Fire Emblem Empress's woes |
- Empress's woes
- [OC] Shamir readying her bow
- Blue Lions fanart
- I tried making a byleth alt based on jeralt
- Burger Emblem
- Made a queen Eirika portrait in FE3H's style using caringcarrot's FE8 portrait of her !
- Assassin anna for her bday!
- A Day in the Life of Heroes - The Summoner's Strength
- Hero King Marth [OC]
- I drew best boy Lyon!
- Hegemon Redesign [3H Spoiler]
- New upcoming fanart! I am drawing Dimitri on an A3 paper, it will be pretty large and take some time to finish it. The sketch is still far from done. I want to add more things to the drawing but couldn't decide yet. For example young Dimitri or the Dimitri after time skip. Do you have any idea's? ��
- I made M!Robin as an Animal Crossing Character (I guess this goes under art?) [Awakening]
- [Self] Planning on making his full cosplay as soon as I'm done with my exams. I hope you'll appreciate this quick costest of my lion king��
- Tiki Fanart [OC]
- The Valentian Falchion Wherabouts? Food for thought.
- [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #7 - Ethlyn, Spirited Princess
- I like these numbers
- FE Horror & Angst Zine Deadline Extension
- Byleth vs. Cloud
- Before Byleth arrives, Edelgard didn't have any old guardians or teachers.
- Does anyone know of a mod/hack for Radiant Dawn that changes the script to the "original version" found in the Japanese's Hard and Maniac modes?
Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:49 AM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:44 AM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:42 PM PDT
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I tried making a byleth alt based on jeralt Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:56 AM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:14 PM PDT
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Made a queen Eirika portrait in FE3H's style using caringcarrot's FE8 portrait of her ! Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:33 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT
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A Day in the Life of Heroes - The Summoner's Strength Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:07 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:42 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:18 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT
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I made M!Robin as an Animal Crossing Character (I guess this goes under art?) [Awakening] Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:17 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:14 AM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:33 AM PDT
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The Valentian Falchion Wherabouts? Food for thought. Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT One of the main problems i've noticed in Marth's timeline is the disappearance of the Valentian Falchion, or Alm's Falchion more specifically. We know for a fact that there are 2 Falchions, since Mystery and Echoes take place around the same time. This is also seen with Palla, Catria and Est joining Celica's party. From what i've remembered in Marth's game(s). His Falchion only had the power to Seal away dragons. Whereas Alm's had the power to kill Gods, hence him Killing Duma. 2000 Years in the Future, Marth's Falchion is in Chroms hands. But during the awakening campaign its never explained why Walhart (Walmart) never uses the Valentian Falchion. In fact its never even mentioned throughout the game. I recently thought about this after playing echoes, and i've come to the conclusion that its in the base of the Mila tree. Remember, trees of that size grow where the bodies of dead divine dragons were. Mila and Duma both died relatively close to each other. Both because of Falchion stabbing them in the head. In the final in-game cutscene at endgame, Alm is seen only stabbing Duma and killing him. He does not in any sense take Falchion back from the corpse. He is then crowned 1st king of the One Kingdom and happily ever after etc etc etc. This leads me to believe that Falchion was never pulled from Duma's skull. Its in fact killed Duma and it was left there for centuries. The bodies became the roots for the Mila Tree; What we see in the awakening campaign with Tiki using it as a treehouse on top. Therefore, I believe the Valchion has to be in the roots of the Mila tree, where Duma/Mila were killed. [link] [comments] | ||
[FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #7 - Ethlyn, Spirited Princess Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:34 AM PDT Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we analyze the characters of the playable units of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Quan, Luminous Lancer. Quan is a character who is generally good-hearted and looks out for his companions; however, he lacks awareness of the broader situation around him which eventually leads to his death. Today we are looking at Quan's wife, Ethlyn, Spirited Princess. ------ Ethlyn is a troubadour who joins the player's party on the third turn of the prologue. She is the younger sister of Sigurd and the wife of Quan; she inserts herself into Sigurd's conflict as she feels that she is obligated to help him. We find that Ethlyn is someone who is not afraid to be assertive about what she wants to happen, including getting other people to behave more "proper." However, she is constrained by the plotlines of the game; most importantly, two different motivations for her conflict, thus creating a sticky situation that is resolved in a tragic way. ------ Recruitment conversation in Prologue: Quan, Ethlyn, and Quan's young knight Finn all arrive to the east of Chalphy. Quan is relieved that they aren't too late to help Sigurd. Ethlyn then says that she can help by healing and apologizes for dragging Quan with her to help, thanking him for coming nonetheless; Quan then says that there's no need to thank him considering that Sigurd is important to him as well and that he didn't want to leave Ethlyn to fight alone. Ethlyn thanks Quan for his help. Finn then says that they should hurry in order to aid Sigurd. Here, we see Ethlyn introduced and the basis for her character is set up. It's clear that coming to Grannvale to assist Sigurd was primarily Ethlyn's idea; she (not dissimilarly from Azelle) could not bear to think of her brother having to fight off the Verdanians by himself and felt obligated to come help Sigurd. This shows that she has enough agency to not only make her own decisions but to convince other people to follow her, thus feeding into the "tomboy" perception that she was created to fulfill. She feels bad for bringing her husband into this but is still grateful for his help. Ethlyn feels that she is stuck between an obligation to support her "former" family in Chalphy and an obligation to support her "new" family in Leonster. One can infer that by the norms of Jugdrali society, Ethlyn is supposed to prioritize Leonster more since she severed her ties to her biological family in Chalphy by marrying Quan; yet, she wants to rebel against those norms by getting Quan to help her brother. This conflict will repeat itself later on in Ethlyn's characterization as we will see soon. ------ Prologue conversation with Sigurd: Ethlyn expresses her relief that Sigurd is unharmed. Sigurd is also grateful to see Ethlyn and thanks her for coming; Ethlyn says that she couldn't leave Sigurd to fight Verdane on his own. Sigurd teases her for thinking that he couldn't handle the Verdanians. Ethlyn then points out that she had heard that most of Chalphy's soldiers were in the war against Isaach, leaving very few people available to defend against Verdane; she knew Sigurd would foolishly jump into battle without considering all of his options, and thus had to come help him to "save him from himself." Sigurd continues teasing his sister as he remembers the many times she has lectured him and his father in the past to "keep them in check" after Sigurd and Ethlyn's mother passed away; he thought that marrying her off to Quan changed her into a "proper little lady" but laments that it did not, sympathizing with Quan for having to deal with her. Ethlyn retorts by saying that she is only the way she is because of her father and brother being so unkempt; Sigurd then reassures Ethlyn that he appreciates what she does and apologizes for all the trouble he caused. This is the first interaction between the two siblings (Sigurd and Ethlyn) in the game. The primary achievement of this conversation is to establish somewhat of a backstory for Ethlyn and flesh out her relationship with Sigurd. Ethlyn, after repeating her feelings about potentially leaving Sigurd to face the Verdanians alone, admonishes him for once again jumping into a situation without taking the time to think first. This is clearly something that Ethlyn has done to Sigurd many times in the past; one could infer that she has tried to get Sigurd and their father Byron "in shape" and proper, essentially filling in the hole that the death of their mother left. This reaffirms that Ethlyn is not afraid to exercise her agency and "set people straight" so to speak when she feels there is a need to do so, something that most likely has happened many times with the people around her. ------ Chapter 1 conversation with Edain: Ethlyn asks Edain if she is okay; she remarks that she was worried to hear of the latter's abduction. Edain thanks Ethlyn for coming to fight to rescue her and apologizes for being kidnapped. She then gives Ethlyn a return staff to thank her as she feels that Ethlyn can use it better. Ethlyn then thanks Edain for the return staff and promises to get use out of it. This conversation is more focused towards Edain than towards Ethlyn. Ethlyn is relieved to see that her friend Edain is safe; this is natural for her to feel as one of her priorities is the well-being of others. She then is very thankful for the gift of the Return Staff; Ethlyn is never even remotely ungrateful for other people doing things for her. Her manner of always thanking people to the point of excessiveness is part of her style that distinguishes her from other people. ------ Chapter 2 conversation with Deirdre: Ethlyn asks Deirdre how she is doing, knowing that Sigurd is worried about her being in battle. Deirdre thanks Ethlyn for her concern and responds that she is fine; everything will be alright as long as she is with Sigurd. Ethlyn expresses her shock at how much Deirdre changed Sigurd and made him so happy. Deirdre then gives a light brand to Ethlyn as a gift. Ethlyn is surprised and remarks how rare light brands are; she then asks Deirdre if she is sure about giving one away. Deirdre assures her that she is confident Ethlyn can use the light brand well. Ethlyn then once again thanks Deirdre for the light brand and says that she will treasure it. Much like the Edain conversation, this event does more for characterizing Deirdre (and Sigurd) than it does for Ethlyn. It follows a very similar style to the Edain conversation as well: Ethlyn checks on her friend's well-being, the friend gives Ethlyn something rare, and Ethlyn is grateful for her gift. And just as the Edain conversation does, this conversation shows Ethlyn's care for the well-being of her friends as well as her gratitude for what others may do for her to an extreme extent. One other thing that should be pointed out is that she observed that Sigurd has "changed" since marrying Deirdre; this indicates that Ethlyn is attentive to the behaviors of others (especially people she knows well), likely to a greater extent than her brother and her husband are. ------ Chapter 3 conversation with Quan: Ethlyn says that she owes Quan an apology and presents the Gáe Bolg to him. She says that Quan's father entrusted it to her to give it to him in case the battles they were partaking in become fierce. Quan, feeling the strength that Gáe Bolg imparts on him, asks her why she waited so long to present it to him; she says that when she was given the lance by Calf, he also relayed to her the Tragedy of the Gáe Bolg. Quan notes that it is true that the Gáe Bolg has the Tragedy attached to it but reduces it to being a mere legend; he promises that it won't stop them from returning home to their daughter Altena. Ethlyn asks for him to reassure her that they'll never separate; he senses that she is still worried over Deirdre's disappearance and says that it won't be long until they find her again. Ethlyn then begins crying as she is worried that Sigurd and Deirdre may never meet again as Quan consoles her. And here is yet another conversation which does more towards the characterization of another character than it does for Ethlyn; yet, it still does some things to advance her character. Ethlyn seemingly has an emotional breakdown related to Deirdre's disappearance; she starts crying over the fact that Sigurd may never see her again. This shows that Ethlyn cares extremely deeply for her family, even someone whom she has only known for some time; she already began bonding with her new sister-in-law as the Chapter 2 conversation shows. For her new friend Deirdre to disappear so quickly must have been so tragic for her, and this shows in Ethlyn crying over her. She doesn't really care that much about the grand ideals that her husband wants; she just wants to ensure the well-being of her family, and she is saddened that that couldn't happen for Deirdre. ------ Chapter 4 departure: Quan tells Sigurd that he is leaving for Leonster along with Ethlyn (and Finn); however, they will be back later to aid him with more soldiers. Ethlyn also says that she is leaving with Quan and asks Sigurd to take care of himself. As stated in the Quan episode, this conversation is primarily there to advance plot, not characterization. Ethlyn characteristically asks Sigurd to take care of himself like she always asks of him; strangely enough, she does not "nag" him like she did in the Prologue. ------ Chapter 5/The Aed Massacre: Quan and Ethlyn arrive in the southeast. Quan tells his soldiers to keep moving north, hoping to run into Sigurd's army sooner or later. Ethlyn once again apologizes to Quan for dragging him to help Sigurd. Quan predictably responds by saying that there is no need for her to apologize; Leonster is strong enough to where Quan with Gáe Bolg in his hand can confidently help Sigurd without worries. Quan then is about to ask Ethlyn to return back to Leonster when she says that she cannot leave him alone and that she wants to see Sigurd again. Quan refuses to allow that, reminding her that she promised to return back partway through and that she is also carrying their young daughter Altena with them. Ethlyn responds that she'd fight hard enough to protect Altena and that she only brought her with them because of Altena throwing a tantrum; regardless, Ethlyn will return home. Quan assures her that he sympathizes with her but argues that she has to return home to their infant son Leif in the safety of Leonster. Ethlyn decides that she will return home but only after spending a little more time with Quan. The tragedy of the Aed Massacre begins here. Echoing the beginning of the game, Ethlyn apologizes to Quan for pushing him to come to her brother's aid. Once again Ethlyn has to deal with the conflict of the needs of her "old" (biological) family against the needs of her "new" (husband's) family as she knows that Quan by taking Lanceritter to help Sigurd is taking away forces that could be used to defend against Thracia. Ultimately Quan (and his father) was okay with helping Sigurd, but Ethlyn still feels bad about taking away resources from her new family. Ethlyn's assertiveness then returns when she tries to break her promise to return back to Leonster by going with Quan to the battlefield; ultimately, she still backs down and decides to return to Leonster. This may be because Quan's request to put their children first reverberates with her; maybe it is because she wants to do something for Leonster after having Quan bring half of their army to support Sigurd. Ethlyn still has to contend with the fact that unfortunately, she is still expected by Jugdrali norms to allow her husband to take the lead and stay behind with the children. Yet she still has enough agency to be able to stay with Quan for some few cherished moments before departing for her return. Travant's arrival: At this point Travant arrives from the south behind them and orders his forces to attack. Quan is shocked that he did this and asks Ethlyn to run away; he calls the Thracians "wild hyenas" who will attack anything, including children. He was taken by surprise because he expected Thracia to attack Leonster in his absence where Finn and half of the Lanceritter were left rather than pursuing him instead. Ethlyn then asks Quan not to give up but Quan asks her to forgive him, seemingly having resigned himself to a terrible fate. Here, Ethlyn tries to remain optimistic in the face of certain death. She doesn't want to give up even though Quan and the Lanceritter are at a severe disadvantage against the Horselayer-armed Thracians. This shows her determination and assertiveness that defines her - even in the worst of the worst, with all of the odds against her, Ethlyn is determined to protect her daughter and to not give up. She will not just give herself up; it is against her nature to do so. In combat: When Ethlyn fights a Thracian, she will tell Altena to hold on and promises to protect her. Then, when she dies she apologizes to Altena and Quan. There isn't much to say here other than that Ethlyn's primary priority here is safeguarding her daughter Altena. This is a tragic scene as Ethlyn, like her husband, dies in regret of dragging her family out to help Sigurd; her internal conflict between families is "resolved" in the worst way it could have possibly ended, with her death. ------ Final thoughts: Ethlyn is one of the most pivotal characters in the first generation. She is assertive about her desire to support her family; this is why she was able to get Quan to come to Sigurd's assistance in the beginning of the game and thus getting him involved in the game's plot. Unfortunately Ethlyn is stuck in the quandary of having to compromise between the needs of Sigurd and Chalphy and the needs of Quan and Leonster; later on the needs of her children in Leonster are thrown in as well as we see in the Aed Massacre. Ethlyn unfortunately dies out of the bad luck that had been dealt to her; maybe she should have chosen to not push for aiding Sigurd, but it's likely that she was fated to die anyways. Thanks for reading this episode of Examining the Crusaders. I apologize for this one taking some time to come out; there were some things that I had to deal with on my end. Next time we are going to take a look at my personal favorite character in the game, Finn, Novice Lance Knight. Previous: Quan, Luminous Lancer Next: Finn, Novice Lance Knight [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT
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FE Horror & Angst Zine Deadline Extension Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:30 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:39 PM PDT
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Before Byleth arrives, Edelgard didn't have any old guardians or teachers. Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:37 AM PDT Dimitri has Gilbert and Rodrigue Claude has Judith and Nader. Edelgard has no one. While you could say she has Hanneman and Manuela, they didn't any interaction on screen with her like Gilbert with Dimitri or Nader with Claude and they don't have much history with her ( Gilbert and Rodrigue knew Dimitri when he was young and Nader was Claude's teacher). Also compare to other main lords in the main series: Marth has Jagen. Alm has Mycen. Seliph has Oifey. Leif has Finn Roy, Hector and Eliwood has Marcus. Eirika and Ephraim have Seth Ike has Titania. Micaiah has Sothe. In this case, Sothe is much younger than other guardians. Chrom has Frederick. Corrin has Gunter. Excluding Sigurd, Edelgard is the only lord doesn't have any old teachers or guardian to guide her. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:46 PM PDT Just finished playing through Path of Radiance on my totally legal GameCube I affectionately refer to as "Dolphin Emulator." Weird name for a GameCube, I know, but that's beside the point; I want to start up Radiant Dawn sometime soon, so I've been doing this kind of cursory glance on the game before I start (how the starting units are, what difficulty level is the best, what's brought over from a PoR savefile, etc.), and one thing that I found super interesting was that there is an effective "original/extended script" that wasn't used in the western releases of Radiant Dawn. To sum up what an original or extended script means, effectively, in the Japanese release of the game, there were 2 scripts; one for the game's Normal mode that that used simplified language and a more "tell, don't show" style of storytelling to help both younger players understand the game more, as well as help players who hadn't played PoR. As a result, this "easy/simplified" script felt almost like a SparkNotes run-down of Radiant Dawn's original script to a lot of fans, and speaking of which... ...The other script that was used for the game's Hard and Maniac modes featured more mature and elevated language that didn't shy too far away from depicting/talking about more adult themes and imagery, as well as a style of storytelling that fell more into "show, don't tell" territory. This "Hard Mode" script is also known as the previously mentioned "Original/Extended" script. The issue is that, in the western localization of the game uses a unified script that is the exact same across all game difficulties (now renamed Easy, Normal and Hard from the Japanese Normal, Hard and Maniac, respectively). This would be fine if the localized script was based on the extended script of the Japanese original, but it's not; instead, the localizers decided to base the western script on the Japanese "Simplified" script, which, apparently, was so neutered that it resulted in the western releases of Radiant Dawn getting a much maligned E10+ age rating, instead of the T rating it supposedly deserved. With all of that said, this brings me to my question: Does anyone know of some type of mod/ROM hack of Radiant Dawn that changes the script from the international "simplified" script to the Japanese "original" one? I tried looking online, but to no avail, but I'm a bit worried about looking too deeply in case I stumble upon spoilers. [link] [comments] |
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