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    Sunday, August 16, 2020

    Fire Emblem Drew some old favoites, Raven and Priscilla!

    Fire Emblem Drew some old favoites, Raven and Priscilla!

    Drew some old favoites, Raven and Priscilla!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Sophia ������ [Commmission]

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Dire Emblem: Awakening - Chapter 16.3

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Mercedes Fanart (OC)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I painted Edelgard digitally! IG @art.by.jenny.w ❤️

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Glenn Fraldarius royal portrait and sprite by me

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Hilda drawing

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    On the monastery, and what it means to be "optional"

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Stop me if you've heard this before. "You don't like the monastery? Well that's okay, the game is perfectly playable while skipping it. People have even beaten maddening without it, and surely you can do lower difficulties without it."

    This is true, but even if the monastery is optional, what happens if you skip it? What does it mean to treat it as optional, and skip the monastery every single month in order to bypass a part of the game that you dislike?

    Well, the first thing to note is that the avatar's customization goes from "The same as other units" to "Cannot be customized as much as others." Without advanced drills and instruction, Byleth will never be anything else than an enlightened one, realistically, and not only that, they'll be an enlightened one without a faith magic spell so they won't even be able to use the magic portion of the class. After all, they have a base faith of E, and heal is a D spell. They will never be able to do that. Want a mounted Byleth? Sorry, monastery only. Other units can still be customized because of auto-instruct, but say goodbye to Byleth customization. Not optional if you want to do something with your main character

    Okay, what else? Well, you are now forced to only ever use units that autojoin you, or your own house units. For Crimson Flower, for instance, that would be the 9 original eagles, Jeritza, and... Maybe Lysithea, although she's garbage when she joins in Ch 14. For other routes, that'll be Flayn, Seteth, and I believe Catherine also joins you in church route? I think Cyril is also an autojoin? That's kind of limiting. And this is especially bad, since this is a feature that wasn't tied to the monastery in older games. So if you want to enjoy recruiting units, the monastery isn't optional.

    What else is locked in here? Well, for one there are a few merchants that sell the materials required to forge/repair weapons in the monastery, such as smithing stones and black sand steel. Yeah, you get some through killing beasts, but if you want extra for whatever reason (such as not having enough), you have to enter the monastery. Not only that, but you also have to do fetch quests around the monastery, and I believe some auxiliary battles, to unlock all the merchants. Meals for stat boosters are also locked in here, but they're kind of minor so whatever. So, if you want to buy forging materials to forge weapons, the monastery is not optional.

    Okay, that's a lot, anything else? Well, professor level is one thing. You might say that, if you're skipping the monastery, it's irrelevant, but is it? It affects the number of adjutants you can deploy (not that this matters in a world where you're not recruiting as many units, but it's still a thing), and it affects your auto-instruction. Even if you're not personally doing the instruction, as far as I can tell, the number of instruction sessions that you have available affect it. It also affects the amount of money that you get each month before the time skip, and if you're not getting enough money from that, the only other way to obtain it (outside of the odd bullions from maps), is to do the arena... In the monastery.

    The last one that comes to mind is saint statues, which not only affect instruction, but affect your exp gain, divine pulse charges, and most importantly have the "class exp+1" bonus locked behind it, without which it takes actually forever to obtain any skill abilities. The knowledge gem is a thing, but it is unavailable until chapter 7-8-ish, when the Sothis paralogue shows up. And it's only something that 1, 2 when you get the one chapter 12, can obtain. For everyone else? Want a skill from a T2 class? It'll take literally 100 battles, per unit. That's a ridiculous amount. And sure, sure, you could just pop in to get a quick use... Or can you? You need to do fetch quests to get renown to do it in the first place.

    So what's my point, exactly?

    The monastery is technically optional, but to call it optional is to say that these mechanics should be ignored. They can be, but they are such a massive portion of the game that ignoring them is to basically not play the game. To ignore them, in practice, means ignoring mechanics that weren't tied to a monastery system in the previous games. If you're fine with not recruiting, not customizing Byleth, having reduced money... Sure, but it's such a large portion of the game that is affected by not doing the monastery that it might as well by a different game entirely. You are severely gimping yourself. Not the point of impossibility, perhaps, but it is easy to see why gimping yourself to such an extent would be a turn-off, and that is why it is a turn off for me. It's so integrated into the other systems that to skip the monastery, is to not engage with a lot of mechanics.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    [OC] FE: Chibi Awakening - Summer

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    I want to see them bicker again so just a quick one, also they cough out flowers.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    My Marth Collection. I really enjoy collecting this stuff, hopefully more Fire Emblem merchandise will be produced in the future!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Life Imitates Art ft. My cat in Three Houses

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    A list of things IS should never put in fire emblem again

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    1. fog of war
    2. fog of war
    3. fog of war
    4. fog of war
    5. gender-exclusive classes
    6. fog of war

    As some people may be able to tell, I just finished chapter 3 on maddening. The only way I was able to do it was by rushing the dark mage with Dedue, Dimitri and Byleth and leaving everyone else behind. I never understood how people who played the older games felt until now...

    submitted by /u/kingoflions2006
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    Missing Characters from FE Cipher before last set

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Alm: Saint-King

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    First up in the discussion series is Alm. Alm is one of the protagonists in Shadows of Valentia.

    Born in the Valentian Year 384, he was raised in Ram Village, along with Faye, Tobin and Kiliff. For a brief time, Celica was also raised with him. In his time in Ram Village, he was tutored in combat by Mycen.

    When he is approached by Lukas, who asks for Mycen, Alm joins the Deliverance in his grandfather's steed. Alm quickly becomes a pivotal asset to the Deliverance, earning the respect of Lukas and Claire.

    On his way to the Deliverance Hideout, Alm encounters a cleric that had been kidnapped by a bunch of bandits. After slaying the bandits, Alm is introduced to Silque, who gives him MIla's Turnwheel, as she'd been tasked to deliver it to him. Alm's eventually reaches the Deliverance's base where he meets the leader, Clive who is impressed by Alm's conviction and potential, as well as for rescuing his sister. Knowing that Deliverance would need a person of humble origins to lead them rather than a noble like him, he names Alm as the new leader of the deliverance, causing a falling out between Clive and his lieutenant, Fernand. After routing Desaix's Forces, Alm reclaims Zofia Castle, reuniting with Mycen and greeting the citizens who salute him as a hero.

    Alm then meets Celica and aims to rekindle their relationship. He then tells her of his plans to stop Rudolf's conquest, something to which, Celica is fully against, as she wishes for a peaceful way to end the conflict and believes Rudolf isn't as evil as he is said to be. Alm states that this is irrelevant, and when he accuses the late king of provoking the empire, Celica accuses him of vying for the throne. Alm is insulted by this, and says he only wishes to protect Zofia, and if the missing Zofian princess took his place, he would return to Ram at a moment's notice alongside her. Celica, who is frustrated that Alm does not wish to negotiate, claims there is no such thing as a lost princess and leaves in order to prepare to head for the Temple of Mila.

    On his way to the border, Alm passes by Forest Village, where he is approached by Luthier to rescue his sister, Delthea, who has been kidnapped. They then hear of Mathilda's impending execution and rush to rescue her. With Desaix defeated and the fortress captured and Mathilda rescued, Alm ventures in. Here, he finds the Royal Sword and after Tobin fails to lift it, Alm finds that he is able to wield it easily. Lukas is shocked by this fact and questions the implications of this, but Alm dismisses it as an exaggeration of the myth. Lukas agrees to the possibility, but determines that Alm is the rightful wielder of the blade regardless.

    Arriving at the sluice, Alm and his army confront and slay Tatarrah, freeing Delthea from his mind control. The sluice is opened by him after the corresponding floodgate at the Temple of Mila is opened first, deducing Celica to be the one responsible, as well as her status as the missing princess.

    Now in Rigel, the Deliverance is set upon by Berkut and Fernand. However, they manage to push back the opposing army, leading to Berkut to shatter the mirror given to him by Nuibaba. This leads to a curse befalling the Deliverance army, which is only stopped by Celica's intervention.

    Prior to Rigel Castle, Alm decides to attack Nuibaba's adobe after being tricked by an illusion of Celica. Despite the trickery, Alm manages to slay Nuibaba, leading to Tatiana being rescued. With this done, the Deliverance head out to Rigel Castle and on the way encounter Zeke. When Zeke sees that Tatiana is in the Deliverance army, he defects and helps Alm defeat Jerome's army. With the battle done, Zeke tells Alm to meet him in the village and upon seeing his Brand, joins Alm's army.

    As the Deliverance rounds Rigel Castle, Alm is met by a hologram of Celica who reveals her true identity to him. While the two must remain apart for a little while longer, she promises to reunite once her journey is done. As a parting gift, she has Halcyon unlock Alm's true potential, allowing him to become a true Hero when he is ready to use this blessing.

    When they reach Rigel Castle and defeat Rudolf, Alm's true past is revealed to him. Rudolf tells him that he is Alm's father and that Alm's name is Albein Alm Rudolf, Rudolf's only son. Alm is shocked by the sudden revelation and begs Rudolf to explain more, but the king hushes him in order to explain his final request. With his final breaths, he pleads his son to embrace his destiny by claiming the Falchion being stored in the Duma Temple and use its power to end the age of gods. Alm is left in shock as he comes to terms with the fact that he just killed his father.

    With the death of the king and named heir apparent, Alm is fully recognized as the prince of Rigel and is lead into the castle. Inside the castle, Mycen appears, and explains the truth behind his past. Duma had begun to fall into madness and Rudolf was among the first to recognize the Divine Dragon's degeneration. Coincidentally, his newborn son bore a Brand that was told in a prophecy to be a key individual who would end the madness of Valentia's gods. In order to forge Alm into the true Hero of legend and prevent his capture by the Duma faithful, Rudolf ordered Mycen, his closest friend, to take Alm away and raise him to become the hero foretold. To all but Rudolf and Mycen, Alm's identity was completely kept secret. In a Memory Prism, prior to sending Alm away with Mycen, he told Mycen that a newborn Zofian princess was also born with a Brand. Rudolf would then spend the next 17 years enacting his plan, becoming a conqueror in order to spur Alm's growth into becoming a hero. With Rudolf's plan ultimately successful and now fully understanding his role in the world, Alm embraces his role as the hero of Valentia and heads down in to the basement of Duma tower to reclaim Falchion and slay Duma.

    Inside the temple, Alm discovers that Celica has been kidnapped by Jedah and is being offered up to Duma. Despite that Alm was instructed by Rudolf's dying words to slay Duma, Celica tries to talk him out of it, fearing that Rigel will be even more barren than it already is, and thinking that nothing can slay Duma due to Falchion being sealed by Mila herself. After Celica confesses to Alm that her only desire in life is to not want Alm or anyone else to be hurt or killed, and tells him that she wishes that things could have turned out different and that she could have gone back with Alm and lived with him at Ram Village, she runs off to accept her demise at the hands of Duma. Despite all of this, Alm decides to still try to take down Duma and save Celica, not wanting to lose anyone else to Duma.

    Venturing further into the temple, Alm encounters Berkut, who has been driven mad, and after accepting Duma's power and offering Rinea, is more stronger, However, Alm manages to kill his cousin. On his death throes, Berkut places his faith in Alm to end the age of gods, but also adding another regret of killing yet another family member he just recently discovered.

    Upon reaching the deepest catacombs of the Temple, Alm is forced to brave the final chambers alone in order to claim Falchion. In the final chamber, Alm is greeted by Celica, but is shocked to find out that her soul was already taken by Duma and has become a mindless Witch. As the two fight, Celica tells Alm to kill her before she can do the same thing to Alm, to which Alm is reluctant to do so. After Celica disarms Alm by knocking the Royal Sword out of his hand. Mila calls to Alm to take Falchion and drives the blade into Celica, expelling Duma's influence over her, but also killing her in the process. As Alm mourns for Celica, Mila uses her remaining power in Falchion to restore Celica back to life. Before fading away, Mila's soul instructs Alm to use Falchion to stop Duma and free him from the depths of his pain. Celica apologizes to Alm for the way she had treated him before. The two reconcile and use their respective Mila's Turnwheels to open the gate leading to Duma's domain. Here, both armies join together for the final showdown against Jedah, some Duma's Faithful and Duma. With their combined powers, Alm uses Falchion to defeat Duma and force him into a rest.

    With the influence of the gods upon the land gone, Zofia and Rigel are united into the One Kingdom of Valentia, with Alm ascending the throne and becoming its first king. Together alongside Celica, now wed to each other, the two usher an era of peace. Alm became famous throughout the history of Valentia as the man who established the grand empire and used his power to slay the oppressive gods who had ruled the land, later being known as the Saint-King Alm I.

    Alm is supported by:




    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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    Barbarossa Claude be hittin different

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:27 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT








    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    The Angel of Death has Descended

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Occult Skill: Sol

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Whose Line Is It Anyway? r/fireemblem edition - August 2020

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    For those who don't know what a "Whose Line" thread is, it's a thread where someone posts a prompt, (such as "Things less interesting than Gaiden's map design") and someone responds with a funny quip that plays off of it (such as "The Sable Knights' personality")

    Keep it fun, be creative

    And mark your spoilers

    submitted by /u/Bullwine85
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    Hot takes Thread 8/16/20

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Welcome back to the hot takes thread where this fan base is slowly sucking the soul out of me that wasn't an intro quip my pms are open also fuck automation taking my shtick


    1. Keep it related to FE

    2. Don't be an asshole

    3. Mark your spoilers

    submitted by /u/CrunchingG
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    r/Fireemblem plays and discusses Hacks & Fangames #6: Austoria: The Royalist and Puzzle Emblem

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Jo, everyone!

    Welcome to the sixth thread of this small community project, where we play, discuss, shill and promote Hacks & Fangames.

    For this week, we have another specific thread, where we talk about specific Hacks/Fangames instead of general discussion about them.

    You can find a spreadsheet with time plan for discussions here!

    Today we will be discussing the following:

    My thoughts:

    • Austoria: This seems pretty standard FE. The art is nice, although using unique Art + SRPG assets together doesn'T really mesh well, but since it's wip i guess that will be changed later. One thing i think this needs is 2RN, or small hit rate increase because the amount of 80s missed was down right annoying ngl. I also think the Lord needs a different ''unit sprite'', since it shows him using a Sword while he uses lances, which did confuse me for a bit.

    • Puzzle Emblem: An interesting concept, but also quite hard. I was not able to beat it yet, and i don't want to look at the spoiler file haha. I got Eirika killed preetty early xD. I will try it some more times though. I suck at Puzzles

    The next weeks:

    Well, the next specific thread we will have will be in 4 weeks, where we will discuss The Four Kings by KrashBoomBang. Since it's quite a big hack, i am giving us all a bit of time ;)

    For next week we will have a general discussion thread, and the week after we will discuss randomizers, RRs and the like, and the chaos and fun they bring :D

    submitted by /u/Shrimperor
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