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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Fire Emblem Lysithea ♡

    Fire Emblem Lysithea ♡

    Lysithea ♡

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Eat Up!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Drew Loki

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    GBA style Critical Animation by me

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday, Kellam!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Flowers for the Fallen: Dimitri

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Dug up an image of my Celica cosplay from 2018

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Awakening Anna, except she's in 3H

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Drew the Black Eagles gals as a pop group

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    fishluver69- i mean flayn

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Finally Playing Sacred Stones

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    "Of course you are"

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    So I'm playing three houses for the umpteenth time. I choose the noblest of nobles to enter combat and hear his classic war cry "I am Ferdinand von Aegir!". From the other room I hear my wife say "of course you are..." in the most sarcasm tone imaginable. I had to stop playing because I was laughing so hard.

    submitted by /u/BamHelsing
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    OC chibi roy as part of my smash sticker set im doing

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    If anyone wants to come along for a ride...

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    I'm working on a ROM Hack, that I'm calling Fire Emblem Redeemer's Wings. It's going to be an original story, with completely original maps and characters. I'm posting the link to a document that I will be frequently updating with character and story information. Any questions, comments, or criticisms are accepted! Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12hJLiDNdpuKTW4yt3FZ20NEdxy4FMaGetL1v7Wm6EFw/edit?usp=drivesdk

    submitted by /u/SongOfTheLilac
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    The Seteth Lion shall never die (oc)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I wonder if character from Cypher was going to be the now missing DLC Character.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Morgan sleeping on a desk after a hard day of studying

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    My personal review of Fire Emblem: Requiem

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    My personal review of Fire Emblem: Requiem

    I just finished my first playthrough of Require and well...I what to talk about it.First things first...the story. I love it and kept me invested until the very end. Unlike another hack... (no offensive Last Promise.). Anyways, back on topic.The story was very interesting as unlike other Fire Emblem games...these lords felt...human. They had flaws and character development throughout the story. Anyways, I am not going to spoil it but...there were some heartbreaking scenes

    Gameplay: It...good...yea....just good. Not great nor bad. It just...good. Some of the maps are amazing like the escape chapter with Ashe during the middle of the night...that was a cool chapter alongside escaping from a deadly Mage. Those were cool. On the other hand...*sigh* there were some shity ones. The best example is the map when you get your pre promoted Wyvern back. Which has fog of war...with a shit ton of enemies...and the goal is to kill every single one of them...*sigh* whoever came up with this idea should be stabbed...because it was torture trying to kill and find every single enemy within this map! So yea, some of the maps are terrible! But there are some amazing ones with some...mostly meh or just good enough. So overall, I would say that most of the maps are...standard.

    Spoiler alert! Don't click on the spoil tag and stop scrolling down! As I will talk about the characters in terms of...gameplay. So please...don't click it if you what a spoil free playthrough

    Val: A Eirika like Lord with shity defence but good speed. Is she bad...no, she good enough due to gaining an mount and a personal weapon that kicks ass (both of them). But she lacks 1-2 range beside...a couple of swords that allow her to attack 1-2 range...overall, I would say she the middle between the four lords. She isn't as bad as Andrei in the late game (not processing an mount but he can be promoted earlier then her so...this is up to you.) Even so, you will have to babysit her for a couple of chapters and I would highly recommend giving her a shield ASAP so she can fight in the frontlines with her mount.

    >! Andrei: A lord that never got speed...I swear to Naga. He never got speed until his promotion and it was a pain! As I was forced to give him a Speed Wing just so he can keep up and even so...he doesn't double the slower enemies within end game. Even so, he better than Val until promotion. So overall, cool guy. !<

    >! Linda: The most RNG blessed unit within my playthrough. I was planning to ditch her later on but her levels up were nuts! She got strength, skill, speed, defence and resistance every goddam time to the point where she started one rounding thing...which is saying a lot within Val mode. So yea...I used her until the end game and well continue to kick ass especially against most of the dangerous magic users.!<

    >! Katarina: Standard healer that can reach to level 20 pretty quickly within Val mode. I don't think, I need to say much about her. She just a healer that can reach S rank staff pretty quickly. !<

    Keiran: A filer that got RNG screwed to hell. He never got speed nor strength and defence....Press F to pay your respect as he got grounded

    Josie: Haar that joins stupidly early and can easily cheese most of the early game chapters. So yea...she busted as hell alongside...

    Rayden: What were they thinking? They gave you two busted prepromotes stupidly early and can easily last until end game. Due to his high ranks especially for staffs

    Macro: Also RNG blessed in terms of speed but still got doubled by the faster enemies but...that wasn't until end game which is saying a lot. Heck, he had enough speed not to get doubled by the magic users which is always nice.

    Isaac and Kane: Cavaliers...both of them completely break the game once they promote and reach they're A supports. Although Kane was kind of speed screwed...on the other hand Isaac just got blessed to hell

    Nella: A good enough Pegasus Knight but...never got speed so yea...sorry...press F to pay respect.

    Layla: Shity bases...check...yea didn't use him as all beside chip damage. Sorry little lady but those bases are the worst types of shit

    Convoy: An interesting character that I love until the very end...alongside saving my ass many times (This dude took 10 Ballistic shots, 5 Axes, 3 swords, and 4 four lances for me.)

    Ashe: Starts off kind of shit due to the low con that pretty much slows him...even so, he became stupidly busted thanks to the Judgement tome (Luna) that allows him to deal against even the toughest of bosses. (Yes I did give a body ring so he can Soul suck tank more often.)

    Drake: Starts pretty well and is very useful in the early game but...he quickly falls off due to the map size and not processing an mount...Press F to pay your respect

    Clara: Mounted Healer...enough side...moving on!

    Gemma: A solid filer that can double things? Wow...that nice. So yea, I used her until end game and well...she kicked all kinds of ass.

    Alicia: Easily the most interesting character within this game. As a unit...she kicked ass but got kind of speed screwed but even so...she still kicked ass...it a shame that she can't use staffs when she promotes.

    Nala: Lyn...as a normal unit. That pretty all you have to know. Tons of speed but no bulk what so ever

    Hawke: I didn't like him as a character. He just seems like a dumb brunt and he made a bad first impression. Like he gets doubled by Soldiers! During his joining chapter if you use the Steel Axe...like wtf dude? So yea...I didn't use him at all as I didn't like his character and his first three-level ups were...complete shit

    Skye: A cool dude but sadly suffered the same fate as Keiran, Nella and Hawke...press F to pay your respects

    Edward: He a thief...that doesn't get flavoured within his own game. As there are barely any stealable within this game. So he feels kind of pointless beside maps with chest...so yea...press F to pay your respect.

    Vincent: I think he a cool dude...I just never used him. Because I like Marco more as a character. I am thinking about trying him out in my second playthrough

    Jace: I think he is a good unit but...never got a chance to deploy him when I have Andrei around. I am thinking about trying him out in my second playthrough.

    Ordanze: a myrmidon with...solid bases but got kind of speed screwed but even so...he had enough speed to double most of the end game enemies.

    Laraya: A promote Swordmaster with...least bulk then the Myrmidon you get...umm....wow. So yea...didn't user her at all.

    Emila: a soldier that close to promote? With solid bases...yes, please. Was a solid unit although her HP is...a bit low alongside resistance but even so. She can still carry her own weight

    Kenrick: Solid bases but his speed is a bit low...so sorry, didn't use you. I might use you during my second playthrough.

    Meredith: Wow...she is like Kenrick with slightly better bases although her con is bit of a problem alongside her speed. So once again...didn't use her.

    Pamela: A Falcon Knight with solid bases beside her bulk but even so...she was solid.

    Thelma: A Hero that joins super late with solid bases. It a just shame that you joined super late...even so, she kicks ass...so yea welcome to the team.

    I show how RNG blessed Linda is...here are her stats at Level 20:

    41 Health

    23 Strength (three more strength than Emila and 1 more than Val)

    30 Skill (Capped)

    29 Speed (9 more speed than Ordanze...who was promoted as a Swordmaster! So yes...she has more speed than a Swordmaster.)

    24 Luck

    17 Defence (Has more defence than Emila...who is a soldier while having the same defence as Marco!)

    21 Resistance

    And 6 Con

    PS: Skypiecers makes her into an enemy phase monster

    submitted by /u/Royal676111
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    After replaying FE11 and FE12, thoughts on two very positive shifts FE has made with modern design choices

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem 11 and 12 are remakes of Fire Emblem 1 and 3, which were the games that set the standard for the series as a whole. While I haven't played the originals in all of their janky glory they are acclaimed for, I feel that the things I will address here are not dampened by my lack of experience thereof. Without further ado, here is a list of what I believe are the good things the series has gained over the years.

    Positive #1: Absurdly High Personal Stat Caps. This one in particular helps makes units stand out for much longer and gives them an opportunity to stand out. Not only that, but it also helps counter occasional instances of bullshit enemy-specific stat inflation. Now you might be thinking, do the caps really matter? Dependent on the unit and the game, hell yes. In both FE11 and FE12, many of the powerhouse units (most of which are fliers) are forced to reclass into Paladins not for extra movement or the resistance, but simply because the speed cap for Paladins is 2 points higher than the speed cap of Dracoknights. On higher difficulties, that difference doesn't mean the difference of doubling the enemy or not, but rather the difference of whether or not your unit will be doubled. So ultimately, you end up playing a team of Paladins and staff bots for the most part at the end of the game, which becomes pretty boring pretty fast.

    Different caps would inject units with individuality and let them show their strengths. Because when I'm halfway through the game and both Palla and Catria have capped speed and are pretty similar in terms of both strength and defense, there's a problem. A few chapters later, they will have capped all of their relevant stats and that's all they can do. Every other level is getting a point of HP and maybe a point of resistance/luck, but they are functionally done developing as a unit. They are interchangeable, don't stand out, and with the Reclass option, aren't even special for being fliers. And that's not to mention the character screwed even harder by class caps, Caeda, who can pretty easily hit 20 speed before you even get a Master Seal in FE11 (by Chapter 10, Caeda can easily reach level 12+ due to her access to the Wing Spear). Then as a Dracoknight, Caeda can level her speed maybe once or twice before she hits the cap of 23, and then that's it. In FE12. The FalcoKnight doesn't do much better, only hitting 26 speed, which is good enough not to be doubled but won't be doubling most late game enemies, so you probably want to go Paladin instead because 25 speed is functionally just as good but it has 1 higher strength cap and more defense.

    Characters with personal stat caps have more ways to show what makes them unique. Palla might shine brighter than Catria as a heavy hitter in FE12 with a higher strength cap. Caeda can actually live up to her potential as a speed demon with a high speed cap. Everyone might have a reason to be a class that isn't Paladin because their stat spread isn't married to their class limit.

    Positive #2: Less Design Around Specific Stave Access. What I mean here is that many modern maps lack elements which make strategies of tackling a map with a standard advancement of units actually viable. For instance, I can't think of a single map in most GBA FE and onwards games where you are just shit put of luck because you don't have Warp or Rescue or Again on a high difficulty. But those are all over the place in FE12 and FE12, though FE12 definitely feels like a worse offender. For instance, say you can't one-turn the final boss of FE12, or you just want to try and play the map semi-normally. Well, I hope you have at least 4 uses of the Rescue staff, because anyone who talks to one of the people they need to and ends their turn near the final boss without being rescued is probably getting sodomized by same turn dragons immediately after.

    Similar but less extreme cases in FE12 include the recruitment of Merric and Elrean, where you pretty much need to use Rescue on Merric on higher difficulties to prevent him from being slaughtered (you can technically cower in a corner and chug a pure water so he only faces Elrean, but Merric may then just murder Elrean), and the recruitment of Astram where Rescue is straight up required, not only for Astram's recruitment but to have Midia survive the map.

    Even if recruitments and unit survival are considered optional, some maps outright encourage Warp skipping with absurd amounts of reinforcements that make maps go from difficult but fair to actual bullshit (man, maybe they'd be more manageable if all your units didn'thave their potential hard capped by their class). In FE12, both Chapter 19 and 20 pretty much encourage Warp skipping. Chapter 20 also happens to encourage spamming the Thief staff, since it has a bunch of Brave Weapons which are pretty much the only way most of your units are going to ever do a X2 attack on anything in the late game. Technically, those chests can be accessed with a standard advance, but you run into the issue of constant reinforcements making the advance slow, dangerous, and something of a hassle. Granted, the Chapter 20 reinforcements aren't as bad as the Chapter 19 reinforcements, but they are still an issue.

    Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Warp skipping for LTC plays or anything of the sort, and I actually quite like having a lot of useful staffs that do things other than heal, but when the game straight up makes it obviously apparent that not abusing one particular staff in a certain situation means a unit will almost certainly die, there's a problem. It means that all the cool staffs you collect have a specific time they should be used rather than simply being tools at your disposal, whcih then means using them for anything aside from intended usage is either severely limited (you technically can abuse those other staffs in FE12 if you dedicate the Hammerne's three uses to fixing only them) or simply not a viable option. It really is telling when you get only one Warp staff in FE12, and the chapters following it are clearly split between play normally and Warp skip.

    So, those are two aspects of modern FE I think the series has done extremely well on. There are always heavy critiques on the modernization of FE games (many of which are objectively correct, mind you), but there are very little discussions about the positive advancements the series had over the years. Are there any positive developments you think deserve special mention?

    submitted by /u/XemblemX
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