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    Saturday, March 7, 2020

    Fire Emblem [OC fanart] big Sothis

    Fire Emblem [OC fanart] big Sothis

    [OC fanart] big Sothis

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PST

    doodle of sporty lyn

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Edelgard is a huge dork oh my god

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:01 AM PST

    perfect tea time

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:06 PM PST

    The Apex of the World!(OC Art) This also legit spooked me the first time I saw her design lol

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:09 AM PST

    I did some azure moon golden prints!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:00 PM PST

    He goin for a spin.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:38 PM PST

    idk if this has been done but when I saw this meme I had to

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:32 PM PST

    Here's a Baby Claude done by @AllyisEYE on twitter

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Petra with a flowy skirt!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PST

    I know I asked for maddening, but wtf?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PST

    [OC Art] Ike drawn with gel pens! (And maybe some marker lol)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:38 PM PST

    smiley lysithea

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:51 PM PST

    Found an interesting picture at my friends house. However she has him the wrong way up so I had to put him the right way down.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Feel the Bern

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:07 PM PST

    It's actually really good too (Ferdie von Aegir post time skip spoiler)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PST


    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Arvis's Best Moments are All Off Screen

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:54 PM PST

    Spoilers for all of Genealogy follow

    TLDR: Arvis's character writing is flawed, because the decisive moments where he changes occur off screen.

    Arvis is one of the most beloved characters in the franchise. He defeats the hero, wins the kingdom, and yet somehow everything still goes wrong for him and he ends up dying a sad and regretful despot over his action. Because of Arvis's change throughout FE4 he is lauded as an example of good character writing. He goes from friend and ally, to vicious tyrant, to regretful emperor. He is practically a different person every time.

    Only problem is the game has all of these changes happen off screen, so he feels like a different person every time he appears. This quirk of Arvis's character always made him feel disjointed to me, even when I played Genealogy last summer. Looking back on him, Arvis feels even more disjointed than he did before. He is essentially three different characters over the course of the game. A large part of it is owed to Genealogy itself. It's a huge game that pushed the SNES memory to its limit, and a lot had to be cut/scraped. Unfortunately, one of those missing things is the bridges gaps between Arvis three appearances.

    Instead of one cohesive Arvis, we are instead left with three.

    Arvis first appears in the games prologue, where he is a green unit who famously stomps on the invading Verdane units and hands Sigurd the best silver sword in the series before departing. At this point of the story, Arvis is just the commander of the royal guard at Belhalla. There's not much that can be gleamed about him. He expresses disappointment in Sigurd, gives him the silver sword, and departs back for Belhalla but not before expressing one thing. Concern for his half-brother: Azel.

    Well, keep [Azel] safe. Azel's my only brother. We may have different mothers, but he still means the world to me. I wish he and I got along better, but that's the way these things go.

    Of course, given later actions Arvis concern could be nothing more than a lie. Azel says himself that "Arvis scares him". So is this a lie by Arvis? Maybe, except the quote from Arvis should Azel die:

    He got himself killed, didn't he…

    Azel… you fool…

    Here, his grief is genuine over Azel's death. Yes, he could be cruel to Azel, but also cares for Azel in his own, perhaps twisted, way. Enough that Azel's death brings Arvis grief in this chapter. Supplementary materials from Treasure support this reading as well, stating that Arvis thought of Azel "as his own family".

    This is the first Arvis: a loyal captain of the guard, ally to Sigurd, and brother to Azel.

    The second Arvis is in Chapter 5; about half the game has passed since his last on screen appearance. In that time we've learned that he is of Loptyr descent, has entered an agreement with Manfroy, and plans to kill Sigurd. Sigurd and his army, Azel included, March to Belhalla where Arvis tricks them, and lights them ablaze with the Rotten Ritter. The Battle of Belhalla, as it came to be known, was executed without hesitation and quite a bit of glee on Arvis's part (he brought out Deirdre)

    So what happened? Arvis was on good terms with Sigurd. He said Azel meant the world to him! He grieved over Azel's death! And now he murders Azel and Sigurd in cold blood? What changed?

    Well during chapter 2, Manfroy coerced Arvis to ally with him due to Arvis's Loptyr blood. Having Loptyr blood in Judgral is enough to get you a place on a fiery stake, and even a captain of the Royal Guard isn't immune to persecution. So he agrees to go along with the plan, and at the end of chapter five creates most infamous barbeque in Fire Emblem history.

    Except all these events, and changes occurred off screen. We're left to fill in the massive blank that was Arvis from his return to Belhalla to his appearance in Chapter 5.

    They are two different Arvis's. One Arvis was a cold yet loving brother, the other a ruthless murderer. One Arvis was a loyal servant of the king, the other an ambitious man attempting to change the world so that those with Loptyr blood may live in peace. It's an exceptional journey that all occurred off screen.

    The journey from the second to third Arvis, sadly also takes place off screen.

    The third Arvis we meet is, again, several hours later at the end of the game in Chapter 10. This Arvis is a sad decrepit despot. A former shadow of the man he used to be. He recognizes that he got played by Manfroy, and he acknowledges his mistakes and does what little he can to aid Julia and protect citizens from the Loptyrians. He even provides Seliph with Tyrfrig, which Arvis acquired at the massacre Battle of Belhalla.

    Once again Arvis has gone through a massive change… off screen. We are told only of Arvis's change through exposition and are unable to see the man change ourselves. We don't see when he realized that he was just a puppet of Manfroy and Lopt. We don't see him break under their abuse, the moment he realized that the world he wanted to create was never going to happen. We are told these things happen, but we don't ever get to see it in action.

    We are often told at school "show don't tell". The writing for Arvis does show us the man who he is at any given time, but we are told how he has changed. We never get to bear witness to the decisive moments that change Arvis's character.

    For a character lauded for his change, I found it underwhelming when I first played Genealogy. I still find it underwhelming.

    There are many things that I want from a Genealogy remake. Scenes involving Arvis making a deal with Manfroy, realizing his error, and more are some such changes. For a character beloved by the fan base, I personally don't think he is all that when push comes to shove. Each time he appears, he is jarringly different from the last time we saw him. And each time can come after several hours of gameplay has passed. There needs to be something that bridges the gap between the three different Arvis's that we see.

    Right now there isn't. Yes Genealogy's script is to the limit of the SNES, but deciding scope and what's possible is an essential part of game design.

    Arvis's character suffers from Genealogy's scope being too big, and leaving too much out.

    TLDR: Arvis's character writing is flawed, because the decisive moments where he changes occur off screen.

    submitted by /u/that_wannabe_cat
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    (Joke What if) If the 3 Leaders worked together to fight the TWSITD by Yic 17 Studios feat. FFXV

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Soleil: Another Look at Nohr's Sunshine

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PST

    Last year I gave my thoughts on all of Soleil's supports in this post. The goal of that post was to find the good in each of Soleil's support conversations (and her paralogue) and highlight what I like about Soleil in each conversation. However this time I'd like to do a more traditionally formatted write-up on Soleil. Some of what I talk about here will be things I touched upon in that post, and some will be all new to this post. Please enjoy!

    So, where to begin? Well let's start with: why do I like Soleil? When looking at things I like about FE characters, they usually have some combination of these traits:

    • I admire something about them
    • I find them amusing
    • I like their design
    • I think they have a compelling story

    My absolute favourite characters fulfill all of the above (Lucina, Inigo, Celica, Claude, and Ranulf, to name just a few), and Soleil is no exception.

    Soleil is one of my all-time favourite characters in the entire series. Fates was my second game in the series (I've since played all 16 games!). Inigo was one of my favourite characters in Awakening, and I was surprised to see him in Fates but I was excited to use him again in Conquest. I was soon greeted with another pleasant surprise when I unlocked the paralogue for his child, Soleil! I was immediately a fan of her spunky attitude and as I got to know her character better I found more and more to like about the character.

    There are four traits of Soleil that I think best describe her. Soleil is kind. Soleil is optimistic. Soleil is bold and genuine. Soleil is funny. These aspects come up again and again throughout all of her supports and various dialogue.

    So let's start with a pretty general trait, but an admirable one that's demonstrated time and time again with Soleil. She's really kind! Soleil can be fairly dense at times, unaware of the harm her actions might be causing somebody. However, I don't believe she ever means to be malicious. She's definitely an act now think later/speak before you think kinda gal, and occasionally this will cause undue harm. However, and very importantly, she always apologizes to those she's hurt. A tame example of this is in her Asugi support. She insults him because she thinks he's stealing all of the girls' attention away with his candy. After some tribulations in the kitchen and getting to know Asugi, she takes back what she said before and they become great friends.

    Another example is in her support with Forrest. She absolutely adores Forrest's hair, but she doesn't believe him when he tells her it's his natural hair. She's constantly calling it super cute but at the same time, she's rummaging through his stuff to find the "secret" to his hair and even ends up pulling on it thinking it must be a wig. Once she's convinced it's actually Forrest's real hair, however, she apologizes to him, reiterating how much she loves his hair and how she only meant her actions as a compliment.

    Speaking of only meaning her actions as a compliment, importantly I should mention she apologizes in her support with Ophelia. In fact, she performs a model apology, taking the initiative to say she's sorry and say what she did wrong. Actually, she apologizes three times in the A support. After Soleil's apologies for overstepping Ophelia's personal boundaries and Ophelia's return apologies for placing undue expectations upon Soleil from her preconceived ideas of who she thought Soleil should be, they start over to try and get to know each other for real, rather than through their previous toxic methods.

    For some examples of her kindness that don't just involve apologizing for her mistakes, let's talk about how Soleil is always down to help when someone is in need. This is first seen when you first meet Soleil in her paralogue. She runs a mercenary group acting as town watch to protect the villagers from bandits. She's ready to put herself in harm's way for the safety of strangers. Laslow describes her group as a "band of do-gooders", so I think it's likely that she gathered like-minded people to help her cause, and a "do-gooder" is a pretty great thing to be!

    She helps Percy when he comes to her needing a matchmaker for his wyvern, Ace. She also accompanies Kana on his patrols because he wants to learn how to be like her, meaning how to be friendly with everyone he meets. Of course, Kana has mistaken Soleil's brazen flirting for just being friendly, but she amuses him regardless and gives him legitimate advice about being himself and other tips to get people to like you.

    Regardless of how things pan out, Soleil always has the best intentions.

    One of my personal favourite traits of Soleil is how she never shies away from trying something new and unfamiliar. For example, in her support with Mitama, she tries her hand at poetry for the first time. She believes that if she can learn the rhythm of poetry, it'll help her dance better. While she ends up being pretty bad at it, she still tries her best and even when she's feeling hopeless, she bounces back quickly.

    Going back once more to her support with Asugi, she decides to learn how to make candy herself to try and combat Asugi's perceived 'sweets-seduction strategy'. She watched Asugi's process and attempted to emulate it, but she failed miserably. Afterwards, she accepts lessons straight from the source himself and ends up making a successful batch of candy!

    And in that support where she helps Percy? She wasn't particularly interested in being a wyvern matchmaker and certainly had no prior experience with the subject, but she gave it a shot anyway in order to help out a friend. Though the whole endeavour ends up for naught, Percy is still appreciative of the fact that Soleil tried her best. She didn't stop at one or two or seven failed attempts. She didn't give up until it was clear there was no helping the situation.

    Finally, her support with Shigure has her attempt to take up singing as well. You may have noticed a trend by now with that word: "attempt". Soleil's profile says she's: "the worst singer in the army". But the whole time she takes Shigure's advice to heart and tries her best. It's not whether or not she's successful at these new things that matters, it's that she's putting herself out there, unafraid of failure. She's experiencing life to its fullest. It's a life lesson I think anyone could benefit from.

    Next, Soleil's supports just crack me up. This is definitely easier to show than attempt to describe, so here are some of my favourite moments:

    Sophie: Uh, th-that won't be necessary. Fine, just you then. What happens if I win?
    Soleil: I will never call you a flower again.
    Sophie: Sounds good. And if I lose?
    Soleil: Then you'll change your name to Flower.

    So matter of fact. So bold. So naive if she thinks Sophie had even a minuscule chance of agreeing to that.

    Siegbert: A wise assessment. Nor would such a woman change clothes out of doors, I daresay.
    Soleil: ... On a scale of 1 to 10, how sure are you about that?
    Siegbert: Soleil! There wasn't supposed to be any room for disagreement in that!

    "Future lord" or not, Soleil will fire back if her ways are questioned.

    Ignatius: Yeah? I don't look as intimidating?
    Soleil: Not at all. Smile with confidence, my friend. If I had one criticism... I'd say that you should avoid saying "cheese" every time you smile.

    So hilariously obvious, but delivered so matter of factly, yet kindly, that it gets a giggle outta me.

    Soleil: Really? You seem pretty great to me. I can't help taking a liking to you, Mitama. You're like a sparkly thing.
    Mitama: A sparkly...thing?

    Quite the way with words. Lemme rewrite this Soleil write-up real quick: "I really like Soleil. She's like a..sunny thing."

    Soleil: Adroit hands, pale yet strong, reach into the golden feed... With a swift flick of the wrist, she adorably scatters the food on the ground... Fluffy, grateful animals line up in droves, just to be near her loveliness... Keehee... KEEHEEHEEE…
    Azura: Um, Soleil? Could you please give me a little space, darling? Your persistent narration is distracting, and I still have more livestock to feed.

    It slays me how she goes into this full narration about her mother, and a really good one too with excellent use of vocabulary. All that and she still failed to make a proper poet.

    Those are just a handful of my favourite moments, but in almost every support, Soleil's crazy antics are sure to get me to crack a smile.

    Finally, Soleil's unyielding optimism is a clear highlight of the character for me. This is possibly the most prominent aspect of her personality, and it shines through again and again. We get context for it in her paralogue where we learn she got this from her father, Inigo. He employs the "turn that frown upside down" mentality by literally just turning the frown upside down. A sort of fake it till you make it approach until things are looking up again. I've made great use of the "fake it till you make it" mentality in real life, so it's something I like about Soleil's character quite a bit. Soleil employs this mentality not just in battle, but in everyday challenges as well.

    Her support with M!Corrin spells out her approach clearly. Though she didn't get the help she was looking for from him, she thought back to her father's wisdom. She decides to smile anyway, happy that Corrin is trying to help her, successfully or not. With this approach, Soleil can look at the bright side of every situation. It provides a perspective that she wouldn't otherwise have.

    It's not that she never gets sad or anything though. In her Kiragi support she gets really down about a friend who had to move away, but staying optimistic helps her stay in control of her emotions if things don't go her way, whether in battle or life. She assures herself that she'll see her friend again someday and that that belief will make saying goodbye easier. Soleil isn't fake about her emotions per se, she just employs a different thought process in the effort to change her emotions from negative ones to positive ones. Honestly, the Kiragi support is just an extremely wholesome support overall. Kiragi helps Soleil through a rough patch, and the topic of friends drifting away is one that everyone can relate to. In the end, Soleil makes a new friend in Kiragi, so all's well that ends well.

    In her support with Dwyer, he tries to no little success to teach her how to dance. She's upset with her progress, but within a split moment, she understands that getting mad won't help anything. The speed at which she bounces back from her frustration is impressively mature. It's important to note that she doesn't put the blame on Dwyer either, but squarely on herself for not improving.

    When Forrest tried to do up Soleil's hair all fancy, things didn't go quite as planned. Soleil was shocked and unhappy with the results, but those feelings quickly faded away, and she looked at it from another angle? It's funny how her hair looks, and what really matters is that she got to spend time with her new friend Forrest. It's a really wholesome and nice interaction.

    Soleil's unending optimism almost breaks down in the face of Mitama's scathing criticism about her poetry, but a quick compliment has her bouncing back just as quickly. Honestly, it's amazing she didn't just go sulk around after Mitama's harsh criticism, but that's what's impressive about her. She's a tough cookie with some thick skin, perhaps unexpected for her overly affectionate and kind personality.

    One of Soleil's best qualities is how genuine and true to herself she is. Nothing will stop Soleil from being Soleil. One of the most (in)famous examples of this is how Soleil doesn't have even a modicum of shame over changing in public. Now while I certainly wouldn't go as far as being inspired to start changing in public, it is nice to see that she doesn't give a damn what those around her think. This trait is contrasted by her extreme embarrassment over being seen practicing her dancing, but that's definitely the exception for Soleil, not the rule.

    This one's kind of a minor example, but even when she's not flirting Soleil is still totally genuine with her compliments, like in her non-sibling support with Shigure when he sings for her.

    Shigure: Tra la, la la la... ♪ Phew... was that up to your expectations?
    Soleil: Y-yeah... to say the least! I didn't know you were THAT good. If I had a hat, I'd take it off to you!

    It's just a very sweet, pretty unique response to Shigure's singing that I quite liked.

    Her support with Siegbert has the most outright example of Soleil's feelings about this.

    Soleil: I think a really strong woman would be herself, and not be ashamed of her ways. If she feels something, she acts on it, without worrying about anyone else!

    Even with somebody who she considers to be her future lord, she still proudly marches to the beat of her own drum. I think she sets a strong example for women, or anybody, afraid to be themselves out of fear of embarrassment or not adhering to whatever social norms they believe they'd be disrupting.

    You can really find this unabashed behaviour in all of Soleil's dialogue, so listing examples is kind of a futile effort. Her dialogue is very unique and memorable for this reason though, and it definitely adds to my enjoyment of the character.

    Lastly, I believe that an underappreciated part of Soleil are the moments when she gets serious. 90% of the time she's all sunshine and rainbows sure, but she can be a very empathetic person at times as well.

    Soleil: I'm just happy I got you to laugh again! ...Hey, Dad? I don't know what happened to you in the past... But I DO know how much you love me now. I know one day you'll tell me everything... And one day, we may even have to part ways... But no matter what, I'll always be your daughter. Always. I love you, Dad. I always have, and I always, always will.

    This is such a sincere and sweet moment between Soleil and her father. She doesn't fully understand everything that Inigo's been through or where he's from or what he's talking about when he said he's met his mother after her death, but she does understand how much she loves him, and that's all that matters to her. Gosh, it's just so adorable.

    This also leads into a semi-overlooked part of Fates is the DLC: Heirs of Fate. There's a whole new side we get to see of Soleil. When things get really serious, she steps up in a bit of a leadership role. Not something we've never seen from her mind you, as she was running her own band of mercenaries in her deeprealm, but here she even speaks a bit out of turn with Siegbert, who should be higher up the pecking order than her. It's all for Siegbert's own good though, to guide him on the path he truly wants, rather than the path he thinks he wants. Soleil provides him with much-needed encouragement and wisdom.

    Soleil: There's no disgrace in going after what you really, truly want! What were you going to do, wait patiently for someone else to fix it for you?
    Siegbert: Of all the—
    Soleil: Nope, not arguing time now. It's fighting time. Saddle up, Siegbert. I guarantee we'll be fine. You'll have me watching your back, for one thing.

    And the finale of Heirs of Fates where she fights her father speaks for herself. Just heartbreaking, but she's grown wiser and her ever caring heart shines through in spite of the horrible situation.

    Soleil: sniff I'm sorry! I didn't mean to leave you behind! But then...if you hadn't protected me, I'd never have made these new friends. That's what you wanted for me, right? To see the world—to meet new people. Though I'll be forgetting this soon, so I won't get to tell you all about them. Even so, though... Thanks for giving me this chance, Dad. I wouldn't take back anything you did. None of it was a mistake in my book. And no matter what you do or who's got control of you, I love you anyway.
    Laslow: …
    Soleil: Seems pointless to cry, right? You'd want me to smile instead. It won't be like this the next time I see you. We'll smile wide at each other, and you can welcome me home for keeps.

    There's another even more overlooked aspect of Fates, to the fault of no English fan, and that's the Japanese only DLC! The Hoshidan Festival of Bonds has conversations with Soleil and her father, as well as unique conversations for any of her potential mothers. The conversation with her father is super sweet. Inigo reveals that when Soleil was born he devised a special dance that they could one day perform together. Even though Soleil has less than adequate dancing skills, she promises to try her best so that they can dance together. It's just a super sweet father-daughter moment from the two of them. Most of the conversations with potential mothers have her mirroring some aspect of them. Since to me, Azura will always be her mother, I'll just focus on that one today. I think it works quite well anyway since Soleil is regarded as a terrible singer regardless of her mother, so Azura being her mother adds a new dynamic to that. It's a really sweet support where Soleil confides in Azura how compared to her parents and brother, Soleil lacks any performing talent, and she feels inadequate because of it. Azura apologizes for being oblivious to her plight and tells Soleil that she and Laslow will work together to help her improve. Soleil's default support with Shigure is also about him teaching her how to sing, so it's easy to imagine the whole family coming together to help her out and not let her spirits get down about it. The whole scenario is just the sweetest thing to imagine, I can't get enough of it.

    Now I'd like to take a moment to gush about miscellaneous stuff with Soleil, as I like to do in these write-ups about characters I love. Like her design! First and foremost, Olivia's headband is a super nice touch to connect her back to her grandmother. Second, the Fates' mercenary outfit is an absolutely stellar design and it fits Soleil perfectly. I love the popped up collar, the soft-looking material it looks to be made out of, the gloves, the skirt, the shield, everything just works together really well. All of this is showcased exceptionally well in her cipher art. Oooh boy her cipher art. All 4 cards are drawn by my favourite Fire Emblem artist, Wada Sachiko. This one in particular is my all-time favourite Cipher art ever produced. The sun, fitting to her name, shining down brightly, the green fields, the pose, the smile, the way the hair flows out, the bright eyes. I love literally every aspect of this art. Speaking of the eyes, while officially her eye colour is a dulled pink, in Cipher she's drawn with more reddish eyes, which I think looks really cool personally. To showcase one more card, this one, showing off her Hero outfit is just amazing as well. I love how everything flows, and that same sunny and smiling aspect that's so true to Soleil's character shines through here as well.

    And no small amount of my love for Soleil stems from my personal preferred pairings around her family. From Chrom/Olivia and Inigo/Azura, this makes Soleil royalty of both Ylisse and Valla. I have a lot of fun thinking about that family. The sibling relationship between Soleil and Shigure is really cool, Azura as her mother is super sweet, and even going further with things like Aunt Lucina, and Ophelia being her second cousin. There's endless fun to be found there, which is why I write fanfiction about it here.

    So let's revisit what I look for in characters I like. Do I admire something about Soleil? Certainly. I admire her kindness, her willingness to help others, her empathy, and her optimism. I admire how she puts everything she's got into trying new things and how she doesn't let what others might think of her affect her. Do I find her amusing? Absolutely. She's got tons of moments that'll get a giggle out of me. She's an incredibly fun character all around. Do I like her design? 100%, it's one of my all-time favourites in the series, up there with Lucina and Kane. Do I think she has a compelling story? I do! Her father's rich history brings with it a lot of questions about the implications that'll have for Soleil, and when you add in my preferred pairings, these implications and other dynamics compound endlessly to create an incredibly interesting character in my eyes. So with all that said, I absolutely love Soleil. She's brought an incredible amount of enjoyment to the Fire Emblem series for me, and I'm glad I got to share some of that with you today!

    If you enjoyed reading this, please feel free to check out my write-ups on some of my other favourite characters, including but not limited to:


    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    How probable is it that Cyril would be more popular if he was a young girl?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:48 AM PST

    Imagine if Cyril instead of being a male orphan with no education who out of desperation became a child soldier to survive, was captured and became a servant for House Goneril, was rescued by Rhea from what is essentially POW Slavery (judging by things like him trying to avoid Almyrans getting captured during Hilda's Paralogue, Cyril doesn't want other Almyrans to go through what he went through) and now has no place to go and stay with than the Monestary and the people who saved him, make him a young girl similar to Nino.

    Lady Rhea means so much to me (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ I must protect her with my life against anyone who threatens to hurt her (╬ Ã’﹏Ó)

    I want to be super helpful for Lady Rhea!\(≧▽≦)/

    I'm from Almyra, but i don't really associate with their culture, it's too brutish and destructive and people hate us for it ( ╥ω╥ )

    I don't really have a future or a place to belong outside the Monestary, so i'll probably spend my life here, which is fine by me, the people here are like family to me o(>ω<)o

    Maybe it's just me having a bias (i really like Cyril, i really like the Faculty, i feel most of them are super overlooked in favour of Students), but i feel like Cyril would be regarded a lot more favourably if the same character was a girl. Some people definitely would still have issues with the character, but the average opinion on Cyril would be much more positive.

    submitted by /u/_Beningt0n_
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    (Spoilers) How it Feels Playing Cindered Shadows | Fire Emblem: Three Houses

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PST

    Japan: TMSFE Encore Sales at 39k in its first month, outselling the Wii U version lifetime Sales (Total 35k).

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:02 PM PST

    From Famitsu's January 2020 Rankings and Nintendo Switch Sales & Eshop Analyst on Twitter:


    TMS Switch surged in digital unlike the Wii U Version (though in 2016 AmazonJP had added TMS WII U E-shop cards with its Persona 5 limited preorder promotion.)

    submitted by /u/Spine09
    [link] [comments]

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