mean, working with those people and the whole battle in Chapter 11 against her makes it hard to side with her.

    And no matter what reasons that we might get for why the Church is bad and such, the thing is, Edelgard cannot ever be sided with if you fail to meet the requirements for her route:

    1. Get her C+ support.
    2. Talk to her during the month of Pegasus Moon (February) during Exploration and choose to go with her.
    3. Choose to protect her after clearing Chapter 11.

    So the question is, why should we meet these requirements to side with her? What do these requirements tell or show Byleth, and us by extension? Are they meant to hold value for the story?

    Keep in mind that these things are VERY missable, and several people have, in fact, missed it, primarily the second condition, cause they forget or don't bother to go exploring that month for some reason and thus miss out on talking to Edelgard. Then again, if your support with Edelgard is not at C+, she won't even be available during that month. Or if you refuse to go with her when the option is there, she disappears. Both cases, you are locked into Silver Snow.

    Let's consider the first one, being that we get her C+ support.

    During her C support, Sothis and Byleth happen upon Edelgard experiencing a nightmare, pleading for her father to save her. After she wakes up, she begins to explain how she dreams of her siblings all suffering and dying, how she is the only one of the 11 children of Adrestia that survived the cruelties and now she is to be the next Adrestian Emperor.

    Edelgard: Even now, I'm the only one who can carry the weight of the Adrestian Empire. The future of the Empire... of everything... depends on me. Hm... I shared more than I intended to. I suppose there's something in the air tonight. I've never told anyone about my past before. Please... forget I said anything. Sleep well, my teacher.

    From this, you get the sense that Edelgard suffered a serious tragedy and she is carrying a lot of burdens within her, but there's not enough to go on, and thus nothing makes sense as to why she would go against the Church, and even what she says in the story wouldn't work either, since the talk of Crests never come up. Hence why the C+ support is also important, when she goes into more detail about what happened to her siblings and her.

    Edelgard: My siblings and I were... We were imprisoned underground, beneath the palace. The object was to endow our bodies with the power of a Major Crest. I have always possessed the Crest of Seiros, inherited through the Hresvelg bloodline. But it was only a Minor Crest, and most of my siblings bore no Crest at all. In order to create a peerless emperor to rule Fódlan, they violated our bodies by cutting open our very flesh. Now here I stand, the fruit of that endeavor: Edelgard von Hresvelg! But that came at too high a price... The others were sacrificed. Ours weren't the only lives devastated by that terrible process. Innocents died as well, without even knowing what they were dying for. And there you have it, the truth of the Hresvelg's Empire.

    Byleth: Who is to blame?

    Edelgard: The prime minister and his gaggle of nobles. They had the Empire under their thumbs. My father, the emperor, tried to stop them, but... it was futile. My father was nothing but a puppet on a string by then. He was powerless to save us. I know how it all sounds.

    From her support, it makes a lot more sense as to why she despises the notion of Crests and the nobility system, and how because of the Crests that had empowered the nobles, she suffered so much as a child, and lost all of her siblings.

    Edelgard: But when you see my true strength, you will know I speak the truth. I have kept it hidden all this time, but... I will reveal to you the power of my second Crest.

    (Edelgard displays her Crest)

    Edelgard: It is the same as yours... the Crest of Flames. When it manifested for me, I swore a silent oath. For the sake of my family and for all the poor souls who lives were traded for my existence... For their sake, I will build a world where such meaningless sacrifice is never again sanctioned. As emperor, I will change the world. I swear it.

    Yet even with that, it isn't enough on its own to side with her. That's because of her working with the Agarthans and the atrocities she committed, and how she attacks us, it feels like she's just way too far in her actions and feels like she really is willing to just kill anyone to get her way. As some people that bash Edelgard said, it's basically a "sob story to make us feel sorry for her" and such. It doesn't justify what she is doing.

    And to an extent, I agree.

    That's where the 2nd requirement is needed, in that you have to go with her to Adrestia during the month of the Pegasus Moon. Because of the bond that you had developed during the story and the C+ support, she wants you to come with her to her coronation to become the new Adrestian Emperor.

    So why does this coronation scene have so much importance?

    Let's examine the scene:

    Edelgard: Father, forgive me for asking this of you. I know how much pain you're in–how the burden of the throne weighs heavily on you–and so...

    Emperor Ionius IX: (raspy voice) There is no need to apologize, Edelgard. You must know, that I do not have much time left in this world. The time has come.

    Edelgard: Thank you, Father. Now, to complete the Imperial succession, you must relinquish your crown here in the throne room. The archbishop of the Church of Seiros would normally act as a witness, but my professor will fill that role instead.

    Emperor Ionius IX: Edelgard...

    Edelgard: From this day forward, the weight of the Empire's future shall rest upon my shoulders. All that I do will be for the benefit of the people of Fódlan.

    Emperor Ionius IX: Edelgard von Hresvelg... The crown is yours. By the covenant between the red blood and white sword, and by the double-headed eagle upon your head, I hereby pronounce you the new emperor. Are you ready to take those responsibilities as your own?

    Edelgard: In accordance with the ancient covenant, and in keeping with the Hresvelg legacy... I swear that upon this throne, I shall use my reign to lead Fódlan to a new dawn and achieve peace for all.

    The very first part of the scene, we get the sense of how Edelgard takes the crown as the new emperor of Adrestia, and such a thing, she expresses a profound sense of responsibility. You can't express these as simple words. The words here are to carry power and weight that is not easily said. So when Edelgard says it, she truly means it.

    However, the scene after the succession is done has Ionius and Edelgard lament of the tragedy that befell them, but Edelgard always empathized with it, having seen how her father had also suffered and cursed his own powerlessness to stop the prime minister to do the awful things to Edelgard and her siblings.

    And by great timing, the next scene really helps understand the type of action Edelgard goes for.

    Duke Aegir: Your Majesty! You must not leave your sleeping chambers in your condition... Ah, Edelgard. I did not expect to find Your Highness here.

    Edelgard: Prime Minister, you have misspoken. I am no longer Your Highness but rather...Your Majesty.

    Duke Aegir: I-impossible!

    Emperor Ionius IX: It is true. Edelgard is the new emperor of the Adrestian Empire. We will summon the officials and prepare the ordinance at once. And you, Prime Minister–

    Edelgard: Are dismissed. It will be some time before you are allowed to make contact with the outside world again.

    Duke Aegir: No! How can this be?! I... Understood, Your Majesty.

    And there is it. Here is Duke Aegir, the prime minister that is very much responsible for so much suffering for the Hresvelg family, whom Edelgard stated herself to be behind the horrible experiments that she suffered, and basically very much a major part for why her siblings all died, and she...chooses NOT to kill him.

    Amazing, is it not? For all her personal hatred, all the anger and resentment that she MUST have, how she has a desire within her to kill the people that wronged her and her family.

    And here, she has the power to kill him.

    She has the reason to kill him.

    But she chooses not to.

    I am reminded of a quote I recall from a movie in the past:

    "Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't."

    And Byleth witnesses how Edelgard had all the justification to kill Duke Aegir. Not only for what he did to her personally, but because of how Duke Aegir's actions would be very treasonous in the Empire. Yet despite having all the right to kill Ferdinand's father, even under law, Edelgard refused to go there.

    So how does this work to why Byleth wanting to choose to protect Edelgard?


    After Edelgard had been defeated, what does Rhea demand?

    Rhea: Professor. Kill Edelgard at once. She is a danger to all of Fódlan. Such a rebellious heart cannot be allowed to keep beating.

    When Edelgard has the justification and authority to kill someone she hates, she doesn't. And when Rhea has the justification and authority to kill, she does.

    In the coronation, Byleth sees how Edelgard wants and tries to use her power as responsibly as she can, wanting to avoid killing people if she can help it. So when Byleth chooses to trust Edelgard, having seen how she is with power, he chooses to believe that Edelgard isn't the monster that would have actually allowed the Agarthans to commit the atrocity in Remire, nor would she wanted Jeralt to have been killed. And if she is working with those people that did, there has to be a reason that he can find out and possibly help her deal with them. It's a show of true faith in the student that he raised during the year that made the choice in the path she had taken.

    But Rhea? Though she isn't working with an "obvious" evil, in comparison to how she uses her power to Edelgard's, Rhea is the abuser. Rhea abuses her power and will kill anyone, stacking with previous chapters with how she has no qualms in killing civilians if they are a threat and would justify it, nor would she bother with the reason for anyone's actions.

    This is what I feel is the importance of having to see the coronation, and why it all adds up with the story that we see, and what makes Byleth feel that he would want to protect Edelgard and side with her in the end.

    Hence why only then the option to side with her exist.

    submitted by /u/Omegaxis1
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    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Glorious Gifts)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:00 PM PST

    [self] Am i chilly in this outfit? ///He~y there, it's been a while! You really liked my previous Tharja photo so i decided to share with you another one where you can actually see almost whole costume I spent so much time working on! Hope you like it! ^^

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:37 AM PST

    With less than 10 minutes to go.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:22 AM PST

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