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    Friday, May 29, 2020

    Fire Emblem I love this picture of my Dorothea cosplay, just wanted to share it ^^

    Fire Emblem I love this picture of my Dorothea cosplay, just wanted to share it ^^

    I love this picture of my Dorothea cosplay, just wanted to share it ^^

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    My commission of Dimitri and Marianne at the White Heron Cup. Drawn by tamafry (link to tweet below)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Tharja Fanart

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    [OC] Black Eagles, Edelgard

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    A Claude I drew!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    “Reach for my hand.”

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Ingrid and Sylvain when they hear Felix has been bullying all of their friends and classmates

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    I built a tiny Garreg Mach on my Blue Lion themed AC island!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Here is my small fanart of Dimitri. ☺️

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Byleth, but as an emotionless vampire slayer (x Castlevania)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    How to easily beat 3H Chapter 13 - Hunting by Daybreak on Maddening - All routes

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Leonie Pinelli fanart

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    My take on Lon’qu painted for a d and d session. Not a perfect match but best heroforge could do OC

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    "Hey, this may sound rude, but... You are Charlotte, right?!" (Corrin x Charlotte B Support)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I finished Mystery of the Emblem Book 1 and Book 2, here are some thoughts!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Previous post on Gaiden!

    No real preface here, let's just get into the meat of it.

    Book 1 specific... stuff

    Considering I just came off playing Dark Dragon not too long ago, the experience of playing it is actually relatively recent in my mind. Considering this game includes a remake of the original on top of Book 2, I thought going through some of the changes might be interesting.

    Firstly, there are cut characters and cut chapters. Some of the cut chapters are pretty terrible (Wooden cavalry...), and most of them are pretty uninteresting, at least in the original, so it doesn't really feel like much is missing. In a way, it does, but only because I have experienced the original, and some of the cuts (Wrys) are memes. If this was the first time I played FE1's story, I wouldn't really feel like there's a gaping hole there.

    The maps are mostly the same, but there is one exception that is sometimes a sore point for me, and that is the ballistas. For those unaware, in FE1, ballistas were a class of heavily armored archers that you mostly used your mages to get past, or at least that is how I dealt with them. When moving into FE3, these were retooled to be the ballista that we know and love (?) today, and unfortunately some FE1 maps were kind of hurt in the process. Notably, the Camus chapter features a ballista surrounded by strong enemies that is literally in range of your spawn, and that you cannot escape unless you kill it. Bit of a dick move. In FE1, the purpose was to stop you just rushing over the river, while here you have to rush over the river.

    Dismounting, though I'll go more into detail about the mechanic later, also plays a bit of a role in some of these maps. Every indoor map requires you to dismount, and sometimes it doesn't feel like the dismounting mechanic was taken into account for enemy placement. The Medeus chapter, specifically, is quite annoying since enemies are always just a couple squares short of you getting the drop on them in turn 1, something you could have done with cavalry/fliers. I ended up just warp skipping the map to get out of this BS, with Gordin landing the killing blow on Medeus for flex points.

    Lastly, the story. There is no doubt in my mind that FE3 is the better way to experience the plot of FE1, and that's... Well, it's not surprising. It is worth noting how little actually changed in terms of plot, however. Some conversations were lengthened, the world map makes the adventure feel more coherent, and the pre-chapter narration is all that was really done, and yet it makes the story feel like so much more of an adventure. I imagine Shadow Dragon improves on this even further, but that is one of the FEs I haven't played yet, and I'm pretending it doesn't exist for the sake of this.

    Book 2 specifics

    To start off, I'll say that I like the maps in this game a lot overall, but they aren't without flaw. Chapter 1, for instance, turned into an uninteresting meat grinder. Chapter 2 was actually pretty interesting with the terrain and the flier you get, along with strong dracoknights (Dracoknights in fucking chapter 2?) meaning you had to gang up on them with your weaker units and effective damage. And then just after that, you enter chapter 3 and chapter 4, where the enemy density is so low that it might as well be non-existent. You kill the ones at the start of the map, then face no enemies for like 10 turns as you walk through the map. Thankfully, this issue disappears the further you go into the game. Chapter 5 has an issue of its own, with the village (that remember, only Marth can visit) being at least 6-7 turns away from the seize point, causing pointless waiting. In fact, this is a bit of an issue I noticed in Archanea maps in general that I failed to notice in FE1. Maps tend to put villages for Marth to visit in little nooks and that force him to backtrack, artificially extending the map even if you were to move full move Marth every turn. The Linde and Bantu recruitment maps come to mind in book 1. The last stinker to mention is Anri's way, that was so unenjoyable to play that it made Gaiden's desert maps look like good design.

    Thankfully, these are more of an exception than the rule. Nearly every map in this game gives you a good reason to go quickly, such as reinforcements or thieves going for chests and villages, and that is the very basics required to make a good map. When you revisit the book 1 maps, it feels somewhat nostalgic, and they play fairly differently thanks to different enemy placement, or different type of boss on the throne (hardin vs a mage, for instance), or just a difference in starting point. This is map re-use done well, since it doesn't simply feel like doing the same thing over and over again.

    Book 2 invented, and unfortunately decided to spam, siege tomes. I don't actually mind these in principle, but player resistance in FE3 is at an all time low, and though your silence staff is... Well, a thing, you don't have nearly enough to be safe considering the overlapping siege tomes and high damage these units can inflict. The meteor mages in Hardin's chapter overlap like 5 ranges with 21 attack and 50 to 70 hit, which is miserable to go through. Perhaps on a repeat playthrough, this would be fine since I'd just use my entire silence staff on that one chapter, but without knowing what comes ahead, you can't really know that it's fine to spam this much. The Gharnef chapter also spams them, but that one is more feasible to warp skip considering how weak he is.

    Story wise, I'm somewhat mixed. I love the lore that was introduced, but it was introduced in somewhat sloppy info dumps. The dumps were entertaining to read, but were a little too blatant, and often were a little sloppy in terms of the pacing of the overall story. On the other hand, the story itself was pretty fantastic. It keeps you engaged in Marth's journey, and side characters play more of a role in the story than ever before, especially with Jagen as the advisor character. The game's villains are also much better in that while they are cartoonishly evil (minus Hardin), they are around more often. Lang is, ultimately, the main guy for the first like 6 chapters, as opposed to just going through nameless bosses over and over and not really remembering any of them. Hardin more or less takes over when he bites the dust, and he's great when you finally get to him. Medeus and Gharnef were a bit bland in terms of their actual "presence" in the story, but I like their concepts and especially Medeus' backstory with the whole earth dragon seal thing.

    If I had to say which of the books I prefer, I'd say book 2, but it's pretty close. Book 1 maps didn't reach the greatness of the best book 2 maps IMO, but they also had way less of the bullshit (chapter 3, Anri's way).

    Another note I would like to note is that I absolutely adore how willing to give you powerful tools, but with extremely limited uses FE3 is. The again staff comes to mind. I 2-turned the final chapter with it while recruiting all four priestesses, and I felt like an absolute god. In theory I could have used it earlier in the game, too, but because of its limited uses I felt okay hoarding it a little, and it paid off. The silence staff, lady sword, hammerne, excalibur, warp (although you kinda get it late in this game...), rescue staff, all fit that same niche. The game is also willing to throw good units at you, which makes playing some of the maps very fun. Sirius, Palla, and Catria are insane. So is the first dancer in the series. And through the star shards, I was able to bring Caeda up to speed too. I even gave Merric the +str shard, letting him one round Gharnef.

    Things that apply to both

    First, the positive. QOL. Holy shit. This game has possibly the most QOL improvements over the previous entry in the series (ie fe6 over fe5, fe7 over fe6, etc) than any other entry in the series. Visible movement ranges. Calculating weapon + strength rather than only showing strength. Showing accuracy (although there is an annoyance where visible accuracy is capped at 100, so say you have 140 and the enemy has 20 avoid, you would think "100 - 20 = 80" but it's actually 100 hit.) The game runs a lot faster, which I'm going to count as QoL. The stat screen is a lot easier to read, and displays attack speed.

    The inventory system has taken a massive upgrade, too. These days, it's taken for granted, but Marth acting as a moving convoy and being able to send items to convoy that you pick rather than merely what the enemy dropped is great. Marth can sell items from convoy by going onto a shop, which isn't ideal since it makes Marth have to do it, but is a big improvement over no selling at all. Trading, holy shit, you can Thracia trade. Why is it even called Thracia trade if this game invented it?

    There are still some minor annoyances, despite this. For instance, movement ranges are just that - movement ranges. You cannot see enemy attack range, which is especially irritating with ballistas and meteor ranges. Trading is separated between two menus (item and weapon) rather than merely item. Some commands, strangely, are below the wait command, which has led to some menu-related failures. Whoever decided dance was less important than wait... Why? Staff, I can get it, but dance? When would you NOT want to dance?

    In terms of actual gameplay rather than interface, there is a couple of issues as well. Firstly, I'm not a fan of manakete transformations. I prefer attacking directly from the stone. Needing a turn of set up is pretty annoying, and the manaketes have shit movement without their stone so you might waste transformation turns just giving them more movement. Also, the breath is so heavy that they get doubled by everything. While I understand this is probably for balance, it also means that a manakete will never one round in the late game, and makes Tiki's speed growth feel especially cruel. What's the point? In case she gets attacked untransformed? Having 1-2 range is nice, but also makes baiting manaketes/dragons rather annoying because of my next point.

    Lack of good 1-2 range. While I don't think that 1-2 range should be as dominant as it is in FE7 or FE8, it would be nice to have a better option than the levin sword and javelins that weigh 20. The levin sword issue is especially prominent because of all the indoor chapters removing your javelin users. Even if you wanted to have nerfed javelins, the fact you can't use them indoors without using terrible units like Doga and Sheema makes it a bit of a sore spot. Shout out to not being able to use Gradivus indoors without them, leading me to just not use it at all. Mages have good 1-2, at least!

    Dismounting, as I mentioned, is a mechanic I think is quite bad. A lot of the maps, including the entire end-game, are spent indoors. The problem with this is that if you are using a mostly cavalry army, which is likely considering how many of your good units are cav or fliers, they will end up feeling incredibly samey once you are indoors, since they all use swords. It also leads to the side issue where you have to keep a stock of weapons for both swords and lances, instead of just maintaining the stock required for one since you might have to swap for certain maps.

    This game introduced staff exp, which I think is pretty neat. Leveling your healers like this is much more fun than getting them hit, or than nosferatu in Gaiden.

    In conclusion

    I feel like this dragged a bit, and thanks for reading this far. In the end, I really enjoyed my time with FE3. From the three I've posted about so far, this is easily, by far, my favorite. It took a great leap forward in quality of life, even though some of the changes such as dismounting and manaketes were a little annoying to deal with. The map design was mostly good, with some stinkers that though they did not ruin the experience, certainly soured it a bit. The game wasn't afraid to hand super powerful stuff to you early on and telling you "use this as you please", which is one of the things I really enjoy in this series. The story was good, and I can easily see why Marth has become so popular. He may be the blandest lord by modern standards, but I feel like this is a bit of a "Seinfeld isn't funny" effect. Marth created the standard lord, so of course looking back at him makes him look a bit boring compared to more recent entries.

    Excellent game. I could easily recommend this to anyone, even one who has never played one of the early entries of the franchise. The current standing is something along 3 > 1 > 2.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    One of the best units from recruitment to endgame, but at what cost?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    happy pixel bd mercedes

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    "Why is Intelligent Systems Making Paper Mario and not Fire Emblem?"

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    "Why is the Intelligent System making Paper Mario and not FE? You know what? i bet Nintendo took the basement full of all 13 IS employees and forced them off of the next FE game to make Origami King. Now it's going to take over 5 years to get the new FE game when it should have come out this year. There robbing us from Fire Emblem."

    Well, no ones actually saying that word for word but the sentiment remains the same. I see a lot of people around the internet sad that IS decided to work on a Paper Mario game and not a FE game, this has lead to a lot of discourse along with the last couple of years being here has made me realize most people in this Subreddit and FE community have a very limited understanding of the game industry, how video games are made, and who are making them.

    1) The teams don't overlap much at all. 2) IS is a big company capable of working on multiple projects 3) That mentality is very selfish. Let's break this down.

    Here are the people that worked on Paper Mario Colour Splash (A console HD game and the first HD game that IS ever worked on, would need lots of people), Fire Emblem Three Houses and Fates (I'm including fates since lol it really does seem like KT did a lot of the trench work for 3H)

    Sources: Colour Splash Credits, Fates Credits, Three Houses Credits

    Takafumi Teraoka: Paper Mario: Event Design Lead and 3H: Special Thanks, Fates Battle Unit Motion

    Tomohiro Ozawa: Paper Mario: Character / Animation, Fates: Battle Unit Motion, Event Script

    Madoka Kadono: Paper Mario: Character / Animation, Fates: Battle Unit Motion, Event Script

    Makoto Onogi: Paper Mario Lighting: Lighting, Fates: Battle Unit Modeling And Weapon Modeling

    Kana Tsukiyama: Paper Mario: Environment Art, Fates: Battle Unit Modeling, 3H: Character Illustration

    Shigeki Osaka: Paper Mario: Environment Art, Fates: Map Design

    Hiromi Tanaka: Paper Mario: Environment Art, Fates: Map Design, Castle Modeling.

    Satoko Kurihara: Paper Mario: Environment Art, Fates: Scenario, Map Unit Design,

    Yusuke Murakami: Paper Mario: Event Script, Fates: Event Script, Programming

    Ryuichiro Kouguchi: Paper Mario: Event Script, Fates: Level Design Planning.

    Toshitaka Muramatsu: Paper Mario: Assistant Development Directors, Fates: Map Unit Design Live 2D Animation

    Tsutomu Kitanishi: Paper Mario: Development Support, Fates: Coordination, 3H: Special Thanks

    Takeru Kanazaki: Paper Mario: Composition, Fates: Music Composition, 3H: Sound Director & Lead Music Composition, Main Theme

    !Yasuhisa Baba: Paper Mario: Sound Effects: Fates: Sound Effect and Music,

    !Hiroki Morishita: Paper Mario: Sound Effect, Fates: Sound Director & Lead Music Composition

    !Daichi Aoki: Paper Mario: Sound Effect, Fates: Voice

    !Megumi Shichida: Paper Mario and Fates: Manual Editor

    !Yurie Sato: Paper Mario and Fates: Manual Editor

    !! Toshiyuki Nakamura, Toshio Sengoku, Naoki Nakano: General Producers/Executive Producers/Special Thanks:

    (!) Basically shouldn't ever be too time costly

    (!!) Actual Dead people get credited in these roles sometimes

    So including the *'s as 100% key members are uh, debatable, but i did because well fuck, they were names in at least 2/3 credits. That's a total of 22 people, 12 of which I would personally consider important. For a company as reported by Intelligent Systems themselves with 169 employees, that's not a lot. Most Fire Emblem games have over 100 people working on them and that's like one designer out of 14 that works on both. They are completely different teams.

    "Well KT worked on most of 3H, that means the rest of the 100's of employees probably worked on Paper Mario, which means we're still being robbed." This is also probably untrue. A lot of IS people probably worked on Paper Mario, yes, all the lead people on the project were probably from IS and a good chunk of the other stuff, also yes. But what we can also assume with how similar the games look, a lot of people and COMPANIES that worked on CS are probably also working on Origami King right? I don't think that's a huge leap in logic, especially since a lot of those companies played a key role in making CS.

    So in short it is logical to conclude that for Paper Mario: The Origami King probably also has Nintendo CO,, LTD, TOSE Co., Ltd. Neuron-Age Co. Ltd, Access Games, Bright Side Studio, Alvion, Digital Media Labs, Ayanehonpo Ltd, FIRST CALL. also on the project. I personally think it is very VERY unlikely that that IS was the only company even on Paper Mario, as that's the case with most video games. Is there a chance it was just IS alone trying to deny FE fans to make a Paper Mario game? Yes but very small.

    And finally how selfish this mentality is. Lets live in a world where all 13 employees all at one time worked on the same game with no outside help and this indeed did delay the next FE game. So what? If the FE teams next game was a Paper Mario game or hell, a brand new IP, great!! I want them to work on multiple projects, I want to see cool new ideas, I want them to take a breather from FE to work on other things. They should have that freedom to do what they want. Its not only selfish to criticize a company for working on a thing you don't want, especially not even 12 months after we just got a main line fucking Fire Emblem game. Do you want Fire Emblem madden? Do you want them to burn out and drive this franchise to the ground? And even then we don' live in this world. This is a company that grossed over 650 million US dollars from a Gotcha game, are going to sell over 3 million copies from a double A full price console game, with a staff of over 169 employees and growing. They've had teams working on multiple projects for YEARS. Pushmo, Wario Ware, Advance Wars, Code Name Steam, this isn't a small company that works on one project at a time and haven't EVER been that. If anything they should be around 200 at this point but 169 is A LOT. We don't even live in the world that people think we do and yet people are being so entitled that they want there new FE now because uhh, its going to be the 30 anni this year? Like most people here have even been playing Fire Emblem for 5 years.

    If your gonna blame a game taking too much staff away from IS to make the new FE game, why not blame the Gatcha game thats actually took staff members from the main line away to make it, and not pray for Paper Mario to fail so IS makes more Fire Emblem

    TLDR: No overlap, IS Big so no problem for them, stop being slefish

    I'll see you guys in 2021 for that FE4 remake

    submitted by /u/DoseofDhillon
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    Truly Terrifying (OC)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Happy (belated) Chrom Day! Quick sketch of one of my favorite lords~

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I made this a few months ago with my school’s laser cutter, so I figured I’d post it as my first post on this subreddit.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    I find it is unusual how Rhea doesn't have any interaction with Edelgard or her family giving who she is.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    Giving the person saved her, take care of her and her friend is the ancestor of Edelgard's family, she should have at least involved in some of them. For whatever reason, when the rebellion broke out, she wasn't there like she decided to let the family of her friend to died. Giving Edelgard has her crest, she shoud have at least seen her when she was born yet in the main game, they act as if they just meet recently.

    submitted by /u/huflit1997
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    What makes a good fire emblem final boss?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Obviously big spoilers here. I think this would be a cool video / in depth analysis, but I don't want to post pages of text lol.

    Played so much FE (and fan games) over corona time. One thing that has stood out over many games is how underwhelming the final bosses are in multiple entries. Beat fe4 for the first time, Julius was a glorified victory lap. Beat fe5 for the first time, Veld didn't even unequip his siege tome lol. GBA final bosses all get completely rolled. GCN had some decent ones, probably my personal favorites. Ashnard for moving, RD for meaningfully integrating the entire party into the fight. SD/NM did the standard dragon fight as well as you can I think, there's just not much to it at this point. Awakening and birthright was back to gba level. Conquest is notorious for the map, but Takumi is easy once you finally get to him. Rev's final boss fight may have been the highlight of its game, but the last phase is a bit of a gotcha moment. As a bonus, Siegfried was a non threat, but his stats were so inflated that it took me ages just to string enough hits landing to actually take him down.

    3H I think went out of its way to differentiate final bosses, which was a nice effort. VW is more about the map, the boss isn't bad once you wipe everything else; but preventing 1 turn maps is nice. AM, like the rest of the route, is generally just a Dimitri solo. CF probably has the most standard boss, felt like one of the old dragon fights but with 3H mechanics. SS also tries to force you into playing the map before the boss. I only played SS before maddening, but on hard I still managed to one turn the boss ignoring the interns mechanic. I've heard cindered shadows has a unique boss, but I haven't even seen it yet.

    I actually think the mechanics of FE make it inherently difficult to set up a satisfying single boss as a conclusion. Final bosses rarely move, making their threat level low turn to turn. If you crank the stats too high then 90% of your army can't touch them, I think there's always disappointment in seeing stat capped units still unable to touch the final boss. Sometimes mechanics slip through the cracks, like fe7 luna or the birthright hexing rod. I think 3H had the right ideas with what they were going for, yet I'd be lying if I said I particularly enjoyed any of the bosses.

    Anyway, which are good to you? Which are bad? I'm completely ignoring story / context and (mostly) the maps, because I think that would be a separate type of post or require a lot more writing.

    submitted by /u/Boomhauer_007
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