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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Jeritza.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Jeritza.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Dumb_Jeritza.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Lyn Fanart [OC]

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    “I hear your voice when I'm asleep, or in battle... It's like...it's like I'm your captive.”

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Those Two Agarthans - The Beach Episode [Comic]

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I made some Edelgard Nendoroids

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    My recent drawing of Edelgard

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Costume Swap [OC]

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Here is a simple fanart of Bernadetta from Fire Emblem Three Houses. This took me around 30 minutes. What do you think of Bernie? ��

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    I Drew Ephraim and Eirika

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    My Favourite Fire Emblem Artwork that I've Done!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Ingrid doing the glasses thing

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    |OC| I wonder if this will ruin someone's childhood

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Edelgard [OC]

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    [OC] Doing a demon redesign series, Hilda is my third piece ❤

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Hector has no chill (Eliwood - Hector A Support)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    i drew nino for no reason

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Why do I love this game so much?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I guess it was a year ago this coming weekend that I first fired up Three Houses, having never played a Fire Emblem game before. I'd been mildly intrigued by the series, but just never had the right system (I haven't really had a Nintendo system since the Gamecube). I just finished up my 8th playthrough of Three Houses (Golden Deer/NG/Maddening/Classic).

    I've been playing video games for almost thirty years, and I can't think of a single other game that I've played all the way through more than twice. Which has left me wondering what exactly it is about this game that makes me keep playing it, over and over, to the point where my friends make fun of my nearly 500 hours when they look at my Switch profile.

    I often stumble across posts here criticizing the game pretty heavily, and I often finding myself nodding along to a lot of the criticisms (monastery stuff is too repetitive, too much re-use of maps, the different routes are too similar, etc.). But I keep playing. And I enjoy every minute of it, despite those flaws.

    The game definitely hits my wheelhouse, which helps - turn-based combat with strong character building and a character-driven narrative. It feels almost like a Persona game, really. But I haven't played a Persona game 8 times.

    I think the best way to describe it is that I feel this strange sense of comfort playing this game, like being wrapped in a warm blanket. I know all the story beats, seen all the supports, know how to beat all the maps. But for some reason that familiarity actually increases my enjoyment.

    Sorry, I'm not sure what the point of this post was, just thinking out loud. And I just wanted to say that I'm really glad I discovered the series. I'm on to some new games in my queue tomorrow, but I have a feeling there will be 9th playthrough at some point in the near future.

    submitted by /u/elrond99
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    Fire Emblem Character Survey - The Hiatus Is Over.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    As some of you know, I had to take an hiatus from the survey about a week and a half ago due to personal issues. Well, now not only can I confirm that I'm back, but also that there will be one poll per day for the four remaining days instead of one poll every two days. It sounds more stressful than before, but I've changed my focus, approach to making the polls and way of organizing them to be a bit less taxing to me. Tellius's survey is coming tomorrow, so you won't have to wait long to hit a certain loser with a 1. The days after that, we'll be covering Sacred Stones, then Elibe, and then Jugdral (the last of which may or may not be split into two posts due to the very large cast across its two highly different games. If you only see FE5 in the title, then FE4's survey will come the following day, making that five straight days of surveys instead of four)

    Some more stuff:

    • The format of the survey itself is not going to change, but I might make individual forms just a bit longer in terms of content so that I don't have to juggle so many at once. As soon as voting is over, results will be made public in basic graph and spreadsheet form by clicking the link to the poll. That being said, while there is now only a rough 24 hour gap between polls, voting lasts 36 hours. Speaking of which, the results of the first five polls are now up in graph and spreadsheet form by clicking on their links, but I still have to organize them just a bit.

    • The survey's flair will change to "Recurring". Forgot that flair was even a thing. I left it unchanged for the first five days for the sake of continuity, but now that this series has been through a hiatus I think it would be a good idea to change the flair to better reflect its recurring nature. Pointless change, I know.

    • I won't focus on the organized survey results until all the polls are finished. This was a very tough choice to make since some of you live for the results, but my previous approach to this was a fairly big reason why I had to take a hiatus, since I was unable to deliver on time and the work just kept piling up. All the workload, on top of my attitude and the stress of being unable to live up to my promises was tough to deal with. The results will come soon enough, but I don't want to specify until I'm sure I can make it.

    Sorry for any possible inconveniences, and sorry for making this post a lot later than usual (I thought it'd take a lot less time). As an aside, let me say I'm thankful for all the positive and encouraging comments I've received after announcing my hiatus, with some users DMing me with suggestions for the survey. This time around, I'll try my best to correct my mistakes and improve.

    submitted by /u/YouDunnoTheJav
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    Jeritza’s supports are surprisingly good

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    To be honest, that isn't saying much, considering he only has four ("five" if you really want to count Bylass as separate) supports, with the other post timeskip exclusive Gilbert having nine in total as a comparison. BUT. What we have I honestly think are pretty good supports that don't leave him one note and actually flesh him out.

    Lots of people can easily make the comparison of Jeritza's character/ general archetype to be like Peri's from Fates, and while it isn't completely unfounded and there's certainly some similarities, here's why I just like Jeritza vastly better as a character, even if it isn't much for some:

    1. He isn't played for laughs, and his DK alter doesn't interfere intrusively with the few supports he has. Peri constantly threatening to kill people (I.e. her Felicia support) isn't funny. Death Knight threatening to attack and kill Mercedes isn't used as a gag, it's treated seriously. Plus, it only happens in just that one support.

    2. Because he has so few, Jeritza doesn't grate on you with his gimmick and character. Peri supports with so many characters, and they all overuse her serial killer characteristic. He doesn't have the issue Bernadetta has in that because she has so many supports that start and end the same way, it gets grating and tiring to experience them.

    3.Very very subjective, but I actually laughed at two of his supports. The contrast of how he is as an unstable man enjoying ice cream, and the delivery of "Spit it out. My ice cream is melting" was hilarious. And his C and B ranks with Bernadetta are also actually the only time I laughed out loud because of how stupid she was and his impatience with her.

    1. They all add to his character. Byleth demonstrates he isn't a completely emotionless monster, delves into how he came into Edelgard's service, and some unsettlingly charged erotic violence. Mercedes further elaborated their past and details exactly how Jeritza developed DID and had the DK manifest. Bernadetta, while funny for the first two ranks, has her bond with the fact that these two troubled individuals find a kind of weird solace with each other and how the two have responded to their traumas. And finally Constance shows someone Jeritza had a nice bond with as a child and shows that Jeritza isn't a heartless monster.

    2. Through those few supports, Jeritza demonstrates he actually doesn't want innocents to get killed or hurt by him if he can do so, and shows he doesn't value complete and utter bloodshed. I am aware of course the uhhh Chapter where Death Knight apparently stalks garreg Mach and people begin disappearing, so I'll concede he isn't free from that, lol. And Remire as well. But Jeritza himself expresses that he doesn't want to do so intentionally, unlike Peri who just relishes in killing her servants and anybody that annoys her.

    I guess that's the end to my rambling thoughts on his supports??? I just replayed CF to experience all four supports he had and sort of appreciated how substantial they were and not just throwaways. I'm not saying he's the best written character ever at all, and I completely understand why a couple of people really dislike him for his actions. I guess why I just surprisingly enjoy him is that he's treated fairly seriously and isn't a glorified super psychopath like Peri. Am I being biased and hypocritical? Probably.

    Also his voice acting is hilarious.

    submitted by /u/Themarvelousfan
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    Nergal's tryin' to reach inside of you, tryin' to take your energy.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Retrospective: Birthright

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Previous thread

    Before getting into this: My only experience with fates before playing birthright was playing about 9 chapters of conquest on release and dropping the game. I legitimately do not remember why (perhaps being bad at the game and too stubborn to lower the difficulty), but that was my experience.

    Going off reputation, birthright is somewhat overlooked. Rev is known as the bad one, and conquest is known as the good one, with Birthright sort of just being... There. I've heard there are a lot of rout maps, I've heard that it's kinda boring, that the story is inoffensive, but I hadn't ever seen a LP or played it, or even personally talked to someone about it, only seeing posts here and there. So, going into it with a mostly blank slate... I ended up liking it, actually. Quite a bit. It's not one of the greats, but it's probably upper mid. I played Lunatic/Classic.


    It's not bad, but it's not great either. If I had to pinpoint the issue with Birthright's story, it would be the tone. It's all over the place. A dramatic event can be happening, but it'll be ruined by suddenly becoming goofy as all hell (The gag with Leo's collar comes to mind). It's okay for a story to be both comedic and serious, but it needs to be a seamless transition, it needs to flow naturally... Which it does not. It feels jarring. It's okay to have levity, but the levity shouldn't come as someone is dying. It should come later, or at least be better integrated into that scene.

    The actual plot is... Okay. It's a little generic, but the progression from point A to point B is logical, and it does provide a good enough reason and motivation for the characters to be fighting. I can even see where it would be good if it was better executed. The drama that comes from Corrin choosing Hoshido over Nohr had such potential to be great, and I would even argue that it was great in certain places. The few scenes where you see how affected the royal siblings are by Corrin's absence are well done, and I particularly like how they handled Xander. Elise jumping in between Corrin and Xander and getting cut down was handled pretty well, and it especially hit since it was done in a cutscene. You don't know Elise much if you've only played Birthright, but you can certainly feel how much both characters care for her, and how devastating a loss it is for them. Xander's death was done well after the map, as well. It's just a shame, with that in mind, that other similar events are handled super poorly. Why did Flora have to die? We defeated her and agreed to pull her back to safety, but she just kills herself? I'm aware that Ryoma kills himself in Conquest, but Ryoma has the whole samurai bushido meme going for him. Why does Flora kill herself? Like yeah, shame, but why? Wouldn't it be more powerful if we killed her and she had her speech as she lay dying instead of her killing herself? Or if she was maimed and tagged along? Or even if she just remained behind to defend the village from Nohr instead of dying?

    That's what really gets me here. It's good in some ways, and then fucks up those exact same things in other occasions within its own story. I can see what they were going for and I can even appreciate it, but they fail to stick the landing. There's a good base to get a dramatic story going, and it just doesn't.

    Character wise, I want to say that I like the cast, but at the same time it's incredibly inconsistent. Some characters are one note as all hell, and others are more complex, but it's hard to know which is which because I just didn't get that many supports while playing normally. I really enjoyed all of Kagero's supports, for instance, and Sakura also had some pretty good ones. I like Hana too. But I didn't get to see as much of them as I wished since it's surprisingly difficult to build support naturally without going out of your way to do it (outside of your stat backpacks, I mean). Definitely going to put more of an emphasis on that in my conquest run.

    One thing I noticed is that supports often feel like they've been cut up in pieces rather than three different encounters. Ryoma x Sakura literally says "Meet me later" at the end of one of the supports after Ryoma says he has something to show her - why doesn't he show it to her then? Takumi's B support with Sakura is literally like 8 lines. This isn't all of them, of course, but it happened often enough to take note, and it's kind of jarring when it happens. Supports should feel like three encounters, rather than one encounter that was cut in pieces.

    Child units are still super separate from the rest of your army since they only support their parents and each other and that's disappointing but whatever I already complained about it in Awakening.

    I don't really have much more to say about the story. It's inoffensive, disappointing in bits, and I kinda like the cast even if the support system hurts their characterization a little in places. People have talked about Fates' story to death, and frankly it's not the interesting part to me.


    I was honestly surprised by how good it was. It's like the game took everything that was good in Awakening and made it better, with an exception that I'll mention later. There is honestly no reason to play awakening unless you just really like the cast, since Birthright exists. It does everything that Awakening does, but better.

    Running down the systems, then. The class system of awakening was somewhat limited for parent units, since it was limited to whatever the parents had as their secondary classes, and if you wanted to go outside of that? Fuck you. If you wanted Tharja to have Vantage-Vengeance, you just couldn't. Hypothetically, if you wanted Tharja to get that combo within the Fates system, however, you could marry her to Lon'qu so that she inherits the swordmaster class, and give her vantage that way. It's a lot more flexible that way on your parent units, and I really like that. It even extends further with A+ supports and friendship seals.

    The previously poorly implemented dual strikes and dual guard system have been replaced by the much more reliable guard gauge and the offensive pair ups, which I think are fantastic. Even meh maps can be made fun by lining up a series of dual strikes and just taking down enemy after enemy with reliable moves, and the fact that the enemy can do it to you is absolutely fantastic. I got caught once by a dual strike where an archer combined with a ninja to kill Hinoka, and that made me realize oh shit they can do it to me too.

    The maps are much better as well. While they're not the best in the series, most of them are at least fun to go through, until you get to roughly the camilla chapter where things start feeling bullshit. It's at that point that the game becomes a cheese/Ryoma fest, and though I didn't really care for it, I do think it was more fun than what I felt with Awakening when I got to the equivalent point of maps throwing you overstated enemies. They were overstated and overwhelming, but not literally to the point where I was unable to use most of my army. And even then, it was on lunatic - I'm sure the enemy spam would have been a lot more bearable if I had been playing on hard.

    One lunatic-specific change that I'm particularly fond of is level ups being determined at the start of the game, preventing rigging and also making it so that lost level ups don't sting as much. I wish this was an option in all FE games/difficulties, tbh. At least as an option.

    The last thing to talk about is My Castle. I'm not a fan. It's not bad, but it's so tied into online features and real-time progression that it feels like it makes you unable to engage with some of the features if you're playing offline. And keep in mind, the online features will eventually shut down. What will this look like in 10 years? Some of these features include forging and meals. What if your castle doesn't have the right kind of food for your str cooking? What about wanting to forge weapons outside of your primary ore type? It's so expensive to trade that it would take forever in real time to get anywhere. It's really annoying in that regard.


    The only real blemish on this game is the final maps, and perhaps my castle. And it's a frustrating one, but it's ultimately not that big of a deal. Most maps are just inoffensive, and the thing is that Fates mechanics are just so fun to play with that I adored my time with the game even on these maps. The later maps got somewhat frustrating, but not enough to turn me off on the whole experience. It was a good time. I'd recommend it to most people who haven't tried it, to play it at least once, or as a starter game. Story was kinda whatever, but had good moments here and there, and I actually quite like some of the cast (Sakura, Kagero, Orochi, Hana, Takumi, Kaze, Saizo come to mind).

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Veronica (OC)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

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