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    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Fire Emblem Drew a lot of Blue Lions + Byleth chibis!

    Fire Emblem Drew a lot of Blue Lions + Byleth chibis!

    Drew a lot of Blue Lions + Byleth chibis!

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Tiki Fanart

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Finally got my first tattoo

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    [OC] Portrait of an Empress

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Older Nyx (oc)

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    My Claude fanart. Who chose the Golden Deer house first? I did �� ��

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    Bernadetta Drawing cause I got bored at 1am

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Took me about two hours and a half to draw him. Hope y’all enjoy.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    I drew Ferdinand and Dorothea, one of my favorite couples

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Hubert von Vestra fanart

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    I redid my Dimitri fanart from about a year ago

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    My parents gifted me a button maker so obviously I followed my dreams and made 39 buttons of the bestest boys

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem: The Four Kings, a WIP FE8 romhack. Currently chapters 1-25 are fully completed. Playtesters wanted!

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Let's make some Fire Emblem theme park attractions!

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    So, I've been getting really into Defunctland lately, and as more information is surfacing about Super Nintendo World, my imagination has often taken on the task of brainstorming hypothetical Nintendo park attractions… including, of course, something based around Fire Emblem.

    I'm not here to discuss what might realistically be implemented in the real Universal park— obviously as of right now it's shaping up to be Super Mario World (The Park, Not The Game), and while FE is considered one of Nintendo's premier IPs now, it just objectively doesn't lend itself as well to thrilling theme park rides as less profitable IPs like Star Fox and F-Zero (side note, having played the F-Zero arcade game, I'm convinced an immersive sensory experience is the way to go forward with that series).

    No, let's set realism aside for the moment. Here's the deal: you have been tasked with coming up with a concept for a Fire Emblem theme park attraction. Budget, space, and potential marketability are no object, but technological and safety limitations should be taken into account. It can fit in with Nintendo's proposed interactive ride-as-game concept, but it doesn't have to. It also doesn't have to be a ride! "Attraction" also encompasses performances, restaurants and eateries, roaming characters, and other park fixtures.

    I'll post my idea in the comments, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with as well! :)

    submitted by /u/RisingSunfish
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    I caught up with the FE4 Oosawa manga and now I want an outlet for my thoughts

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    So while I was looking for new romance manga to read, I saw that the Fire Emblem Genealogy manga by Oosawa Mitsuki was recently updated. Before I was waiting for the translations to be complete but now decided to take the plunge after coming to the conclusion that it is better to just do now and wait for updates. 70 chapters later and I want to use you, r/fireemblem as the wall that I placed a chair in front of so that I can sit in while I ramble on about the manga from 1999 about the one FE game I can't shut up about.

    • Before I go on about how the manga expanded on these characters lets pour one out for Naoise, Alec and Arden because these three are pretty much relegated to background characters. Naoise is Sigurd's default subordinate, Alec is his buddy and Arden shows up glad that they didn't leave him behind. Alec and Naoise get one moment. You could argue they got more characterization in the game itself. At least they're better off than Beowulf and Chulainn because those two drawings were they got.

    • Sigurd & Deirdre's relation is improved in this depiction with it maybe perhaps due to Deirdre having more of her character. She doesn't want to be defeated by her fate and she also has her cool moments like capturing a castle. Also, their romance has the dynamic of Deirdre also looking up to her childhood fairy tale of the knight who would save her from her dark fate and she finds her knight in Sigurd. I'm a sucker for things like this especially because it was actually part of my headcanon. Baby Seliph is cute and it was sweet seeing Sigurd being the caring father for his son.

    • Ethlyn is great. She is funny and sweet. To sum up, Ethlyn is great.

    • I like Adean more due to appearances in these adaptations. Stuff like recruiting Jamke and aiding Brigid make her look more daring because the player would never send a defenceless healer straight into danger, but she does it here which makes her look cool. Also due to liking her in general more, I like her relation with Jamke.

    • Azel is one of the characters that I always look forward to reading. It is very enjoyable seeing his friendship with Lex. I will never not find this image of Azel's reaction funny. His dynamic with his brother, Arvis was one I most wanted to see explore from the game and the manga does that. Lex and Ayra also have great romantic developments throughout their sections of the story.

    • If there was one character that I didn't like their depiction in this manga then it would definitely be Eldigan. Since this is not a rage thread, I'll save the ranting so I'll be short. Eldigan comes literally a finger's width away from making out with his sister and I don't find that cool especially since I interpreted that dynamic as one-sided in the game. If that was a bane for Eldigan then it was a huge boon for Lachesis for what it meant for her character and development. Benefited by the fact that Finn continues to be the paragon of selflessness and general great boy.

    • Lewyn is another character that I've grown to like more due to how the manga showcases their story. It relates mostly to the Silesse. To avoid hust recounting all the details, it shows Lewyn's idea of a preserved peace if he were to simply run away and remove himself from the situation. But Lewyn learns to change his belief after seeing how war infected his home beneath the surface appearance and how he needs to step up to the roles of a leader and descendant of a crusader. Throughout the arc Mahnya is also really cool. Also, the manga has Lewyn and Erinys go undercover to Agusty and that was fun.

    • I feel that Oifey is a bit underutilised in this first generation. He is there as Sigurd's tactician, but I wished the manga shows more of the closeness between the two.

    • The manga also expanded upon many of the antagonists like Lombard and Repter. Besides them, there are more minor ones like Pamela and even Zyne. Now not all antagonists are like Zyne who went from a boss with one line with the FE4 generic boss face to a notable encounter for the arc. I want to talk about one boss who got changed. Eliot is still the bad person who pursues Lachesis, but the manga made him into a comic relief character while still keeping him being a morally bad person.

    • Spoiler talk: A moment to the two big events at the end of the first generation. First, I really like the Yied Massacre. It plays out a bit differently than how I imagined it, but still hits hard. Seeing Ethlyn take her own life is not pleasant to see especially with how she has been like in the manga. Travant taking care over Altena afterwards is also another moment I liked. The Battle of Behalla on the other hand feel a bit short for me. I love the event leading up to it and some of addition like Sigurd empathizing with Arvis due to understanding the same feeling of loneliness and loss along his journey. It is mostly that I don't like some of its changes as much as the big Sigurd Burn moment because the scene was constantly cutting to and back from Manfroy's encounter and I rather just they've been separate.

    • Seliph: My son, my wonderful boy. Okay there is one thing that felt odd. Seliph learns and finds his vision of breaking the cycle of hatred and retaliation. The moment he does is while he executes Roddlevan who lets go of the hatred in his heart and sees Seliph's dream. I understand him getting punished for his crime, it just feels odd especially since Seliph spares people from execution like Johan and Johalva later on. Also I hope more substitutes show up since the first two are already dead.

    • Ulster is cool now. He went from the least forgettable of the Tirnanog sons to having lots of relevance in the plot and now having a cute budding romance (it is also a pairing I did in-game so I'm attached for that validation). Diarmuid also benefits since he has dreams of being a great knight, learning form under Oifey and when he is with the rest of the Nordion family. Lester … is here and he is overprotective of his sister. Unless he has future developments, that's his only role which he even points out himself.

    • In the manga Larcei is a dumb idiot, but I find that funny so I'm fan of this change. She is also involved in a love-square and all three boys are her cousin so there's that. She has a cute close friendship with Lana who is tough as nails.

    • The second generation has a lot of original things since the manga can expand on the legacy of gen 1. Dew shows up and like a fool I thought he would join as a master and student thieving duo with Patty, but instead he dies shortly after he comes back. Shame since we know the result Brigid, Midir and Dew, but a lot was still left in the air.

    • He has his reasons, but Lewyn is actively being a bad dad to his kids now. At least Oifey is kind of acting like a dad for Fee which is a huge step up from having a lovers conversation in-game.

    • Ares and Lene was pretty much how I envision so that is cute and good. Like in the earlier Diarmuid example, it is weird seeing Ares be more friendly instead of constant edgy and huffy. I like how Lene's hair looks in this manga compared to how she normally looks.

    • Tine has only been introduced in the latest chapters, but I'm looking forward to how it goes with her since the manga explores her role as a command in the Friege army. Some bias since Arthur and Tine are some of my favourite kids and their stories have started running at this point. Also the three mage sisters actually have distinct designs for once.

    • Some stuff in the second generation are given less time than in the first which is a shame. Some encounters are just kind of over and done with too quickly.

    • One concern I have is regarding what looks like how Seliph's romance is being set up at this point. To give a hint, Lana, Larcei, Fee, Nanna, Lene all have their own love interests so it is not with them. All that leaves is Tine and Julia. While that first one would be a surprise that'll make me really happy, the chances are slim. So that leaves Julia which means I'm waiting for the negative love growth part to kick in, but it has just been all high love base.

    • Like how the FE6 manga had beautiful views of the countries that is rarely normally seen in the games, I like how this manga depicts some of the locations. I like how Silesse is shown with all the snow and how it looks like from the street with the characters dress up in winter clothes. Another example with Tirnanog.

    All that is left is a gallery of images that I haven't managed to fit in anywhere else.

    submitted by /u/TakenRedditName
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    Absolutely Insane and Creepy Moments in Sacred Stones [Video]

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I wish there were more diversity of classes in TH.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    In Fates, Nohr and Hoshido have their own classes that reflect their own culture and country where they live. Like Hero and Paladin in Nohr which is based on Europe while Swordmaster and Ninja in Hoshido which is based on Japan.

    In TH, all countries use the same classes. While it is at least understandable about the Kingdom and Alliance as they were once.

    The Empire on the other hand were said to have the best magic army yet in the game they don't have any new classes that can use magic and half of their character cannot use magic properly.

    In Fates, each classes will have their country before the other description like "Nohrian. ..." and "Hoshidan. ...". TH could use something like that yet they decide every countries should use the same class.

    submitted by /u/huflit1997
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    My Nioh version of Hilda and her main weapon is the throwing axes and the great axe as her secondary

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    What was wrong with Radiant Dawn's story?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    I personally think the Tellius games have by far the best world building and stories in the series. Admittedly it's been a while since I played RD, but I can't really think of much about the story that was too bad. Other than Michaiah not being a very compelling protagonist maybe. Still, I hear a lot of people think it's awful. I'd like to hear why.

    submitted by /u/Kronim95
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    Fe6 Hugh

    Posted: 30 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I loved him in my Binding Blade run because of his supports and recruitment convo, and was wondering if he could be used in hardmode. I also heard of the maxed Mag/Skl glitch and wanted to try it out. Is it a good idea, and is 5000g glitched Hugh better than 10000g Hugh?

    submitted by /u/EelegalActivity
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    Warcraft/Fire emblem Cross over of my priestess! Done by /u/Hannrbananr

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Drawing Melady everyday. Day 52: Dark Magic Melady

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:02 AM PDT

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