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    Thursday, July 16, 2020

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Rhea03.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Rhea03.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Dumb_Rhea03.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Summer Time

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Summer Lysithia

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Drew the spooky purple squad, Henry and Gengar

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Drew a Summer Byleth

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Petra on her Pegasus [OC]

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Faye Fanart (Fire Emblem Echoes) [OC]

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Summer Dress Sophia

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:06 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:11 PM PDT









    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    Fire Emblem Retrospective: Shadow Dragon

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Hey all, previous post.

    We're finally in uncharted territory again! I have never touched Shadow Dragon, and my only experience with it was seeing an ironman of it sometime earlier this year. And as you may have seen a couple days ago, I had quite the good first impression of the game. This is my first time playing 11, but technically my third time going through these set of maps and this story, so this post will be largely comparative. Also, I played on hard 2.


    It's good. It's damn good. It's not as ambitious as Tellius, or Genealogy, but it couldn't be. It's a remake of the original game, and as such the goal isn't to innovate on the story, but rather to improve on it, to flesh out little details that weren't there, to flesh out characters that were pretty basic due to the lack of space in the script to fit them in. While I'm not going to pretend that all the side characters have gotten just as much character as the Tellius crew, the addition of talk conversations and of extra scenes such as Caeda telling Ogma to protect Marth over herself. There are also conversations added as extra characterization where characters who join mid-map get to talk to Marth about themselves, when someone else recruits them. That's pretty swell.

    Marth himself has gotten more fleshed out, and to the point where I can actually say that I really like his character. His journey (especially thanks to the added prologue) is one that is simple, but that is also easy to sympathize with. It's an improvement over both of the previous games.

    The thing is, I'm kind of struggling to come up with more than just that. The script is short, after all, but it is rather efficient and well written. With what little there is, I can get a good idea of who a character is, and the plot is much easier to follow than it was in the NES days. It's a good improvement, but isn't really where I want to focus the meat of this post, so moving on.


    FE11 is perhaps at its core the purest Fire Emblem experience one can have, perhaps on par only with the originals and the GBA games. While there is some added fluff such as forging and reclassing, both additions that I'll expand on later, these do not come into play during the maps whatsoever. The maps are merely you using the units and weapons that you have, with no rescuing, no capturing, no dismounting, no shoving, nothing like that, and it's oddly refreshing. I found myself longing for the rescue command occasionally, but I don't hate playing this way. And despite not having all that fluff, I wouldn't say that it makes it not unique. Indeed, it plays very differently from a lot of the series thanks to the emphasis on effective weaponry, mixed with the forge system.

    The forge, unlike Tellius, lets you raise the might of weapons you already own. This made Caeda ridiculously powerful, for one, which is good because she's an absolute queen and should be that powerful, but more importantly put an emphasis on ohking enemies with the correct form of effective weaponry rather than merely treating all enemies the same - as stat sticks. It's an interesting way to play that hasn't really been present until now, and though I'm not sure if I prefer it, it's certainly unique and engaging, especially when you pass around that forged ridersbane like a dutch blunt. It also has the effect of making weapon ranks matter way, way more than they ever did. As an example, Abel starts with javelins, yes, but that's only one part of it - he's also much closer to ridersbane. Certain units are viable merely because of their starting weapon rank, with even Jagen being useful into the lategame since hey, effective weaponry > strength. In a way, it's almost nice to see the emphasis here instead of stats.

    Reclassing is a feature I'm a little less sold on. I don't hate it, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure how much I like it either. It doesn't seem really built around being used willy nilly, since a lot of units just don't really support going into certain classes. Most of the physical cast cannot go into sage without becoming much worse, so why is it even an option? I get that it's a fun meme, but what I'm saying is that I wish it was supported a little more than not at all. Likewise, because of the importance of weapon ranks, any class where you lose all weapon rank might as well be out of the question unless you're like, Sedgar and Wolf. You'd never reclass a hero to a general, because you'd lose all weapon ranks - even if general might be the better class for the moment. Likewise, after Wolfgar are done training in general, it hurts really bad to transition into hero since the weapon ranks are gone. It feels very limiting in that regard. It doesn't take away, but it doesn't actually let you mess with your comp as much as a system like that should. And yet on the other hand, if it did let you just do 'whatever', it would probably be 1 too strong, and 2 overwhelming since you wouldn't really know what you want to make people. All in all, it's neat, but I didn't find myself using it very often. Made my paladins into dracoknights, made my fliers into paladins in maps with anti-flier stuff that worried me, made Barst into a hero after promotion... And that's it.

    The maps are basically the same as FE1, with the exception of the Wooden Cavalry being a fucking nightmare. This is both good and bad. I praised the maps back then because for a first time entry, they showed a lot of potential. Anti-turtling mechanics in the form of reinforcements and thieves going for chests and villages, side objectives in the form of said villages and chests, and yeah there were some issues in often tucking villages in places that were annoying for Marth to reach, meaning that you'd have effectively a turn count tax on reaching those villages. This is especially annoying for chapters like Linde's recruitment where you have to go into a corner, recruit Linde, and then walk back towards the seize point. Another issue was the enemy density being kinda low, and it's unfortunately still the case. This was fine when the series was in its infancy, but I wish that these issues had been dressed somehow - Letting other people visit villages comes to mind as a possible fix. I understand that in optimal play, you might simply not recruit Linde to save turns, but that's not something you can know in advance, and it doesn't particularly feel good. It'd sacrifice a bit of the authentic feel, but I'd be willing to have that for the sake of the better maps.

    The last negative point I would like to bring is Medeus. He is way, way, overtuned. The way the story wants you to approach it is to have your mage kill Gharnef with Starlight and then have the Falchion be used to kill Medeus, and that's worth doing in FE1 because the power of the orbs is less important than the power of Falchion to kill Medeus in a timely manner. But here, it feels like the game actively wants you to cheese Medeus when playing on anything above Normal. H2 had Medeus with 29 speed, which means even a fully trained Tiki would get one rounded. Marth gets doubled even at speed cap. It's ridiculous. You are encouraged to cheese him unless playing on normal, which is somewhat satisfying in the context of just warp skipping shit all over, but made for a really unsatisfying first time playing Shadow Dragon. I picked Hard 2 because I'm used to the series, and figured it would be a good difficulty level - it was. Yet, because of how bad Marth is, he wasn't an option, and because of how strong Medeus is, Tiki wasn't an option either. I had to cheese it.

    On a more positive note: The UI has received possibly the greatest set of improvements since going from FE2 to FE3. Highlighting all enemy ranges, attacking by moving the cursor over the enemy, seeing stats on the upper screen, and cycling through weapons with X and Y come to mind as really good improvements. The game also plays stupidly fast, even with animations on. It's a great experience in that regard.


    I want to make it clear: When I brought up these negatives, they aren't a big deal. The reason that I talked about them at length, is that they're the main thing to talk about bringing down an otherwise really good entry. They may hurt my enjoyment a little in the moment, or looking back on it, but it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Shadow Dragon is still well in my top 5, near the top 3, and is an excellent entry into the series that I wish was more popular, because it deserves to be more popular. It's an excellent game who's reputation was tarnished by, it feels like, a mixture of being labeled as too simple, and of the graphics, which is a damn shame.

    In short: Play Shadow Dragon already.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    [OC] Fallen Fae by Mint Eclair

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    [OC] Bishop Linde's Fire Tome, FE1

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Mercedes fits remarkably well for Black Eagles (GENERAL SPOILERS)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Just an overview of my observations, having had recruited her after all the new content was added to the game and using her for a crimson flower run.

    Motivations wise, she is one of the better ones in joining Edelgard's side, if not the best alongside Lysithea. Not only is she also a blatant victim of the crest system, she's probably in the top 5 for how it has fucked her over. Her original father died along with House Martritz, and she and her mother were absorbed in House Bartels for their crest potential. The abuse from him and his children more or less drove them as far away as possible into Kingdom territory, Mercedes forced to leave behind her brother in that horrid family.

    Her new step father isn't as awful as Baron Bartels, but he clearly still sees her as a tool to elevate his noble position and standing, also wanting to marry her off and create more crest-endowed children.

    Let's not also mention that she gets to reunite with her baby brother after decades in CF, and tries to make up for leaving him all those years ago. She's clearly devastated when he is killed at fort Merceus and mourns for him. The chance to have him back in her life probably nearly supersedes whatever regrets she'd have with joining the Empire.

    Supports wise, and a low key hot take, her supports there are on par, if not better than the supports she has with the other blue lions. I think her supports with Dimitri, Sylvain and Dedue are really good, but the other ones imo fall short because it's just her being a really nice woman, or that they are pretty flawed in execution (AKA her support with Annette. I still like it and don't think it's outright bad, but I think the way the support writers handled their relationship wasn't done well, especially with the timeskip in mind). Her supports with Ferdinand and Lorenz showcase a more meaner, sarcastic side of her that's refreshing to the sugary sweet nun she usually is, and Jeritza and Constance provide with her childhood friends and chemistry I don't think she had with Annette. Plus, having Jeritza back in her family and consider Constance the sister she never had is cute af and heartwarming.

    And in regards to Edelgard's goals and dreams, she does have a stake in this. She has a reason for the nobility to be dismantled, especially after hearing the truth of what Bartels wanted to do with her from Jeritza, also conveyed through her initial dislike of Lorenz and Ferdinand. Her mother still seems to go about unharmed the entire time, and after the war she can set up an orphanage to help those orphaned from the war in western fodlan. And overall none of her CF endings seem to showcase her being angry, sad, cynical, or despondent.

    Of course the war is against the church of seiros, but she can rationalize it as knowing that what they have done as she's seen or heard across White Clouds (not to mention Immaculate One Rhea threatening to kill her professor) as being what Sothis wouldn't have wanted at all. She can clearly separate the church from the religion she's still devoted to.

    Just like how Ferdinand and Petra can fit very well with other houses after Edelgard's declaration, Mercedes fits very well into House as an Honorary Black Eagle.

    TL;DR: sorry Annette, Mercedes has better friends and family.

    submitted by /u/Themarvelousfan
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    Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Heroes, Light and Shadow)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    What’s Your Favorite Piece of FE Trivia?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Share your favorite secret, Easter egg, fun fact, or relatively obscure piece of info here. It can be about visuals, story, gameplay, anything!

    Example: Gaiden is the first game in the series where Fighter promotes to Hero (Fighter and Hero are the names of Alm's classes).

    submitted by /u/ArcherBias
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    Soft Dimileth [OC]

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    I Sketched Seliph and Julia

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    The Coolest Kid in Garreg Mach

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    So I might have a bit of a Camus problem

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Character Survey - Day 4: Awakening.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Hooooooo boy, this one should also be interesting.

    https://forms.gle/sNEiXDVYwxeBKtC88 Playable Characters, part 1.

    https://forms.gle/TjuHFT4Qwj8psVYQ9 Playable Characters, part 2.

    https://forms.gle/9qzctyK2rT25J43P8 Second Generation.

    https://forms.gle/qJoypZSP5aaMKUyJ6 Antagonists and Misc. Characters.

    As you can see, this was posted an hour earlier than the Fates survey. I felt like the Fates survey wasn't posted at a favorable time for all timezones, so I decided to post it a bit earlier without alienating regular voters too much.

    A few other notes:

    • If the character doesn't have a red asterisk next to their name, they're optional.

    • As usual, both avatar genders are counted as separate characters due to having separate sets of supports. Both Morgan genders are still counted as one character.

    • Results for the first four surveys will drop in tomorrow.

    Without further ado, let's get started, and feel free to notify me if you notice something amiss.

    submitted by /u/YouDunnoTheJav
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    Drawing Melady everyday. Day 99: One last Question Melady

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    Hot takes thread 7/16/20

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    You know I was gonna have this thread be focused on positive takes only. But considering the shit this community is going through I feel like we need something to help let it all out, so consider this an impromptu rage thread I guess


    1. Keep it related to FE

    2. Don't be an asshole

    3. Mark your spoilers

    submitted by /u/CrunchingG
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    Mix between Casual and Classic modes?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    I was replaying through Sacred Stones today and got to thinking, I would love to see a mode in between Classic and Casual mode, this would make the mode Casual for any random battles, but Classic mode for major battles. I normally don't pay much attention during any random encounter battles, they can be so mindless, then I end up losing a unit and hope I saved recently. In future games, I would like to have to think and strategize in important battles and not have to worry for casual encounters. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Lunas_Umbreon
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