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    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    Fire Emblem Dimitri as a GBA Sprite (As a Student and Post Time Skip)

    Fire Emblem Dimitri as a GBA Sprite (As a Student and Post Time Skip)

    Dimitri as a GBA Sprite (As a Student and Post Time Skip)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Dumb_Byleth11.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Flame Emperor in Ingrid's colors

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    (pov) Claude going :p while shooting you dead [By @linvaniin for Anna's Roundtable]

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Performing Azura water bending [By @akihari_chiko for Anna's Roundtable]

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    [OC] I made my “Raining Lions” art into a phone case!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Spring Robins ( Commission by @ynartistic)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Elite Fraldarius and baby Felix ( + another child). I definitely did not do this just because I wanted to draw a baby Felix and his ancestor. I need to know what the both of them looked like.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Commissioned Florina Art

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Lego Timeskip Dimitri

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    Lorenz and Death the kid have teatime

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    [OC] Byleth

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    La Maricadia (circa year 1185) [OC fine art parody]

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:04 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Why is Judith not playable?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    So i'm finally playing the golden deer route after beating both blue lions and Edelgards route and in both of those you have an exclusive character post time skip(Jeritza and Gilbert). So when I was playing golden deer i expected Judith would be that routes exclusive character but she was not. She even comes in as your ally in one chapter. So i was just wondering why golden deer does not have an exclusive character.
    Also is it possible she is added via update like Jeritza?

    submitted by /u/AstroElf81
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    To try and improve my drawing skills I'm going to draw a fire emblem character every few days. Here's day 9 Alm

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem : Sacred Weapons Showcase & Crest Bearers

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Guess Who’s Birthday I Missed Yesterday! [OC]

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Putting my mediocre editing skills to work in quarantine

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    FE8 HM Negative Growths - Chapter 11 (with commentary)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    r/fireemblem made a Birthright Tier List Redux

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Last round resulted in Sakura being resubbed into D tier, Hana being resubbed into C tier, Azama being resubbed into B tier, Hinata being resubbed into B tier and Rinkah staying in C tier.

    And with that, the list is complete! I linked every unit's round, and gave them each some brief descriptions on what they can do and how they're best used. If you want to see more in-depth stuff on each unit, just head to their round to look at all the discussion that was had.

    Here's a png of the tier list.

    Fantastic Performance: S

    Almost always very useful, with very few to no flaws. Makes significant contributions that can't really be ignored. They may also provide a valuable niche, or just perform what they do the best.

    • Corrin: Perfect availability, access to any class via talent and even friendship seal and presence as both a fantastic combat unit and fantastic pair up bot makes Corrin a top tier for sure. Pre branch chapters allows Corrin to snowball easily and by the time chapter 7 comes around, they're already better stat wise then pretty much anyone else on your team. Even when their exp gain lowers significantly due to their high level, their great stats let them always contribute in a substantial manner. Corrin thanks to their high stats and great class access is always able to remain relevant throughout the entire game. Not to mention Corrin's fantastic utility as the best pair up bot in the game if you choose to use them in this manner.

    • Jakob 1: Able to snowball really hard thanks to exp gain and access to paladin as well as other promoted classes due to Corrin marriage lets him snowball even harder. As a paladin he has solid enough bases to easily gain kills in the first quarter of the game and even without private quarter abuse can easily partner seal into Corrin's talent before chapter 10. The ninja line and wyvern lord are the best classes to have Jakob 1 go into and within them he essentially has overwhelming combat for the entirety of the game. Skills such as elbow room, defender and either trample/str+2 or shurikenfaire make his strength consistently good and the common presence of speed pair up bots make him always able to double or in ninja good enough to double anyway. Jakob 1 grows like Corrin and thanks to early promoted skills and classes has the means to remain consistent throughout the game.

    • Kaze: While at first seeming to have poor strength and bulk, Kaze's overkill speed is actually to his benefit, as well as access to Rinkah as a pair up bot. His speed means that he can not worry about a speed pair up bot, go with a mechanist promotion that actually lowers his base speed by 1 point and go with a steel shuriken that weights him down. But he's so fast that he doubles anyway. Rinkah at S rank, even unpromoted, giving +5 strength and +4 defense is absurd and that coupled with mechanist promotion and steel shuriken access essentially patches up his major strength and bulk issues. Even before S rank and promotion he's able to easily get kills before promotion and Rinkah marriage which helps with his consistency as a unit. As a result Kaze is able to kill the same things that Saizo does and is able to remain on par for the remainder of the game. Kaze is able to become a consistently good juggernaut who like the other S tiers, can remain relevant throughout the entirety of the game.

    • Azura: Dancer with near perfect availability is always incredibly useful and while most people doubt the usefulness of a dancer in a rout environment. The fact that she can help a juggernaut, or multiple with shelter dance strats, reach farther places faster is a tremendously useful attribute.

    • Saizo: Saizo has a decent start and thanks to enemies being weak and good pair up options is able to juggernaut and steamroll rather effectively in early game. Thanks to these assets, as well as even a potential speedwing investment for chapter 10, Saizo is able to not only effectively juggernaut but also able to turn into a really solid top tier combat unit. His growths can be shaky but he can usually reach orko thresholds at base anyway and if lucky can become even stronger as well as getting better bulk. Saizo overall is able to be a prevalent combat unit with minimal investment that can last the entire game.

    • Kagero: Missing chapter 10 is unfortunate but Kagero's high base level and high bases are enough to instantly make her on par with even trained Kaze and Saizo. Instant promoting her or letting her gain a couple of levels for promotion work and her solid bases make her promotion malleable as since either a master ninja promotion or mechanist promotion are both solid options. Kagero being able to reach the same consistency and ability to fulfil the same roles as Kaze and Saizo for the rest of the game, even when coming in after, makes her an incredible strong unit.

    • Reina: Even if she comes in later compared to the other S tiers, Reina's insane bases make her stand out immensely. The ability to reclass into either mechanist or master ninja helps her become even more prevalent and allows her to contribute in even the tougher maps of Birthright. Even in a 0% context she's able to remain incredibly consistent for a substantial portion of the game and her capability to be an incredibly strong juggernaut as well as usefulness in the hardest portions of Birthright are why she's a top tier unit.

    • Ryoma: Dude has bases that literally last the entire game. Easiest way to beat Birthright is to just solo with him. He is so insanely strong that for a while the Birthright meta was incredibly underdeveloped because most people went "I can just use Ryoma, Corrin and Saizo so who cares". Not only does he have insane combat but his bulk is also fantastic to the point where with a rally def and the right pair up you can just dump him into any batch of enemies and unless he gets screwed by rng he will most likely live.

    Great Performance: A

    Very useful alotta the time, with a couple minor detriments that don't really hold them back. They may fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.

    • Silas: Comes in really early, performs really well in early and mid game and actually has decent usage in late game. Silas's solid bases, ranks and great personal lets him become a prominent juggernaut in early game. Great knight promotion bonuses lets him just become a great tank and he can help out in chapter 10 rather well. Midgame he's consistently good and thanks to the dual naginata and beast killer he's even solid filler in chapters 22 and 23. Silas doesn't really need much investment to work and his output is always really solid. He doesn't stand out that much in late game of Birthright and that holds him back, but besides that he's really good.

    • Hinoka: Solid bases and great speed allow her to double down on both a strength pair up and steel forges. She essentially performs as well as Silas and instant promotion works out well for her. A lot of people feel that she's too weak and frail to work out well but a knight or great knight pair up help patch those two stats. She generally has really solid combat in both the early and midgame and can even help out in chapter 22 thanks to the dual naginata but is held back a bit combat wise in chapter 23 due to bow knights. Flight utility is also really solid for chapters 12, 15, 21, 23 and 24 for crossing over terrain as well as rescue use which is really nice for skipping certain portions of maps. Rally speed is also a really good bonus for maps such as chapter 22 and 23 where doubling thresholds are harder to obtain, especially if you aren't skipping chapters 24 to endgame. Overall Hinoka is just consistently useful.

    • Scarlet: Even if she comes relatively late compared to most of the cast, Scarlet's bases are stellar and her bulk lets her juggernaut really well. She might not have innate 1-2 but she's still able to contribute really well throughout the game, essentially having consistently good combat in pretty much every chapter in the game. Even in chapter 22 and 23 she has use as a combat unit thanks to orkoing berserkers in chapter 22 and using the beast killer as a great knight in chapter 23 to avoid effective damage. Her flight utility and rally defense utility is also rather nice as well. Flight utility lets her dominate in chapter 15 and even helps ferry units and switch to them since wyvern lord works well as a +str/def pair up bot. Rally defense is also really useful in maps like chapter 22 and 23 since enemies generally start hitting hard. Scarlet's presence isn't as oppressive as Ryoma's but she's always able to be extremely useful.

    Good Performance: B

    Pretty useful, with some minor detriments that hold them back somewhat. They may fill a niche, but someone might do it better, and they can perform well if given the opportunity.

    • Orochi: Orochi is decent as a combat unit and is easy to raise and promote for filler combat unit Izana comes in, but her biggest attribute by far is her utility. Capture might seem pointless in a game like Birthright but there are actually some neat things you can capture either as pair up bots or filler combat. The chapter 12 great knights and chapter 13 wyvern lords are actually good filler combat units to get. Capturing a generic berserker in chapter 14 lets you get rally strength rather early which is really nice for the late game maps. Generals, wyvern lords, great knights and berserkers are really good pair up bots and even if you can't get their promoted variant you can still capture the unpromoted enemy and promote them after capture. Birthright has a really big lack of +str/def and +str/speed pair up bots so having access to them via generics helps out substantially. Aside from capture there's also pair up botting Izana, Izana is a pretty potent late game combat unit and onmyojis are the best pair up bot for him. You don't really get access to them since the only other ones you get is either the chapter 9 shrine maiden you'd have to capture and promote or Hayato who really isn't getting to level 10 without feeding. Orochi easily gets level 10 by the time you get Izana as long as you use her in chapter 8, 9 and capture enemies with her. Botting Izana is extremely helpful since it helps him reach orko benchmarks in late game rather easily.

    • Oboro: Really solid mid game filler. Instant promotion to spear master, or waiting a bit until you promote if you want, are solid options considering that she has solid combat at base. As a spear master she just has really solid filler combat since she can reach orko benchmarks at ease and her good bulk lets her juggernaut rather well. Reclassing into mechanist, while a niche option, also works well for her too since just like Azama she can easily reach orko benchmarks with a brass shuriken. Lance access means she can use the dual naginata in chapter 22 and beast killer in chapter 23.

    • Takumi: Decent performance in chapter 10 with one shotting ninjas and stands out really well in chapter 11 as he can ohko promoted fliers with ease. Sniper has solid bases but kinshi knight is really good for not only mov but also 1 range combat. As a sniper he has solid player phase presence and as a kinshi he can have solid filler combat on par with the other B tiers. He can also help shoot down fliers in chapter 23 which is nice considering their bulk.

    • Kaden: Solid filler combat. Instant promotion and a Rinkah or general pair up works really well for him and as a result he can perform well as a filler combat unit in mid game. Lack of 1-2 doesn't really hold him back since most maps after chapter 10 and before chapter 22 have 1 range enemies for the most part, with even chapter 16 having sections where a 1 range unit does well. Kaden can perform decently in chapter 22 with the berserkers and mages on the bottom and can even help in chapter 23 thanks to his effective damage against mounts. There's not really much else to say besides that he's solid filler who lasts a substantial chunk of the game.

    • Izana: Really solid late game prepromote who is always a prominent combat unit in the maps he appears on. He's easily the best unit for the right side of chapter 19 which is nice considering that you really don't get that many good magic units. Chapter 22 and 23 he helps significantly as one of the best juggernauts on that map. Chapter 24 to chapter 27 if played legit he still stands out as a really solid combat unit. He's also your best hexing rod candidate if you plan on hexing chapter 27 and endgame Garon so he has utility in that regard as well. Overall he's just consistently helpful in late game.

    • Hinata: Really solid combat unit who can easily get levels to grow or can instantly promote for really solid mid game combat. Swordmaster or master of arms are both solid class choices for him and he easily reaches orko thresholds when promoted. He lasts a rather long portion of the game and can even contribute in late game a bit. He can even orko ninjas in chapter 10, even after debuff, with a promotion, Oboro pair up and forge His solid bulk also allows him to juggernaut rather decently in midgame. The axe splitter helps with his chapter 22 performance, though in chapter 23 onward he's just filler. He can also function really well as a Kagero pair up bot. Either as a swordmaster if she goes mechanist or oni chieftain/master of arms if she goes master ninja.

    • Azama: While at first Azama seems underwhelming and him starting as a healer makes him questionable as a combat unit, fast promotion and great combat bases make him a great unit. Promoting him early is incredible early due to the decent exp that sun festal gives. With heal spamming he can easily get to level 10, at the very least by chapter 11. When you do promote him he gets 27 hp, 17 str, 13 speed and 14 def at base. Those bases are essentially on par with Oboro with her having 1 less hp, 1 less str, 3 more speed and 1 more def. As a result of his good bases he's able to instantly contribute as a solid filler combat unit and can even contribute in chapter 22 thanks to the dual naginata. Reclassing him into a mechanist after chapter 13 is also a solid option since he can still net orkos with brass shurikens and still contribute in chapter 22 and even chapter 23 as filler. Overall, just like Oboro, Kaden and Hinata, he has solid filler combat that just requires a forge, promotion and a solid pair up bot.

    AOK Performance: C

    Can be useful, with detriments that hold them back. They might fill a niche, even if its not useful, and they can perform decently if given the investment.

    • Felicia 1: In regards to combat Felicia 1 is honestly somewhat bad with her low offensive stats failing to net her kills, her poor bulk holding her back and lack of good reclassing putting an even further damper on her combat abilities. Felicia 1's most significant niche is primarily as a Corrin pair up bot. Felicia 1's personal of +2 damage and +2 def/res is really good, especially with the lack of Gunter pair up in Birthright. Giving speed is also really nice as it lets Corrin not need to worry about speed that much and focus on his offensive stats. Even if Corrin ends up in a physical class, Felicia 1 is still the best pair up bot for Corrin due to her personal.

    • Subaki: Subaki has incredibly mediocre bases, to the point where Hana has more base strength and Hinoka has higher bulk. His biggest utility is primarily flight ferrying for early game. He primarily serves as a speed pair up bot for Saizo and ferrying Saizo over terrain in maps such as chapters 8 and 10. He can help ferry a ninja over to the dracoshield chest in chapter 12 if you wanted to go out of your way for it. Subaki, as with most other units in Birthright, can have alright filler combat if invested into. But his most significant contributions is primarily flight ferrying and the occasional speed pair up botting.

    • Jakob 2: Filler combat with little investment needed. Jakob 2 doesn't really stand out that much but he is useful for a certain amount of chapters if you want to use him. Chapter 16 he can easily deal with the magic section at the top of the map which is actually pretty nice. Chapter 19 he can use the flame shuriken to help with the right side of the map which is nice since you don't really get that many good magic combat units in Birthright. After chapter 16 and before chapter 19 he can reclass into paladin and obtain elbow room and defender which helps buff his combat stats. He can even help contribute in chapter 22 either by using the dual shuriken to help deal with the squadron of adventurers and berserkers followed along by the sorcerors and dark mages. Or he can deal with the section of dark mages and sorceror at the bottom of the map. Jakob 2 doesn't really do much beyond that besides filler, but being able to have contributions in certain significant maps is pretty helpful.

    • Yukimura: Great combat stats lets him instantly become a top tier juggernaut for chapter 23, which is appreciated since it's one of the hardest Birthright maps. If you don't skip chapter 24 to endgame he carries his weight well as an incredible late game unit. Even in a skip context he helps with killing generals in the way. Overall, Yukimura's combat in late game is incredible.

    • Shura: Shura comes incredibly late but his bases are actually solid and he can provide nice filler combat in late game. Reclass into mechanist allows him to be rather solid in regards to combat and if you don't skip chapter 24 to endgame then he can actually help, even if he stays into adventurer. Besides combat he has useful utility as a ferry bot. Reclassing into bow knight allows him to have 9 mov innately which is helpful for skips such as chapter 24 and chapter 27.

    • Rinkah: While usable as a combat unit and rather decent at it, it's pair up botting that is Rinkah's most significant attribute. +4 str and +2 def at base is incredible, especially in early game and she essentially makes Kaze extremely good. If you promote her she gives +4 def but the fact that she's useful even unpromoted is rather appreciated. +str/def pair ups are rather rare in Birthright and having one so early just works really well for the cast. She can also shove which is incredibly niche outside of ltc.

    • Hana: Hana has a mediocre start, relatively low level and is somewhat annoying to raise. But it's not too hard to raise her and if you do get to promote her into master of arms she does have solid performance for a substantial part of the game. Her offensive stats are on par with B tiers such as Hinata, Oboro, Azama and Kaden. The things holding her back from B are her low bulk and investment needed. But if invested into she can be worth it.

    Iffy Performance: D

    Not all that useful, with possible major detriments holding them back. They do not fill any required niches and take more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly.

    • Setsuna: Poor bases and bow lock really bring Setsuna down, especially since she requires a heart seal to get into a better class, which is not only a contested item, but Setsuna's poor strength holds her back significantly anyway. Her low level also causes issues with her promoting which not only prevents her from obtaining better combat stats, but also restricts her from giving better pair up bonuses. She can provide some decent chip for the first group of enemies in chapter 9, chip in chapter 10 and even help in chapter 11. But Takumi generally performs her role in chapter 10 and 11 significantly better. Disregarding her niche combat uses, she's also helpful as a pair up bot. +3 speed is helpful for units such as Saizo who sometimes have problems doubling and while she isn't really going to get into Sniper, +3 speed on pair up is actually pretty useful for early game. Setsuna narrowly avoids E tier by having enough niches at base to have some uses, unlike Mozu she doesn't need investment to perform said niches and unlike Hayato her niche is more prevalent.

    • Felicia 2: Felicia 2 due to her subpar bases is not really good as a filler combat unit for the last half of Birthright. Her strength isn't really good enough to use traditional shurikens or the dual shuriken in chapter 22 and her mag isn't really high enough to orko certain enemies such as chapter 16 sorcerors and chapter 22 adventurers with the flame shuriken due to thier high res. She can function on the right side of chapter 19 though which is something. Felicia 2's biggest utility, besides being a filler staff bot, is primarily as a pair up bot for Corrin. Felicia's personal is generally better for pair up botting purposes then Jakob's and if Corrin goes into a magic class then she gets benefits from maid's pair up bonuses of +2 mag and +3 speed, disregarding personal pair up bonuses. Even if Corrin goes into a physical class, Felicia 2's speed pair up and personal is still rather solid and preferred over Jakob in regards to pair up botting. So Felicia 2 still has some utility.

    • Gunter: Even though he's only available for two chapters, Gunter is actually really solid in those two chapters. In chapter 2 he's your best combat unit and is great in regards to weakening Kaze for Jakob 1 or Felicia 1 to nab the kill or for dealing with the other enemies on the map. In chapter 3 he's a fantastic pair up bot for Corrin due to his pair up bonuses and personal, not to mention that he's basically your best unit against the boss which is significant considering how tricky it is to defeat him. Even if he's absent for the rest of the game, those two chapters of performance are significant enough to be on par with other D tiers in Birthright.

    • Sakura: Bad bases, a bad staff rank and a really low base level all hold back Sakura from being anything more then a filler heal bot. She does have use in chapter 5 as her healing and personal are incredibly important in that map and her activating dragon veins in chapter 8 is extremely useful in that map. But outside of those two instances she really doesn't have anything besides filler healing. Even then Azama comes 3 chapters after and is a better healer due to the fact that he can just heal more hp. Sakura at base heals less then a vulnerary. Only thing holding her back from E tier is that she has 2 substantial base contributions in chapters 5 and 8 and that's essentially on par with the other D tier units.

    Lame Performance: E

    They absolutely suck. Due to how Birthright works literally anyone is workable. They do not fill any required niches and take far more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly, or just piss poor.

    • Mozu: Really bad bases just really drags Mozu down. Her combat and bulk is pitiful and raising her is an active chore and takes more investment then it's honestly worth it. Even if you do raise her, she just turns into a mediocre combat unit. Her really bad bulk makes her extremely frail and she even gets ohkod by the faceless in her join paralogue. Raising her up is a hassle and at most she just turns out really mediocre unless you baby her excessively. In an efficiency context Mozu is one of the worst, if not the worst unit in Birthright.

    • Hayato: Extremely bad bases and shaky hit rates even with the rat spirit make Hayato not only really bad at base but also hard to use. His only real base contribution is botting Orochi in chapter 9 for combat and maybe longer if you plan on using her as a combat unit. It's an active pain to train him and using him is basically hoping you get lucky with growths. But because of his dependence on growths it's more playing a game of catch up to reach a place of mediocrity rather then growing into a stellar unit. His growths aren't really that great anyway and he'll always struggle with poor bulk. Chapter 9 and paralogue 1 are the most convenient places to train him but him getting two shot by everything makes said training a hassle. The end result if you do use him is just a mediocre filler combat unit who gets immediately outclassed by Izana in every way shape and form.

    Miscellaneous links:

    * Birthright Tier List Redux Round Resubs: Sakura, Hana, Azama, Hinata and Rinkah

    Thanks for participating. Regardless of placings, all the discussion was very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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