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    Saturday, May 16, 2020

    Fire Emblem Rule 9: OC (Original Content) Fanart only

    Fire Emblem Rule 9: OC (Original Content) Fanart only

    Rule 9: OC (Original Content) Fanart only

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    No Fanart or Cosplay is to be posted unless it is of your own making, or you commissioned the artist and have permission to post.


    • Official FE art (such as Cipher and FEH art), as well as unofficial FE works created by series artists, can be shared if it is relatively new (~1 week old at the most). Duplicates will be removed.
    • As mentioned in Rule 8, official FE art can also be used for character birthday posts for those with confirmed birthdates. Once again, duplicates will be removed.

    (Unless otherwise noted, OC means "original content" or "thing that was created by the person uploading it" throughout this post.)

    Frequently asked questions:

    "Why can't I post this art/cosplay I found? It's really cool!"

    There are a few reasons:

    • As indicated to us by users in our last survey (as well as on a near-daily basis in random comment threads), the amount of fanart that the subreddit already receives with these restrictions is plenty, and most regular users do not want to have even more of it here.
    • Allowing non-OC art to be shared will crowd out artists who have put a lot of time and work into creating their art. Finding good art on Twitter and Pixiv is trivial to do, so we want to make sure those who put effort into making their own art are welcome here.
    • Some artists do not like their art to be shared on other platforms. This is not always possible to know if you grab art from somewhere else that it was reposted (like Pinterest or Instagram) and drop it here without a second thought. In cases like this, we would prefer to respect the artist's wishes, and so it is much more manageable for us to remove reposted artwork whenever it comes up.

    "But what if I post it with a direct source in the comments? Giving credit to the original artist is honourable! And hey, it gives them more exposure too!"

    While giving direct links to artwork is preferred, most users still submit found fanart by rehosting it via Imgur or direct upload to Reddit. In doing so, most users only engage with the art on Imgur/Reddit and do not even check the comments, let alone visit the artist's page. As a result, a post with thousands of upvotes and hundreds of thousands of views on Reddit will usually result in only about one or two hundred views to the artist's page. In other words, reposting art does not give much "exposure" to the original artist.

    (Also, you may be wondering about direct links to an artist's work as the submission itself rather than as a rehosted image – sadly, direct links are less favoured by Reddit users and tend not to do as well as rehosted images, so again, they do not provide much traffic to the artist.)

    "All right, I get what you're saying, but I have explicit permission from the artist to share it here. Will you still remove my post?"

    Once again, getting permission from the artist seems nice in theory, but it presents two problems:

    • This still allows more fanart on the subreddit than we already have, which will displease more users than it makes happy.
    • More importantly, it is difficult for us to verify that you actually have permission. DMs and private messages are very easy to fake with just Paint or by using Inspect Element, and on top of this we would have to check so many posts for this each day that it wouldn't be feasible for us to do with the size of our mod team. We are all volunteers and have other things to do, so spending several hours a day going through all the fanart that people post and verifying that they have permission to share it is not practical in any way for us.

    Getting permission from an artist is not sufficient for this subreddit. If an artist wants to share their art to the subreddit, then they are more than welcome to use or create their own reddit account to do so, and we would encourage them to interact with the community here.

    "So if all this is unacceptable, then why do you allow commissions to be shared? The person who bought it didn't do a thing!"

    This may sound like a truism, but commissions are paid for with money – this makes them far less common to see. As it stands with the current rules, commissions are posted less than once a day on average, compared to easily a dozen OC fanart posts getting shared to the subreddit a day. As a result, managing commissioned artwork is actually possible for us to do without impacting the rest of our duties, so we allow it. If in the future commissioned artwork starts getting shared on the subreddit with a greater frequency, we may revisit this, but unless that happens we don't plan on changing this part of the rule.

    In summary

    We have such a restrictive rule regarding non-OC fanart in large part because we cannot let the subreddit be crowded with so many fanart posts. On top of this, we would like this subreddit to be a place where all creators are welcome to share their work, and also a place where the wishes of the artists are respected: if a person doesn't want their work shared outside of certain platforms, we are not going to trample on that. If there's a piece of art that you have seen and love and want more people to enjoy it, that's great; however, this subreddit is not the right place for that. You are more than welcome to join the subreddit's Discord server and share fanart in the appropriate channel there, but on this site in particular such posts are more trouble than they are worth.

    We hope you understand the reasoning and intent behind this rule, and as always, if you have any questions about whether or not something is okay to post, feel free to send us a message through mod-mail.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
    [link] [comments]

    The portraits Edelgard fans needed, but not received (I gotcha fam)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Hilda vs Dorothea

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Byleth finished. Twitter:azarea23

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Get some room!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    A Haunting of Garreg Mach

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    I did a quick fanart of Flayn!!!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    I drew Dimitiri!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    I drew this monstrosity cathedral (OC)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Three Houses the Ballet ��

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    [Awakening] Initial concept for Inigo, Brady and Severa from "Making of Fire Emblem"

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Byleth meets Grima and Fallen Corrin

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I have a theory of what if Mikoto was a playable character

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    EliNini - Proud Parents

    Posted: 16 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    My Fanart of Byleth and Edelgard at the time-skip (SS)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Adult Cath [GBA Sprite Art]

    Posted: 16 May 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Byleths chibi

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem x Borderlands: Bernadetta as the Plantmaster [OC crossover art]

    Posted: 16 May 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    TwoAgarthans - It's AM, but Edelgard gets a Stand Arrow Instead (Comic)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Rinkah is one of the coolest characters.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Golden Wind = Verdant Wind

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Commissioned OneShot x Fire Emblem (Sanaki, Sephiran, Nils & Ninian) art after finishing the game! (By @Takanoez)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Why I personally believe CF is the canon route of FE3H- a VERY long analysis.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I'll clear this up first- I am a huge CF and Edelgard fan, and being stuck at home has made me read and write more essays about CF and Edelgard than I thought humanly possible.

    Before you take out the pitchforks and torches, this post is NOT to accuse people of liking a route that isn't canon, or to say that all other routes are invalid and useless because I think CF is canon. None of that. All routes are important in understanding the worldbuilding and characters of Fire Emblem Three Houses. However, I would like to present all the evidence I have compiled and what we can reasonably infer from them to claim that Crimson Flower is the canon route. All I can say is, please go in with an open mind and you might learn a thing or two.


    Some FAQ for the more common arguments against the idea of a canon route

    "Shouldn't a game where you choose your path inherently not have a canon path?"

    I don't know, what the hell was FE Revelations then? I'd like to highlight this question. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT A MULTI ROUTE GAME CAN HAVE A CANON PATH, PLEASE STOP READING THIS. Spare yourself my 4000 word essay.

    "Didn't the devs claim in an interview here that they did not plan a canon route?"

    "In Fire Emblem Fates, Revelation served as the all-encompassing "route" that wrapped up the games' story. Was there any reason you didn't make something like Revelation again?"

    "If we had created a route for Three Houses like Revelation was to Fates, that route would have definitely ended up being perceived as the "correct" route. "

    This is my basic response: the devs can claim that they did not intend for a canon route- but if they did, they cannot outright say it because it would result in backlash. Before you accuse me of lying, it's not uncommon that developers lie to protect their asses- like how the FEH devs claim they were concerned about powercreep and would do something about it.

    Let me also give you an alternate response: that they were not lying and we have misinterpreted what they were saying. People often interpret this as the developers did not plan one route to be canon. But look at the context- this is in light of Revelation's "Golden Route". And we all know Revelation is so, so, blatantly canon because it unifies everybody. It has some terrible writing, and no real consequences. As a result, it's now branded as the one of the worst games in the FE series and everybody hates it. So when they mean they did not intend to make a "correct route", they really mean "explicitly obvious golden route that would piss everybody off" because we're comparing with Revelation. Anyway, they learn from their mistakes and make Crimson Flower. It's controversial as hell and doesn't seem to be anything as Golden as Revelation- the perfect disguise for what might actually be the canon ending.

    "Isn't Crimson Flower just another route like SS/AM/VW are?"

    Crimson Flower is no ordinary route like SS/AM/VW. It was actually designed to be very hard to get into.

    "Walking with Edelgard in "Crimson Flower", or rather known as the, "Supreme Ruler Route" is something we honestly meant to be much more difficult to enter." - Dev Interview Here

    What does this suggest about Crimson Flower? I would say that because it is hidden behind obscure requirements, Crimson Flower is actually intended to be the last route to be played. Hell, even I never discovered it the first time I played BE. This is important to note as some points I speak of later hinges on the assumption that it is the last route meant to be played. Anyhow, this "last route" status assigns it a special quality that other routes do not grant you. You can interpret that how you wish- you could see it as the finale (implying the true completion) of the story like how I do, but it's too easy to argue that. I'd like to argue on the basis that even though you can consider it "just another route", there is a swarm of evidence that points to it being canon.

    This lengthy essay-compilation is split into two parts:

    1. The evidence which suggests that CF's ending was the most ideal for Fodlan. This is a bit of an assumption- just because something is more ideal, does not neccessate that it is true. Personally, I do think more ideal routes point to canonicity- no one would doubt that FE Revelations is the canon route in Fates. But this is something that is subjective to you. If you disagree- jump straight to part 2.

    2. The evidence which suggests that CF as a route from a writing perspective (themes, characters) is the ideal route. Basically- if you were a writer, and if you could only pick one route to finish the story- which route makes the most complete, fulfilling story? Of course this is subjective, but there's a strong case that it's Crimson Flower.

    Part 1: CF's Ending is the Most Ideal

    • The main problem plaguing Fodlan, the crest system, is eradicated.

    This one's kinda obvious. The crest system which plagues nearly everybody in the game in a negative manner is gone for good. Edelgard and Byleth's ending in CF explicitly talks about class reform and meritocracy.

    "...and to ensure a society where people can rise and fall by their own merits, they spend their lives reforming the antiquated class system."

    Let's contrast that with the endings of the other routes. AM is vague- DimitrixByleth's speaks of church and government reforms, Dimitri's solo speaks of some kind of participatory (democratic?) government, Byleth's solo creates a "world free from the shackles of oppresion". VW is a bit more focus- Claude's solo opens Fodlan's borders and there's no racism between Almyra and Fodlan, but Byleth's solo and BylethxClaude's still mentions vague "church reforms". SS is the worst offender- Byleth's solo says nothing about church reforms, and BylethxRhea has Rhea repair the church and help war victims, and both of them "worked closely to forge new policies and achieve progress for Fodlan." These endings are either vague or don't address the issue at hand.

    Has each ending benefited Fodlan to some degree? Absolutely YES. But what is the main problem with Fodlan that the story constantly stresses and spends time on, and then one particular route explicitly solves? Hint: it's not Almyran-Fodlan racism.

    This argument also holds merit on a storytelling perspective. The writers establish a world with a big problem, and there's one route of the four that solve said problem (exact methods put aside). Which route makes for a complete story?


    • "Didn't Edelgard start a war to achieve her goals? Is that ideal?"

    We can talk all day about how necessary the war was, or just the morality of starting a war. But do keep in mind that the changed Fodlan we see in each route is because of Edelgard's war. Each lord takes advantage of the war, and since they win in each route and now have control over Fodlan, they can do whatever they want. It's not like the blood is only on Edelgard's hands- Claud sees the war as an opportunity to do what he wanted to achieve in the first place (read it [here]), and Dimitri participates in the war for the wrong reasons- revenge.

    War is war, and in every route people die to build a world that their lord thinks is right.

    • Usage of the phrase "True Peace" and other lasting peace suggesting phrases in character epilogue cards.

    This is something very obscure pointed out by u/SexTraumaDental here. In short, Edelgard comments that Rhea will never lead Fodlan to "true peace".

    "Those corrupt hypocrites cannot lead Fódlan to true peace."

    Byleth's solo SS ending mentions "true peace" too, but it only confirms what Edelgard says.

    "In his/her heart lived the indelible hope that their efforts would one day yield an era in which the people knew true peace and the horrors of war were a hazy memory of the past."

    Byleth hopes that their efforts would one day yield an era of "true peace". The wording is unambiguous: "true peace" has not yet been achieved. This "true peace" phrase appears exclusively in CF epilogue cards and not in other routes.

    Furthermore, some CF endings have characters retire from fighting or any job that relates to peacekeeping- such as mercenaries, knights, and bodyguards where in other routes they don't. This suggests that lasting peace has been achieved because there is no demand for peacekeeping jobs. While this occurs in all routes, this is disproportionate in CF's favor. For example, Alois' solo ending in non CF routes has him take up the position of Captain of the Knights of Seiros, but in CF he retires as a farmer.


    • "Doesn't the reason why the Empire gets all the peaceful implications in the epilogue cards is because they had the military advantage in the first place? Other nations were destroyed by the empire's invasion, making it harder for them achieve peace."

    There's no reason for the writers to not just use the same language that they used for Crimson Flower. If all routes lead to a peaceful Fodlan eventually, then why don't they just use the same language? Wouldn't it just anger the fanbase for no reason that one route gets to have more peaceful implications than another if all routes were equally valid?

    • Comparisons between CF and non CF credit song titles.

    ENG: "Color of Sunrise" (CF) VS "Edge of Dawn" (Other)

    JP: "Sunrise with You" (CF) and "Girl of Hresvelg" (Other)

    Edelgard claims that she will "lead Fodlan into a new dawn"- so it is clear that the sunrise is symbolic of progress for Fodlan. So then what do these titles imply? The "Edge of Dawn" is the moment before sunrise. It suggests that progress is on the horizon, but it's not here yet. This is the opposite with "Color of Sunrise"- the sunrise is present and progress is here, now! Of course these are the English titles, the JP titles are "Sunrise with You" (CF) and "Girl of Hresvelg" (Other). While the contrast highlights the presence of Byleth, one has a sunrise present and one doesn't.

    • The war is short, efficient, and avoids tragic events in other routes.

    Golden routes are typically characterized with some "ideal" qualities- where certain bad things don't happen. This applies to the war- it is short, efficient, and avoids undue tragedy.

    Edelgard is an individual who prefers to avoid undue bloodshed when fighting her war, and having the strongest fighter in Fodlan (Byleth) by her side means she can get this over with pretty damn quick. Edelgard makes a beeline for Derdriu, only having to fight at Myrrdin bridge and afterwards targets Derdriu, the capital where the only alliance forces that oppose her are. She manages to destroy most of the church's forces when they surprise attack the monastery. She then has time to detour to Arianrhod and kill Cornelia (which actually benefits Dimitri as she is a traitor), before vanquishing the rest of the Kingdom's forces on the Tailtean plains and finishing off Rhea in Fhirdiad. The war is over in 5 months of Byleth's return compared to the 10-12 (don't know precisely) in other routes.

    Some of the tragic and less ideal events that are avoided are such- there is no slaughter of bandits that have been occupying the monastery (because Edelgard has been holding it). No massacre that is Gronder field. No crest beasts used by the Empire. The Kingdom isn't split apart and Dimitri isn't kicked out by Cornelia. The alliance is holding it together and has avoided a violent civil war.

    • Dimitri goes down as a good person.

    This point ties in with the point above about how the war avoids certain tragic events- and Dimitri's descent into madness is one of them. While Dimitri this version of Dimitri isn't as ideal as the "Savior King" version in AM, I'd like to point out that Dimitri goes down as a reasonably good person.

    In other routes, Dimitri is accused by Cornelia of treason and is nearly executed for it, barely escaping with his life. Somewhere down the road, he loses an eye and becomes rather angry and feral. In SS/VW he is killed brutally at Gronder field. But in CF, Rhea taking up shelter in the Kingdom has prevented Cornelia from revolting. Edelgard helps out too by going out of her way to kill Cornelia in Arianrhod. As a result, Dimitri, while likely still harboring a great deal of underlying resentment and hatred, manages to stay calm and follow his duties as a king- defending his homeland whereas in AM he had only cared about revenge over his people (Dimitri advocates striking Embarr instead of rescuing Fhirdiad). His last stand is noble- he dies defending his kingdom. Bonus, if you manage to kill Dedue before he transforms, Dimitri can even die a peaceful death.

    Part 2: CF's Ending, from a writing and storytelling perspective, is the most fitting.

    • The game is about looking beneath the surface, and Crimson Flower is the biggest reveal in the whole game.

    This point is basically a rough paraphrasing of one of the point's u/captainflash89 says in his post titled "What Three Houses is about".

    Each route has its own individual running theme- CF is revolution, AM is moving on from the past, VW is uncovering the truth, SS I have no clue, but the unifying theme of the whole game can be argued to be about looking beneath the surface. This is embodied in how your views on all the characters are subverted in their supports- we learn that Sylvain actually hates women. The game also constantly challenges you to think critically- you are presented with conflicting or false information. It's clear that in the game things aren't always what they seem- whether it's the characters or the history of Fodlan.

    Let's talk main characters. Dimitri, Claude, and Rhea's inner beings betray who they appear to be on the outside. Dimitri appears to love justice, but inside harbours a thirst for revenge due to self imposed duty to the dead. Claude just wants everbody to get along, but he's willing to conquer all of Fodlan for it. Rhea appears to be the morally upstanding and peace upholding religious figure, but is ruthless to any opposition. But Edelgard is different. She is the same as on the inside as the outside. She cares little that she's perceived as evil, and the ideals she expresses in White Clouds remain the same regardless of what happens post White Clouds- Fodlan has a problem, her way is the only way to fix it, and the ends justify the means. This is constant regardless of the route and the only thing that changes is the extremes she is willing to go. So what gives? Why is the Edelgard in CF seemingly... less evil? Why does she loathe having to kill people (Chap 12 CF), avoids unnecessary bloodshed (doesn't kill Count Aegir despite him being responsible for her suffering), say that she is not actually anti faith despite fighting a church (Manuela support), and steps down from power after achieving her goal (Epilogue card)? Isn't she a maniacal tyrant?

    The answer is such: AM/VW/SS Edelgard has always been CF Edelgard, and the player's perception of her is wrong. Non CF routes actively try to paint Edelgard as evil- Dimitri and Seteth describe her as a tyrant trying to conquer all of Fodlan.

    Now how is the reveal that is the true nature of Edelgard's character the biggest reveal in the whole game?

    The answer lies in the nature of CF. CF is designed to be played last- the devs comment that CF is designed to be more difficult to enter- so when you play it last it's the biggest revelation in the game. No other route has this effect if they are played last. CF changes the whole game.

    And the revelations don't stop with Edelgard's true nature. CF exclusively confirms the true sides of characters hinted at in other routes.

    Claude wants to seek power ("The Sword of the Creator… Pulled right from the legends. I finally found it, and yet it ended up in Teach's hands.", Chap 5 VW), and and in CF it turns out to have planned to conquer Fodlan all along ("I was hoping to become supreme ruler of Fodlan myself" CF Chap 14).

    Catherine and Cyril are more than just fans of Rhea. I don't think I really need to explain their behavior but they literally follow her orders to a T.

    Rhea is hinted to be ruthless and authoritarian (treatment of Western Church in White Clouds), and turns out at the end of CF she literally burns down Fhirdiad and has no regard for the sacrifices made ("I shall sacrifice as many lives as it takes!" Chap 17)

    TWSITD are hinted separate goals than Edelgard ("It certainly appears that all of the events surrounding the monastery are connected by a single thread. However... I think it's possible that it may just be a result of different motives overlapping." Chap 6 BE White Clouds) and she actually hates them ("There will be no salvation for you and your kind." Flame Emperor, Chap 11 AM). Then we learn from CF that they're responsible for her suffering and have put her in a teneous position (Insurrection of the Seven led by Arundel/Thales strips the Emperor from Power).


    • Doesn't Verdant Wind drop the biggest information in the game? You get tons of lore.*

    True, but I'd argue that none of the lore exposited really affects the story at large and is more supplementary information. The biggest lore reveal we get in VW is probably the exposition dump Rhea tells Claude pre Nemesis fight. Looking at it again, these are the some big bits of info that you don't get in other routes.

    -TWSITD are descendants of human survivors fighting a war against Sothis.

    -Nemesis led a genocide against the Nabateans, and that crests originate from the 10 elites drinking Nabatean blood.

    -Rhea planted a Sothis' crest stone in Byleth and hoped that they'd be a vessel for Sothis (who would likely come back to rule over Fodlan).

    Storywise, none of this information is a game changer. At least not to me. It doesn't absolve Rhea of her authoritarianism, or inaction and ignorance of the suffering in Fodlan. It doesn't suddenly make Edelgard's argument against the ills of the crest system and the church which exarcerbates its value ("Gifts from the Godess"). I played VW last, and it never struck me as much as Crimson Flower. The most I really learned was that Byleth was intended to be Sothis' vessel.

    • Byleth's character arc is completed.

    Huh, Byleth had a character arc? Yeah, and it's all about becoming more human.

    At the beginning of the game, as u/captainflash89 points out in his post titled "What Three Houses is About", Sothis asks what you are. A demon, ghost, or mortal. The right choice is mortal, even though at that moment Byleth is more akin to a demon as the nickname "Ashen Demon" implies, or even an emotionless ghost of a person. Sothis wants you to be human. This is established again when she asks you to "cut your own path", implying that Byleth should follow what their heart tells them. Similarly, Jeralt also wants Byleth to be more human- that's why he praises you for expressing emotion over him when he dies.

    With the decision to follow Edelgard, Byleth becomes more human.

    Let me preface this by saying that it's not the case Byleth doesn't become a little more human on all other routes, but there is strong evidence to suggest that Byleth in CF becomes the most human, and even undergoes a full transformation.

    Firstly, the choice to protect Edelgard is the only real choice Byleth makes in the whole game, regardless of route. Picking a house is nothing but a trivial matter, and is hardly a choice at all as Byleth knows little of the students in each house. But back to the choice to protect Edelgard- that's why you hear a loud heartbeat. The heart is symbolic of being human, and the thumping of his heart is a metaphor for a choice that allows Byleth to become more human. This is the moment where Byleth can cut their own path. Now let me explain why only siding with Edelgard is the choice, and not siding against her. CF is designed to be a hidden path because of its obscure requirements. SS is the default for first time BE players. Most players will unwittingly play SS first, then find out about CF. Like me. So in this sense, players must go out of their way to unlock CF, and then choose it. That argument aside, siding with Rhea is hardly cutting one's own path. How much of Byleth's path in SS is their own? They follow Rhea's plan, and turn out to be basically the next Sothis ("Mother, you're here" Rhea, SS final cutscene). Byleth becomes God-Pope-King of Fodlan, and Rhea steps down and hands authority to them just like she intended. Contrast that with CF Byleth, who defies Edelgard's expectations and she even comments that she once believed siding with her wasn't the path they were meant to take.

    Now let's jump to the final cutscene in CF. This is an excellent point made in u/captainflash89's post about the final CF cutscene. There's a huge role reversal when comparing all routes' final cutscenes, and it is symbolic in nature. In AM, Byleth helps Dimitri not look back at Edelgard's body. In VW, Byleth helps Claude land the finishing blow. In SS, Byleth cradles the fallen Rhea in their arms. Byleth supports everybody, but in CF we see Byleth being held by Edelgard- this is symbolic of Byleth being human! Humans are fallible, vulnerable, and need support. Other routes have Byleth support the lords, CF has Byleth and Edelgard support each other mutually.

    Also, Byleth's crest stone disappearing, heart beating, and losing their glow-in-the-dark green hair is literally indicative of them becoming human.


    • Doesn't Byleth also "choose" the other routes of AM and VW, because they follow their respective house leader into the war?

    This inference is true to some extent, but it's an "easy" choice that we're not even given an option for. Byleth already has a pretty good reason to side with their house, they've gotta protect their students and fight against the "evil" empire, whose Emperor's motivations he knows nothing about. This is also shown by the fact they're never questioned about why they choose to follow their house. The students just go "it's great that you're here now let's go beat up the empire" unlike Edelgard whose asks Byleth multiple times whether this is the path they want to take.

    • The tragedy of the theme song is resolved.

    The Edge of Dawn theme song is about the tragedy of Edelgard. Unable to confide in anybody and virtually alone, always self doubting and questioning herself, she yearns for someone to reach out to her and validate her as a person. She mourns the fact that she must leave her friends behind in pursuit of her ideals. It's basically the song of Silver Snow's Edelgard. But anyway, Byleth comes along and fixes all that. She grows to trust others, is able to express more emotions, all the stuff that humanizes her in CF. Byleth completes Edelgard. And so instead the Edge of Dawn does not play in the credits of CF because she is fulfilled.

    Part 3: Summary

    All routes are important to play to fully understand the individual themes of each route, its various characters, and world of Fire Emblem Three Houses. And it's perfectly ok to prefer one route over another. However I feel there is a surmounting pile of evidence, both story wise and writing wise, that Crimson Flower is the canon, true-est route the developers had designed without them explicitly saying it so. If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I look forward to a healthy discussion. Please don't kill each other over this.

    Special thanks to the Edelgard simp gang at r/Edelgard who some of my points are based off their wonderful analysis essays, and who have helped me refine my arguments as much as possible.

    submitted by /u/AnnaisMyWaifu
    [link] [comments]

    So it’s my friends birthday and he got Fire Emblem Three Houses and these are the first texts he sent.(Also he’s a Golden Deer)(And he likes ��)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 05:30 AM PDT

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