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    Friday, July 31, 2020

    Fire Emblem HILDA! HILDA! [self]

    Fire Emblem HILDA! HILDA! [self]

    HILDA! HILDA! [self]

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Hang in there

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Lyn FE Awakening Design [OC]

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    I drew an Art Nouveau Felix/Annette inspired by the "The Kiss" By Gustav Klimt

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Drew Dimitri as Big Boss (OC)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    "No openings? I’ll make one!" (Art by me!)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Edelgard wipes out half my team on Maddening

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Summer Marianne

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    I drew Robin :)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    [OC] My wife bought me a drawing tablet!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    FE Three Houses 1st anniversary art by the game's character designer, Chinatsu Kurahana

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I drew modern Claude drinking bobba tea ✨

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    [OC] Tiki just sittin’ there

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Three Houses VAs Share What The Game Means To Them

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    3H's Main Cast in a more... uh, "Realistic" artstyle. Yeah, let's go with that...

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    The 3DS games made me realize I played Fire Emblem Three Houses wrong

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    I came to FE3H as a complete series newbie, did a blind playthrough (ended up on Edelgard route because I liked her and always paired her up with my Byleth, so I got the support needed) on casual mode. I did not recruit any other students from the other houses.

    And... I completely missed the point of the game.

    For me, the main part was dicking around in the Monastery, talking to characters, fishing, etc. I did not do a single extra battle, no rare monster sightings. I did all I could to avoid the final monthly battle and I just kind of trudged through the battles so get to another month of micromanaging my students and teaching (I am a teacher IRL so this was my field).

    After the one playthrough I bought a 2DS and started Awakening and then Fates (Conquest, then Revelation). And... I realised that... it's the battles. The BATTLES are the main gameplay. In Fates Revelation, I did countless battles when building up supports and grinding up for the children. Same in Awakening. I came up with various strategies, even finished a hard mission with only three guys left because I messed up but then had three units working together so well they killed all twenty remaining enemies. I started enjoying how to set my units, I would scout for enemies or use reeking boxes for more and more battles. Unlimited battles! (The only downside being that my characters absolutely destroyed everything in main missions).

    So that was my revelation. I played Three Houses as a roleplaying relationship building story game. Then I picked the games with unlimited battles and realised that it's the battles. I wish Three Houses had something like the reeking box or the scouting for enemies and that it wasn't limited by the energy bar. Or maybe I just missed that?

    I'm probably going to go for a Blue Lions playthrough now and I can't wait to experience Three Houses again, this time not as a clueless newbie but with 100+ hours in Awakening and Fates.

    (Disclaimer: this is not meant to shit on Three Houses. It's just to share my story of how I (as an absolute newbie) realised that I basically ignored the part of the game that I grew to like the most)

    submitted by /u/BramborovyKnedlicek
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    Dear Nintendo,

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    For the love of fucking god rerelease fire emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn! I will pay you money. Why am I begging for you to take my money. Hell price it at $60 a piece. I don't give a fuck. I will still pay you for that. You don't even need to beef up my girl Nephenee, just for the love of god let me play it on my switch. That will be all.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Sarnick18
    [link] [comments]

    Lady of the Plains

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Made a Fodlan map in Inkarnate, some creative license taken

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Constance > Lysithea, maddning btw

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    Sephiran's only lie to sanaki

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Sephiran says, when you get to the end of the game, that he has only outright lied to Sanaki once. Is it ever revealed what this lie is, or are we made to speculate?

    submitted by /u/Kirby108
    [link] [comments]

    I messed around with the House Leaders in Artbreeder. I'm honestly astounded by the results!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #19 - Lewyn, Guiding Breeze

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we take a look at all the playable characters in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Silvia, Traveling Dancer who is a dancer with a tragic backstory; due to her horrible upbringing, she is very anxious about how others perceive her. She is very immature but this may just be a coping mechanism she has with her insecurities; if she marries Claude, she finally gets someone who treats her as another adult. Today we are looking at Lewyn, Guiding Breeze.


    Lewyn is a bard who is traveling around Agustria when the player first meets him. He joins Sigurd's army after Heirhein is seized, starting in one of the villages southeast of Mackily. A player may notice that Lewyn carries major Forseti blood which gives a hint as to Lewyn's heritage (especially for players who may have read the instruction manual); however, it's not immediately obvious what this heritage is.


    Chapter 2 introduction conversation: Lewyn asks what is going on outside; a villager tells him that he needs to leave because bandits have arrived. Lewyn asks if the Agustrian army is doing something, to which the villager replies that the army doesn't care about saving the villages; not only that, but rumors have spread that the Lord of Anphony himself is commanding the bandits to raid the villages. After this, Lewyn resolves to take on the bandits himself and asks if there is a reward waiting for him. The villager scoffs at him and asks him once again to leave. Silvia then confronts Lewyn that he is trying to leave without her. She asks Lewyn why he is "dumping" her now; Lewyn replies that they've barely met and have only gone out for dinner "two or three times." Silvia after this starts crying because Lewyn called her "adorable" yet doesn't want to seriously engage in a relationship with her. Lewyn tries to justify it by saying he "didn't mean it;" when he realizes that this isn't fixing the situation, he tells her to stop and warns her that things will "get rough" out in the battle. Silvia replies that she likes it rough. Lewyn quietly remarks to himself that Silvia had a sudden change in mood like if she is still a child; Silvia tries to ask about it but Lewyn pretends he didn't say anything.

    Lewyn first appears here, and he is just a simple bard at this point. He is very nonchalant about the situation even though people's livelihoods are in danger; he doesn't really care about them even though they are dangerous. We then see Silvia accusing Lewyn of trying to dump her. Whether Lewyn actually made romantic advances on Silvia or if Silvia is exaggerating is unclear, but what is clear is that Lewyn probably got a bit closer to Silvia than he should have. This shows that Lewyn is still a bit immature; he does not fully recognize the boundary of what he should and should not do yet.


    Chapter 2 conversation with Sigurd: Sigurd greets Lewyn and thanks him for helping with the villages; he also notes that Lewyn unusually is a bard yet wields magic as well. Lewyn brushes off his magic use as a hobby and then moves on to accuse Sigurd of being a warmonger. Sigurd questions Lewyn on what he means; Lewyn admonishes Sigurd for disrupting the lives of the commoners by starting a war. Sigurd realizes that Lewyn is right and apologizes to him; he explains that he didn't realize that his actions led to this but still feels bad for it. Lewyn challenges Sigurd to make good on his desire for contrition and asks him to retreat from Agustria. Sigurd tells Lewyn that he will be planning on doing so which shocks the latter; he explains that he had been thinking of retreating for some time and would rather resolve the conflict diplomatically. Lewyn then argues to Sigurd that Chagall is too stubborn to change his ways; he points out that if Sigurd retreats now, the Agustrian citizens will have nobody protecting them from their corrupt rulers. Sigurd is confused at this sudden change of position for Lewyn. Lewyn then laughs and says that Sigurd is alright despite his first impressions; he offers to help Sigurd finish up the war. Sigurd accepts the offer and asks who Lewyn exactly is, to which Lewyn responds that he is merely a wayward troubadour.

    In this conversation, Lewyn acts more like a voice of reason to Sigurd if only because this one focuses more on Sigurd's development. He is testing Sigurd by pointing out Sigurd's inadvertent warmongering; then when Sigurd realizes that his warmongering is wrong, he tests Sigurd again by taking the opposite viewpoint and encouraging him to stay in Agustria. Lewyn here shows that he wants to make sure other people think of the common people as well just as he does. At the end, Lewyn calls himself a "wayward troubadour." This shows that Lewyn does not want to divulge what he actually is, which is something that we'll get to in the next conversation.


    Chapter 2 conversation with Erin: Lewyn notices Erin and asks what she is doing here in Agustria. Erin realizes that she is speaking to Lewyn; she then does a double take when she realizes that Lewyn is wearing the clothes of a common bard and asks what he is wearing. Lewyn explains that he is a bard now and asks Erin if he made a good disguise as one. Erin reluctantly says that it was "perfect" but asks Lewyn why he is free despite that she was told that he is being held captive at Evans. Lewyn asks her who told her that he was imprisoned, to which Erin answers that she was told that by Chagall. Lewyn realizes that Erin was tricked by Chagall and tells her this; he admonishes her for being too trusting and is worried that she would get "eaten alive" like Silvia. Erin asks Lewyn who Silvia is, but Lewyn refuses to tell her. After this Lewyn asks why Erin is here in Agustria, and Erin answers that she is here to bring him back home to his mother. Lewyn refuses as he says that if he returns to Silesse, he will have to take the throne of Silesse which will start a civil war since his uncles would refuse to recognize him as the heir to the throne. He explains that in Agustria, he doesn't have to bear the responsibilities of the throne and asks for the throne to be given to one of his uncles who desires it more. Erin refuses, pointing out that Lewyn has to become the next King given that he is the only bearer of major Forseti blood left alive; all of Silesse, including Lewyn's mother, wants to see him return. Lewyn asks Erin to stop crying and then tells Erin that he will consider returning given that he cannot stand to see a woman cry. Erin thanks Lewyn and tells him that she will send a messenger back to Silesse to tell them that he's safe. Lewyn tells her after this that he will stay with Sigurd's army and jokes that Erin should learn from the "beauties" in Sigurd's army; he then calls her "sweet."

    We find out now what Lewyn's heritage is: he's the crown prince of Silesse, the prince who inherits the full power of the Wind Warrior, Forseti, the prince who is destined to rule the country. But Lewyn shirked his responsibility of taking the throne and ran away from Silesse; he has no want for ruling and does not see himself fit to take the position of ruling because of this. This is contrary to what Erin and most of the populace of Silesse wants; they want him to assume his rightful position as King. Lewyn ignored this when he left Silesse; this was a bit immature of him to do that, to only think about whether he wanted to do this. (This is expanded on Lewyn's interactions with Rahna.) It takes Erin starting to cry for Lewyn to start to consider going back to Silesse; this may be because Lewyn cares for Erin. But this moment of prescience is wiped away by Lewyn making the offhand joke that Erin should learn from the other "beauties" in Sigurd's army, probably an immature way to try to get with her.


    Chapter 4 introduction: After Sigurd is done speaking to Rahna, Lewyn interrupts and rudely asks Rahna (his mother) to acknowledge him. Rahna gives Lewyn the silent treatment by facetiously pretending that he isn't here given that he had abandoned her in the past. Lewyn laughs and asks her if she is still mad at him. Rahna emphatically confirms this and rebukes him for his "cold-hearted" departure, recalling how worried she had been for him. Lewyn tries to calm her down as he points out that he is safely home; he even offers to give her a shoulder massage to be a "good son" to her. Rahna admonishes Lewyn again for treating her like she is infirm and tells him to come to Silesse as soon as possible to discuss more important things. Lewyn sighs; Mahnya (or Annand) then reassures him that Rahna is in fact happy to see him back. Lewyn asks Mahnya to look after Rahna, a task which Mahnya eagerly accepts. After this Lewyn asks Mahnya if she will leave Erin with Sigurd, and Mahnya responds that she does want her sister to stay with Lewyn. Erin interrupts Mahnya before she divulges more than she should let on; Mahnya apologizes and asks Erin to look after Lewyn.

    Lewyn finally reunites with his mom for the first time since running away from home. He tries to act like nothing happened in the past and move past it; this shows that even still after seeing Erin cry and knowing what he had been told, he still didn't feel that it was a humongous deal for him to have run away to become an itinerant bard. His own mother lashing out at him out of her love is what it takes for Lewyn to realize his errors of shirking his duties. After this Lewyn is relieved to find out from Mahnya that his mother was in fact joyed to see him back home alive; he tasks Mahnya to protect Rahna because of how it would be a humongous loss for him if she were to die now.


    Chapter 4 battle with Maios: Maios taunts Lewyn for coming back, calling him Rahna's "idiot son." Lewyn greets him and tells Maios that it is time for him to die for Silesse's future to come into place.

    Finally, Lewyn has taken on his responsibility to rule Silesse. As part of this, Lewyn must eliminate his opposition which in this case is his (comically evil) uncles. Lewyn needs to get rid of Maios to pave the way for the future of Silesse that is himself.


    Chapter 4 after Mahnya dies: Lewyn is in shock that Mahnya died and at first denies that it happened.

    This is the breaking point in Lewyn's character: his childhood friend and former crush Mahnya died far away from him where he couldn't save her. It's heartbreaking for him to have Mahnya die; this is where he realizes that his actions have consequences.


    Chapter 4 conversation with Sigurd: Lewyn asks Sigurd if they could talk for a bit. Sigurd tries to comfort Lewyn over Mahnya's death and apologizes for it; Lewyn tells Sigurd that it isn't his fault and blames himself for running away from Silesse. He feels that Mahnya took Lewyn's place as the sacrifice of Silesse. Sigurd asks Lewyn not to needlessly blame himself as he must make sure Mahnya's death wasn't in vain, something which Lewyn agrees with as being "obvious." Sigurd then reminds Lewyn not to forget about meeting with Rahna in Silesse city.

    This conversation happens after Silesse is seized and obviously after Mahnya's death. Lewyn has survivor guilt over the death of Mahnya as he feels he failed by running away from Silesse; he thinks that he should have been the one to die rather than the honorable Mahnya who never abandoned Rahna. Thus Lewyn feels the grief and pain of losing Mahnya deeply but it has taught him a valuable lesson: he must stay by his people rather than run away. His actions have real consequences, so he must be more careful.


    Chapter 4 conversation at Silesse: Lewyn runs into the castle and asks his mother if she is hurt as he is worried for him. Rahna thanks Lewyn for this and remarks that Sigurd may have influenced Lewyn to become more mature. Lewyn asks Rahna not to act like he is a child, especially given that Sigurd is not much older than Lewyn; Rahna continues that Lewyn still has a lot to learn from Sigurd. She says that it would be great for Lewyn to be like him if he were to be by her side after Mahnya's death. Lewyn expresses his guilt for Mahnya's death and promises that he will never leave Rahna again. Rahna is shocked that Lewyn would say that and then asks Lewyn to stay with Sigurd because Sigurd needs his help more. Lewyn asks how Rahna will take care of herself, but Rahna says that he shouldn't worry for her because as the heir of the Wind Warrior Forseti he must help guide the world on the right path. After this Rahna bestows the Forseti tome on Lewyn. Lewyn feels the power of Forseti going through him when he takes the tome. Rahna warns Lewyn that he must avoid violence as Forseti would and guide the world on a path of peace. Lewyn acknowledges this and says that he cannot imagine living in any other manner. Rahna then tells Lewyn that it is time for him to go, asking him not to do anything rash; Lewyn tries to stay a little bit longer but is urged to leave by Rahna.

    For the first time, we see Lewyn express genuine concern for those close to him. It's not a half hearted remark of him "hating to see women cry" or things like that; Lewyn is genuinely worried for his mother's safety. Rahna said that Lewyn has become more mature, and this is true: Lewyn demonstrates that he has matured past his self we saw at the beginning of Chapter 2 that was running around villages aimlessly with a little girl. Now, Lewyn has a real push, a real motivation to protect and serve his family and his country. Yet, Lewyn will continue serving Sigurd away from home as he is needed there more; he reluctantly agrees to do so when asked by his mother. This is a 180 degree turn from when Lewyn could not bear to go back to Silesse yet reluctantly chose to do so; Lewyn has matured to make the right decisions, even when it's tough to do so. In return for this, Lewyn "earned" getting his family heirloom the Forseti tome on the condition that he doesn't use it for violence. Lewyn of course concurs that he must not misuse it for violence showing that Lewyn has a good moral compass.


    Chapter 4 conversation with Erin: Erin greets Lewyn with a heavy heart. Lewyn tries to apologize to her about Mahnya and asks her to forgive him for it. Erin thinks that Lewyn had feelings for Mahnya and says sorry for that (although she doesn't say what she is thinking directly.) Lewyn then tells Erin that this is a misconception; while when he was younger he had a crush on Mahnya, that time has passed and Erin has replaced Mahnya in his heart. Erin is surprised by this and asks Lewyn to say what he means; Lewyn tells her that he loves her.

    Lewyn's relationship with Erin develops here; Lewyn once again shows his survivor's guilt in regards to Mahnya's tragic death. Erin takes this as a sign that Lewyn had loved Mahnya but in fact he loves her; Lewyn's feelings for Erin has progressed from a crush (as we may have seen in Chapter 2) to a full on attraction. And then after this they marry, consummating a relationship that most likely was favored by developers.


    Chapter 4 battle with Pamela: Pamela taunts Lewyn by saying that she has surpassed Mahnya permanently. Lewyn is angry at Pamela for this; Pamela blames Lewyn for everything.

    Pamela taunts Lewyn on leaving from Silesse (like Maios did) and blames him for Mahnya's death. This hits hard for Lewyn and makes him determined to get rid of Pamela to clear the way for a more peaceful Silesse.


    Chapter 4 battle with Daccar: Daccar curses Lewyn. Lewyn returns the favor by scolding him for killing Mahnya; Daccar also scolds Lewyn and promises that Lewyn will die now.

    Lewyn is still extremely angry because of Mahnya's death. He scolds Daccar for having effected the death of his dear friend (and possible sister-in-law); once again he sees it as his duty to avenge Mahnya and keep the peace in Silesse by killing Daccar.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Erin: Erin says that they're near the end. Lewyn reminds Erin of her promise to return to Silesse; he on his end promises that he won't die out on the battlefield as she will not either. Erin concurs; she is glad that her childhood dream of being with Lewyn has come true. She then promises that she will always be with Lewyn no matter what happens. Lewyn notes that his mother is waiting not just for him but for Erin as well; Erin responds that she hopes that Rahna will be proud of her.

    Erin and Lewyn's relationship has reached the end; they both promise each other to return to Silesse and not die. Lewyn is mature here to not resign himself to dying; he knows that his country (represented by his mother) is waiting for them to return home. Lewyn is looking forward to his life at home with his new wife and his mother as well as to exercise his responsibilities as the next King.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Silvia: Silvia asks Lewyn if he still likes her. Lewyn is baffled that she asked this and asks why; Silvia presses him again to respond. Lewyn answers that he still loves her; after all, they are married. Silvia explains that she loves him as well; she promises that she will never forget him and asks for the same from him. Lewyn then is left swooning for her.

    The Silvia relationship on the other hand is a bit more shallow. Lewyn somehow married Silvia and he is more than happy to reassure Silvia that he still loves her when her anxiety comes up. This shows Lewyn's newfound maturity again; he doesn't just shrug off when his companion is feeling down but makes a legitimate effort to comfort her.


    Not shown directly in the game but shown in an unlockable cutscene in the opening of the game is Lewyn's fight with Manfroy. It's not said where or why it happened, but what does happen is that Lewyn gets unlucky and dies to Manfroy. This brings an end to his character arc in the first generation as he makes the sacrifice of dying in vain like most of Sigurd's army did; ironically it is when he wants to serve his country and his people the most is when he fails.


    Final thoughts: Lewyn has in my opinion the most complete character arc in the first generation. He is introduced as an immature prince who had left his responsibilities behind because he did not want to bear them in favor of becoming a wayward bard. He isn't completely dumb as he shows his wisdom in his conversation with Sigurd, but he doesn't exactly know what is proper for himself to do. Lewyn however comes to realize that this was immature of him - that he has to live up to his responsibilities he was born into as the heir of Forseti. It takes not only the crying of Erin and the anger of his mother to make him come to this but also the death of his close friend Mahnya. After this Lewyn learns to take his responsibilities seriously and on top of that inherits Forseti, symbolizing that Lewyn has essentially "come of age" and become the ruler he was destined to be. Ironically it is after this when Lewyn dies by the hands of Manfroy, torn away from his country when he wanted to be with his country the most. (Of course we know that Lewyn "comes back," but that is not the subject of this essay since we all know Lewyn was under the influence of another entity in the second generation.) In my opinion Lewyn's transformation from immature young kid who ran away from his home to a prince indebted to his nation is the most well thought out arc in the entire first generation; it's a good use of the story beats of Silesse in Chapter 4 to develop a character. This is what defines Lewyn and makes him one of the most well loved characters in the game.

    Thanks for reading this essay. Next time will be the other Silessian in Sigurd's army, Erin, Angelic Knight. See you then.

    Previous: Silvia, Traveling Dancer

    Next: Erin, Angelic Knight

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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