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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Fire Emblem A different way to pick your FE3H route

    Fire Emblem A different way to pick your FE3H route

    A different way to pick your FE3H route

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    [self] Unable to photoshoot rn..so I tried on some of my Byleth cosplay! All art stores are closed hence the unpainted sword ��

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    Dumb_Seteth03.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    The reluctant emperor (study, oc)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I’ve just been absolutely addicted to this show, I couldn’t help myself: FE x JJBA

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Drew a young and spry Officer’s Academy Hanneman

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    A Sigurd and Deirdre I drew inspired by the wedding banners in FEH!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    "When we're side by side like this... I feel oddly at ease."

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Her Most Prized Possession

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Sylvain painting [OC]

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Mermaid Rinea x Berkut

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Azura and Shigure Fanart (Fire Emblem Fates)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Costested the purest fish girl, Flayn ��

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Did a quick Sprite mashup between my two favorite class lines, the mercenary and mage!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Birthday present from my husband!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Read if you wish. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn has always been important to me. Storywise, more relevant now than ever.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Gronder Mood Lighting

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Quick little drawing of Flayn enjoying some taiyaki

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Constance (Fire Emblem Heroes ver.)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I drew F!Mark (?) with a lot of artistic interpretation

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    With all of Fe3Hs successes and short comings...as I play through it the 5th time there’s one thing that I just can’t look past:

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    There is literally no snow ever, besides the art murals. Half the game seems to be in the winter months... Unbelievable.

    submitted by /u/Legend2-3-8
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    I think Three Houses needed more personal army flags... (Hope they implement it in the next game)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    What I mean is the banner on top of the character portraits that show their allegiance. I would like to see more than just the standard "Red Enemy Flag" I sort of understand if the enemies are thieves or rogues (Even though I think they should get their own banners) but if they are from identifiable groups like Duscur or Almyra I think they really should get a banner. Heck, what peeved me more was the fact that Nemesis and the Liberation Army just got the "Red Enemy" treatment, I sort of compare it to how The Ten Elites got Mob NPC portraits even though they were very famous. At least, they should have gotten their own flag. I hope the next game just gives flags to everyone. I understand that graphic design is hard, but I think a flag for every group is doable.

    Am I the only one who thinks like this?

    submitted by /u/GoldenArato
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    In praise of Dorothea -- my initial Three Houses experience

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    (Minor/moderate spoilers for Blue Lions route)

    I want to preface this by acknowledging that I am almost certainly not the first person to experience Three Houses this way, and probably not the first to write about it either. I'm not sure that I can bring any new or particularly interesting insights to the table here. Regardless, the role Dorothea played in my initial run of Three Houses still resonates pretty strongly with me several months later, and I feel compelled to get some of these thoughts down on paper. Hopefully, this will be a semi-enjoyable read for others as well.

    Three Houses is a game I went into more or less blind. I was familiar with the Fire Emblem series, having played and enjoyed a handful of titles over the years, but the most recently-released entry I had played prior to Three Houses was Shadow Dragon. I knew Awakening was a big deal when it released in 2013, and it did look interesting, but I really couldn't justify the purchase of a 3DS at the time. Fast-forward to late last year, and Nintendo finally wins me over with the Switch Lite. Three Houses was pretty high up on the list of Switch games I wanted to check out, behind only Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey in terms of first-party exclusives. So about a month and a half after acquiring the actual system, I hop over to the nearest mall one night after work to pick up a copy of Three Houses.

    The cashier who rang me up that night offered some friendly advice: don't worry about recruiting and optimizing everyone the first time around. This was a huge game, he explained, designed to be played multiple times over from different perspectives. It made sense, then, to devote your first playthrough to getting acquainted with the characters and world, then worry about challenging yourself later. Which seemed like good advice, since I was going in with no real plan. I didn't even give much forethought as to whether I would go with the male or female variant of the player character Byleth, opting for the female mainly because I thought her outfit more interesting (if a bit silly) and her eyes more expressive than those of her stoic male counterpart.

    Similarly, I didn't overthink which of the titular three houses I would align myself with, since I still intend to get to all of them eventually. For what it's worth, I did chat with everyone beforehand, and it was probably Ingrid who won me over to the Blue Lions. She was just such a class act that I couldn't help but want to be on her team.

    From there, I largely followed the cashier's advice and just sort of went through the motions. During the monastery free-roam sections, I would chat with everyone the map said I could, and since there was no apparent penalty for trying and failing to recruit someone over from another house, I would always hit that 'Recruit' option whenever it showed up, just for the hell of it. This became so routine that I don't think I even registered that Dorothea had 'officially' become a Blue Lion until she showed up in my roster on a pre-battle character selection screen. I was glad to have her, because she seemed like a nice person, but that was about the extent of thought I gave her at the time: she seems like a nice person. I didn't use her much in battles at first, since she seemed to be a mage-oriented character, and that was an angle I felt Mercedes, Annette, and to a lesser extent Byleth seemed to have covered well enough on their own.

    Ahead of the Goddess Tower event, I was presented with three options: Sylvain, Dmitri, and Dorothea. I went with Dorothea simply because she was the most curious of the three. I liked Sylvain well enough, but the guy was a serial flirt--why would yet another scene of him hitting on Byleth be anything interesting or noteworthy? (Besides, I was rooting for he and Ingrid to get together). Dmitri and Byleth got plenty of screentime together as it was, and I figured there was about a fifty-fifty chance at that point that they would end up together regardless of what I did. That left Dorothea as the odd one out, and I was curious to see what sort ofot angle she had in all this. First impressions? Not much of one. While she did tease Byleth a bit by noting the parallels between their meeting there with the familiar folktale, in almost the same breath, she seemed to laugh it off as nothing more than a funny coincidence. So who was I to disagree?

    Not long after that, of course, 'the war came,' (to borrow a line from Abraham Lincoln) and the tone of the game shifted dramatically, particularly in regards to my estimation of Dmitri. Gone was the bright, compassionate prince I had grown vaguely proud of advising, and in his place was a bloodthirsty, murderous lunatic I didn't want to imagine getting within ten miles of Edelgard. (Not that I was especially sympathetic to Edelgard; she was clearly involved in some underhanded shit, and didn't seem to care who got hurt or killed in the process. But that didn't make listening to Dmitri's increasingly detailed and graphic revenge fantasies any less unsettling). I started to legitimately question the ethics and morals of continuing to support Dmitri--frankly, had the game provided the option to defect to Leicester and belatedly enter Claude's service, I probably would have done so. Alas, that was never in the cards.

    Against this new, unnerving backdrop, Dorothea began to stand out for me far more than she ever had during the academy days. Part of this, I suppose, was circumstantial--as I said earlier, I made no special efforts to recruit any specific characters prior to the timeskip, so Dorothea was the only person in my roster who was neither an original Blue Lion nor ex-Garreg Mach faculty/staff. That made her a notable conversationalist in that, unlike most of the others, her main concern wasn't the question of whether Dmitri could ever again be an effective leader. Indeed, save for the occasional word of concern for her former Black Eagle classmates, Dorothea was largely apolitical. Topics of conversation with Dorothea were simultaneously narrower (concerns about her own future prospects) and broader (philosophical musings about war and peace) than I found with most of the others.

    Dorothea was no longer the bubbly goofball she seemed to be during the academy days, and any doubts about that assessment were promptly erased by her dramatic visual redesign. While all of the student characters were given an updated look on account of the timeskip--a unique outfit in place of the black and gold uniform; an altered hairstyle--only Dmitri's new appearance was more striking to me than Dorothea's. While most of the others looked like 'grown up' versions of themselves, Dorothea almost looks like a completely different person. This might be an odd way to describe it, but where Academy!Dorothea seems to be mugging for the camera, War!Dorothea looks as though the 'photographer' has caught her off-guard in a candid moment of deep thought. Academy!Dorothea is among the more playful-looking characters, rocking a miniskirt and beret, her long hair worn loose and wavy. War!Dorothea, on the other hand, could hardly be dressed more formally, donning a full-length red gown at all times. Her hair seems to be about the same length, but it is straighter and more pulled-back than how she wore it as an academy student.

    Per Fire Emblem tradition, the real 'meat and potatoes' of these characters comes in their support conversations, and Dorothea is no exception. I struggle to remember exactly where I was relative to the main story when these scenes became accessible, but it wasn't very long after the timeskip when the rather dark reality of Dorothea's situation dawned on me. In the academy days, it was easy to assume that Dorothea was just a flirt--someone who enjoyed the chase, and being chased, all in good fun. Nothing wrong with that, of course, and I liked checking in with Dorothea every in-game week to see what sort of shenanigans she had gotten herself involved in. But the realization that Dorothea had literally no money, land, or blood relatives to fall back on challenged every impression I had of her up to this point. It was legitimately depressing to watch someone that beautiful, talented, and kind live with the constant looming dread that the clock was ticking for her--the pervasive sense that if she didn't find a man of some means willing to marry her fairly soon, she was pretty much screwed. On top of that, it is strongly implied that Dorothea had gotten her hopes up for many potential suitors over the years, but none had ultimately regarded her as 'wife material.' (Seeing her instead as a mistress or just a fling). It made me sad, but I really didn't know what to tell her beyond, 'Good luck. I hope you can come to some halfway-decent arrangement with someone you can stand.' Because that seemed to be the best outcome she could realistically hope for.

    The next Byleth-Dorothea support conversation, however, changed the landscape dramatically. It begins on a similar note to the one preceding it; Dorothea is more upbeat/less depressed here, but the sense of urgency remains. She had best settle on someone fairly soon, she reasons...unless Byleth was willing to take care of her after the war instead. This was a prospect I hadn't seriously considered prior to this, but almost instantly liked. So I had Byleth answer yes, that would be a perfectly acceptable arrangement.

    In retrospect, Dorothea's momentary, stunned silence is telling. ('Holy shit! Really? That could actually happen? Nah, don't kid yourself...') It's the sort of reaction anyone who has ever been on either or both sides of an unrequited romance can probably recognize and relate to. (I certainly could). In a parallel to their earlier meeting at the Goddess Tower, Dorothea again laughs off the idea of she and Byleth as a couple, and walks off before Byleth can get a word in. This time, however, I wanted to get a word in. ('Why is that such a crazy idea?' I wanted to call after her). Of course, I couldn't, but Dorothea's strategically-timed exit from that cutscene did its job well, because from that point forward, I became determined to have Byleth make Dorothea happy to the greatest extent the game would allow me to. In what became Byleth's last exchange with Dorothea before the final set of chapters, Dorothea praises Byleth for having gained the upper hand in the war, and predicts that future historical accounts will imagine a romantic connection between she and Dmitri. To which I wanted to say something along the lines of, 'Wait, it's nothing like that! I just work for the guy!'

    When the Jeralt's wedding ring/'who do you want to share your life with?' prompt appeared, two thoughts sprang to mind. 1) 'Jesus Christ! No pressure there, eh?' ; and 2) 'Dorothea, obviously.' I had mixed feelings about this being a literal marriage proposal, and still think it might have made a bit more sense for this to be a, 'Now that the war is over and we actually have time to ourselves, let's get to know each other better' sort of thing. To my surprise, they sold it--they really fucking sold it. And since Byleth is effectively a silent protagonist, all credit for this incredible final scene goes to Dorothea's writing and voice acting,

    Not gonna lie, I legitimately teared up during this scene, which is highly unusual for me. Ever since, I've been trying to figure out why it cut me so deep. It's probably Dorothea's inferiority complex than anything else, since I can definitely relate to her initial reaction to Byleth's proposal. ('You could have anyone! Why in God's name would I even be under consideration?') Dorothea's transition from stunned disbelief to unbridled joy upon realizing that Byleth is serious is a thing of beauty.

    As much as I enjoy reading fanfiction from time to time, I've never considered myself a 'shipper' in the traditional sense. I like to think that I can be sold on anything, provided that it's written well enough. Generally speaking, I think that's still true, but I have to admit, it's difficult for me to imagine Dorothea being happier with anyone than Female!Byleth, and vice versa. That's close-minded of me, I realized, and I'm sure I'll get less uptight about it whenever I start another playthrough and become better-acquainted with a different set of characters. Still...

    You might say that there's a certain irony in my initial Three Houses experience--my first several hours with the game left me cautiously optimistic that this could be a political intrigue epic at or near the level of a Suikoden II or a Final Fantasy Tactics. And while Three Houses is certainly no slouch in this area, the thing I remember far more than anything else is my silent protagonist girl's impromptu romance with a lovely opera singer.

    If you made it this far, many thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/PowerAlwaysReveals
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    I drew Fiora.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:41 AM PDT

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